The Ringing World Index 2003
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Abel on air 964, 987 first peal on the bells and in the Bedal, N Yorks Aberdeen tower 1220 special quarters 160 St Nicholas, carillon bass 1065 Beddington, Surrey Abergavenny, Gwent 189 Aston Cantlow, Warks Mike Chilcott’s sponsored ride ‘ABZ of Sacred Cows’ special quarter 787 584-5 Isolation 477 auction of promises 215 Bedford, Duke of 1065 Joining 1023 augmentations 73-5, 141, 145-7, 193- Beds & Herts Historic Churches Trust Addiscombe, Croydon, Surrey 1066 5, 197, 561-2, 725, 728, 793 fundraising cycle ride 961 ADELAIDE schemes that failed 767, 776 BEDFORDSHIRE ASSOCIATION Archbishop Ian George 848 Austin, Brian 432 Bedford Cathedral band 282 Austin, Samuel 795 quarter peal week 446 Fred Smeaton 823 Austin, William 795 Biggleswade 17 Advent, Cornwall 194-5 Ayres, Ray 583 Bedwardine Guild Dinner 841 new bell frame needed 162 Ayston, Rutland Beech, Frank 917, 920-1 AERIALS and telecom equipment first peal on the bells 925 BEER 99, 459-60, 574, 1222 abroad 1231 attractive to pigeons? 814 additives 874, 935, 969 court judgement 700 Backwell, Somerset 1210, 1229 autumnal brews 969 points of principle 460 Bacton, Norfolk bell pubs 1047-8, 1138 Towers and Belfries Committee history of church and bells 533-4 brewery closures 150 460 Bacton, Suffolk 919 CAMRA Heritage Pub 769 Africa, peals in 385-6-388 Bacup, E Lancs 43, 187, 331 flavourings 1047 Ainsworth, Alan 631, 706 Bailey, Roger 844, 966-7 glasses 609, 671 AJB articles 221, 292, 717 Baker, Colleen 271 names of 705 Aldershot, Hants Balderton, Notts public bar, the 377 special peal 660 special quarters 692, 789 toilets 1047 special quarter 384 Ball, Steven 680 Triple FFF Brewing Co 264 Aldridge, W Mids Ballard, Derek 896-7, 1008-9 Beginners’ Grandsire 632 special quarters 137, 740 Banton, Jonathan 271 Beginners’ Plain Bob 632 Alec’s Wheel Appeal 288 Barber, William H 646 Behan, E F 385-6 Alfold, Surrey Barbon, Cumbria 195, 562 belfry prayer 508 appeal: plan to restore and augment Barby, Northants Belle Sono 706 535-6 augmentation to 5 194, 197, 561 BELL ‘all clear’ 76 Barking, E London charities 1177 Ambrosden, Oxon concert opened by bells 555 history, learned journal 478, 501 special quarter 353 Barnes, Kelly 797 profiles 3 Amersham, Bucks Barnes, Revd Paul 224 relocation 193-4 best form of PR 706 Barnes ringers in Lincs 979 ‘Bell Charities’ 1177 Amsterdam Barnsley, Glos BELL FOUNDERS carilloneur 680 village festival 572 van Aerschodt 1065, Andreev Andrews, Mary 1124 Barnsley, S Yorks 187 1160, Arnold 968, Austen 41, Andrews, Wilfred 646 Barton, Cambs 161, 573, 1247, Barwell 292, 311, ‘Angel Roofs’ 919 first peal on the six 272 385, 387, 581, Bayley 41, Bilbie Angelus 1006 Barton, S W 388 41, 161, 232, 628, 682, 981, Angelus bell 934, 1078 Basildon, Essex 703, 724 Blackbourn 1221, 1247, Blews anniversaries and dates 498-9 Basildon Bell Tower 821, 862, 292, 562, 861, 941, Bochum Ansdell, Lancs 887, 1084 Foundry 574, Bowell 218, 265-6, special quarter 716 Equipment Fund 823 Brayser 313, Brand 562, Brend Antiquarian Horological Society Bassett, Sue 632 313, Briant 561, 562, Carr 407, 1040 Bath Abbey 497 1081, Cavadini 800, Chapman & ANZAB 1037-9 BATH & WELLS D A 40, 463 Mears 895, Charyshnikov 1225, dedication at St James, Sydney Bath 1036 Chirche 562, Chokhov 944, 848 Chew 957 Dalton 561, Danilov 944, 1136, new ring of eight at St Paul’s, quarter peal fortnight 447 Dawton and Tuck 1247, Dier 676, Manuka 773 striking competition 423 Draper 265-6, 290, 533-4, Eayre Archibald, Janet 532 Dunster 387, 682, Eijsbouts 561, 562, 941, Arklow, Ireland annual dinner 150 Eldridge 535-6, Evans 292, 742, peal (1903) 651 maintenance course 48, 1084 Exeter Foundry 218, Armagh, Archbishop of 680 peal tour 851 Flowerree/Flowers/Florey 1042, Armitage, Geoffrey D 386 sponsored ride and walk 1035 1126, Fountain Head Foundry arson 599 striking competition 1009 1078, Geffeeries 812, Gillett & art and design 608, 847, 922, 1157-8, Bath, Somerset Johnston 3, 161, 167,195, 282, 1181 All Saints, Weston 378, 387, 435-6, 451, 561, 776, ‘Art inspired by Whitechapel’ 1157-8 special quarter 765 793, 1014, 1018, 1065, 1081, 1083, articles, learned, publication of 478, ‘Beaufort Scale of Fire-Ups’ 583 1180, 1206, 1207, 1208, Gillett, 918 response 623 Bland & Co 1081, Goslin 1242, Asten, Holland Beckermet, Cumbria Graye 290, Grigoriev 944, 1136, National Bell Museum 677-8, 727 mystery bells 493 Harrison 3, Hatch 1239, 1240, Astley, Worcs Beck, Ron 437 1241, 1242, Hawks 1065, Hille 1240, Hodson 1206, Janaway 311, Great Paul 1066 Concorde commemoration peal Jefferies 682, Knight 427, 1242, Great Peter of Gloucester 1065 1091 Lester 1206, 1207, 1242, Lester & Great Peter of York 1065, 1066 Blagrove, Frank 967 Pack 895, Lester, Pack & Great Tom 264, 410 Blair, Alan 705, 1054, 1136, 1210 Chapman 895, Llewellins & guidance for clergy 871 Blakenhall Heath, W Mids 581 James 41, 193, 197, 218, 232, 287, heavy, single, hung for ringing Bleasby, George 789 311, 314, 357, 562, 682, 812, 861, 1065-6, 1072, 1127 Bliss, Mary 501 981, 1014, 1018, 1081, 1083, hemispherical 970, 1054 blue lines, memorising of 283, 355 McShane 407, Martin 387, Mears Hosanna, Buckfast Abbey 1127 Blunn, Daniel 892 97, 218, 361, 387, 427, 562, 682, Irish, light 1185 Bluntisham, Cambs 556 812, 848, 861, 868, 876, 887, 895, Japanese smokers’ 1138 boating/cycling tour 691 970, 981, 1014, 1018, 1054, 1061, Jesus bell 747 bob-caller 357 1065, 1083, 1085, 1088, 1127, largest 791 Bochumer Guss-stahlglocken 574 1185, 1240, 1241, 1242, Mears & lost and transferred 1112-3, 1238- Bodden, Gideon 680 Stainbank 2, 232, 234, 292, 387, 43 Book of Days, The 283 427, 433, 682, 861, 863, 887, 895, non-conformist churches, in 941-3 Boole, George 1089, 1138 1014, 1018, 1066, 1081, 1206, oddstruck 623 Booth, Roger 237 1208, 1242, Mott 1238, 1239, Peter of Exeter 1127 Border, Peter 216 Motorin 944, Murphy 196, recastings of mediaeval great bells Bottesford, Lincs Nicholson 290, Naylor Vickers 1065 augmentation 561 409-11, 431, 502, Newcombe 433, royal residences, at 287 Bouckley, Oliver 581-2 562, Newman 533-4, Norris 433, Russian 944-5, 1136, 1160, 1186, Bournemouth, Dorset 402 Norton 861, 1242, Oldfield 220, 1223-5 Bourton-on-the-Water, Glos 232, 561, 876, 1239, Osborn 1214, steel 409-11, 431, 480, 502, 574 special quarter 988 1215, Palmar 1241, Petit and Swedish 629, 820 Bow, London Fritsen 502-3, 791, Phelps 266, Trinity House 1013-4, 1018, 1126 St Mary’s, Bow Road 820, 863 1239, 1241, Purdue 41, 573, 682, Tsar Kolokols I-IV 944-5, 1054 Bowden, Lis 812, 861, 1042, 1127 Pyke 861, Tsar Kolokol III, weight of 1136 Golden Anniversary peal 540 Rudhall 292, 793, 848, 989, substitutes for 163 ‘Box, The’ 706 Russell 561, Sheridan 1078, 1185, Ukrainian 338, 502, 551, 622, 791, Bradbury, Herbert A Smith 861, 1088, Stainbank 895, 887 60th anniversary peal 923, 974 Stephens 1042, 1126, Sturdy Union Workhouse 1126 Bradford on Avon, Wilts 1240, Taylors – see separate entry, unringable 791 special quarter 477 Taylor of St Neots 747, Thornton Uspenski 1054, 1136 Bradpole, Dorset 218, Tosier/Tosyer 1042, 1126, ‘Bells and Clocks, Of’ 1040-2 fund-raising 72 Tsuda Sen 1138, Wallis 1247, ‘Bells and Ringers on Film’ 53-4 open day 233 Warner 147, 161, 194, 195, 196, follow-up comments 144, 216, 259 Brancepeth, Durham 241-2, 244 242, 287, 290, 388, 413, 561, 562, Bells in Your Care 871 bell appeal 474-5 607, 629, 742, 1014, 1018, 1065, Bells of Memory, A History of ‘Branch Meetings, A New Strategy?’ 1214, 1215, Watts 364, Wells Loughborough Carillon 172 461-2 194, Whitechapel – see separate ‘Bells of St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside’ Braunton, Devon entry, Wood 146-7, Wroth 812, 1205-8 arson attack 772 Xmeco Foundry 388, ZIL factory ‘Bells on Sunday’ 75, 646 Bray, Maurice I 172 1160 ‘Bell-Speak’ 423 Brenkley, John, ropemaker 704 BELL FRAMES Beltower software update 896-7, Bretforton, Worcs radial 1138 1008-9 special celebratory quarter 764 timber 1137 Benendon, Kent Brewer, Ivor bell hammers 1041 appeal for new bells 360, 579 60 years a ringer 1012 bell hanging Bennett, F Hector 863 Briant, Richard 676 affect on speed of rotation 583 Benny’s Box 863 Bridekirk, Cumbria ‘Bell Investigators – a day in the life’ ‘Benson, Arthur Christopher’ 149 special quarter 208 387, 407 Bermondsey, London, SE 16 795 Bridge, Mark 271 bell note: changeable in hot weather? Berry, Alan 170 Bridlington Priory 646 775, 814 Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumb Bridport, Dorset (1903) 973 Bell Orchestra 376 special peal 439 Brightling, E Sussex 271 Bell Watching 625 Best of Business Awards 453 Brighton, E Sussex BELLS Betjeman, John 1209 St Nicholas Angelus 934, 1078 BEVERLEY & DISTRICT steepleage (1903) 1079 big 409-11 (see also Tsar SOCIETY St Paul’s 1065 Kolokols) quarter peal week 1100-1 St Peter’s to close? 820 Big Ben 3, 68, 410, 718 Beverley Minster 1066 Bristol 654-6 bosun’s 1078 Bevis, Trevor 919, 1111 Coronation ringing 880 Bristolian in Somerset 682 Bianco, Stella 96, 1247 Bristol University Society buoy 193-5, 197, 1013-4, 1028, Biggleswade, Beds annual dinner 434 1081, 1083 special peal 995 quarters for Macmillan Cancer Burdett-Coutts’ donations 168, biking tour 449 Relief 645 186, 234 Bilbie Society 628 British Library 267 Chinese 791 Bill, Peter 1226-7 Broadway, Somerset 911, 935 colour of 911, 935 Binsted, Hants Bromsgrove, Worcs Columbus bell auction 192 special quarter 72 fatality (1879) 801 French 629-30 BIRMINGHAM 653-4 Bromyard, Herefords German 574 All Saints, Gravelly Hill 407 celebration 988 Great George 1066 St Anne’s RC, Saltley 387, 407 Brooks, Frank 98 Great John 1066 St Martin’s 1108 ‘Browsing’ 267 Great, of Montreal 1127 Bishopstoke, Hants Bryant, Clive
