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Curriculum Vitae – short version
Stein Tønnesson
Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Private address: Jacob Aalls gt. 13 N-0368 Oslo
Tel. +47 48 10 12 92 (cell); +1 202 429 4744 (office); +1 202 413 2812 (cell) e-mail: [email protected] personal website: www.cliostein.com
1991 Dr. philos., History, University of Oslo 1982 Cand. philol. with French (University of Århus) and History (University of Oslo).
Work experience
2010-2011 Senior Fellow, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C. 2009- Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) 2001-2009 Director, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) 1997-2001 Professor II, Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo 1992-1998 Research professor and Senior Fellow, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen 1990-1992 Research fellow, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) 1986-1992 Doctoral scholarships, NAVF and University of Oslo 1983-1985 Employed by the Norwegian Association of Sports to write a history of Norwegian sports 1983 Amanuensis, teaching history at the University of Oslo 1975-1976 Journalist, Østlendingen Solør-Odal, Kongsvinger 1974 Journalist apprentice, Glåmdalen, Kongsvinger
{110223 Tonnesson CV short v1} 1 Research administration, board memberships
2011- Member of the Board of Institutt for samfunnsstudier (Institute of Social Research), Oslo 2010- Editorial Board Member, Global Asia (Seoul) 2007-2011 Member of the Board of Norfund (Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries)
Vietnam 1946: How the War Began, Berkeley CA: California University Press, 2010. Spor i tid: Verden etter 1850 (with Tor Egil Førland), textbook in world history 1850-95 for Norwegian secondary schools, Oslo: Aschehoug, 1995. The Vietnamese Revolution of 1945: Roosevelt, Ho Chi Minh and de Gaulle in a World at War, London, SAGE, 1991. 1946: Le déclenchement de la guerre d’Indochine - les vêpres tonkinoises du 19 décembre, Paris, l’Harmattan, 1987. ‘Folkehelse, trim, stjerner 1939–1986’ Vol. 2 of Norsk idretts historie, Oslo, Aschehoug, 1986. Røde skoger: Skogsarbeidere forteller fra klassekampen på landsbygda, Oslo: PAX, 1976.
Edited volumes
Odd Arne Westad, Chen Jian, Stein Tønnesson, Nguyen Vu Tung and James G. Herschberg (eds), 77 Conversations between Chinese and Foreign Leaders on the Wars in Indochina, 1964–1977, Cold War International History Project, Working Paper No. 22, 1998. Hans Antlöv & Stein Tønnesson (eds), Imperial Policy and Southeast Asian Nationalism 1930– 1957, London: NIAS/Curzon Press, 1995. Review Bijdragen, 1996. Stein Tønnesson & Hans Antlöv (eds), Asian Forms of the Nation, London: NIAS/Curzon Press, 1996.
Articles in refereed journals
‘ What Is It that Best Explains the East Asian Peace Since 1979? A Call for a Research Agenda,’ Asian Perspective 33(1), 2009: 111-136. ‘The Class Route to Nationhood: China, Vietnam, Norway, Cyprus – and France,’ Nations and Nationalism 15(3), 2009: 375-395. ‘ The South China Sea in the Age of European Decline,’ Modern Asian Studies 40(1), 2006: 1–57. ‘ The Imperial Temptation,’ Security Dialogue 35(3), September 2004: 329–343. ‘Globalising national states,’ Nations and Nationalism 10(1/2), January/April 2004: 179-194. ‘ Sino-Vietnamese Rapprochement and the South China Sea Irritant,’ Security Dialogue 34(1), March 2003: 55–70. ‘ Why are the Disputes in the South China Sea So Intractable? A Historical Approach’, Asian Journal of Social Science 30(3), 2002: 570-601. ‘ The Paracels: The ‘Other’ South China Sea Dispute,’Asian Perspective, 26(4), 2002: 145-169. {110223 Tonnesson CV short v1} ‘ China and the South China Sea: A Peace Proposal’, Security Dialogue 31(3), September 2000: 307-326. ‘ Vietnam’s Objective in the South China Sea: National or Regional Security?,’ Contemporary Southeast Asia, vol. 22, no. 1, April 2000: 199–220. ‘ The Longest Wars: Indochina 1945-75’, Journal of Peace Research (1)1985: 9-30.
