[PLACE SCHOOL LOGO HERE] כי תישא תשס"ח - Parasha Quiz - Ki Tissa 5768

1. What is the meaning of "Sinai"?

2. What other names did the Sinai wilderness have?

3. What other name does the Torah use for the half shekel collection?

4. According to Rashi, how many different spices were included in the recipe for the incense offering?

5. Regarding Betzalel, the Torah indicates that God filled him with three types of wisdom – hokhmah,tevuinah and data. What is the difference between these three?

6. Shabbat is called a sign between God and the Jewish people. What other two mitzvot are identified as signs?

7. The seventh day is identified as a Shabbat Shabbaton. According to Rashi, who is the language doubled?

8. The two tablets Moshe brough down from Mount Sinai are identified as having being written with "the finger of God". Where else in the Torah does the phrase "the finger of God" appear?

9. Regarding Betzalel, the Torah says that he was filled with Ruah Elohim (the spirit of God). a) Where else in the Torah does that phrase appear? b) Regarding whom does the Torah say that he was "filled with spirit"?


1. According to Tractate Shabbat (89), Sinai is a pun for sinah (hatred), for hatred toward the Jews began when they received the Torah at Sinai. Another suggested pun is that it represent miracles (=nisim) done for the Jews.

2. According to Tractate Shabbat (89), , it is also called Tzin, Paran, Kedemot, Horev.

3. The money of atonement.

4. There are 11 spices.

5. Hokhmah – that which a person learns from others; Tevunah – inductive reasoning; Daat – Divine wisdom

6. Tefillin (Devarim 6:8), Brit Milah (Breishit 17:11). [PLACE SCHOOL LOGO HERE]

7. Rashi learns that even food preparation, such as cooking, is forbidden.

8. Regarding the plague of lice, the Egyptian sorcerers identify that it was "the finger of God".

9. a) Breishit 1:2 b) Yehoshua ben Nun (Bemidbar 27:18)

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