Present: Parish Pastoral Council Members: Guests: Emma Butterbaugh
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Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes February 15, 2016
Present: Parish Pastoral Council Members: Guests: Emma Butterbaugh Fr. Ted Machnik Deezer Joanne Bullock Suzanne Fosnaugh AngelaCorbett Vanessa Butterbaugh, Youth Minister Mandy Jones, Media Steve Ford, Deanery Rep.
Absent: Lisa Packer Jim Williams Pat Griffith
Joanne opened the meeting with the prayer provided by Lisa Packer. It was suggested that the opening and closing prayers by Lisa become the permanent prayers of the council as they are so fitting to our guidance for the parish.
Minutes: The minutes for this meeting will be taken by Angela. The following corrections to the Parish Assembly Meeting minutes were as follows: page 4 “bases” should be “basses” page 5 “Marky Kay” should be “Mary Kay” On the Parish Council Meeting Agenda: “Nov. 16, 2015” should be “Jan. 18, 2016” Suzanne made a motion to accept the minutes with the previously mentioned corrections. Joanne seconded the motion.
Reports: PSR/ Youth Ministry: Vanessa told us of the date of the parish's First Holy Communion which is Sun. April 24th at 2:00. The First Communion retreat will be the preceding Sunday – April 17. The Confirmation class will have a meeting on Sun. May 1st. There is no date set for Confirmation at this time. The Amazing Race will be Sun. May 8th. The Graduation Mass will be Sun. May 15th at the 11:15 Mass. At this point we have six youth attending Catholic Heart Work Camp in Springfield, IL during the week of June 25th. Gospel Road registration begins in March. It will be July 10-14 in Columbus, OH. She also said there would be a Tenebrae service on Good Friday March 25th at 7:00p.m. This is a joint effort between the Youth and the Spiritual Life Committee. Vanessa also mentioned that seven of our parish youth were among the 340 some people who attended the Bosco Bash at St. Cecilia's.
Deanery: Steve Ford was introduced as our new parish deanery representative. He had nothing to report because of no meeting.
Finance: Fr. Ted reported that the committee met at Linda Nutter's home. Donald Carle donated a Steinway Parlor Grand piano without a bench. Linda bought a bench. The finances are good.
Media: Mandy showed us the press release for the Lenten Mission in the Catholic Times. Vanessa also suggested adding the Tenebrae service to the Catholic Times as well.
Old Business: The Restoration Steering Committee is preparing a Power Point Presentation for the parish wide meeting on Feb. 21st at 4:00. Results from the Feasibility study showed that we would have access to $1 million and a half in funds and $2 million would cover all of the work. Bishop Campbell gave us approval for a $2 million campaign. Two new committees will be formed: 1. outreach and 2. fund drive. More information will be provided upcoming church bulletins. There will no longer be wine and cheese served after the 5:00 Saturday Masses. The coffee and dough nuts after the Sunday Masses will continue as usual.
New Business: We again thanked Steve for representing our parish in the deanery. Fr. Ted noted that starting Easter Sunday the Mass parts will return to English rather than Latin. He also gave the date of March 6th at 4:00 for the Parish Reconciliation service. Our next meeting will be Mon. March 21st. We no longer need a prayer leader as we are using the previously mentioned closing prayer.
We closed with prayer.
Angela made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Joanne.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Corbett