Select book chapters
‘Energy Security and Climate Change: The Potential Role of China and India,’ in Gunnar Fermann, ed., Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Forces of Fragmentation and Integration. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2009: 188-220. ‘Franklin Roosevelt, Trusteeship, and Indochina: A Reassessment,’ in Mark Atwood Lawrence & Fred Logevall, eds, The First Vietnam War: Colonial Conflict and Cold War Crisis. Cambridge MA: HarvardUniversity Press, 2007: 56–73. ‘Locating the South China Sea,’ in Paul H. Kratoska and Remco Raben, eds, Locating Southeast Asia: Geographies of Knowledge and Politics of Space. Singapore: SingaporeUniversity Press, 2005: 203-233. ‘ Marine vietnamienne et défense de l’espace maritime’ [The Vietnamese Navy and the Defence of Maritime Space], in Christopher E. Goscha & Benoît De Tréglodé, eds, Naissance d’un État- Parti: Le Viêt Nam depuis 1945 [The Birth of a Party-State: Vietnam since 1945]. Paris : Les Indes Savantes, 2004: 383–413. ‘ National divisions in Indochina’s decolonization,’ in Prasenjit Duara, ed., Decolonization. London: Routledge, 2004: 253–277. ‘ Hanoi’s Long Century,’ in Robert Buzzanco & Marilyn Blatt Young, eds, A Companion to the Vietnam War. London: Blackwell, 2002: 1-16. ‘ The Layered State of Vietnam,’ chapter 11 in Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard and Susan Young, eds, State Capacity in East Asia: China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Japan,Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000: 236–268. ‘ Problèmes de l’utilisation des archives des services secrets dans les recherches sur le Viêt Nam pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale,’ in Philippe Le Failler & Jean Marie Mancini (eds.), Viêt Nam. Sources et approches, Aix-en-Provence, Publications de l’Université de Provence, 1996: 77–85.
Recent book reviews
Anthony Reid, Imperial Alchemy. Nationalism and Political Identity in Southeast Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, in Pacific Affairs, forthcoming. Donati, Caroline, 2009. L’exception syrienne entre modernisation et résistance [The Syrian Exception between Modernisation and Resistance]. Paris: La Découverte, book note in Journal of Peace Research Vol. 47, No. 6, 2010, p. 811. Nordhaus, William, 2008. A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, book note in Journal of Peace Research Vol. 47, No. 6, 2010, p. 813. Chaliand, Gérard, 2008. Le nouvel art de la guerre [The New Art of War]. Paris: l’Archipel, book note in Journal of Peace Research Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 662. O’Dowd, Edward C., 2007. Chinese Military Strategy in the Third Indochina War: The Last Maoist War. London: Routledge, book note in Journal of Peace Research Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 664.
{110223 Tonnesson CV short v1} 3 Fravel, M. Taylor, 2008. Strong Borders, Secure Nation: Cooperation and Conflict in China’s Territorial Disputes. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, book note in Journal of Peace Research Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 662. Macmillan, Margaret, 2007. Nixon and Mao: The Week that Changed the World. New York: Random House, book note in Journal of Peace Research,Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 663. Smith, Ralph B., 2009. Pre-Communist Indochina. Ed. by Beryl Williams. London: Routledge and Smith, Ralph B., 2009. Communist Indochina. Ed. by Beryl Williams. London: Routledge, book note in Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 47, No. 5, 2010, p. 665. Emmers, Ralf, Geopolitics and Maritime Territorial Disputes in East Asia. London: Routledge, 2010, in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 111-113. Øyvind Østerud, Hva er krig? Oslo: U-forlaget, 2010, in Apollon, No. 1, 2010 (posted on the web 12 March): http://www.apollon.uio.no/vis/art/2010_1/artikler/bok_krig. A debate followed, with Tønnesson providing a lengthy response, posted on 31 May 2010: http://www.apollon.uio.no/vis/art/2010_2/artikler/fredsforsker_bokdiskusjon
Recent popular articles
‘Fra folkekrig til folkemakt’ [From People’s War to People Power], Morgenbladet, 11 February 2011. ‘Da Hu og Obama ble likemenn’ [When Hu and Obama Became Equals], Morgenbladet, 28 January 2011. ‘Obama mot sentrum’ [Obama Moving Towards the Centre], Morgenbladet, 7 January 2011. ‘Når slipper Liu Xiaobo fri?’ [When Will Liu Xiabo Be Released?], Morgenbladet, 10 December 2010. ‘Kim Jong-il tør ikke’ [Kim Jong-il doesn’t dare], Morgenbladet, 2 December 2010. ‘Ikke for tidlig med Kina-pris’ [Not Too Early for China Prize], Morgenbladet, 22 October 2010. ‘Skarp satiriker’ [Sharp Satire], Morgenbladet, 15 October 2010. ‘Såre fingre av sensur’ [Sore Fingers From Censoring], Morgenbladet, 15 October 2010. ‘Kina bekymrer meg’ [China Worries Me], Morgenbladet, 8 October 2010. ‘Farlig kinesisk spill’ [Risky Chinese Game], Morgenbladet, 1 October 2010. ‘Langt igjen til gjenforent Korea’ [Long Before Korea Will Be United], Morgenbladet, 20 August 2010. ‘Storm over Korea’ [Storm in Korea], Hvor hender det? no. 2, 2010-2011. ‘Rødt mot gult i Asia’ [Red Versus Yellow in Asia], Morgenbladet, 16 July 2010. ‘Fredsskapende kvinner i Sør-Thailand’ [Peace Making Women in Southern Thailand], Morgenbladet, 11 June 2010. ‘Fredsskapende grenser’ [Peace Making Borders], Morgenbladet, 6 May 2010.
