Project Schedule Specification
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A. This Specification addresses the management process of planning, executing, controlling, and reporting project progress. The Project Schedule (PS) submitted by the Contractor is the key legal document in the presentation of the Contractor’s plan for execution of all work under the Contract. The Project Schedule (PS) shall be the Contractor’s working schedule and shall be used to plan, organize, and execute the design and construction work.
B. The purposes of the PS are:
1. To assure, at all times, coordination of the work of the Contractor, the various subcontractors, material suppliers, and all other parties associated with the construction of the project.
2. To record and report actual performance and progress.
3. To assist the contractor and Client/Client Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) in monitoring the progress of the work and evaluating any time impact(s) associated with changes, proposed changes, or performance delays upon the PS and dates of Physical Completion and Final Completion.
4. To assist the Client/Client Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) and Contractor in preparing and evaluating the Contractor’s Monthly progress payment.
5. To demonstrate how the contractor plans to execute and complete all remaining work at the end of each progress reporting period.
A. Project Schedule (PS) deliverables shall be submitted and reviewed for acceptance like any other construction submittals in accordance with the Client/ Client Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) standard procedure.
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance B. Project Schedule (PS) deliverables shall be prepared by qualified planner/scheduler knowledgeable in planning and scheduling program viz., Primavera and checked and certified by the Contractor’s Project Manager (PM) before prior official transmittal.
C. PS review-comments made by Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) will not relieve Contractor from compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents.
D. Submit the following Project Schedules (PS) in accordance with the Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) construction submittal procedure.
1. Preliminary Project Schedule (PPS):
a. PPS is to be submitted by the contractor to Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Managers (PM) within 7 calendar days after Kick-Off Meeting, following Contract Award.
b. Design outputs with milestones should be detailed to show all deliverables on this PPS.
c. Tender and Award stages and milestones of other trade contractors, including owner-supplied items (OSM) are required to be included in this PPS.
d. Submission of PPS is a required submittal after issuance of Notice to Proceed/Notice of Award.
2. Baseline Project Schedule (BPS):
a. BPS is required to be submitted by the contractor to Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) within 30 calendar days upon approval of PPS.
b. Submission is a prerequisite to approval and release of the first contractor’s progress payment.
3. Updated Project Schedule (UPS):
a. UPS is required to be submitted by the contractor to Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) weekly, following approval of the BPS.
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance b. Weekly UPS Reconciliation and Acceptance/Approval by Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) is a prerequisite to the approval and release of the Contractor’s Monthly Progress Payment.
4. Final As-Built Project Schedule (FPS):
a. FPS is required to be submitted by the contractor to Client/Client’s Representatives and/or Project Manager (PM) within 15 calendar days of Project Completion.
b. FPS’ Acceptance by Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) is a prerequisite to
1.Release of Final Payment
2.Final Acceptance Certification
E. Project Schedule (PS) submittal shall include the following:
1. Three (3) hardcopies of
1.a. Schedule Narrative Report (indicating technical and calculated assumptions, phasing plan, construction cycle timeline, etc.) for BPS.
1.b. Gannt (Bar) Charts of the following schedule layouts for BPS and UPS:
1.a.1.Critical Path
1.a.2.Activities in progress and completed during reporting period
1.a.3.2 weeks look-ahead schedule
1.c. A scheduling software-generated labor resource histogram and cumulative total labor curve report-output for both planned and actual to date labor resources
1.d. A scheduling software-generated cost histogram and cumulative total cost curve for both planned and actual to date cost data
1.e. A Primavera “Claim Digger“ - report showing any and all changes in the current UPS, in case/s of EOT claim and/or Delay Analysis.
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance 2. Two (2) Compact Discs Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) containing the executable schedule backup file, the corresponding narrative report, and all other reports (as stipulated in item E.1 of this specification). Each CD-ROM shall have a printed label with the project name, content, and date of data creation.
3. A copy of an executable electronic native file (Primavera, with file extension - .xer) by the Contractor for submission to the Project Manager.
A. The Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) shall accept, reject, or accept as noted, with comments, suggestions, and/or requests for clarification, in writing –not later than 7 calendar days after receipt of all required information, in every stage of project schedule development (PPS, BPS, UPS and FPS).
B. Under no circumstances does Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager’s “acceptance” of a baseline or PS revision be construed as to modify, or imply a modification to, any aspect of the Construction Contract or Contract Duration.
C. At the instruction of the Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM), the Contractor is required to participate in any meeting/s necessary to reach a mutual agreement on any PS, PS reports, and PS update or any revision/s.
D. The Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) is to instruct the Contractor for additional information as a result of the review process, and the Contractor shall comply with such instruction.
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance E. If any of the required Contractor submissions are returned for correction, addition, or revision, then they shall be resubmitted within 7 calendar days after the instruction of resubmission.
