Planning Matrix For Section A - Organizational And Administrative Practices
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Planning Matrix for Section A - Organizational and Administrative Practices
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section A (Organizational and Administrative Practices) and develop a related Action Plan for the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section A: Establish a Basic Skills Institute or Center to provide students, faculty and staff at Cabrillo a highly coordinated community of teaching and learning in support of Basic Skills Students. Include in College Master Plan clear objectives that prioritize Basic Skills.
Action Plan for Section A: District: Cabrillo College District Academic Year _2007-2008_ College: Cabrillo College
Target Date for Responsible Person(s)/ Section Planned Action Effective Practice and Strategy Completion Department(s) Create a proposal for a basic skills institute or center, A.2, A.3 A clearly articulated mission based on a December 2007 Basic Skills Committee, VP including an ongoing budget for implementation and a shared, overarching philosophy drives the Instruction clear philosophy and mission. (Working title: Emerging developmental education program; the Scholars Institute). developmental ed. program is centralized or highly coordinated. Hold a campus Basic Skills Symposium to increase A.2.2 Diverse institutional stakeholders are February 22, 2008 Basic Skills Committee, campus awareness and present the campus plan for an involved in developing the developmental Faculty, Student Senate and institute. Solicit feedback from staff, students, and staff. education mission, philosophy, goals, and Clubs objectives. Pilot an English and Reading basic skills learning A.5.2 Comprehensive Learning Systems (e.g., Spring 2008 Division Deans, Faculty, community. learning communities, course-embedded Outreach Office, Program counseling, team teaching) exist and include Chairs,. Counseling developmental education students. Coordinator Designate support for basic skills and learning A.1 Developmental Education is a clearly stated Spring 2008 Basic Skills Committee and communities in new College Master Plan goals. institutional priority. Coordinator, Basic Skills Faculty, VP Instruction, VP Student Services Plan to expand Digital Bridge Academy to Aptos campus. A.5.2 Comprehensive Learning Systems (e.g., June 2008 Digital Bridge Academy learning communities, course-embedded Director, Division Deans counseling, team teaching) exist and include developmental education students.
______Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Faculty Senate President Date
Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success Part 2: Assessment Tool for Effective Practices in Basic Skills 1 Planning Matrix for Section B - Program Components
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section B (Program Components) and develop a related Action Plan for the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section B: Implement a basic skills institute or center in which Student Services personnel, Instructional faculty and staff, and Students play an integral role in engaging basic skills students with the college early in their Cabrillo careers.
Action Plan for Section B District: Cabrillo College District Academic Year _2007-2008_ College: Cabrillo College
Target Date for Responsible Person(s)/ Section Planned Action Effective Practice and Strategy Completion Department(s) Initiate research into whether students enrolled full-time B.2.4 Multiple indices exist to evaluate the September 2007 Basic Skills Committee, demonstrate greater persistence and success. efficacy of developmental ed. programs Planning and Research Office, DBA Researchers
Design and implement self-efficacy assessment that B.2.4, B.2.5 Multiple indices exist to evaluate the December 2007 Basic Skills Committee, identifies at-risk behaviors in order to implement early efficacy of developmental ed. programs; data Matriculation Coordinator, identification and intervention strategies and follow up obtained from course/program evaluation are Assessment Coordinator, with at-risk basic skills students. disseminated and used for future planning and Digital Bridge Academy continuous improvement. Researchers, Planning and Research Office, VP Instruction Launch pilot program connecting counselors to basic skills B.3.1-B.3.4 Counseling support provided is February 2008 Basis Skills Coordinator student cohorts started in spring 2008. substantial, accessible, and integrated with and Committee, academic courses/programs. Counseling Coordinator, VP Student Services, Matriculation Coordinator Offer textbook voucher assistance for students who B.4.3 The institution actively solicits additional aid June 2008 Basic Skills Coordinator complete pilot basic skills cohort. sources in support of developmental students and Cohort Faculty.
______Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Faculty Senate President Date
Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success Part 2: Assessment Tool for Effective Practices in Basic Skills 2 Planning Matrix for Section C - Faculty and Staff Development
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section C (Faculty and Staff Development) and develop a related Action Plan for the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section C: Create an ongoing plan for consistent local faculty and staff development that is especially inclusive of counselors, part- time instructors, and staff who work with basic skills students. Make opportunities available for faculty and staff to attend off-site meetings and conferences as well as to bring consultants onto campus for training.
Action Plan for Section C District: Cabrillo College District Academic Year 2007-2008 College: Cabrillo College
Target Date for Responsible Person(s)/ Section Planned Action Effective Practice and Strategy Completion Department(s) Participate in statewide regional events conducted through C.2.1 Developmental education faculty is involved Basic Skills Coordinator, C $1.6 million allocation, including events at Monterey in the design, planning, and implementation of staff September and Basic Skills Faculty, Deans, n o
i Peninsula College and Laney College. development activities related to developmental November 2007 VP Instruction t c
e education. S t
n Participate in CAL-PASS conference at Monterey C.2.1 Developmental education faculty is involved e
m Peninsula College to identify possible collaborative efforts in the design, planning, and implementation of staff March 2008 Basic Skills Coordinator, p
o among Santa Cruz County high schools, Cabrillo College development activities related to developmental Basic Skills Faculty l e
v and UCSC for future Santa Cruz County Cal-Pass efforts education Dean Instructional e
D around basic skills curricula. development, articulation
f f Host On Course two-day workshop in spring Flex Week. C.2.1, C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.4 Developmental faculty is Basic Skills Coordinator, a t
S Encourage instructors to attend Digital Bridge Academy involved in activities, activities address both theory January and Basic Skills Faculty, Staff
d faculty training in January. and practice, are widely attended, and promote February, 2008 Development Committee, n a interactions among instructors. VP Instruction y t l Plan On Course I three-day workshop for Flex Week in C.3.2, C.3.3 Staff Development activities are Basic Skills Coordinator and u c
a Fall 2008. comprehensive, ongoing, and adequately funded. June 2008 Committee, VP Instruction F
Sponsor ESL faculty to attend CATESOL state conference C.2.1, C.2.2, C.2.3, C.2.4 Developmental faculty Basic Skills Committee, in San Diego; send Reading faculty to CRLA spring is involved in activities, activities address both June 2008 Basic Skills Faculty conference; send Math representative to National theory and practice, are widely attended, and Association of Developmental Ed. conference. promote interactions among instructors.
Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success Part 2: Assessment Tool for Effective Practices in Basic Skills 3 Sponsor 15 Cabrillo faculty to participate in Digital C.2.2, C.2.3, C.3.2, C.3.3 Staff Development Basic Skills Committee, Bridge Academy staff training. activities address both theory and practice, are June 7-14 2008 Basic Skills Faculty widely attended, are comprehensive, ongoing, and adequately funded. Sponsor WRITE Institute Workshop for faculty and staff C.3.2, C.3.3 Staff Development activities are Basic Skills Committee, in Reading, English and ESL comprehensive, ongoing, and adequately funded. March 14, 2008 Basic Skills Faculty
Send three representatives to the National First Year C.2.1, C.2.2, Developmental faculty is involved in Basic Skills Committee, Experience Conference in San Francisco. activities, activities address both theory and February 2008 Basic Skills Faculty practice. Matriculation Coordinator
______Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Faculty Senate President Date
Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success Part 2: Assessment Tool for Effective Practices in Basic Skills 4 Planning Matrix for Section D - Instructional Practices
Please state your college’s Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section D (Instructional Practices) and develop a related Action Plan for the next year (1 yr.) Include planned actions that require new funds and those that will not rely on new funds; also, reference the related effective practice(s), identify targeted completion dates, and identify persons responsible for each activity.
Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for Section D: Through a Basic Skills Center or Institute, improve coordination of academic support services and promote dialog between faculty teaching at all levels within and across disciplines to share strategies and standards.
Action Plan for Section D District: Cabrillo College District Academic Year _2007-2008_ College: Cabrillo College
Target Date for Responsible Person(s)/ Section Planned Action Effective Practice and Strategy Completion Department(s) Offer new Special Topics lab for Writing Study Skills in D.1, D.2 Sound principles of learning theory are September 2007 English/ESL Learning Lab various disciplines (English 155A-Z) applied in design and delivery of developmental Directors courses; curricula and practices proven effective within disciplines are employed. Revamp and update Aptos Reading Lab materials. D.1, D.2 Sound principles of learning theory are September 2007 Reading Lab Director applied in design and delivery of developmental courses; curricula and practices proven effective within disciplines are employed. Invest in Modumath for basic skills math students. D.1, D.2 Sound principles of learning theory are June 2008 Math Program Chair, Math applied in design and delivery of developmental Learning Center Director courses; curricula and practices proven effective within disciplines are employed. Support the use of emWave Heart Rate Variability (HRV) D.1 Sound principles of learning theory are June 2008 Digital Bridge Academy hand-held monitors in Digital Bridge Program to teach applied in design and delivery of developmental Program Manager. students self-awareness related to stress management. courses. Adopted new software in ESL lab to support instruction in D.10 Programs provide comprehensive academic June 2008 Writing Center/ESL Lab phonics and interactive language learning. support mechanisms, including the use of trained Director, ESL Program tutors. Chair Updated tutor training video to provide current D.10 Programs provide comprehensive academic June 2008 Tutorials Center Director information and topics. support mechanisms, including the use of trained tutors.
Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success Part 2: Assessment Tool for Effective Practices in Basic Skills 5 Reinstitute previous early assistance system for basic D.9.2 Faculty and advising staff provide early Basic Skills Committee, skills students and encourage faculty and others to intervention and support to students experiencing September 2007 Counselors, EAP intervene with at-risk students. academic and/or personal difficulties. Coordinator, Faculty, Matriculation Coordinator Dedicate writing tutor to Puente program D.10 Programs provide comprehensive academic Puente English Instructor, support mechanisms, including the use of trained September 2007 BELA Dean tutors. Create first (temporary) Lab Instructional Assistant D.10 Programs provide comprehensive academic Reading Lab Director, position in Aptos Reading Lab support mechanisms, including the use of trained September 2007 BELA Dean tutors. Provide more tutoring for basic skills students in D.10 Programs provide comprehensive academic Watsonville ILC, Aptos Tutorials students. support mechanisms, including the use of trained September 2007 Tutorials and Watsonville tutors. ILC Lab Directors, Dean Instructional Development and Matriculation Expand online writing tutoring for students in pre- D.10 Programs provide comprehensive academic collegiate distance education courses. support mechanisms, including the use of trained September 2007 Writing Center/ESL Lab tutors. Director, BELA Dean Provide tutoring in ESL classes and in ECE classes with D.10 Programs provide comprehensive academic ESL Program Chair, ECE predominantly ESL students. support mechanisms, including the use of trained September 2007 Program Chair, BELA Dean tutors. Expand Lab Instructional Assistant contract in Learning D.10 Programs provide comprehensive academic Learning Skills Program Skills Lab. support mechanisms, including the use of trained September 2007 Chair tutors. Institute Irlen Syndrome Testing for basic skills students D.10 Programs provide comprehensive academic Academic Specialist, Dean support mechanisms, including the use of trained September 2007 Instructional Development tutors. and Matriculation, Tutorials Coordinator Study ESL program and design a new program plan for D.2.3 Developmental courses/programs implement ESL Program Chair and the next five years. Explore content-based instruction for effective curricula and practices for ESL June 2008 Faculty, BELA Dean ESL curriculum revisions.
______Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Faculty Senate President Date
Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success Part 2: Assessment Tool for Effective Practices in Basic Skills 6