Jury Questionnaire, Product Liability Cases
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Excerpted from Building Trial Notebooks
§19.13 Form: Jury Questionnaire, Product Liability Cases
Confidential Questionnaire
Juror No.: ______1. Name: Age: 2. Where do you work and what is your job? If unemployed/retired, what was your last job? 3. What are/were your main job responsibilities? 4. What jobs have you held in the past? 5. Have you ever held a job that required you to see that safety regulations were followed? Yes No If yes, what kind of job was it, and how were safety regulations involved? 6. Have you ever purchased a product where you felt the instructions were inadequate? Yes No If yes, please explain: 7. What is the occupation of your spouse/partner? If unemployed/retired, what was this person’s last job? What jobs has this person held in the past? 8. Your parent(s) employment (if deceased or retired, list principal employment when working): 9. List your children’s employment or schools, if applicable: 10. What was the highest educational level completed by:
Juror Spouse Children Father Mother
Grammar School
High School
Some College
College Degree Post- Graduate Degree
11. If you had some college or graduated from college, what was your major and degree, if any? 12. Have you ever served in the Armed Forces? Yes No Years Served: Rank: Branch: 13. Have you attended any training, education, lectures, seminars or courses in any of the following areas? Check () all those that apply: Accounting Business Home Safety Rehabilitation Traffic Accidents Business Law Insurance Therapy Physical Therapy Chemistry Law Insurance Statistics Engineering Medicine Finance Automobile Safety Psychology Brain Injuries Work Safety None of the above 14. Have you, any family members or friends ever applied for work with, worked for, done business with, or owned stock in any insurance company? Yes No If yes, who, for what company(ies) and what was the relationship to the company? 15. Have you or any family members held a job that involved writing or reviewing claims? Yes No If yes, please explain: 16. Have you ever used or purchased a product that was defective? Yes No If yes, please explain: 17. Who should be responsible for seeing that a product is installed properly? Check () all those that apply: Manufacturer Wholesaler Retail Store Installer Buyer User Other Please explain: 18. In general, what are your opinions or feelings about insurance companies? 19. Have you or any family members ever made a claim on an insurance policy? Yes No If yes, please explain: 20. Have you or any family member ever owned a business? Yes No If yes, what type of business, where and when? If the business is no longer open, why was it sold or closed? 21. Have you or anyone in your family ever hired attorneys, or worked for any attorneys or law firms? Yes No If yes, and they were in this state, which attorneys or law firms? 22. Do you know any attorneys on a personal basis? Yes No If yes, who do you know and how do you know this person? 23. Have you or anyone you know ever worked as a firefighter, paramedic or emergency medical technician? Yes No If yes, please explain: 24. Have you or any family members ever applied for work in any hospital, medical clinic, rehabilitation clinic, doctor’s office, or other medical facility? Yes No If yes, please explain: 25. Have you, any family members or close friends ever been a Plaintiff (the person suing) or a Defendant (the person being sued) in a lawsuit? Yes No If yes, please explain: 26. How many times have you served as a juror in a: Criminal case _____ times Civil case ____ times Never Served Were you the foreperson? Yes No 27. Have you or anyone you know ever been seriously injured while in another person’s home or motor vehicle? Yes No If yes: Who was injured? What was the injury? What caused the injury? Was there a lawsuit(s) filed because of the injury? Yes No What was the outcome of the lawsuit? How did you feel about the outcome of the lawsuit? 28. Have you ever known anyone who was seriously injured but whose injuries were not visible or apparent? Yes No If yes, please tell us about that situation: 29. Have you ever had the responsibility of taking care of a family member or friend who was seriously injured? Yes No 30. Which of the following would you use to describe yourself? Check () all those that apply: Analytical Assertive Athletic Careful Cautious Compassionate Compulsive Creative Decisive Detailed Determined Emotional Frugal Generous Impulsive Judgmental Leader Logical Naive Not Talkative Old-Fashioned Open-Minded Opinionated Outspoken Practical Private Pro-Company Pro-Worker Quiet Religious Selfish Sensitive Shy Skeptical Smart Snap-Decision Strict Successful Team Member Technical Thoughtful Thrifty Trusting Visual Worrier 31. Please list any unions or civic, social, professional, or religious organizations to which you now belong or have belonged: 32. In a case where a person slipped and fell at a grocery store because someone did not do his/her job of wiping up water, do you think the person should try to get money for his/her injuries? Yes No If yes, please explain: 33. How do you feel about the amount of money damages awarded in lawsuits today? Please check () your answer: Much Too High Somewhat High About Right Somewhat Low Much Too Low 34. Are you or anyone in your family a member of CALA (Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse) or any other group that wants to change laws about lawsuits? Yes No If yes, tell us which groups: 35. Please list the newspapers, magazines, professional journals, or periodicals which you subscribe to or read: 36. How many hours a week do you spend watching television? 37. List your three favorite TV programs: 1. 2. 3. 38. Name three people you admire. 1. 2. 3. 39. Please list the three people you admire least: 1. 2. 3. 40. Please list the one person you feel most influenced your life and tell us why: 41. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? 42. What do you think about the number of lawsuits filed in recent years? Please check () your answer: Much Too High Somewhat High About Right Somewhat Low Much Too Low 43. Who makes the financial decisions in your home? 44. Are you: Very Conservative Conservative Moderate Liberal Very Liberal