F. If the Contractor fails to submit any PS, or update, or any other information required under this section, then the Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) can withhold approval of the Contractor’s progress payment until the Contractor submits the required information or submittal.
G. The Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager’s (PM) review of the Contractor’s Project Schedule and updates thereto, is for compliance with this Section and other Contract requirements. Acceptance by the Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) of the Contractor’s Project Schedule and updates does not relieve the Contractor of any of its responsibility, whatsoever, for the accuracy or feasibility of the PS or of the Contractor’s obligation to achieve the dates of Final (Contract) Completion of Work. Such acceptance does not expressly or impliedly warrant, acknowledge, and admit the reasonableness of the activities, logic, durations, and resource loading of the Contractor’s PS.
A. The Contractor is required to have the following software for the project:
1. A Primavera Project Scheduling software products, latest version
2. An available Comparator Software to be used for delay analysis and claim assessment
The contractor is required to have their PPS be based on the following conditions, as minimum requirements:
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance A. From Contract Award, prepare a detailed plan for executing all project activities and milestones, specifically covering the first 90 calendar days of construction (at a minimum) that include design, submittal, procurement, mobilization, etc.
B. PPS should include summary level activities (rolled-up) for the period beyond the first 90 days of construction through project completion (as mentioned in item 2.02A).
C. Develop resource and cost loading feature and strategy required for the PPS. Activity durations shall be resource and productivity driven as applicable.
D. Anticipated legal holidays and climatic and seasonal weather condition (whether wet and dry season) shall be considered and included in the planning and scheduling of all works.
E. Provide sufficient detail to establish a reasonable critical path, and sufficient planning to assure on time project completion.
F. Include the entire contract project duration which is based on the cumulative calendar days, from Day One (refer to contract) to Contract Completion.
G. Duration and Milestone/s for Substantial Completion, Hand-over and Final Completion (release of Certificate of Completion) shall be included in the PS.
H. The duration between Substantial Completion and Final Completion (release of Certificate of Completion/ Contract Completion Date) shall not exceed 30 calendar days for the correction of items on the final schedule of defects.
I. Include the following activities as applicable, but not limited to:
1. Administrative Processes (Permits, Insurances, Provisional Sums, etc.)
2. Design Deliverables and Construction Document preparation (refer to reference template)
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance 3. Mobilization and demobilization activities
4. Activities defining approvals required by regulatory agencies or other third parties
5. Delivery of Owner Supplied Materials for Contractor installation and Subcontract works (nominated and domestic)
6. Preparation, certification, submission, and approval of all construction execution submittals
7. Tender and Procurement (refer to reference template)- manufacturing, fabrication, assembly and delivery of all major materials, equipment, and specialty items.
8. Building Top-out/Top-off, Building Water-tightness
9. Start-up, Testing and Commissioning activities and Building Power-up (permanent)
10. Project Close-out including final cleaning, removal of temporary facilities, demobilization activities, etc.
11. Post Occupancy activities
J. Activity description shall clearly define the activity’s work and work location, as applicable, so any person reading the description of the task or milestone does not need the reference of other activities or schedule parameter to fully understand what is being accomplished.
K. At a minimum, assign as appropriate, all activity codes listed below to each schedule activity for the purpose of organizing and grouping similar items of works.
1. Phase – Milestones , Design, Procurement, Construction, Close-out
2. Area – Zone 1, Zone 2, etc. Podium 1, Podium 2, Tower 1, Tower 2 etc.
3. Discipline – Civil/Structural, Architectural, MEPF, ELV, FF&E
4. Uniformat– A.Substructure, B.Shell, C.Interior, D.Services, etc.
5. Work Item - A10. Foundation, A20. Basement ,B10. Superstructure, B20. Exterior Enclosure etc.
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance 6. Responsibility – Client, GenCon, Trade Con1, Trade Con 2, etc.
The contractor is required to have their BPS be based on the following conditions, as minimum requirements:
b.A. Revise the PPS to include all planned activities for construction, commissioning, and demobilization, etc. (as cited in item 2.02.I).
b.B. Include, as separate activities, those related to the procurement of long lead materials or equipment. Long lead items shall be those items that have a procurement cycle of 90 calendar days and above. Example of procurement activities include submittals, purchasing, fabrication, and delivery.
b.C. In case of modifications or changes in design and construction plans, contractor to update the BPS occurring between the Design Development and Construction Document submittals.
b.D. Once accepted by Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM), there shall be no changes made to the BPS, except as provided in Part 2.08 of this Section.
b.E. Expenditure of available float established in the BPS shall be for the benefit of the Project. Methods to limit or control ownership of the float, such as inclusion of any lag and/or constraint assignments, excessive activity duration (not supported through resource-loading), etc., shall not be accepted.