2 50th anniversary of first peal 1246 protest ringing 1970 500 Information and Bryant, David 1065-6, 1072 St George’s Cathedral 388 Communications Technology Bryant, Lindsey 742 St Mary’s, Woodstock 385 344, 560, 827 Bryson, J M 409 Capheaton, Northumberland Library 344, 560, 827 Bubbenhall, Warks Clockmill Campanile Methods 316, 357, 560, 827, special quarter 446 first peal on the bells 7 887 Buckfast Abbey 1127, 1210, 1226-7 Carey, Graham 1209 Peal Compositions 316, 560, Buckingham Kenneth and Mary 933 CARILLONNEURS 827 Buenos Aires, Argentina 1180 Ball, Steven 680 Peals Analysis 391-3, 560, 827- Builth Wells, Powys 292 Bodden, Gideon 680 8 ‘Bullfighting Bell Ringers The’ 841 CARILLONS 3, 169-71 Publications 316-7, 560, 828 Bullock & Son of Ixworth 355, 527 Atkinson’s, Old Bond Street 1156 Public Relations 367, 426, 451, Bullock, Phillip Hyechon College, Taejon, S Korea 478, 501, 560, 828, 871 80th birthday 609 502-3 Records 343-4, 560, (corrected Bulwick, Northants Loughborough 172 version of report on pp 343-4 first peal since augmentation 320 on wheels? 767 appears on 657-8), 828 bunching 354 Riverside Drive Church, New York discrimination against peals Bunyan, John 1209 502 on fewer than 8 bells 694, buoy bells – see BELLS St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh 839 Burdett-Coutts family 168, 186, 234, 680, 727 Redundant Bells 342, 560, 828 551, 727 Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight erratum in report 427 Burford, Glos peal (1791) 1185-6 Rescue Fund for Redundant special quarter 988 Carlisle, Cumbria Bells 342, 829 Burgh, Elizabeth de 501 St Stephen’s 727 Ringing Centres 117, 293, 367- Burnham on Crouch, Essex CARLISLE D G 336 8, 560, 829 rehanging and refurbishment 561 Coronation anniversary quarter Towers and Belfries 96, 366, Burnley, Lancs 617 826 first peal since augmentation 1092 training day election procedures 426, 451 new ten 1085-8 Carr, Dr Wesley, Dean of finding useful members 501 augmentation 1087-8 Westminster 605 honorary membership 426, 451, history of church and bells Carson, Marie 291 478, 575 1085-6 Carter ringing machine 144, 1059 in a time warp 670 inscriptions 1088 Cartland, Dame Barbara 76, 283 information dissemination 478 trebles, weight of 1126 casting on site 1223-4 meeting with Council for the Care Burstow, Henry 336 Castlereagh, N S W of Churches 1104 (see also Burton upon Trent, Staffs first peal on the bells 394 ‘conservation issues’) St Modwen’s traditional Trafalgar Cater, John 604, 811, 812 meeting with English Heritage 99, touch 1063 Catholic Emancipation Act 409 116, 186, 1222 (see also Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk Cattermole, Paul 1213-5 ‘conservation issues’) St Mary’s (1903) 573 Caunton, Notts publications stocklist 317 Bushey, Herts augmentation 193, 194 Rolls of Honour 367, 826 special peal 772 first peal since augmentation 83 under 40’s peal 757 special quarter 1198 Caves Monastery, Kiev 337-8 Central St Martin’s College of Art and Buswell, Alan 1107 Cawley, David 1081, 1083, 1238-43 Design 608 CENTRAL COUNCIL Chalford, Glos Accounts 2002 389-90 steel bells 502 Cage, John 577, 1209 Agenda, 2003 meeting 389 Charlton Horethorne, Somerset Cake, Peter 169-73 Annual Meeting 1903 573, 627 bell hanging project 607 Cake, Stephen 170-1, 173 discussion on ‘The Press and the Chambers, R 283 Calcutta, India 1054 Exercise’ 627 Champion, Heather 1057 calendars, Julian/Gregorian 42, 498 Annual Meeting 2003 485-7, 559- Chandler, Ian 1125 call changes 910 60 charities 362-3, 1177 Callinan, Margaret 556 Minutes 2003 meeting 825-9 registration as 499 CALLING 126 Annual Report 2002 390 Charleston, S Carolina 561 call changes on eight 263 COMMITTEE REPORTS 315-6, Grace Church 49-52, 139 positions 538 341-4, 365-8, 391-3, 559-60 St Michael’s Callington College, Cornwall 168 comment 426 painting 604 CALLS COMMITTEES Chartham, Kent Anaconda single 887 Administrative 365-6, 426, 451, 400th anniversary of bells 1210 Fruitbat single 887 559, 826 Chartists 1127 New Roskear single 887 Bell Rescue Fund 194 Cheapside Scholars’ Society 1205 Calverley, W Yorks 942-3 Bell Restoration 260, 341-2, cheese 293 Cambridge 500, 559, 826-7 CHELMSFORD Perse School band 1012, 1030 criteria for allocating funds Bishop 625 Cambridge University Guild 31, 307 341 Cathedral band outing 741 anniversary peal 415 grants applications 1177 Cheltenham, Glos dinner 439 possible surveys 500 St Mary’s Campanophile 1063, 1126, 1183 Roadshow quiz results 874 outing 872 Cannon, A Patrick 386 Biographies 344, 827 Warden Hill Canterbury Cathedral Company 285 Carter Ringing Machine 315, special quarter 161 Canterbury, lost churches and bells 826 Chertsey, Surrey 1089 1238-43 Education 315, 429, 526, 560, Cheshire Delight 461-2, 1244-5 ‘Canterbury Tale, A’ 144, 216, 259, 679, 827, 1228-9 CHESTER D G 649, 813, 863 307 Network for Ringing Training (1903) 880 CAPE TOWN, S AFRICA 315, 330 Chester
3 quarter peal fortnight 475-6 dinner 1114 Woolley, Robin E H 45, 96 Mid Cheshire peal and dinner outing 675 COMPOSITIONS (see also ‘DATE new format meeting 173 anniversary handbell peal 104 TOUCHES’) quarter peal fortnight 715 ANZAB tour 1037-9 TRIPLES striking competition 407 Coronation peal and anniversary Grandsire (Parker’s 12 Part) Chesterfield Act 42 606 958, 982, 1006, 1078 Chesterfield Clangers (1978) 974 dinner weekend 1109-10 Chidsey, Elisabeth 76 election meeting 1131 Chigwell, Essex newsletter 508 MAJOR special family quarter 1005 northern weekend 636 Belfast S [14976] 1218, Chilcott, Mike, sponsored ride 333, peal week 901 Brereton S 730, Bristol S 584-5 peals (1791) 1185-6 [12000] 104, Cambridge S child protection 701, 743, 743, 766, record length peal of London Royal [17280] 683, Carlton Curlieu S 790, 799, 815, 911 25-7, 91 730, Cavendish S [10528] 296, Chiltern Midweek Group 209, 476, Collett, Michael Crec S 730, De Castro A 730, 497, 668, 860, 1028 70th birthday celebration 988 Double Norwich C B 294, chimes 897 Collins, David, 1-2 Droue S 730, Ealing S 294, Chivers, Ted 437, 555, 693 Collins, Sedley 411, 597 Haydn S 730, Huddersfield S Chris Higgins Guide to Three-Bell ‘Colours, Zones and Glasses’ 292 [12096] 77 erratum 353, Ringing, The 811 columbarium 49 Ightham S 294, Ismay S 730, Christchurch, New Zealand Colwall, Hereford Little Bob 294, Newton peals (1903) 287, 1221 silent practice device 597 Harcourt S 730, Okehampton S Chulmleigh, Devon COMPETITIONS [10080] 223, Peverel S 730, special peal 805 Association 516, 649, 796, 813, Piglet S 730, Plain Bob 6, ‘Church Bells: Music or Chaos?’ 1009, 1029, 1035, 1059 [40320] 91, Quercus S 730, 1209 Branch 407, 423, 462, 488, 682, Ruishton S [11104] 900, Churches’ Conservation Trust 217-8, 813, 873, 1059 Rusitone S 730, Sorviodunum S 220, 331 Cornish Open 988 730, Splice Surprise 424 (4-12 St Swithun’s, Worcester 601 Devon Call Change 682 methods) 424-5, Universal churches, locked/unlocked 527 Devon National Call Change 532, Treble Dodging 294, Xenocryst churches, organising visits to 670 910, 916 S 730, Xirolofos S 730, clapper adjusting set screws 1090 Murphy Cup 499 Yorkshire S 563, 730 clapper breakage 90 NATIONAL 12 BELL ROYAL clapper stays/silencers 42, 90, 114, eliminators 312 Dorset A [11016] 464, Kent T B 162, 483 final results 631 294, Little Bob 294, London clappers 817 report and photos 653-6 Royal No 3 [25560] 26, Plain Clare College, Cambridge 501 NOVICE Bob 294, Triton D [10000] 321 Claybrooke, Leics Wilfred Edworthy Memorial CINQUES special peal 6 Shield 652 Stedman (erratum in D House Clehonger, Herefords 742, 766 Oswy Street Cup 1060 composition RW 2000 p. 766) Clements’ family peal 925 Ridgman Trophy 705 294 Clenchwarton, Norfolk 562 St Buryan 892 MAXIMUS Clerical Ringers’ Guild 531, 550, Tewkesbury Shield 503 Barford S 294 1053 Worthington Trophy 963, 1017 Compton Bourn Change Ringer 950, Clerkenwell Road, London EC complaints (1903) 861, 1023 1060 St Peter’s RC 409-11, 431 COMPOSERS Compton Pauncefoot, Somerset 562 Cleveland and N Yorks Association Allton, Richard I 325 Compton Verney House Trust 577 (1903) 596 Bailey, Roger 294 computer show 1079 Clifford, Herefords Carter, John 23 Concorde 1180, 1210 special peal 224 Clatworthy, James 26, 294 Congleton, Cheshire Clifton, Notts 195 Coleman, Murray A 294, 730 flag flying problems 1180 clock chimes Craven, Arthur 563 Coningsby, Lincs 670 ban on 599, 647 Croft, W S 91 Conservation Issues’ Forum 1102-4 clock weights 1041 Crosland, Richard G 424-5 comment 1089, 1125, 1137, 1161 clocking 633, 767 Groves, J E 1006 Cook, Anthony 717 ‘Clocking, Beiern and Manglauten’ Hayward, Graham 294 Cooper, C J 742, 767 705 Holt, John 385 Cooper, Revd Ian clocks 1040-2, 1108, 1207 Hull, D G 321 25th anniversary of ordination 772 Cobh, Cork John, Graham A C 104, 425 Copley Scholars 941 Queenstown Cathedral carillon Leach, A David 45 Copson, Pam 75, 263 1066 Lee, Robert W 294, 425, 730 Corbitt-Thompson, Owen 716 Cock, H C 385-6 LeMarechal, Roy 730 Cornhill tenor 742, 767 Coggeshall, Essex Meyer, Simon 235 Cornish Choughs special peal (1903) 401 Morrison, Donald F 294, 424 quarter peal day 232 cognitive processes 489-90, 550 Parker, J J 958, 982, 1006, 1078 Coronation classified ads 775 Colchester, Essex 218 Parker, Joseph W 45 Coronation peals 605-6, 610-1, 638, Cold Ashby, Northants Parkes, Nicholas J 294 639 first peal on the bells 925 Price, Brian D 77, 683, 1218 Coronation reunion 658 Cole, John 982 Pugh, Benjamin 385 corporate hospitality Coles, Lynda 198 Ridley, John R 294 teaching ringing as part of package Colesbourne, Glos Taylor, Ed 385 599 first peal on the bells 948 Taylor, B H 45 CORRECTIONS College Youths, Ancient Society of Thurmott, M J 933 Devon QP week 89 654-6, 804, 994-5, 1205, 1208 Thurstans, T 6, 45 to peals – see PEALS (1903) 71, 119, 795 Woodruffe, Brian J 464, 900 Cosin, John 241
4 Cotgrave, Notts 1007, 1054 Dalton-in-Furness, Cumbria Memorial 484 Council for the Care of Churches special quarter 160 Dove’s Guide 72 163, 427, 459, 887, 1015, 1102-4 Daniell, R A 357 Dowdall, Mike and Molly 98 composition of Bells and Clocks Danilov Monastery 1160 Downham, Essex Committee 1137 Danville Musical Institute 291 20th anniversary of David Hull’s work of 1015, 1089 Darlington ringers’ outing 921 first peal 755 counting places 609 Darvill, Cathy and Reg 740 Doyle, Nigel 754 Couperthwaite, John 535 DATE TOUCHES draught, long 282 COURSES MINOR Drayton St Leonard, Oxon Association training days Spliced Grandsire and Plain Bob special quarter 668 Bath & Wells Maintenance 48 933 Drayton, Somerset East Dorset 148 TRIPLES Consistory Court judgement 400 Reading Branch Summer School Erin 45, Grandsire 933, Plain Dresden 915 Bob and Grandsire 933, new bells at Frauenkirche 456 Barrow upon Humber Ringing Stedman 45 errata 96 ‘Ductile Iron and its use for Bell Centre 429 MAJOR Clappers’ 817 Central Council at Leeds, Kent Kent Little Court 933, Kent DUBLIN 1228 Little Court and Plain Bob 933 Christ Church Cathedral 499 Central Council at Rothwell 189, ROYAL Duke, Graham A (Ben) 130, 144 238-9 Variable Hunt Spliced S 235 Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards Central Council at Wigan 1228-9 Daventry, Northants programmes 701-3 Essex 678 anniversary peal 272 Dukes, Mollie (nee Briggs) 235 Hereford 537, 622 Davies, Maurice and Sheila 453 Dunham Massey, Gtr Manchester Keele Summer Schools 1033, 1160 Davies, Nick 632 special quarter 1229 ‘Management, Teaching and Davies, S A 385-6 Dunster, Somerset Maintenance’ 1228-9 Davie-Thornhill, N B B 1061 Revd J Utten Todd 1211-2 Wantage 931, 964 Davis, Arthur V 402, 1005 special quarter 446 Cousins, George 292 Davis, Geoff 161 DURBAN, S AFRICA Covey-Crump, Janet 187, 234 Davis, John V 1005 St Mary’s Greyville 386, 388 cows’ horns 451 Daw, Ray 892 silent practice device 597 Craddock, Andrew 512-16 Dawson, George 677-8, 747 St Paul’s 388 Craig, Andrew M 435 dead ringers 355, 431 DURHAM & NEWCASTLE D A Crampion, Jack 606 Dennison, Edmund Beckett 1108 Central Cranfield, Beds Deptford, London 195 quarter peal day 1124 special quarter 1005 Derby Cathedral young ringers’ peal 415 Cranley, Surrey 282 special peal 31 Durham University Society 242, 244 Crawley, W Sussex DERBY D A 1017 Dyer, Clare 797-9 ringing in sorrow for war 167 Derby Dyke, Joseph T 437 special quarter 448 quarter peal day 1053 Criminal Records Bureau 799 Open Day 625 Earle, Harry 388 Cromwell, Oliver 433 Peak District 573 earthquake 581 Crondall, Hants 1013, 1018 peal week 1091 East Bridgford, Notts Cross, Eric 223 DEVON ASSOCIATION first peal since augmentation 899 Crowland Abbey, Lincs Major Six Bell Festival 682 special quarter 1053 longest draught 282 Devon call changes 910 EAST DERBYS/WEST NOTTS Cub Scouts 701 Devon ringers’ carol service 1129 ASSOCIATION 354 Cullingworth, Tom 264 DEVONSHIRE GUILD East Grinstead, W Sussex Cumberland Youths, Royal Society of North East 1131 commemorative quarter peal 739 82-3, 654-6, 803 diabetes 958 East Lansing College, USA 282 anniversary peals of Cumberland dials 1040-1 Eastbourne, E Sussex Bob Major 564 ‘Diary of an Indexer’ 124, 270, 339, special quarters 572 anniversary dinner 893 507, 658, 819, 987, 1107, 1183 Easter liturgy 402 (1903) 377 comment 316, 1137, 1160 Eastwood, Essex Curdworth, Warwicks 387 dinglers 892 threatened demolition 240, 652, curfew charities 1177 diocesan advisers – see DAC 1203 CURFEW CUSTOMS 742 disputes, 19th century 354 Eaton Socon, Beds Chertsey, Surrey 1089 Dodd, Geoffrey K 388, 1006 ringing scouts 701, 703 London, St Mary-le-Bow 1205 Doddiscombsleigh, Devon Eayre & Smith 96, 97, 413, 561-2, Sandwich, E Kent 791, 848 first peal on the bells 248 863, 941-3 Curl, Matt 1177 Dodds, Joyce 673, 676 Ebbw Vale, Gwent 1246 Currie, Ian 844 ‘Does Age Equal Slowness?’ 292 Eckington, Derby Curry Rivel, Somerset Donovan, Neil 734 Gordon Halls Ringing Centre 293 ringing festival 748 Donyatt, Somerset Edgware, Middlesex (1903) 311 Curtis, Paul 31, 1036 augmentation to 5 194 EDINBURGH Cuthbert, Ros 1181 Dorchester, Dorset complaints (1903) 1023 Cutler, Alec 966 (1903) 167 first peal in Scotland by Scottish Dordrecht, Holland band (1903) 507 peal rung on Willoughby campanile St Andrew and St George DAC bell advisers 1102, 1137, 1139, 868 historic bells 895 1161, 1185 Doughty, George 438 restoration project 868 Dallas, Texas Doughty family christening 148 Edwalton, Notts augmentation to six 725 Dover, Kent record peal 395 Dalton, Christopher 387, 682, 742, Cinque Ports Ringing Centre 503 Edwards, Robert (‘Little Bob’) 766-7, 791, 934 special peal 59 first birthday 596 Dalton, Geoff 160 Dove, Ron
5 Eisel, John 125, 267, 309, 754, 983, embarrassing/revealing 959 special quarter 161 1042, 1211-2 Forbes, bellhanger 887 Great Shelford, Cambs elastic bands 235 Forster, Aubrey 313-4 new bell 289-90 Ellacombe, Rev H T 795 43ers Great Tey, Essex Ellesmore, Bryan 292 Diamond Anniversary 889 special peal (1903) 401 emergency lighting 24, 43, 67, 114, 60th anniversary quarter peals 529, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk 162, 479, 526-7, 574 599 special quarter 1029 Enfield, Middlesex 49 FOUNDERS, WORSHIPFUL ‘Green Fingers’ 307 Englefield, Berks COMPANY OF Green, L 385-6 first peal since augmentation 396 grant applications 117 Greenway, Francis 197, 848 English Country Lanes 76 prizes awarded 237 Gringley-on-the Hill, Notts English Heritage 90, 99, 116, 259, sponsorship of Ringing Centres’ augmentation 193, 194 766, 844, 1102-4, 1222 Conference 1204 Grossmith, Val communication difficulties 186 ‘Foundry Focus’ 561-2 80th birthday celebrations 384 Enniskillen cathedral 450 foundry marks 493 ground floor rings 330 ephemera 452 Fox, Karen 73-5 Guildford College ‘Ephemera’ 125 Frampton, E Reginald 581 computer show 1079 epilepsy 791, 862, 958 Fred E Dukes International Fund 388, GUILDFORD D G Essendon, Herts 76, 283 774, 1154 anniversary (75th) 535 ESSEX ASSOCIATION 580 Frensham, Surrey Chertsey 198 Northern special quarter 208 Guildford quarter peal week 669 Friends of the CC Library 436, 453 ADM Report 165 President retires 625 Frost, Vic 104 public liability insurance 90 quarters for Loughton friends 741 Fulbeck, Lincs quarter peal fortnight 1199 South East special quarter 787 Guildford Ringing Centre 117 quarter peal week 476 Fulbrook, Oxon 195 Guy Fawkes 119 South West 474 Fuller, John 271 Estcourt, Albert 309 fundraising 362-3 Hackney, London E8 etching 1158 organhymnathon 1132 art exhibition 844 etiquette 742, 767 Furse, A E 839 augmentation appeal 724 Evans, Leslie 8 Haddenham, Bucks Everdon, Northants Gas Accumulator Co 1081, 1083 replacement bell 561 rehanging 561 Gay, Dorothy Hagen, Joseph 73 Evesham, Worcs friends and family celebration 731, hail 844 watercolour 509-11 748 Hale, Merseyside Exeter Cathedral 72, 1210 Gay family quarter 731, 748 steel bells 502 peal (1903) 898 Gay, Philip 237, 598, 695, 719, 1212 Hale, William 309 Exeter ringers’ cycling club (1903) Gay/Stoecklin, Thomas James 240 Hall, Maureen 742 1221 Geldrop ringers 677-8 Halls, Gordon 293 Exhall, Warks Generous Benefactor, A 271 HANDBELLS special quarter 1132 Georgievskoye, Rostov, Russia 1223- activities at the Roadshow 628 Exonian Society 981 5 Bell Orchestra 376 ‘Eye Problems and Ringing’ 1216 Gething, Dennis 168 coverage in RW 377 Gibb, John 1078, 1180 hemispherical 1054 Faa di Bruno 409-10 Gibbard, William 652 Oxford Guild quarter peal day 453 Facchin, Federico 800 Gibbs, Gerald 550 peal, first in Scotland (1903) 1159 faculty appeal 365 Gift Aid 426 peal ringing history 402 faculty applications 90, 259, 378 Gilbert, John J L 924 producers of 312 ‘Fantasy Peal Ringing’ 802 ‘G & J – The final years ...’ 435-6 tune ringing 376 Faraday Guild 29, 412 Gillingham, Nellie 125 Handlist of Campanological Papers .. Fay, Prudence 965-7 Gillingham, William 125, 235 287 Fearn, George E 974 girlguiding and brownies 702-3 handstrokes, open 90, 115, 186, 283, fees for AGM Evensong 1138, 1185 Glasbury on Wye, Powys 292 307, 331, 354, 378 Fehn, Theo 574 GLOUCESTER & BRISTOL D A handstrokes, closed 935 Felixstowe, Suffolk AGM 813 Handsworth, Yorks new bells 360 dinner 1155 special quarter 924 fids 451 quarter- and peal festival 111-2, Harare, Zimbabwe 386, 701 films 53-4, 90, 144, 216, 259 1167, 1174-5 Harding, John and Joy 413 Finchampstead, Berks Gloucester Cathedral Hardwick, Northants 562 sponsored walk 864, 1036, 1114 Maundy money for ringers 456 Harris, Brian 622, 574, 622, 839 fire precautions 355, 402 Godfrey, Frank 169-70 Harris, Tom 233 Fire Service Guild 160, 921, 1104 Goldsmith, John Sparkes 123, 335 Hartington, Derbys 195 AGM and quarter peal 668 Goodman, Sue 446 Haskins, Don and Joan 595 flag-flying in Congleton 1180 Goodwin, Roy 596 Hastings stays 892, 1230-1 Flavell, Paul and Kate Goostrey, Cheshire Hatcher, Bob 292 ‘100 Not Out’ 679 special quarter 257 Hatton Garden, London EC 409-11 Fleetwood, Lancs 561 Gosling, Martin 765 Haysom, David 53-4 Flint, Sir William Russell, RA 922 Grahamstown, S Africa 388 Hayward Mills 630, 677-8, 1061, floors 47 National Arts Festival 726 1085, 1086-7, 1181 fluorescent lighting problems 623, peal at uMaruya uMama headstock 670, 718-9 weThemba Monastery 1217 earliest known cast iron 861 Cranfield, Beds 719 Grasby, Lincs ‘Heartbeat’ 47, 67, 306 St Bees, Cumbria 719 first peal since augmentation 57 Heathfield, Somerset Foley, Lady Emily and family 989-91 Grave, Karl 121-2, 124 special quarter 909 footnotes 66 Great Barr, W Mids
6 ‘Heavy single bells hung for ringing’ Hornchurch, Essex 939 Introduction to Ringing Multi-Method 1065-6, 1072 ringers’ jugs 1016-7 Spliced Treble Bob Minor 462 Hedgcock, James 9, 336 Horton ringing weekend 868 Inveraray, Strathclyde Hedon, Yorks 408 Hough, Martin 646 outing to {1978} 974 Hejde, Gotland 820 Hough, Richard 433, 829 Ringing Festival 796 Henham, Essex 847 Hough, Ron and Ruth 257 Inworth, Essex 195 Henley-on-Thames, Oxon Hough, Stephen augmentation 561, 863 special peal 755 anniversary quarter 741 first peal since augmentation 997 Hereford bulls 622 Houston, Texas HEREFORD DG Methodist Church of St Paul IPSWICH Hereford first peal on the bells 82 St Margaret’s quarter peal festival 1123 ringers’ visit to Ely 787 controversial peal (1903) 418 Ross on Wye 1012 Howard, Michael 435-6 IRISH ASSOCIATION ‘Hereford’ Holiday 886 Howitt, Revd Ian 408 (1903) 377 Heritage Lottery Fund 427, 1102-4 HSBC Outing 1057 striking competition 499 HERTFORD C A Hughes, Alan 3 iron, ductile 817 Bishop’s Stortford Hughes-D’Aeth, John 1091 Isleworth, Middx 283 quarter peal day 981 Humber Conservancy Board 1083 arson 599 Watford Hunt, Fred 1053 rehanging (1903) 1095 quarter peal weekend 572 Hunter, Hadley 31, 120 Islip, Oxon striking competition 873 hunting 19 special peal 223 Western 29, 165, 873, 957 HUNTINGDON Ismay, Thomas Henry 73 learners’ practice 246, 813 All Saints 433 quarter peal day 159 bells retuned and rehung 433 Jackson, Bill 388 striking competition 813 St John’s 433 Jackson, Bill and Dave 759, 814 Hertfordshire Bellfounders 673, 676 Hursley, Hants Jackson, Derek 1185-6 Hessle, E Yorks special peal 1046 Jackson, Quentin 333, 797-9 visit of Bishop of Hull 669 Husbands Bosworth, Leics 562 Jackson, Suzanne 759 Hexham handbell ringers 475 Hutchinson, Chris 208 Jagger, Richard and Cynthia 446 Heywood, Rev J H 596 Huxley, Rosie 940 Jenkins, Ted 1161, 1186 Hibbert, Elizabeth A 1223-5 Hyde, Robert 701 Jersey Maritime Museum 1081, 1083 Hibbert, William A 409-11, 431, 586, Jillings, Herbert 695 INAUDIBLE BELLS 90th birthday celebration 803 Higby, Matthew 196 Christchurch, Dorset, 5th 623 JOHANNESBURG, S AFRICA 386 stag weekend, peal and wedding suggested cure for inaudibility 671 St Margaret’s Mission 386 1201 Inchcape Rock 1081 St George’s, Parktown 388 Highclere, Hants Index of Printed Books 287 John St Asaph 487 special quarter 577 index of RW 307 Johnston, Cyril F 306 High Ham, Somerset INSCRIPTIONS Johnston, Ron 219 inscriptions 329 Bacton, Norfolk 534 Jordan, Eric 172 Highnam Court, Gloucester 501 Burnley, Lancs 1088 Jordan, John 311 Higson, Andrew 435-6 Canterbury, Kent: lost bells 1238- Jordan, Sidney 233 Hillandale, Grahamstown, S Africa 43 ‘journalists’ church’ 943 288, 388 Great Shelford, Cambs 290 Joyce, G L 450 special quarter 1064 Hejde, Gotland 820 jump methods 354 Hill, Rosemary 488 High Ham, Somerset 329 Jupp, Edmund W 625 Hilling, Matthew 1012 Highnam Court bell 501 Hird, David 1156 Llandudno, Gwynedd 486 Kalamazoo, Michigan Hitchins, Eric and Laurie 1114 London special quarters 412 Hoar Cross, Staffs Cheapside, St Mary-le-Bow Keele, Staffs (Woodlands) special quarter 1077 1206 first 100 peals 1212 Hobart, Tasmania Clerkenwell Rd, St Peter’s RC Keeling, Elizabeth and Herbert 485-6 St David’s Cathedral 1-2, 4, 120, 411 keeping order in church 283 604 Fleet St, St Bride’s 950 Kelly, David 681, 742, 766, 791, 934, Hodgson, Maurice 966 Monastery of SS Boris and Gleb 1013-4, 1018 Holborn, London 1225 ‘Lost and Transferred Rings of St Giles-in-the-Fields Pickhill, N Yorks 146-7 Bells’ 1112-3 Christmas lunch 1227 Skibbereen, Co Cork 196 Kelly, Paul 511 Lectures 329 Redenhall, Norfolk 266 Kelston, Somerset Thursday lunchtime ringers 865 runic 820 special quarter 931 Holland, Ian Saltaire, W Yorks Keltek Trust 193-5, 197, 311, 561, report of 50th anniversary peal 417, United Reform Church 943 562, 742, 766, 793, 848, 863, 1062 673 South Walsham, Norfolk 313-4 Kensington Ringing Week 875 Hollowell Steam Rally 886 Thurstaston, Wirral 75 KENT C A 887 Holmden, John 1077 Tibenham, Norfolk 1215 Canterbury Holt, Norfolk Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Somerset quarter peal week 1199 special quarter 446 682 Lewisham 1124 ‘Honest is Superlative at Great unreliability of 378 Maidstone Shelford’ 289-90 West Clandon, Surrey 1055 training video 632 Hope, John 292 Whetstone, Leics 364 maintenance and management Hopton Heath, Shropshire Instructors’ Guild 330 course 1228-9 Marches Teaching Belfry insurance, public liability 90 Rochester first electric peal? 104 Introduction to Ringing Multi-Method quarter peal weekend 113 first peal on 8 dumbbells 999 Doubles 462 Tonbridge Hordle, Hants 964 quarter peal week 716