Recent lectures and Talks
‘New Approaches to the Social History of Warfare,’ Montreal, 25 February. ‘The South China Sea and China’s Security Strategy in East Asia - are we entering an era of strategic conflict?’ Panel introduction, Stockholm China Forum, 23 January. ‘East Asia’s Thirty Years’ Peace: Internally or Externally Driven?’ Fairbanks Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, 18 February. ‘The Role of Norway in Peace Processes,’ mediation course, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C., 18 January.
{110223 Tonnesson CV short v1} 2010
‘The Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo,’ informal presentation to a group of students from Hedmark College, Oslo University College, 10 December. ‘Vietnam 1946: Hur kriget borjade,’ [Vietnam 1946: How the War Began], presentation of new book at seminar organized by Vietnamforeningen, ABF-huset, Stockholm, 8 December. ‘The Role of Norway in Peace Processes,’ mediation course, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C., 30 November. ‘Misperceptions, National Interests, and Law in the South China Sea,’ paper presented to the Second International Workshop The South China Sea: Cooperation for Regional Security and Development, 10-12 November, 2010, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. ‘Hvor går Kina? Kollaps, konflikt eller fortsatt fredelig vekst?’ [Where Is China Heading? Collapse, Conflict, or Persistent Peaceful Growth], Polyteknisk forening, Oslo, 23 September. ‘The East Asian peace since 1979,’ Bjørknes University College, Oslo, 10 September. ‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ Bjørknes University College, Oslo, 6 September. ‘Peace and Conflict in Southeast Asia,’ keynote address, the 6th EUROSEAS conference, Göteborg, 28 August. Speech on PRIO’s behalf at Håkan Wiberg’s funeral, Copenhagen 24 August. ‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ Peace and Conflict Studies (PECOS), University of Oslo, 20 August. ‘War and Peace in Indochina,’ International Summer School, University of Oslo, 21 July. ‘War and Peace in the Long 20th Century,’ International Summer School, University of Oslo, 20 July. ‘1979 som verdenshistorisk vendepunkt: Kontrafaktisk historie’ [1979 as a World Historical Turning Point: Counterfactual History], Course for Secondary School Teachers, Nes videregående skole, 21 April. ‘Facilitation of Peace Processes: The Role of Small and Medium Sized States,’ Conference on International Conflict Mediation at the Crossroads, TAPRI, Tampere 16 April (via Skype). ‘Stormakten Kina: Truende eller fredelig?’ [China as Great Power: Threatening or Peaceful?], Course for Secondary School Teachers, the Norwegian Nobel Institute, 25 March. ‘Krig og fred i Indokina, 1945-2010’ [War and Peace in Indochina, 1945-2010] Universitetet i Agder, 9 March. ‘Blir verden mer fredelig?’ [Is the World Becoming More Peaceful?], Høgskolen i Lillehammer, 18 February. ‘Østasias fred’ [The East Asian peace], Ris menighetshus, Oslo, 17 February. ‘Krig og fred i det lange 20. århundre’ [War and Peace in the Long 20th Century], Oppegård Pensjonistakademi, Kolbotn, 10. februar. ‘The East Asian peace since 1979,’ Institute of Democracy and Peace, Udayana University, Bali, 8 February. ‘Vietnam 1946: How the War Began,’ Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore, 3 February. ‘The East Asian peace since 1979,’ S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2 February.
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