A. With each PS update, assign a new data date in a sequential manner, to maintain an archive of all previous updates and the original baseline (refer to flowchart).
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance B. Identify the status of work in progress by displaying activity percent complete and the actual duration on the bar chart (refer to reference template).
C. The only changes to the UPS permitted for the Contractor’s submission of the progress payment are those reflecting actual start, actual completion, and percent complete. After the progress payment has been accepted by the Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) the Contractor may submit his proposal for changes to the UPS going forward.
D. Subsequent to the Progress Payment update (used to determine the percentages for the Contractor’s monthly payment) if the UPS falls behind schedule, the Contractor may suggest changes to the schedule in the way (when, which activities, and what order to start activities) he chooses to progress his work. He also may choose to amend future or in-progress activity durations based on anticipated resource availability.
These changes would constitute a change to the baseline once accepted by the Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM), whether it was one logic link change or hundreds, one activity addition or many, one decrease or increase in an activity duration or many. No logic, duration, and activity addition or deletion should be made before the monthly schedule update.
E. Acceptance of the PS update and post update revision does not constitute a change to the Contract and does not constitute acceptance of increased or accelerated Contract duration. Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) (PM) accepts the submittal as a snapshot of the Contractor’s current work progress and does not endorse or condemn his means and methods. It is the Contractor’s sole responsibility to complete the work by the current Contract completion date.
F. Schedule progress meetings shall be held on site once a month during construction to discuss the monthly UPS. The meeting shall be attended by the Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM), Contractor’s Project Manager and Contractor’s Scheduler responsible for schedule development and maintenance (refer to Construction Project Management Plan for the schedule and procedure by the Project Manager).
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance A. Any schedule submission shall include a narrative report. The narrative shall detail the status of the Project from a schedule perspective for the critical path and other differing float paths that address the following items:
1. An explicit statement as to whether or not the Project is on schedule.
2. An explicit statement that there are no changes other than the updating process to the PS update from the baseline and the previous update, supported by Comparator Software for delay analysis and claim assessment
3. Physical progress during the report period
4. Works completed, continued, and started during the period for each subcontractor
5. Works planned to be completed or started next period
6. Actions planned to correct any negative float
7. Explanation of suspended work (e.g., work that is started but is taking longer than the planned duration because work stopped for a period of time)
8. Explanation of potential problems that may result in delays, along with steps taken to avoid the problems
9. Evaluation of Project performance and schedule status with regard to on-time completion
10. Any changes to the BPS, clearly identified, described, and justified.
A. Resource Loading
A.1.All physical work activities, excluding design, shall be resource loaded – labor by trade and supervisory staff, major equipment, and primary materials. The required resources of labor, equipment, and materials to perform the work shall be shown for each activity. Labor resources shall show the number of people that make up each crew (e.g. 3 carpenters, 2 laborers, 4 electricians, etc.). Major equipment such as cranes, pile driving rigs, dozers, etc., shall be shown for each activity in which the equipment is required to perform the works.
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance A.2.Failure to incorporate resource loading and establish planned productivity rates as timely/periodically required will result in Contractor’s waiver of any right to compensation and time extension for loss of productivity and may result in the rejection of the BPS. Submission of any such claim will be rejected for failure to establish baseline productivity by which any claimed loss would be measured.
A.3.Activity duration shall be driven by resource loading
B. Manpower Requirements
a.1. Prepare a weekly (minimum) histogram and cumulative line graph vs. worker- days for planned and actual-to-date manpower for each trade and the overall labor. Use the resource loaded BPS to generate the histogram and line graph.
C. Cost Loading
a.1. Assign a cost value to each physical work activity.
a.2. Assign a lump sum value per design submission in accordance with Contract
a.3. Cost load activities defining design, mobilization, construction, major equipment delivery, demobilization, and all activities listed as a deliverables.
a.4. Do not provide cost on load submittal, submittal review, and submittal acceptance activities, unless otherwise specified in Contract/Bill of Quantities.
a.5. Do not cost load procurement, manufacturing, shipping, and summary activities unless otherwise specified in Contract/Bill of Quantities. Assign material and equipment costs to the respective resources of the applicable construction and installation activities.
a.6. Front-loading is not generally permitted and costs that are deemed unreasonably high shall be rejected by the Client/Client’s Representative and/ or Project Manager (PM) for progress payment invoice.
a.7. The sum of all cost loaded activities shall equal the total Contract value.
a.8. Do not provide cost load on milestones.
a.9. Do not provide cost load on hammock activities.
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance D. Cash Flow Projection
1. Prepare a weekly histogram and cumulative line graph by months vs. earned value for planned and actual-to-date earned value. Use the cost loaded BPS to generate the histogram and line graph.