7 Kentish Mercury 880 bobs and singles 1162 capital of culture ringing 909 Kershaw, Jeffrey 851 calling methods 126 Cathedral Ketteringham, John 149, 287, 556 calling positions 538 advice to architects re bells Keynsham, Somerset comment on hunting down 19 (1903) 723 special quarter 233 coursing orders 729 special quarter 137 Kidderminster, Worcs creation of touches 318, 1067 St Barnabas, Penny Lane 195 work begins on new 12 681 dissecting methods 1162 St Francis Xavier 2004 booked for peals 748 factors affecting learning 634 rehanging begins 1181 leading 222 St John the Baptist, Tuebrook 336, Kidsgrove, Staffs motor learning 634, 743 413, 456,499, 1160, 1185 first 100 peals 1212 randomised practice v. blocked Liverpool Universities’ Society 395, Kiev, Ukraine 337-8, 502, 622, 887 practice 850 1181 Kilifi, Kenya 388, 511 ringing language 538 Llanalgo, Anglesey update (1993) 1055 rope length 5 restoration 561 kimning 820 simulators 946 LLANDAFF & MONMOUTH D A King, Arthur T 965-6 speed of ringing 414 681, 742, 766, 791 King, Frank 149 comment 478 Llandaff King’s Norton, Worcs writing down touches 729 quarter peal fortnight 136-7 record peal (1903) 483, 507 ‘Learning to Ring: Food for Thought’ Monmouth King’s of Camberwell Green 312 489-90 quarter peal fortnight 1123 Kingsnorth, Andrew 1136 Lee, Alan 909 striking competition 462 Kingston upon Hull, E Yorks Lee, Don 1114 Llandrillo yn Edeyrnion, Clwyd 195 special quarter 789 LEEDS 654-6 Llandudno, Gwynedd Kingston upon Thames, Surrey Hunslet, St Mary 195 town, church and bells 485-6, 488, special peal 994-5 St Peter’s 550 Kingsworth, Andrew 337-8 special quarter 1175 tuning of bells 597 Kipling family quarter peal 1029 Town Hall 1065 Llangarron, Hereford Kipling, Rudyard 1030 Leeds University Society 669 celebration 1012 Kippin, Chris 437, 456 LEICESTER D G Llewellyn-Poyntz, Evan 329 Kirkby Malham, N Yorks ladies’ peal 995 Lloyd-Roberts, Enid 282 augmentation 561 Open Day 625 Logue, Cardinal 680 Kirkby Underwood, Lincs levers 897 LONDON fundraising for fourth bell 437 Lewis, Colin 292, 385-6, 388, 583 St Bride’s, Fleet St 943, 950, 1007, Knapton, Norfolk 919 Lewis, Eileen 291 1089 special peal 805 Lewis, Robert 123 St Clement Danes, Strand Knaresborough Guild 1177 Leytonstone, Essex special quarter 333 Knaresborough, N Yorks special quarters 474, 932 St Giles-in-the-Fields, Holborn festival quarter 886 Licensing Bill 4, 66, 114, 162, 287 Christmas lunch 1227 Guild and town criers 1036 Lichfield Diocesan Mobile Belfry Lectures 329 Knighton, Leics 268, 791, 886 Thursday lunchtime ringers 865 outing 872 at Paternoster House, Cirencester St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside 1205- Knowles, Tony, ropemaker 704 724 8 Knutsford, Cheshire Liddell family 485 St Olave, Hart St 797-9 special quarter 353 ‘Life & Times of a Country Ringer ...’ St Paul’s Cathedral (1978) 1055 ‘Kremlin Bells: Four Generations ...’ 437 St Peter’s RC, Clerkenwell Rd 944-5, 1054 Lightcliffe, Halifax 941 409-11, 431 Kwe-Kwe, Zimbabwe 388 lighthouses 1014, 1018, 1081 St John’s, Waterloo Road 411 (see lighting 114 (see also ‘emergency also ‘Collins, Sedley’) lighting’) London, Bishop of 967 LADIES’ GUILD and epilepsy 791 LONDON C A 40-1 Central 463 Lillingstone Lovell, Bucks Bohemian concert (1913) 1031 1915 peal 125 peals 502 naming of (1903) 1011 1937 dinner 452 Lincoln Cathedral 149, 556 London University Society 797-9, Lakin, J Michael 215 archive letters now available 508 862, 1192 Lamerton, Devon special quarter 909 Look to and Learn – Plain Hunt Hurdwick Peal 448 LINCOLN D G 653-5 (video review) 632 Lampard, William 580 AGM 649 ‘Look to, treble’s going’ 306 LANCASHIRE ASSOCIATION Eastern ‘Lost and Transferred Rings of Bells’ 1035 quarter peal week 1124 1112-3 Blackburn 24 Elloe Deaneries 655 ‘Lost Churches and Bells of Liverpool 18 Southern Canterbury’ 1238-43 Wigan 329 quarter peal week 475 Loughborough Carillon 172 maintenance and management West Lindsey Loughton, Essex course 1228-9 Teenage Quarter 961 special peal 223 Lapley, Staffs quarter peal month 956 Love, Dickon 54, 153, 261, 409-11, first peal since augmentation 8 Lincoln University 964 431 Lawrance, Tom 820 Linford, Simon 30, 76, 115 loyalty 1160, 1186 Lawrence, Revd and Mrs Lionel 534 Lismore, New South Wales Lubenham, Leics leading 90, 115, 186, 222, 307, 331 newly installed six 77, 120, 194 augmentation 561 learned journal 478, 501 Wilton bells 964 Ludlow, Shropshire LEARNERS Listed Places of Worship Grant augmentation 793 advice to tower captains/outing Scheme 99, 1222 Lunesdale Midweek Ringers 448 organisers 717, 743 Little Sampford, Essex 91 Lunn, Leslie 233 tall 163 Little Wymondley, Herts 193, 195 Luton, Beds 726 ‘Learning Curve, The’ LIVERPOOL Lydiard Millicent, Wilts
8 special peal 464 men’s best kept secret ..? 742 Ayston Differential 925, Lyme Regis, Dorset Merseyside Bell Restoration Group Egloskerry Differential 1100, record length peal 464 1160, 1185 1173, Lyndon Differential 542, Lyndon, Rutland Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glam 291 Tinwell Differential 370 first peal on the bells 542 method construction 480, 502 DOUBLES Lyne, Brigit illegitimate methods 880 Alderton Place 613, Ashby St birthday quarter peals 1029 link methods 480, 502, 526 Ledgers Bob 685, Atlantic Terrace 644, Barby Bob 466, McKay, Chris 1040-2 METHODS Barby Nortoft Place 466, McRobert, Derrick and Eleanor 740 British Scholars Pleasure 598, Beacon Terrace 644, Madron, Cornwall London Scholars Plesure 598, Beaconsfield 644, Brackley bell appeal 1078 Ludgvan S 767, Plain Bob Doubles Hatch Bob 226, Bradden Place Magdalene College, Cambridge 149 865, Woodcock’s Victory Treble 589 erratum 662, Braybrooke Magistrates’ Association 970 Bob 598, 671, 935 Bob 274, Byfield Bob 1045, ‘mamill that roared, The’ 198 METHODS/VARIATIONS Carnarthen Road 1173, Manchester Town Hall NAMED IN 2002 Carnarthen Street 1173, peal (1903) 1139 MINIMUS Centenary Street 1173, Church Manuka, A C T 24 Cross Differential 17 Brampton Bob 638, Church St Paul’s new ring of eight 773 DOUBLES Brampton Place 638, Coral manners, modern 670, 742-3, 775, Appletree Bob 58, Aston le 549, Cosgrove Bob 1142, 815, 959 Walls Bob 58, Bugbrooke Bob Deanshanger Bob 492, ‘Mansfield, Giles’ 309 58, Chipping Warden Bob 58, Desborough Bob 1021, East comment/further information 314 Christ Church Dublin Carlton Bob 1021, East Farndon Mansfield, Helen 608 Differential 89, Foxley Bob 58, Bob 1094, Evenley Bob 466, manuscripts, illuminated 403 Grimscote Bob 58, Hollowell Foundry Road 1173, Mapledurham, Oxon Bob 57, Laxton Bob 58, Geddington Bob 441, Great bell appeal 1016 Lilbourne Place 58, Houghton Bob 565, Gwelmor March, Cambs 919 Litchborough Place 58, Little 644, Hanging Houghton Bob Marches Teaching Belfry 168, 237 Everdon Bob 58, Little Oakley 152, Hannington Bob 152, marlin spikes 451 Bob 58, Little Preston Bob 58, Harby Bob 396, Hardwick Bob MARRIAGES Nobottle Bob 58, Ravensthorpe 152, Heathencote Bob 806, Hen Backhouse/Mellor 804 Bob 57, Rockingham Bob 58, Wythva 644, Hinton-in-the- Bailie/McLean 1036 Welton Bob 58, West Farndon Hedges Bob 466, Holcot Bob Banner/George 984 Bob 58, West Haddon Bob 58, 152, Holdenby Bob 274, Barnes/Godwin 477 Winwick Place 58 Kelmarsh Bob 1094, Kilsby Barnes/Turner 755 MINOR Place 466, Knuston Bob 370, Braid/Meade 633 Bah Humbug S 256, Brixworth Leicestershire Bob 396, Little Butler/Jacklin 877 T P 34, College Bob III T P Billing Bob 589 erratum 662, Butterworth/Ewen 1005 159, Harlestone T B 57, Mys Little Houghton Bob 565, Cairns/Whitehouse 756 Kevardhu S 63 erratum 353, Llawnroc Close 644, Mawsley Cryer/James 160 Novantes S 32, Selgovae S 32, Bob 781, Meneth Road 1173, Doughty/Njuguna 956 Valetto T P 34, Warlergh Northchapel Differential 351, Edmond/Higby 1192, 1201 Melyndruckya T P 17, Zoe T P Orton Bob 274, Parc an Tansys Gosling/Watson 852 159 644, Passenham Bob 492, Hart/Kibblewhite 45 MAJOR Penforth 1173, Penmorvah Hartley/Smith 415 Aldeburgh T B 9, Annabel D Place 1173, Potterspury Bob Menhinick/Stratton 716 erratum 91, Anne’s New Kettle 1142, Pury End Bob 226, Probert/Wright 721 S 80, Brumaire A 6, Crick Quinton Bob 441, Redbrooke Sutton/Syms 558 Hybrid 58, Double Cambridge Road 644, Rothersthorpe Bob Vincent/Wykes 669 Cyclic Bob 7, Frimaire A 56, 441, Sea View Terrace 644, Walsh/Browne 1005 Hermann Park S 82, Kennesaw Silverstone Bob 226, Slapton Marsh, John 671 Mountain S 82, Lazyboy Camp Bob 589 erratum 662, Slipton Marshall, Ben 1204 S 82, Lyveden S 9, Morfa Bob 441, Staverton Bob 1045, Marston Bigot, Somerset Mawddach S 101, Sixcent D Stevington Bob 417, Stoke Pig-le-Tower 33, X-mas D 55, Yatesbury Albany Bob 1021, Stray Park record peals 77, 223, 296, 1218 Manor S 8 Road 1173, Strixton Bob 370, St Leonard ROYAL Teeton Bob 274, Thornby Bob first peal since augmentation Ariston Little T P 6 errata 47 685, Thornhaugh Bob 732 and name given as Arist Little 832,Tolcarne Street 1173, Martin, Di 489-90 Bob 441, Bellrock S 78, Flax Tregrea 644, Tregarland Close comments on article 550 Bourton D 56, Hexham Abbey 644, Trevenson Street Martin House Hospice 775 S 353, Horton Heath Little S 1173,Trevu Road 644, Upper Martin, Monica 1054 77, Jennie’s Endeavour S 10, Benefield Bob 781, Welton maths discovery marked 1060, 1089 Linkenholt 77, Qattara S 11, Place 1164, Wesley Street Maughan, Michael 948 Proteus S 59, Spinning Jennie 1173, Whiston Place 589 Mayfield, E Sussex 19 D 10, Tolman S 78 erratum 662, Wood Burcote Bob Mayne, John 967 MAXIMUS 226, Wothorpe Bob 781, Meadley, Hannah 1177 Fleet Lynx Differential Principle Yardley Gobion Bob 613 Meadows, Rodney 673 7 erratum 251, Igginshill S 58 MINOR Measham, Leics METHODS/VARIATIONS Amber Louise D 543, An special quarter 1076 NAMED IN 2003 Teallach S 248, Annapurna II T Medical Guild 745 SINGLES P 1005, Auckland T P 305, Melbourne, Derbys 654-6 Cardiac Arrest 256 Barking Mad Bob 1150, memorising blue lines 283 MINIMUS Batten’s D 1005, Bianchi S 226 memory and recall 489-90 erratum 353, Bologna S 226,
