Hammonton Board of Education
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Hammonton Board of Education 566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey AGENDA JANUARY 9, 2014
Call to order Mr. Joseph Giralo presiding
Roll Call Mr. Thomas Attanasi Mrs. Barbara Berenato Mr. Manny Bermudez Mrs. Linda Byrnes Mrs. Terri Chiddenton Mr. John Lyons Mr. Salvatore Mento III Ms. Lisa O’Toole Mr. Leo Petetti Mr. Eric Weiss Mr. Joseph Giralo
It is noted for the record that Ms. Lisa O’Toole, representing the Folsom Board of Education, is precluded from voting, under the constraints of N.J.S.A. 18A:38-8.1 and .2. Open Public Meetings Act Statement “The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend any meetings of public bodies at which their interests may be discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Hammonton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time, purpose and place thereof published in the Press of Atlantic City on January 4, 2014; and mailed to The Hammonton News, Hammonton Gazette; and posted on authorized premises.”
Closed Session WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act., N.J.S.A. 11:40-12 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Town of Hammonton in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, as follows: The public shall be excluded from discussion on the actions upon the hereinafter specified subject matter: Personnel matters, contracts/litigations, negotiations, matters of attorney/client privilege. Any discussion held by the Board which need not remain confidential, will be made public as soon as is practicable. Minutes of the closed session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists. The Board will reconvene to public session at the
1 Hammonton Board of Education 566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey AGENDA JANUARY 9, 2014
conclusion of the closed session. This Resolution shall become effective immediately.
Motion: ______Second: ______
Time: ______
Reconvene to Public Session Motion: ______Second: ______
Time: ______
Flag Salute The President will lead those assembled in the flag salute.
Public Discussion
Mrs. Marlou Welsh - ECEC Presentation, Students of the Month, and Superfriends
Action Items:
1. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the Board Minutes of December 12, 2013 (Open & Closed Sessions). Exhibit A
Motion: ______Second: ______
2. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the bill list for January 2014 in the amount of $1,015,761.31. Exhibit B
Motion: ______Second: ______
3. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the check lists for December 2013 and January 2014 in the amount of $327,942.77. Exhibit C
Motion: ______Second: ______
4. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the December 2013 payroll in the amount of $2,827,098.28. Exhibit D
Motion: ______Second: ______2 Hammonton Board of Education 566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey AGENDA JANUARY 9, 2014
5. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the November 2013 General Fund and Special Revenue Fund Expense Account Adjustments which include Appropriation Transfers. Exhibit E
Motion: ______Second: ______
6. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education certify that, as of November 2013; no budgetary line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3, and, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A- 16.10(c)4, accept the Board Secretary’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report prepared by the Assistant Business Administrator. Exhibit F
Motion: ______Second: ______
7. Resolution No. 14 01 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the Latchkey Program Bank Reconciliation for November 2013. Exhibit G
Motion: ______Second: ______
8. Resolution No. 14 01 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education ratify a tuition contract between Newark Board of Education and Hammonton Board of Education for school year 2013-2014, beginning on December 3, 2013, for BL for a total of $7,834. Income to the District.
Motion: ______Second: ______
9. Resolution No. 14 01 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education authorize to bid trash removal services.
Motion: ______Second: ______
Personnel It is hereby noted for the record that all Personnel recommendations are drawn with the Superintendent’s recommendation for approval.
10. Resolution No. 14 01 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a letter of resignation from Tiara Leidy, early childhood center teacher, effective January 10, 2014.
Motion: ______Second: ______3 Hammonton Board of Education 566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey AGENDA JANUARY 9, 2014
11. Resolution No. 14 01 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve an unpaid New Jersey Leave of Absence for Kristin Cavalucci, elementary school teacher, from approximately May 12 to approximately June 16, 2014 and from approximately September 1 to approximately September 10, 2014. Please note she will be applying for family leave insurance.
Motion: ______Second: ______
12. Resolution No. 14 01 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve an unpaid leave of absence for Alison Fedga, early childhood center part-time instructional aide, from January 6 to approximately January 24, 2014.
Motion: ______Second: ______
13. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a letter of retirement from Toni Condon, middle school teacher, effective July 1, 2014.
Motion: ______Second: ______
14. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a letter of retirement from Maria Della Peruta, high school teacher, effective July 1, 2014.
Motion: ______Second: ______
15. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve an unpaid New Jersey Leave of Absence for Kristin Coia, high school teacher, from approximately April 26 to approximately May 18, 2014. Please note she will be applying for family leave insurance.
Motion: ______Second: ______
16. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a salary adjustment for the following personnel effective February 1, 2014:
Michael Walsh – from BA+15 - $52,273 to BA+30 - $53,045
Motion: ______Second: ______
4 Hammonton Board of Education 566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey AGENDA JANUARY 9, 2014
17. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following personnel pending receipt of all necessary paperwork (current substitute pay schedule approved by the Board June 14, 2012: Regular County Substitute Certificate - $75.00 per day, Regular Standard State Teaching Certificate - $80.00 per day; substitute nurse pay schedule approved by the Board May 9, 2013: School Nurse - $200.00 per day):
David Colasurdo – substitute teacher pending a New Jersey substitute certificate
Motion: ______Second: ______
18. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the 2013-2014 updated list of high school winter athletic event workers (including gate) as per attached Exhibit H.
Motion: ______Second: ______
19. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the submission of an amendment to the NCLB FY14 application to include and budget FY13 Carryover as per attached Exhibit I.
Motion: ______Second: ______
20. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education affirm that the Superintendent’s HIB recommendation as discussed at the prior month’s meeting.
Motion: ______Second: ______
21. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the recommendation to accept one check to the middle school from Great American Corp (Magazines) in the amount of $789.00.
5 Hammonton Board of Education 566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey AGENDA JANUARY 9, 2014
Motion: ______Second: ______
22. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the recommendation to accept one check to the middle school from Box Tops for Education in the amount of $252.20.
Motion: ______Second: ______
23. Resolution No. 14 01 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the following Use of Facilities Requests, which were approved subject to receipt of all necessary documentation and reviewed by the Risk Management Consultant, who has approved all Certificates of Insurance unless noted otherwise:
2. MIDDLE SCHOOL a. Gymnasium (1) Woman’s Civic Club of Hammonton, Jennifer Bellace, Dance, Friday, January 10, 2014; 7:00 to 9:30 pm
3. HIGH SCHOOL a. Cafeteria (1) Hammonton Home and School Association, Aimee Barts, Coach Bingo Night, Friday, February 21, 2014; 4:00 pm to Midnight
b. Library (1) Alpha Alpha ADK, Shelley Henely, Wednesday, January 15, 2014; 4:00 to 9:00 pm
c. PAC/Cafeteria (1) Hammonton Football, Dave Capelli, End of Season Banquet, Tuesday, January 25, 2014; 6:00 to 9:00 pm
d. PAC (1) Backstage Performing Arts, Paul Wojciechowski, Regional Dance Competition, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 16 to 18, 2014; 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
(2) High School Choral Department, Marissa Carrafiello, Spring Concert, Tuesday, June 3, 2014; 6:00 to 10:00 pm
(3) High School Choral Department, Marissa Carrafiello, Annual Talent Show, Thursday, May 8, 2014; 6:00 to 10:00 pm 6 Hammonton Board of Education 566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey AGENDA JANUARY 9, 2014
Motion: ______Second: ______
Administrators’ Report
Assistant Superintendent High School Principal Middle School Principal Elementary School Principal Early Childhood Center Principal
Reports January 2014 School Calendar
Public Comment
Adjournment Motion______Second: ______Time: