Outpost Area: Survival

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Outpost Area: Survival

Mogollon Rendezvous 2009 Outpost Report

Outpost Area: Survival

Activity: Game Calling

Author: Jeff Heinze

Summary / goals of activity:  To teach the youth about hunting, and calling game.

Safety Concerns: 1. None.

Staffing needs. (Assignments, and tasks to man) 1. At least two adults required

Layout and location of area. (Sq feet, tables, canopies and chairs, etc use photos) 1. 1-2 canopies, 3-4 tables for displays. 2. Possible Electrical requirement if showing a video.

Special skills, training or certifications needed. 1. Someone that is proficient in hunting and game calling. 2. Try to get a sponsor from a local hunting club. List some contacts and options, include phone numbers or email or websites.

Materials list (qty, source, COST, prep, leadtimes, etc) Item Source Cost Quantity Comments Various game calls and If you don’t already have videos. the equipment, this could cost up to $300-$400 List several brands / types Where to $$ ## of calls (be specific) get List several brands / types Where to $$ ## of calls (be specific) get List several brands / types Where to $$ ## of calls (be specific) get List several calling CDs that Where to $$ ## are known good ones get List several videos that are Where to $$ ## known good ones get

Alcohol or other disinfectant Used to disinfect game calls (Rubbing alcohol or IPA??) after each use. What technique works best spray, wipe down, immersion, etc?

Canopies (what type & size?) 2 Tables (what size??) 3-4 Chairs (do you need chairs ?? for the boys?)

Chairs ADC NA 1-4 Enough for staff Table (small or large) ADC NA 1 Water Cooler (3-5 Gal) ADC NA 1 Need about 15 gal of water Garbage can and liners ADC NA 1 Need 3 liners First Aid Kit ADC NA 1 Standard items Cooler with blocks of ice ADC Refreshments for staff Hand cleaner and paper ADC NA 1 towels FRS radio ADC NA 1 Use to contact main camp for assistance or emergency

Workflow Narrative of how to make it work and biggest challenges.  This area needs to be placed in a high traffic area in order to get the boys in to it.  You need someone that is a hunter and experienced with various types of game calls… ie: turkey, elk, deer, varmint etc. There are various hunting clubs in the valley that could be contacted as resources. List the possible contacts by name and contact info.  Have a skilled person show the boys how to use hand calls. Have a few extras available for the boys to practice with.

Scoring strategy (team dress, cheer/spirit, teamwork, time (if timed), quality of work, etc) 1. Total of 10 points is possible for this event a. 6 points if all scouts actively participate in activity b. 2 points for rendezvous appropriate class B uniform c. 1 point for team cheer d. 1 point for cleaning up area prior to leaving

Outpost awards: (Typical awards, details, and costs.) 1. Handheld game calls. Approximately $5.00-$7.00 each – or free if you can get a local hunting club to donate them

Transportation of materials, set-up, tear down resources or special tools. 1. 2.

Alternative Contacts or Content Experts:

Contact Phone Number Email address Comments Photos of actual operation:

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