9 Boston T P 184, Branston D Metheven S 543, Nanda Devi T Celebration S 251, Duck End T 396, Braunston S 1142, P 859, Needham Street S 176, P 297, Duddleswell D 83, Bromsberrow D 590, Buccleuch Nessa Dygemusur T B 445, Dumbledore S 901, Earls Barton S 1189, Burgh S 103, 283, Nether Heyford S 1142, 90th D 1117, Edgecombe S 708, Cabmirdge S 192, Calcutta T P Birthday T P 859, North Island Edithmead S 851, Eeyore S 1123, Caracticus S 1141, T P 305, North Luffenham S 1068, Elui D 901, Ethanim D Carvetii S 924, Cesarino S 226, 492, Northernhay S 474, 1020, Farsley S 1190, Chacombe T B 152, NUPTSE T P 1053 corrected to Fenchurch Street Station S 226, Chelmondiston S 758, Cherry- Nuptse T P 1167, One Bulb Bob Firkin T B 902, Fleet Street S Garrard D 566, Cho Oyu T P 1173, Ordovices S 924, 226, Free Parking S 226, 549, CHOGOLISA T P 1053 Pathfinder Village S 644, Paul S Freeman’s D 732, Gary D 152, corrected to Chogolisa T P 591 Paula T P 549, Pedn-men- Geraldton S 734, Gharb D 780, 1167, Cinquecento T P 644, an-mere T B 885, Pen-Bloth D Gharb S 998, Gordon D 732, Commara S 853, Complete S 811, Peswera Dygemusur T B Go to Jail S 226, Hawkesbury S 329, Corpus Christi T P 691, 1173, Pleistothesic T B 422, 417, Heywood Hybrid 948, Hill Creaton A 733, Crowle S 394, 543, Plumtree T P 329, Ridware D 346, Hill Ridware S Deceangeli S 924, Dee T P 184, Poundstock S 1173, Primsore S 948, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Deene A 733, Deene Hybrid 329, Prince William T P 691, Yorkshire S 518, Ibberton S 274, Dobunni S 1141, Double Pymp ha Tryugans Bledhen D 851, Ibsley S 249, Innermessan Cambridge Cyclic Bob 345, 787, Quinton T P 103, S 832, Irchester D 1189, Ireton Double Dunkirk Bob 345, Rakaposhi T P 691, Redmarley D 972, Jacqueline D 637, Jarn Dunkerton S 329, 543, Duomo d’Abitot D 519, Regina Caeli T Mound S 902, K2 S 876, S 226, Durotrigues S 924, P 549, Roade Hybrid 565, Kewstoke D 831, Kinlet Hall S Dwyle Flonking D 782, Eastnor Roadshow A 256, Rosliston D 319, Kirby Muxloe S 129, Kirk D 590, Ellesmere St Mary’s 662, St David’s Guild Annual Yetholm S 997, Lee Wood D Bob 715, Epiphany T P 159, Outing Hybrid 549, St Erth S 661, Leicester Square S 226, Euston S 806, Evelyn T P 859, 691, St Etheldreda S 542, St Llhotse S 876, Lower Place S Far Cotton S 1021, Finale D Matthew in the City T P 305, St 1189, Lyndsey S 805, Long 806, Fiona T P 644, Flopper’s Thomas of Canterbury T P Buckby S 685, Lugana D 128, Fantasy D 1123, Focus T P 1053, San Petronio S 226, San Marchesvan D 1117, 644, Folkingham A 81, Pietro S 226, Saxon Street S Marlborough Street S 226, Forteyers S 394, Forth Dewetha 176, Scott D 566, Seavington Marley Hill D 1188, Mdina D an Vledhen D 543, Fosters St Mary Hybrid 549, Selston T P 369, Milton D 177, Misterworth Booth T B 998, Foxton T P 184, Selworthy T P 1005, D 395, Monk Bar S 1165, 1220, Freston S 758, Shishapangma T P 549, Silver Mynyddislwyn S 780, Newton Gasherbrum 1 T P 1005, Jubilee T P 1123, Snow White Burgoland S 465, Nisan D 491, Gasherbrum III T P 1005, D 496, Sully S 161, Tasca S Nunton S 273, Nuptse S 876, Gedney Dyke S 297, Glinton D 853, Tre Cime Di Lavaredo T P Octogenarian S 901, 733, Great Addington S 661, 549, Tressa Dygemusur T B Oggysadadagain D 346 Great Casterton Hybrid 103, 1100, Triffid T P 644, Trivor T previously named Buckhurst Great Wingletang T B 549, P 644, Trulla D 925, Vinoba D Park D 662, Ohio D 1071, Old Greatford S 1045, Gwinnear S 949, Twywell Hybrid 638, Buckby S 902, Old Sodbury D 739, Handsome Prince D 1076, Upton T B 177, Utter D 401, 199, Old Spot D 474, 877, Hartpury D 519, Hasketon S 422, Warmfield T P 329, Orcheston S 877, Othorpe S 103, 283, Hatherop T P 422, Warspite T P 644, Welford T P 224, Owl S 612, Oxford Street S Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, It’s Off To 1005, Wendron S 956, 226, Pennsylvania D 902, Work We Go D 668, High Werchintone S 1189, Western Piccalilli S 226, Pipe Ridware D Halden T P 644, Holothesic T B Crusader T B 1028, Western 732, Powys S 1163, Quaffle S 1028, Horningtoft Heritage S Pioneer T B 159, Western 707, Quarr Manor S 1167, 715, Ingatestone S 81, Venturer T B 1028, Wilby Bob Quickswood S 637, Quirrel S Invergordon D 668, Ipstones T 543, Wollaston Hybrid 998, 416, Regent Street S 226, Rohld B 644, Ismay Wedding S 930, Wolverstone S 758, Xavier T B Dahl S 224 corrected to Roald 978, Ittle Beer D 353, Ittle Beer 1165, Xerophilous D 833, Dahl S 441, Roo S 831, Rook S 329, Jannu T P 1100, Jeremy Yardley Hastings T P 518, York and Gaskill S 759, Rosso Piceno T P 644, John Alexis T B 329 Colleges Guild A 733 D 832, Roundhay S 734, erratum to footnote 662, John MAJOR Rowlands Gill D 637, Rushden Paul II T P 1123, Kalamazoo T Ab D 780, Adar D 273, Little A 611, St Mary Abbots D P 1005, Kangbachen T P 1100, Aileen’s Little Bob 855, Aragog 543, Saintbury S 1071, Salice Kensa Dygemusur T B 184, S 997, Backwell D 248 erratum Salentino D 565, Sebat D 176, Kensa Forth an Vledhen D 159, 353, Bakewell T B 1140, Seething S 1094, Shorrock S Kim T P 422, Kitchener Barnsley S 418, Barolo D 200, 346, Sivan D 588, Sixtieth S Griffiths the name on Bishop Stopford D 731, Black 1044, Snowden D 223, Sorbet everybody’s lips Bob 1173, Cats S 518, Bledlow Ridge A Little A 345, Strand S 226, Lelant S 496, Lewannick S 1217, Blithbury D 128, Tammuz D 685, Tattersalls S 1173, Lincs S 1045, Llanishen S Bootham Bar S 1165, 902, Tensing S 876, The 401, Low Sunday T P 549, Burnopfield D 999, Byrness S University of York S 855, Ludgvan S 644 erratum 887, 997 Capheaton S 732, Catmose Tigger S 101, Toscana S 1188, Malaya T P 644, Matterhorn T P A 250, Century A 1044, Trafalgar Square S 226, 1005, Mears Ashby Hybrid Chenies S 638, Chipperfield S Trelawney S 732, Triduum S 177, Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, 518, Colsterworth A 201, 128, Ulladulla S 902, Umbridge Who’s the Fairest of Them All? Cotesbroc S 611, Coventry S 732, Vache S 201, D 909, Mother Theresa T P Street S 226, Darmstadtium S Valpolicella D 273, Vernham 1123, Mount Erebus T P 764, 1093, Darton Exercise D 637, Dean S 1094, Vine Street S Mount Terror T P 764, Dawson Falls D 491, Doberian 226, Volunteer D 177, Mountnessing S 81, Mys S 543, Double D 639, Double Walmgate Bar S 973,
10 Waterworks S 226, Wesley S Western 40 neckers – see ‘scarves’ 902, Whilton Hybrid 370, ‘When the Middlesex called “Go Needham, Owen Wicken Hybrid 83, Willoughby London”’ 965-7 55th anniversary of first peal 756 Waterleys S 396, Woodgett S Middlesmoor, Yorks Nelson, Horatio, Lord 1063, 1078 589, Wotton-under-Edge 750, oak staircase for St Chad’s 759, nervousness 269-70 Charter D 948, Xpoynential S 814 Network for Ringing Training 315, 248, Yarg S 612, Yeadon S Middleton, N Yorks 195 330 565, Yedingham S 1046, Yoicks Middlewich, Cheshire ‘New Recruit Makes Progress, The’ S 1163, Yorkshire A 465, controversial peal (1903) 418 499 Zabini S 832, Zafiro S 999, Midland Counties Association (1903) ‘New Recruit, The’ 339 Zatisall D 175, Zif D 492, first silent and non-conducted peal New Romney, Kent Zimnicea S 274, Zonko S 1219 on 12 215 centenary peal 1218 ROYAL Millennium Commission NEW YORK Ackhorne A 297, Aldwark S additional funding 48, 120, 506 Riverside Church 776 297, Anglia A 923, Anjeric S application unsuccessful 532, 575 St John the Divine 767, 776 1045, Barming Heath R 901, Millhouse, Jack L 24 Newark, Notts Blofeld A 466, Carnwethers S memorial project completed 286 Gopher Grandsire 1227 395, Clifford’s Tower Millport, Isle of Cumbrae 970, 1054 Newcastle Cathedral Differential S 297, Concorde S Mills, Andrew B 590, 1000 lack of ringers (1903) 449 1091, Clun D 1070, Dembleby Mills, Stephen 1000 Newland, Glos S 274, Dorset A 464, Mills, Stuart 1175 special quarter 168 Doubledigit A 492, Dr No Minehead, Somerset Newport, Rhode Island, USA 1066 Differential S 466, Duncombe special quarter 446 Newquay, Cornwall 767, 776, 839 Place A 297, Exhibition Square Mirov, Fr Nikolai 1223-5 newsletter D 297, Foss Islands S 297, Missions of Our Moment 721 article exchange 703 Godolphin S 175, Goldfinger S Mis-Spent Youths, Guild of 830, 868 Nicholson, Andrew 245, 361, 728, 466, Harecroft S 465, mistaken identity 574 1247 Hartington S 1190, Hexham Mitchell, Canon H G 787 Nicholson Engineering 361-2, 364, Abbey S 855 (see also p. 130), Mitchell, Revd W P 839 629, 861 Hillary S 876, Himalaya S 876, Mold, Flintshire Nine Tailors, The 306, 450, 556 Ireby S 178, Kananga S 466, Queen’s visit 616 ‘no-hopers’ 403, 451, 480, 500, 575, Kilopeal S 1070, Lendal Bridge Monastery of St Sergius 1136, 1160 622 Little T P 297, Llanbadarn Fawr Monewden, Suffolk noise, intolerance of 670 D 517, Museum Gardens S special quarter 477 Normanton, W Yorks 194 297, Oddjob Little A 466, Old Monks Kirby, Warwicks Norris, Beryl 215, 535 City S 564, Ouromov S 466, special quarter 336 NORTH AMERICAN GUILD 52, Pennifold D 925, Raspberry Montefiore, James L 508 173, 681, 898 Crumble S 903, Red Dressing Montgomery, H 385-6 striking competitions 1029 Gown D 589, Ringing Chat D Montreal North Light Tandoori 450 1142, Ripon S 1220, Notre Dame 776 NORTH STAFFS ASSOCIATION Scaramanga A 466, Thimbleby Moreton, Michael 1132 ‘Four Compositions and a Peal’ S 686, Tresta A 684, Withies S Morley, Derbys 757 565, Xereby S 998, Zorin S 466 augmentation to 4 194, 561 quarter peal day 885 CINQUES Morris, George 800 ‘Tale of Two Towers, A’ 1212 Nempnett Bob 1051 Morris, Sylvia 363 NORTH WALES ASSOCIATION MAXIMUS Mosely Education Commission centenary celebrations 771 Brigstowe Little A 175, (1903) 819 centenary dinner 984-5 Burgundy Little A 923, Carmine Moss, Wilfred 172 centenary quarter peals 1173 Little A 128, Cawston Little Mostyn family 485 centenary year and history 487 Bob 369, Chain-link Motcombe, Dorset inauguration 1903 191 Differential A 127, Claret S special quarter 208 Northallerton, N Yorks 128, Dryad A 101, Flax Bourton Mottram in Longdendale, Gtr record length peal 321 D 416, Headingley S 759, Hebe Manchester special quarter 922 A 923, Ketteringham D 1071, leaky tower 1030 Northampton Mandarin Differential Little A Mountsorrel, Leics history and rehang at St Giles 968 1091, Marchsprings S 731, rehanging 561 Northchapel, West Sussex Nottinghamshire D 781, Porter mouth movements 403 augmentation 728 A 101, Rickmansworth S 152, muffles, tyre 330, 450 Norwich 257 Willow Court S 1118, Winter Mulvey, Michael NORWICH D A Garden D 566, Zeuxis S 103 50 years a ringer 740 anniversary peals 756 SIXTEEN Munroists 239, 248, 333 Quarter Peal Week 570-1 Superlative S 347 murals 581 Nottingham University Society 353, Mew, Chris 845-6 Murray, James 385-6, 500 371 MIDDLESEX C A 527, 965, 1208 Murray, John 500 MIDDLESEX C A & LONDON D G musical solutions to ringing on 7 bells Oake, D C Stephen 209 anniversary celebrations 1184 551, 623, 695 OBITUARIES anniversary peal 275 ... or five bells 695 Allgrove, J C W (Jim) 212 anniversary quarters/special ringing musicality 1209 Andrew, Derek 1200 980-1 e-lists discussion 531 Andrews, Dr Ron 504 N & E quarter peal day 447 Ashton-Jones, Sue 175, 188 one hundredth peal at All Hallows named changes 671 Ball, Harold William 260 marking the centenary of the Napton on the Hill, Leics Barrass, Hazel 556 association 1069 repair and rehanging 561 Bayliss, Peter Leonard 356 open day 48 Naylor, Eric Beams, John E 44, 72, 319, 332, quarter peal half day 160 sixtieth anniversary 497 635
