Noah’s Ark Newsletter – November 2017

A warm welcome to our new starters who have settled quickly into Noah’s Ark Nursery. This is a busy term for all of us; lots to do and enjoy.

We would like to thank everyone for the £31.00 raised from the Cake Sale last term. This has enabled us to purchase a new entrance sign which you’ll see on the gate. Thank you!

REMINDER – PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHILD’S DRAWER REGULARLY! This terms invoices are in your child’s drawer. Please do check as every child has received an Additional Service Invoice. Thank you.

Open Evening Parent’s Evening had provisionally been planned for this term. Due to staff changes we have decided to defer this until the start of Term 3. (January 2018) Please be assured if we have any concerns regarding your child prior to this we would speak with you directly and likewise, please, if you have any concerns do let us know.

SUNBEAMS PARENTS – If you haven’t yet returned your child’s Focus Sheet please could you complete this and send back as soon as possible. (If you have misplaced this please do ask for another copy!)

Reminder to Sunbeams parents you need to apply for a primary school place online. The closing date for applications is 15th January.

Hidden Talents! If you have any spare time and would like to share any special talents with our children please let Mrs Priest know to arrange a convenient time to come in and join us!

Dates for your diary:

Friday 17th November – Children in Need – TIME TO GO QUACKERS! This year we will be holding a ‘Duck Sweepstake’. Choose a duck’s name, donate £2.00 and see if you can win a Pudsey Bear!

Thursday 14th December – Christingle Celebration 2pm – 3pm. More information to follow.

Tuesday 19th December – Christmas Party – ALL NURSERY CHILDREN INVITED! Nursery closes for this term at 12noon on this day.

Monday 8th January - Nursery opens at 9.00am.