E. Earned Value and Application for Payment
a.1. Applications for progress payments shall be based on the cost-loaded activities from the BPS and UPS for installed items. No progress payments shall be made for materials stored on site or in a secured warehouse off-site, unless otherwise specified in Contract/Bill of Quantities.
a.2. No payment shall be made without the (reconciled) earned value analysis from the UPS. No costs shall be claimed in excess of the earned values defined by the BPS when approved by the Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM).
a.3. The accepted UPS from the previous month is to be used for earned value analysis for payment of the current month’s Progress Payment request. The Contractor is to adhere to the regimen of making no logic changes to the UPS until his progress payment is approved. Otherwise the Progress Payment will not be approved.
a.4. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in rejection of the progress payment in part or in full, at the discretion of the Client/Client’s Representative and/or Project Manager (PM).
A. Contractor shall prepare a Contractor’s Procurement Phase Spreadsheet (refer to reference template) to assist in planning, executing and monitoring Project Construction.
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance B. The OSMs and Nominated Contract Packages reflected in the Contractor’s Procurement Phase Spreadsheet shall be aligned with the Project Manager’s (PM) Procurement Schedule (refer to reference template).
C. The Contractor’s Procurement Phase Spreadsheet (CPPS) shall, at a minimum, contain the following listed items:
C.1.Specification Section and/or Package number
C.2.Item Description
C.3.Date needed for Construction/Installation
C.4.Quantity Needed
C.5.Item Source – Vendor/supplier or contractor name or Owner Supplied Materials (OSM)
C.6.Contractor Purchase date
C.7.Schedule Shipping date
C.8.Estimate Arrival on Site (EAS)/ Expected Time of Arrival (ETA)
C.9.Shipping Method
C.10. Tender Stage
Tender Preparation
Prequalification (Parallel Task)
Tender Phase
Contractor Engagement
D. In the PS, link equipment and materials tracking to the respective activity.
A. Baseline Project Schedule (BPS) submission shall be treated separately from the process of Updated Project Schedule (UPS).
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance
B. All revisions to the baseline, once approved by the Client, shall be incorporated into the next schedule update.
C. All proposed changes to the Contract Completion Date shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements for Change Management Procedure.
D. A recovery schedule is essentially a change to the baseline. Any logic or duration changes to the BPS will constitute both a revised baseline and recovery schedule at the same time. Each week the schedule falls behind and the Contractor wishes to change the schedule to show he has a plan to complete the work on schedule, that change will constitute a recovery schedule and revised baseline at the same time.
E. A recovery plan is a warrant when a delay is incurred. Recovery Plan must be transmitted officially no later than three (3) calendar days after an accounted delay has incurred and shall constitute sound strategies on how to bring the completion back to original contract completion date. The Contractor’s Recovery Plan shall be implemented by the contractor even prior to submission to next report period. A Recovery plan must be presented by the contractor to show how he want to address all aspects of his execution strategy vis-a-vis revised phasing plan, activity re-sequencing, etc.
F. Reasons for Baseline revision:
1.1. Changes on original phasing plan or network sequence
1.2. Additional Cost–loaded Activities due to Change Order
1.3. Changes on the Contract Completion date
1.4. Changes on original data, duration, activity names, calendar assignment, cost loading etc.
1.5. Additional or deletion of Activity insertion to reflect actual condition
G. Time Impact Analysis (TIA)
1. When an official Change Order is issued or the Contractor is entitled to an extension of time claim, the Contractor shall submit to the Client/Client
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance Representative and/or Project Manager (PM) a written Time Impact Analysis (TIA) illustrating the influence of each changes including supporting documentation.
2. All parameters and logic information of the Analysis on time impact must be extracted from the original baseline.
3. Contractor shall identify the cause of impact and how it affected the Critical Path.
4. In case of a delay, Contractor shall prepare a fragnet showing logic and duration changes.
5. In case of a Change Order, the contractor shall prepare a fragnet of activities showing the work required for modification.
H. Contractor Proposed Revision to the Project Schedule
1.1. Submit proposal no later than seven (7) calendar days after any of the items listed above in F.
1.2. Time Extension shall be approved by the Client before a revised baseline is implemented.
Contractor shall prepare and certify a final updated schedule showing all actual start and completion dates for all activities in the UPS during the entire Contract duration.
Receipt of the Final UPS submission is one of the condition precedent to the release of the final progress payment.
d esign c oordinates, i nc . construction project managers suite 202, itc building 337 sen.gil puyat ave., makati city 1209 phone: +63 2 8961981-84 fax: +63 2 8999276 email: [email protected] website: pioneer people performance