11 Blade, Sue 1156 Millatt, Harry J 892, 971, 984, first peals since augmentation Bleasby, Alex 960, 1176 1024, 1116 192, 216 Bowen, Gerald 840 Mills, David C B 284 St Thomas the Martyr Bowles, Thomas Samuel 432, 596, Mills, R Brian 484, 899-90, 912-3, double handed peal of 41 600 1006 Spliced S Minor 1000 Boyce, Christine 308, 553 Monaghan, Matthew James 44 OXFORD D G Boyce, Dick 288, 553 Morgan, Leonard Christian Frank AGM 516 Broadhurst, Anne 1080 792 Banbury Brownlow, Frederick William 140 Mowforth, Roy K 308, 312, 467, ‘firsts day’ 233 Burbey, Tom 1036 481 child protection 790 Buswell, Clive 408, 432, 614, 624 Neal, Doris 840 first aid course 1129 Byrne, Reuben (Bob) Louvain 164 Oldham, Michael John 768 handbell day 453 Chatfield, Brenda 77, 92, 116 Peers, Donald 335 progress (1903) 723 Clarke, Christopher C 1128 Peppiatt, Jack 1180 record handbell peal 104 Clarke, Don 1032 Pollock, Keith Malcolm 116 Reading Clegg, Charles 1056 Pope, Colin John 792 Summer School 915 Coles, Bryan Frank 68 Posnett, Roger 964 Roadshow stall 681 Collins, Roy 888, 1116 Randall, Bob 1180 special peal 464 Cook, Frank James 356 Randles, Norah 260 (nee Bibby) striking competition 516, 1059 Cooper, Ben 147, 332 960 warnings against incendiarism Cox, David 240 Raynor, Peter 240 (1953) 1055 Critchley, Eric 408, 731, 744, Reed, Reginald A 531, 816-7, 936 Oxford Society 830 Crook, Bernard H 284 Robertson, Judith 360, 539-40, Cullingworth, Thomas 484, 539, 549, 552 ‘P W Tips’ 490, 865 635, 648-9 Rowe, Charles 116 pacemakers 42, 67, 114 Cutts, Jim 508, 735, 744 Rowe, Ernest J 312, 519, 528-9, Page, Tom Darby, Frank Edgar 381, 432, 531, 624 60 years a ringer 660 683, 692, 696-7 Sanger, Dorothy V 988 Painswick Youths 309 Davis, W A C (Arthur) 288, 768 Sinfield, John William Victor 672 Pallett, Lucy 892 Dirksen, Richard Wayne 840 Snowden, Hilda G 24, 223, 236 parish boundaries 381, 427 Dobbie, Walter 940, 964, 1150-51 Speed, Anne 672, 1060 Parker family quarter 716 Edge, Julia 260 Steevenson, David 909 Parry, Joseph 291 Edwards, Colin 144, 428 Summerell, Alan G T 1200 Parry, Thomas Gambier 501 Ellsmore, Albert Bryan 840 Sutherland, G Anthony 672 Pascovitch, Marika 477 Fothergill, Geoffrey 1036 Swain, Myrtle 960 Patterson, Anne Freeman, John 748, 851, 864 Sweet, Frederick William 140, 356 rang first peal aged 72 911 Gammon, Alec 1176 Thompson, Giles 240, 372-3, 491 Paulinus, Fr 1226 Gardiner, George S 963, 1128 Trew, Rosa May (formerly Peachey, Barry 139, 269-70, 403 Gascoyne, Lawrence (Loll) 232 Cullwick) 936 Peachey, Heather 701-3 George, Edwin 168, 491, 504 Tuffnell, Pam 44 peal boards Hadden Richard J B 1056 Tyce, Stephen John 212-3 Hereford Cathedral 990 Hardman, Bertha (nee Reeve) 213, Vaughan, Ann 963, 1128 St John’s Waterloo Rd, London 381, 467, 481 Walklate, Sampson 31 412 Harris, Christopher Robin 964, Warren, Arthur Frederick 188, 404 St Mary’s Woodstock, Cape Town 1080 Warr, Joseph 144 385 Harrison, C Aubrey 504 Way, Hazel 940, 1039, 1056 Wimborne Minster 789 Heighton, David 381, 516, 564, Wilson, Maggie 888 peal books 309 570-1, 576, 614 Winter, Beryl 308 peal cards 125 Hencher, Cecil Francis 209, 428-9 Woodhouse, Anthony John 484 peal history since 1700 219, 402 Hibbert, Marjorie 48, 295, 308 Woolley, John 232, 404 PEAL RINGERS Hignett, Ken 428 Woolley, Raymond 41 50th peal Honeywood, Alfred E 360, 600-1 Wright, David 1204 Andrews, L C 250, Austin, S M Housden, Ivy Rhoda 452, 527 ‘Ode to Ringers’ 728 876, Brown, K 33, Crocker, A R Hudson, J Charles 1032, 1053 Offchurch, Warks 1188, Fortey, A C 732, Hall, O Hughes, Ronald D 24, 175, 188 flower festival 1029 R 394, Harrison, P I 1045, Illingworth, A John 336, 360, 370, Oldham, John 170 Hayward, G R 1165, Kemp, S 539, 707, 720, 735 Ongley, Bernard 806, Ladd, A J 35, Langton, T J Ingram-Hill, Canon Derek 1056 60 years a ringer 765 756, Lysaght, J A 32, McCoy, J Jarvis, Basil Trevor 576-7 OPEN DAYS S 924, Philp, S I M 55, Sales, R Johnson, Alfie 868 cost of 480 E 101, Webb, S D G 1072, Jones, Lionel 1012, 1200 provision of refreshments 839 Young, M J 518 Judge, Ron 768 Open University Society 352, 795 50th peal as conductor Julius, Helen Marie 140 Oram, Ian 1177 Barnes, J 78, Peachey, B F 972, Kirk, Cecil Stanley Lambert 260 Ordnance Survey 427 Till, M K 177 Knibb, Douglas (Doug) L 552-3 new maps 556 100th peal Kynaston, Marion 1105 organhymnathon 1132, 1204 Booth, G M B 296, Cansdale, A Lee, Helen 452, 768 Orme, Mike 1036, 1078, 1180 W 416, Collins, R G R 370, Lewis, C Kenneth 6, 12, 20-1, 36, Outhwaite & Sons, ropemakers 704 Davey, A J 684, Dickinson, K 77, 1229 outing organisers, advice to 717, 743 1187, Galloway, J E 923, Line, Rex 120, 370, 380 outings 843, 847 Garner, M S 803, James, D S Maddock, Arthur 624 Overseale, Derbys 1163, Kirby, P C 1190, Knights, Mann, Martin 164 special quarter 1005 R F 563, Lane, K E M 781, Marriott, Phyllis (nee Tillett) 381 OXFORD Lebon, K 853, Lewis, C A 83, Marshall, John 1176 St Mary Magdalen Menhinick, J E 272, Reed, D E Meadowcroft, James 260 613, Stuart, C J 806, Tiebout, P
12 J 200, Webb, L M 1141, 600th peal Cook, R H 685, Hunt, D J Young, J F 831 Andrew, C 1093, Byrne, A F 1020, Shallcross, F 924, Smith, 100th peal as conductor 949, Cornwall, D A 1117, I V J 1141, Warboys, S J 755 Tibbetts, A J W 493 Cross, O D 877, Hardy, R E 1500th peal 150th peal 1142, Hodge, M C E 543, Fielding, I R 637, Garton, L M Castle, S 1071, Faull, S A 395, Howell, C E 8, Mason, P M 33, Hudson, P J H 128, Rivett, F Greenley, A S 518, Poole, C J 518, Sherriff, R W 8, W 80, Stubbs, A N 57, Thoday, 589, Walsh, R A 1189 Waterfield, P J 833 G E 758 1500th peal as conductor 200th peal 650th peal Collins, T F 80 Angrave, M 465, Anthony, A M Hollins, J P 1164 1550th peal 369, Bryce, S E 539, Hall, O R 700th peal Moreton, M P 319 806, Haseldine, J A 1071, Cartwright, L S 638, Diserens, 1600th peal Jordan, R H 662, Moore, D R R F 130, Dunbavin, M E 441, Moreton, M P 1045, Price, F C 639, Richardson, C 518, Smith, Hansford, M C 1020, Haseldine, 1141 C G 200, Thomas, N M 1164, A 58, Hyden, J 7, Rogers, S P 1600th peal as conductor Winter, W 1165 971, Town, J A 637 Dove, C B 274 250th peal 750th peal 1650th peal as conductor Adams, C 902, Bailey, N J 225, Barton, S W 855, Blackwell, R Dove, C B 1094 Maude, C 686, Murfin, J F 35, 250, Churchill, R R 297, 1700th peal Soanes, N D 178 Moreton, A M 101, Sheppard, J Flood, A D 613, Hendry, B 851 250th peal as conductor C 780, Slade, C E 178, 1700th peal as conductor Chester, M 465, Randall, G W Thumwood, R L 251 Collins, T F 1070 852, Sibson, A D 901 800th peal 1750th peal 300th peal Blackwell, R 997, Gibbons, D A Flood, A D 1070, Towler, J L Adcock, J 878, Birkbeck, M A 1188, Kippin, H A 686, 588 832, Hetherington, J C 199, Warboys, J S 175, Westerman, 1800th peal Ladd, C M 275, Rapior, R T L D P 130 Hayward, P L R 900, Hemming, 10, Samson, V 58, Soanes, N D 800th peal as conductor G C 178 639 Taylor, B H 371 1850th peal 300th peal as conductor 850th peal Hemming, G C 781 Bennett, N 9 Baldock, A R 10, Hewitt, D A 1900th peal 350th peal 923, Lane, N D 128 Curtis, P F 79 Bull, A M 877, Holdridge, D 900th peal 2000th peal 875, Hustler, C J 296, Jones, D Allum, M 34, Brown, R C L Curtis, P F 1036, 1044, L 1163, Kirk, M J 759, Lee, R 33, Chester, M 999, Daw, R H Donovan, Neil 734, Maughan, W 949, Mobbs, C J 78, 273, Hill, J 1092, Mountjoy, B M 948, Turner, N J 396 Reading, S R 466, Sayers, M W V 757, Riley, R S 1165, 2050th peal 1187 Ruddlesden, S M 58, Salter, K J Dove, C B 543 400th peal 492, Towler, Y A 127, Uphill, 2100th peal Bennett, C M 732, Brook, P R M J 1045 Campling, G H 997, Fry, B J 662, Churchman, N A 128, Cox, 900th peal as conductor 491 R M 10, Foster, C M 1217, Campling, G H 1141 2300th peal Gibbons, W F 590, Girling, W S 950th peal Butler, W 542, Hird, D 923, 1189, Grant, J 807, Johns, M T Allum, M 832, Daw, R H 876, Jelley, J M 493, Mason, S A 347, Mitchell, D R 734, Woof, Sherriff, A D 1070, Smith, I 518 S D 297 101 2400th peal 450th peal 950th peal as conductor Curtis, R 79, Davies, Simon J Campling, P 346, Cheshire, C P Hird, D 176 875, Price, R E 543 1118, Francis, G 1189, Gay, P 1000th peal 2500th peal W 492, Lockwood, D S 662, Beck, A P 272, Duke, G A 130, Curtis, R 1044 Newman, R A M 416, Smith, S 144, Hedgcock, J 9, 336, 2650th peal as conductor J T 543 Hughes-D’Aeth, J 1091, Love, Warwick, B G 33 450th peal as conductor D 54, 153, 261, Pipe, D 868, 2700th peal Hendry, B Poyner, H 1070, Sibson, A 24, Mears, M E C 319 500th peal Smith, I 542, Smith, R H 465, 2700th peal as conductor Avery, I W 199, Barnes, J 78, Stone, B J 925 Warwick, B G 780 Bethell, M A 395, Brown, M E 1100th peal 2800th peal as conductor 465, Campling, P 972, Clay, M Furniss, P L 661 Campbell, I G 177 J 518, Cooper, J P 129, 1100th peal as conductor 2900th peal Edwards, M J 902, Faulkes, M Butters, I 79, Hemming, G C Campbell, I G 1070 C 101, Foster, J A 901, 101 3000th peal Hatchett, M 996, Hughes, P D 1200th peal Baldwin, S K M 9, Bridle, P 707, Keech, A M 394, Larter, P Atkinson, J D 178, Haslam, H T 396, Regin, A 272 H 1044, May, B 924, Russ, R K K 274, Marshall, S E 755, 3100th peal 79, Tibbetts, A J W 519, Rogers, C H 491 Bridle, P 1167 Waters, S A 465, Whitby, M G 1250th peal 3150th peal 201, Wilson, R 1142 Egglestone, H W 199, Piper, H Warwick, B G 78 500th peal as conductor J 685 3200th peal Allton, R I 756, Brannan, J 275 1300th peal Warwick, B G 807 550th peal Croft, J S 759 3450th peal Dowse, W H 295, Ridley, H C 1350th peal Dodd, G K 491 8 Dawson, G A 129 3600th peal 550th peal as conductor 1400th peal Bowden, E A G 757 Carter, D B 851 3800th peal
13 Bladon, B 541 rung at St Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside Haighton, Michael 1143 ‘class of “63”’ 1000, 1031 1207-8 Hayes, Brett 1105 oldest 8 rung by a ‘Cooks’ band 1091 Kettle, Jackie 150 oldest first pealers 767, 911, 982, rung by a fathers and daughters Kipling, Rudyard 1018 1007, 1060 band 1068 Lancefield, Albert 939 prolific, in 2002 512-16, 575, 597 rung by a ‘John’ band 23 Mardon, John 867 women 647, 742 rung by a ‘Peter’ band 684, 793 Shakespeare, William 47 youngest to reach 1000 (1953) 974 rung by a teenage band 830, 868 Smith, David 894 rung by an ‘Ernest’ band 649 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 264 peal tablets 412, 527 rung by ‘Munroists’ 239, 248 Traherne, Thomas 174 PEALS speed of 292 Tuckwell, Patience 823 all clerical including incumbent 801 stag peal 755, 772 Whitman, Walt 124 analysis (1902) 519 withdrawn 216 Wright, Barbara 873 celebrating first peal of Yorkshire S ‘Peals in Africa’ 385-6, 388 YFH 1042 Major 251 comment 500 Polesworth, Warwicks 195, 197 celebrating longest peal on the bells Pearson, J Loughborough 73 fundraising 892 275 Peeke, Rev Canon Charles Kelland Police Guild 860, 1129 celebrating record length of Bristol 839 ‘Pollyanna’ 48, 114, 216 Royal 272 Pembleton, Fred 362 Poole, Cecil 165 classification 307 Pembridge, Herefordshire 935 Poor Laws, 17th century 1042 controversial (1903) 418 Penarth, S Glam 291 Portishead, Somerset 125, 235 coronation, fiftieth anniversary Penarth adjustable clapper tie 483 Post and Telecom Workers Guild 408 605-6, 610-1, 638, 639, 659, 660 Peper Harow, Surrey ‘Pots’ 983 CORRECTIONS quarter on unringable bells 652, Potterhanworth, Lincs 195 RW 1992 441 719, 1054 Powell Cotton Museum, Quex Park RW 2000 59 Peppiatt, Freddie and Jack 909 671 RW 2001 353, 441 Perry, Liz 1005 Powell, F P 385 RW 2002 59, 91, 251, 353, 441, Perse School band, Cambridge 1012, Powell, Neville 24 662, 1167 1030 Poyner, Harry 1070 RW 2003 251, 441, 543, 662, Perth, W Australia 117 Poynton, Cheshire 855, 999, 1167 PETERBOROUGH D G 432 special quarter 209 counting towers 163 Peterborough 161 Prestatyn, Clwyd 195, 562, 1013, Doubles 2002 357 Daventry 1018 first in tower and on bells cast in plan for 2003 148, 1155 Preston, David 193-5, 197 Africa 1217 Guilsborough 886 Preston, Lancs 195 first of Major by 3000 pealers’ Wellingborough St John’s Minster, re-opening 647 band 178 quarter peal event 474 Preston, Rutland first on dumb bells with simulator Peterstone Wentloog, Gwent 681, special quarter 1053 104 742, 766, 791, 934 Price, Kenneth W 944-5, 1136 first on the bells 7, 82, 83, 248, Pett, Timothy 388 Priest, J F 385-6 345, 370, 394, 542, 589, 925, 948, Philadelphia, P A ‘Prolific Peal Ringers in 2002’ 512- 1071, 1220 quarter peal weekend 281 16 first on tower bells in mainland Phillips, Jack 606, 743 Prospect House, Weston 765 Europe 1019 Phillips, Jim 631 public relations 894, 1030 first silent and non-conducted on 12 Phillott, G H 309 pubs 1047-8, 1138 (see also ‘BEER’) (1903) 215 Philogene, Robert J 386 pulleys 897 first since augmentation 8, 57, 83, Pick, Geoff 557-8 ‘Pulling for Pleasure’ 865 192, 224, 320, 396, 732, 876, 899, Pickhill, N Yorks Purley-on-Thames, Berks 997, 1092, 1142, 1188 augmentation 145-7 Wells family quarter 765 handbell 25-7, 67, 91, 104 Pimperne, Dorset Putney, London SW15 history since 1700 219, 402 worst peal of bells? 647 peal and restoration 296, 305 inter-mission 820, 863 Pinfold, John 974 ‘Pye Family Ringing Archive’ 1133- ladies (1913) 974 Pinx Tour 100, 117, 216 5 losing of 450, 501, 597, 646 Pipe, David 868, 1000, 1191-2 comment/further information publication of 138-9, 187 Pipe, George 673, 1159 1159, 1161, 1186 queries re classification or Pipe, Henry Pye, William 966, 1208 composition 307 christening party 1191-2 RECORD LENGTH Pipe family quarter peal report MINOR three generations of 1000 pealers August 1107 Spliced T D 1070, Surprise 868 quarter peal ringers ( 41 Methods, 1996) 91, pitch, perception of 586, 695 oldest first quarter pealers 767, 839 Treble Bob 395 Pittaway, Beryl 215 QUARTER PEALS MAJOR Pittsburgh, PA 1029 analysis 2002 174 Belfast S 1218, Bristol S Southminster Presbyterian bartered 282 Major 104, Cambridge S ring of 8 installed 194, 561-2 Coronation, 50th anniversary 614- Major 683, Cavendish S place notation 283 7, 644-5 Major 296, Huddersfield S ‘Plain Hunt to Plain Bob – a few corrections 662 Major 77, Okehampton S hints’ 633 heaviest 5-bell 137, 192 223, Plain Bob (1961, ’63, Player, Keith 652 leading ringers 2002 243, 246 ’77) 91 POET’S CORNER publication of 138-9, 187, 235 ROYAL Adams, Derek consistency of county location Dorset Alliance Royal 464, Blake, William 220 862 London S Royal (No 3) 25-7, Brooks, Shirley 23 St George’s Day 525 67, 91, Triton D Royal 216, Brown, Kenneth L 778 Snow White and the Seven 321 Churchill, Jen 939 Dwarves 1198
14 Waterloo Day 716 bans, and lifting of 283, 402, 484, letters’ page 1210 quaternions 1060, 1089 508, 527, 550, 575, 599, 647, 718, peal column format 138-9, 210, Queen Charlotte, trial of 795 742, 958, 982 331 Queen Nellie Hamilton 773 book collection, national 267 peals/quarters, publication of 138- Quex Park broadcasts 75, 167, 333, 403, 506, 9, 187, 211, 234, 331, 379, 796, Powell Cotton Museum 671 646 1089, 1126, 1138, 1183 Quintel S4 Ltd 459 cartwheel 186, 187, 331 ‘Ringing World Today, The’ 123 commemorative 508 ‘Rise and Fall of Yorkshire Tails, radiation levels 459 diseases and injuries relating to The’ 121-2, 124 radio aerials (see ‘aerials’) 911, 982, 1216 (see also diabetes, RMS St Helena 288 Radway, Warwicks 577 epilepsy, eye problems) RNIB and websites 910 Rambling Ringers 964 disputes and court cases 354 ROADSHOW 99, 213, 367, 575, Ranters 880 films, in 53-4, 90, 96, 187, 216, 580, 604 Rayleigh, Lord 586 306-7 Annual Report Market 658 Read, Tom 909 guilds’ foundation dates 402 Big Bell Business 700 Reading University Society Holy Week, during 360, 402 Gay’s Stays 686 50th anniversary celebrations 462 language 538 handbell activities 628 records, importance of 918 nerves 269-70 map 697 recruitment 670-1 novels 623, 671 Oxford DG stall 681 ‘Recruitment and Retention’ 221 outings: meeting visitors 478, 527, poster 52 comment 282, 287 623 RAF flypast 384 ‘Recruitment and Retention of the paintings 509-11, 604 Ringing World mug 680 Younger Ringer’ 557-8 quality of 282, 306, 330, 355 seminars 652 comment 670-1, 694, 718 reasons for 934 Stedman Abstracts 608 recruitment via school activity days rural 1111, 1138 Towers and Belfries 691 264 St George’s Day 330, 379, 525 Young Ringers’ Forum 700 Redenhall, Norfolk schools, in 196-7, 426 Roadshow Comment and Report 749- restoration 265-6 simulators 53 Rees, Frederick primitive form of 402, 597, 671 Aitch’s T Shirts 796 obituary (1903) 1182-3 speed of 414, 478 Andrews, Sarah 869-70 Regan, Mark 1133-5, 1205-8 sport, as 911, 934, 935, 982 beer tasting 769 Regin, Alan 312 state of the exercise 845-6, 982 CCCBR thanks 748 Regin, Eleanor and Peter 72 strategies 461-2, 1244-5 Founders’ presentation 769 Rendham, Suffolk styles 331 Library Committee Competition augmentation 562 survey, reference to public 910 754 Reuters news agency 950, 1089 survey, Sunday service 937 location 839, 862, 863 REVIEWS three bell 1125 Nicholson Engineering 743 book 172, 461-2, 625, 632, 673, tombstones 550 public relations 894, 1030 721, 811, 829, 945 training teachers of 282 public transport to 887 software 1203 trends 365, 426, 480, 670-1, 694 Quiz results 874 video 632 wartime 76, 167 (see also RW interviews Robin Rogers 824 rhythm 19 ‘RINGING bans’) survey on Sunday ringing 937 Richard’s Castle, Shropshire 1065-6 zones 30, 76,115, 210, 306 Wheeler, Elizabeth 793 Ridout, Canon G 386, 388 RINGING CENTRES 117 Young Ringers’ Seminar 869-70 RINGERS Barrow upon Humber 429 Rodliffe, Matthew 988 age of 480 Cinque Ports 503 Rogers, Chris 535, 994-5 Austrian 676 conference 868, 1152-3 Rogers family quarter 668 dissension among 1160, 1186 Gordon Halls 293 Rollesbury brothers 919 famous 30 St Petrock’s 532, 910, 916 Romney Marsh, Kent handkerchief 71 Workington 526 joint practices 150, 338, 609, 922 image of 670, 718 ‘Ringing Life at University’ 849 ringers’ outing to E Sussex 776 intolerance of 210, 307 ringing vs. slow swinging 1066 ‘Room at the Top?’ 30, 76 leading quarter pealers 2002 243, Ringing World, The 28, 138-9 comments 115, 210, 306 246 AGM 560 rope length 5 oldest first peal and quarter pealers back numbers 235 ‘Rope Splicing – Hemp to Artificial’ 767, 839 sales of 822 917, 920-1 prayer 1143 banking arrangements 192 comment 959, 982 relationship with church 1126, Board of Directors 96 ropemaking 704 1138 Chairman’s Report 2002 438 Rose, John 801 tall 235, 307 Christmas issue 43 Rose, Tim 848 triathlon 312 comments on planning, Rossendale Valley, E Lancs 43 welcome for new ones/visitors etc contributions, editing, supplements Rostherne, Cheshire 198, 623 598 church, bells and special quarter women round the back end 647, content 138-9, 163, 187, 210-1, 476 839 221, 379, 598 Rostov Veliky, Russia 1160 young coverage of handbell news 377 Rotarian ringers 772 recruitment and retention of Diary 1185 Rothera, Philip 769 557-8, 670-1, 694 donations 355, 379, 426, 694, 718, Rotherham, S Yorks treatment of 550, 597 1089 family quarter peal 497 Teachers’ Resource Launch 601 finances 245, 283, 306-7, 331, 354 Rothwell, Northants Ringer’s Recipe Book, The 829 format, general 138 fundraising 363 ‘Ringers of Launcells, The’ 511 Interviews training the trainers 189, 238-9 Ringers’ Shag 820, 982 Cake, Peter 169-73 Rougham, Suffolk RINGING Paulinus, Fr 1226-7 special quarter 448 anniversaries 42 Rogers, Robin 824 Rowberrow, Somerset 682
15 Royal Air Force Guild 29 Sandwich, Kent 427, 848, 887 Smallfield, Frederick 511 Royal Naval Guild 1190 curfew customs 791 Smeaton, Fred Royal Welsh Show 268 San Francisco still ringing at 94 823 Rugby School 1066 Fire Station 411 Smith, Bob and Ruth 295 Rushall in Walsall, W Mids St Ignatius 411 Smith, Captain Martin 288 earthquake damage 581-2 Sapcote, Leics Smith, D Paul 388 special quarter 669 Smith, Ian 542 Rushden, Northants 288 Satie, Erik 1209 Smith, Ron 50th anniversary 457-8, 460 Saunders, Shane 432 75 years a ringer 532, 932 party 723 Savory, James 309 Smith, Roy ringing achievements 458 Saxby, Leics 60th birthday celebration 1166-7 earliest use of cast iron in bell Smith, Ruth H 465 safety 767 frame? 747 Snowdon, Jasper 121 Samson, Duncan 652 Sayers, Dorothy L 450, 452, 556 Society for the Protection of Ancient Sansum, Canon David 801 Scarrington, Notts Buildings 1137 Sapcote, Leics first peal on the bells 83 SOFTWARE quarter peal donations 355 scarves 767, 839 Elf 264 safety 24, 67, 114, 355, 402 Schoenwald, Anne Kathrin 208 Somerby, Leics St Agatha’s Guild 447 school activity days 264 special quarter 113 St Albans, Herts schools with bells 196-7 sound reducers 719 special peal 104 SCOTTISH ASSOCIATION Soundweld 561, 562, 1137 special quarter 144 quarter peal weekend 1123 French and Swedish bells 629-30 St Annes-on-Sea, Lancs scouting 701-3 relocation to Newmarket 629-30 special quarter 475 scouts/explorer scouts 702, 767, 839 SOUTH AFRICAN GUILD St Bees, Cumbria Seage’s apparatus 1211 annual meeting 1064 emergency lighting scheme 479, Seale, Surrey South Mymms and Ridge, Herts 719 special quarter 329 annual outing 774 St Columb Major, Cornwall 558 Seend, Wilts 1114 South Northamptonshire Society Dinner and AGM 257 Selbourne, Hants first 1000 peals 947 St George’s Day 270 special quarter 1077 South Walsham, Norfolk 313-4 St James’ Guild Sellatyn, Shropshire Southampton University Guild 296 record length peal of Triton D Cross Keys pub 769 Southend airport 290, 652 Royal 321 Sergiyev Posad, Russia 1160, 1210 Southey, Robert 1081 St Keverne, Cornwall Sextglocken 574 Southgate, Middlesex augmentation 141 Shanklin, Jonathan 149 anniversary peal of longest length St Marmaduke Society 741 SHEFFIELD on the bells 275 St Martin’s Guild 503 Christ Church, Dore Southport, Merseyside anniversary peal 272 200th peal on the bells 563 Holy Trinity 1066 ringing (1903) 843 St John the Evangelist, Ranmoor SOUTHWELL D G Southern centenary of first peal of Newark quarter peal weekend 160 Yorkshire S Major 563 quarter peal week 112 visit to Llanbadarn Fawr (1903) Sheffield Universities’ Guild 1068 South Notts 40 753 Shepheard, Dennis 208 quarter peal weekend 1077 St Michael’s Society/ies 66 Shepherd, Philip, RWS 509-11 Southwold, Suffolk 586 St Osyth, Essex 99 Sherborne Minster spanners 54 St Paul’s Cathedral Guild 654-6 peal attempt (1903) 47 Speen, Berks secretary retires 631 Sherwood, Marcus 292 church to close? 996 St Sergius Monastery 1136, 1160, Shipp, Ernie 519 Spencer, Paul 388 1210 Shirenewton, Mon Spliced TB Minor Data Tables 945 Salisbury, Wilts 1042 special quarter 208 splicing 95, 917, 920-1, 959 17th century founders 1042 Shottesbrooke and White Waltham, sponsored ride 333 SALISBURY D G 93, 165 Berks 575 Stairs, Hayley 947 Calne 18 Shrewsbury, Shropshire Stanford, Charles Villiers 1207 Devizes 1114 special quarter 448 Stanton-in-Peak, Derbys 195 Mere Sibson, Andrew 24, 1085-8 new bells 1061-2 discussion of recruitment 221 Silsden, W Yorks ‘State of the Exercise – Fact or Quarter Peal Week 185 remodelled six 562 Fantasy’ 845-6 quiz evening 1155 Silver, Jonathan and Maggie 942-3 stays 959, 1054 website 1129 Simpson, Steve 622 Stedman Abstracts 608 Salle, Norfolk 1166-7 simulators 402, 597 Stedman, Fabian 1205 sallies 114, 162 early 671 ‘Steel Monster of Clerkenwell, The’ Salisbury, Rhodesia – see Harare SINGLES 409-11, 431 Salt, Sir Titus 941 Anaconda 767, Fruitbat, 767, New comment 480 Saltaire, W Yorks Roskear 767 steepleage (1903) 1079 order placed for new ring 96, 562 Skelton-in-Cleveland (1903) 973 Stevenson family quarter peal 497 special peal 947 Skelton, Neil 217-8, 220 Stevington, Beds unveiling of new six 916 comment 331 retuning 562 ‘World Heritage Bells’ 941-3 Skibbereen, Co Cork Stickley, R H 386 Samaritans 456 first peal on the bells 345 Stobart, Jane 1157-8 Sander, Thomas 676 school with bells 196-7 Stockton-on-Tees, Durham Sanderson/Potter family quarter peals Slatford, Fred 1114 peal (1903) 651 537 Sloman, Katherine 681 Stoke Edith, Herefordshire Sandham, Daniel 241-2, 244 Slough, Berks centenary of restored bells 989-91, Sandon, Staffs 195 special peal 996 1127 first peal since augmentation 876 special quarter 447 Stoke Fleming, Devon
16 Parker family quarter 716 Loughborough Carillon 172 956, 979, Liverpool and district Stone, Bernard J 925 Stanton in Peak, Derbys 1062 413, Lundy Island 660, 830, New Stone, Percy 1132 Stoke Edith, Herefords 989-91 Zealand 295, Northamptonshire ‘Strangers’ 1042 Taylor, Paul 169-70 412, Northern Ireland 981, strapping 1210 Trinity House bells 1013-4, 1018 Scotland 445, 996, Somerset 41, ‘Strategy Takes Shape, The’ 1244-5 Victoria Cathedral, Gozo bells 913 161, 209, 232, 329, 448, 573, 668, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Somerset 197, Who’s Who 2003 340 692, 739, 812, 852, 885, 981, 981, 682 tea towel churches 814 1053, South Africa 1217, South ‘Strike Note of Bells – mystery Teachers’ Guild 257, 693, 716 Downs (1903) 555, Suffolk 137, solved’ 586, 695 AGM 482 Taunton 745, Tyne and Wear 257, striking, improvement of 490 Nottingham 474, 1076 USA 82-3, 100, 117, 539, Wales Stroud, Gloucester Teachers’ Resource Launch 601 41, Warwickshire 572, 1891/2 refurbishment 314 ‘Teaching Ringing – Mind Over Warwicks/Worcs/W Mids 691, Struckett, David Matter’ 269-70, 403 Washington D C 29, West sponsored walk 864, 1036, 1114 ‘Ten Universal Truths of Ringing’ Yorkshire 847, Wisbech area 787, quarter peals rung 1124 631 York 531, Yorkshire 352, 726 Stubbington, Hants ‘Tenor Bell, The’ 778 Towcester, Northants 654-6 Narnia Campanile Tetford, Lincs 562 tower captains, perfect 936 first peal on the bells 589 Tetsworth, Oxon TowerBase 1203 ‘Substitutes for Conventional Bells’ special quarter 652 towers, leaky 1030 163 Thakeham, W Sussex 98 Towler, Jim and Yvonne 863 Suffolk unringable towers 192, 258- Thompson, Bishop Jim 1237 Trafalgar Day 1063, 1078 9, 355, 527, 575 Thompson, Pam and Richard 1046 ‘Tragic Ballad, A’ 317, 378, 418 Sukova, Lucie 861 Thornett, Jesse Trefoil Guild 1154 Sunbury, Middlesex rang first peal aged 75 911 Trinity House 193-5, 197, 1013-4, special quarter 18 Thoroton, Notts 193, 197 1018, 1081 Surfleet, Lincs Thorpe Arnold, Leics 197 ‘Trinity House Bells’ 1013-4, 1018 National 12-bell final 653-6 Thorpe on the Hill, Lincs Triple FFF Brewing Co 264 SURREY ASSOCIATION first peal on the bells 1071 Trollope, J Armiger 966 peal weekend 247 Thought for the Week contact 628 Troyte family home 456 quarter peal week 692 Three Bell Ringing, Chris Higgins Trumper, Mary 161 Surtees, Conyers 241 Guide 1125 TRURO D G SUSSEX C A Thurstaston, Merseys AGM 291, 462-3 AGM quarter peals 596 75th anniversary peal 153 striking competition 988 Sutcliffe, Betty 966-7 Thurston, Suffolk 562 Western 24 Sutton, Cheshire Thwaites, John, of Clerkenwell 940 annual dinner 1155 centenary peal 1116 Tibberton, Glos 197 ringing festival 1012 Sutton Coldfield, W Mids Tibenham, Norfolk striking competition 1059 St Chad 387 earlier bells 1214-5 Tucker, Claire and Kathryn 898 Swanage, Dorset rededication 580, 1214 Tudball, Margaret and Peter 446 special peal 947 rehanging/restoration 511, 1213-5 tuning forks 282 SWANSEA AND BRECON D G Tim’s Tours VI 788-9 tuning, harmonic 1014, 1018 quarter peal fortnight 352 Tinwell, Rutland Tunstead, Norfolk (1901) 450 striking competition 796 first peal on the bells 370 Turner, Ernest 965 Swavesey, Cambs 829 ‘Todd, Revd J Utten’ 1211-2 Turney, John 237 Swift, Michael 139, 210-1 toggles 598 turret clocks 1040 Sydney, N S W tolerance 210, 307 Tutu, Archbishop Desmond 726 St Benedict Tomelleri, Fabio 800 Twickenham, Middlesex 17 retuning, new fittings 562 Tomlinson, Arthur 820, 863 100 peals at All Hallows 1069, St James 197 Tomlinson, Brian 863 1186 dedication 848 Tonbridge, Kent twiddle pins 1090 special quarter 1156 Tyers, Dr Tony 1216 tail ends 121-2, 124, 187 Tong, Shropshire Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Somerset ‘Tale of Two Towers, A’ 1212 Great Bell of 1066 ‘Tales from an Itinerant Ringer’ 1048 Topsham, Devon ‘Ukraine, A Visit to the’ 337-8 Tapper, Walter 173 special quarter 933 comment 427 Taylor, Ali and Sian 484 touches, creation of 318 Union Jack 216 Taylors of Loughborough 1-2, 73-4, TOURS Universities’ Association 957 141, 161, 194, 197, 241, 282, 288, Airedale 930-1, ANZAB 1037-9, university societies 849, 862 (see also 364, 388, 486, 550, 561, 677, 682, Bailleul, Belgium 872, Bath 29, individual entries) 861, 876, 950, 968, 1065-6, 1242 40-1, Bedfordshire 795, Upson, Wendy 847 (1902) 143 Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire 741, (1961-2002) 169-73 Canada 900, Canterbury 865, vampires 1036 and Gillett and Johnston 435-6, Cheshire/Salop/Staffs 1198, Vancouver, BC 451 Cornwall 645, Cotswolds special quarter 1005 and Hastings stays 1230-1 fundraising walking tour 841, Holy Rosary Cathedral 1013, 1018 Bellfoundry Museum 144, 1059, Cumbria and Yorkshire 812, Verona 1066 Derbyshire 886, 923, Devon 740, new tenor for cathedral 800, 964 bells video 775 1028, Devon and Somerset 64-5, Vettori, Helen Hynson 721 Burnley, Lancs 1085, 1086, 1088 Dorset 861, 868, Dublin 333, East Victoria, B C Cake, Peter 169-73 Anglia 963, East Yorkshire 693, Christ Church Cathedral 772 carillons 680 Hampshire 3, Isle of Purbeck 408, Victoria, Gozo Carter Ringing Machine 1059 Isle of Wight 638, Kent 449, 898, Cathedral bells 913 Dallas, Texas 725 Lake District 921, 957, 1057, video cameras first class service 403 Leicestershire 872, Lincolnshire use of in training 622
17 VIDEO/DVDs destroyed by fire (1913) 1055 Winchester Lord Peter Wimsey 189 ‘West Country Welcome, A’ 141 outing 921 village names 331 West Ham, London E15 quarter peal fortnight 812 Vlasta, Sandra 676 resumption of church services 700 striking competition 488 West Wickham, Cambs 99 Winchester Cathedral Waddington, Alex 632, 767 five to be rehung 562 paid band 1943 646 Walker, Albert 974 Westmill, Herts special quarters 525, 580 Walker, Robin 1132, 1204 first peal since augmentation 1188 Wingfield, Suffolk 765 Waltham Abbey, Essex Westminster Abbey (1903) 519 Wingham, Kent damage to church 149 Coronation, 50th anniversary 605-6 and English Heritage 99, 186, 427 Walthamstow, London E 17 940 Westminster, London SW1 Winscombe, Somerset Ward, George 189 special quarter 148 painting of ringers 1181 Ward, Linda 1077 wheelchair appeal 288 Winstone, Glos Warehorne, Kent 243 Wheeler, Elizabeth 793 special family quarter 981 Warmington, Warwicks when to change the method in spliced Winterborne Stickland, Dorset rehanging 562 753 rehanging 1247 warner 357 Whetstone, Leics 194 Wiseman, Cardinal 410 warning bells 646 remodelled eight 361-2, 364 Wishaw, Warwicks 387 wartime bans – see ‘RINGING bans’ ‘Which bells to ring?’ 959, 1030 Wistow, Leics Warwick Whitechapel Foundry 2, 3, 19, 49-50, record peal 1070 special quarters 1198 52, 97, 145-7, 171-2, 195, 196, 266, Wolverley, Worcs Warwick, Brian G 289-90, 314, 364, 386, 388, 433, 488, special quarter 885 foundry peals on the treble 646 534, 561-2, 682, 728, 868, 1242 women back end ringers 647 Washbrook family 651 ‘Art inspired by Whitechapel’ Wooburn, Bucks 288 Washington D C 1157-8 special quarter 271 Cathedral Bell Maintenance Seminars 405, special ringing 616 ‘simulator’ peals 598, 695, 719 484, 992-3 Wood, Giles special peal 587 Charlton Horethorne project 607 sponsored cycle ride 1012 National Cathedral School 52, 163 ‘Clapper Adjusting Set Screws’ Woodcock, Bruce 671, 935 Waterloo day quarters 716 1090 Woodstock, South Africa (1903) 819 Watson, Helen 1005 ‘Ductile Iron and its use for Bell Woodton, Norfolk 1060 WEBSITES Clappers’ 817 Woodyatt, Bill Antiquarian Horological Society Edinburgh, St Andrew and St 90th birthday celebrations 988 1040 George 895 Woolley, Robin 918 Carlisle D G 336 first class service 403 Wootton, Lincs Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria frieze 1054 first peal since augmentation 1142 B C 772 Trinity House bells 1014, 1018 WORCESTER Elf 264 Whitechapel Guild 52 St John’s 841 English Calendar Internet 597 Whites of Appleton 450, 486, 488, St Swithun’s 601 GCNA update 1156 501, 575, 765 Workington, Cumbria free software 1034 Whittington, Dick 1207 Coronation anniversary quarter Hobart, Tasmania 4 Whittington, Philippa 653-5 617 model for territorial societies 66 Whitwick, Leics Wragby, Lincs 66 erratum 91 peal (1903) 753 Wright, Barbara 463 Russian bells 1160 Wickham Engineering 863 Writtle, Essex 562 Salisbury D G 1129 Wickham Skeith, Suffolk 562 Wyre, Frank 437 tax-efficient giving 363 Widecombe-in-the-Moor, Devon up-dating Dove’s Guide 72 first peal since augmentation 224 Yalding, Kent Washington ringers 72 Wiggenhall St Peter, Norfolk 427 special quarter 208 ‘Web Site Guideline for Developers’ bell to Ely, Nevada 456 Yeovilton, Somerset 775, 777-8 Wigney, Mike 148 special peal 1190 comment 910 Willans, Will 625 Yetminster, Dorset 556 weddings, ringing for 934 Willesborough, Kent YORK 654, 656 Wedmore, Somerset notable peal 899, 958 All Saints special quarters 161 Williams, Dr Rowan enthroned 285 first quarter on augmented ring Weetabix advert 505, 507 Williams, Neil 1156 562 Wellen, Robert 221 Willoughby Campanile team 677-8 Cathedral peal (1821) 1139 Wellington, Shropshire 1066 special quarter 678 Minster Wellington, Somerset 381 Willson, William fire 402 Wellington’s victories 271 Leics ringer (1903) 747 young persons’ quarter 237 Wells family quarter 765 Wilton, Wilts 964 York Colleges Guild 728 Wells Cathedral Wimborne Minster YORKSHIRE ASSOCIATION Gay family quarter 731 centenary peal 93, 115 941-3 quarter in memoriam Bishop Jim peal boards 789 (1902) 167 Thompson 1237 (1903) 93 Snowdon Memorial Dinner 1105 Welsh Colleges’ Society WINCHESTER & PORTSMOUTH D Scarborough & District 312, 682 quarter peal weekend 137 G quarter peal week 739 Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway Alton & Petersfield 17 Yorkshire tail ends 121-2, 124, 187, 505 Andover 360 234, 847 special peal at Berriew 492 Annual Dinner 488 variation on 234 special quarter at Welshpool 505 Christchurch and Southampton ‘You and Yours’, Radio 4 506 Wensleydale Railway plc 631, 922 quarter peal weekend 1173 young ringers’ e-list 1012 Wesley, John peal ringing history 402 300th birthday quarter 633, 643 Portsmouth ‘Zen and the Art of Belfry West Clandon, Surrey quarter peal month 113, 1101 Maintenance’
18 Floors 47 Spanners 54 Splicing 95 Zipper Society 10th anniversary peal 1092 zvon 338, 1136, 1210, 1225