My Pals Are Here

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My Pals Are Here

English to Enjoy 6B Assessment Task 1 (Units 1–3) Reading and Writing

Name: ______( ) Class: ______

Date: ______

Section Part Language focus and skills Score

A 1  Locate specific information in a text / 15 2  Locate specific information in a text / 10  Decide if information is true, false or not given in a text B 3  Use ‘in’ and ‘with’ to describe people, their clothing / 8 and other things 4  Use ‘until’ to talk about an event that continues up / 8 to a particular time or a change in the situation  Use ‘however’ to show changes and surprises  Use ‘how long’ to ask about a period of time  Use ‘how many’ to ask about quantities 5  Identify different types of movies / 18  Use ‘-ed’ adjectives to describe feelings  Use ‘-ing’ adjectives to describe people and things 6  Use adjectives in the correct order to describe / 12 people and things 7  Use correct tenses to talk about events, actions / 9 and conditions C 8  Write a story using pictorial clues / 20 Total score / 100

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 1 English to Enjoy 6B Section A

Part 1 (15 marks, 3 marks each) Ben is reading a movie review in an online movie magazine. Read the movie review and answer the questions using complete sentences.

Review: Captain Chaos 2 (20XX) by Aisha Hart

Captain Chaos is back this summer in a second exciting adventure. His adventure is sure to please family audiences everywhere. This time our hero has to travel to the jungles of South America to find ancient treasures and return them to the Kingdom of Kalabo. The ancient treasures can be used to prevent the Kingdom from being destroyed by the evil Prince Magwitch. The citizens of Kalabo look to Captain Chaos to rescue them from their doom.

Captain Chaos 2 is an exciting and highly enjoyable movie. There are lots of action and fight scenes as well as funny moments and thrilling special effects. Captain Chaos travels by boat, train, aeroplane and motorcycle to reach his destinations. On each journey, Captain Chaos has to deal with evil villains sent by Prince Magwitch. This is an exciting and action-packed movie for young and old alike.

Throughout his adventures, Captain Chaos has to solve many tricky puzzles and challenging mysteries before he can finally discover the locations of Kalabo’s missing treasures. This is sure to keep audiences interested and guessing throughout. In the final scene, Captain Chaos meets evil Prince Magwitch. The movie ends terrifically, but I won’t spoil the ending for you!

Captain Chaos 2 is sure to be a big hit this summer. It is a wonderful and exciting movie, but audiences will want to take plenty of popcorn into the theatre because the movie lasts for almost three hours!

Rating: ★★★★☆

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 2 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B e.g. What kind of movie is this? Th______is is an adventure movie.

1. Who is the movie suitable for? ______

2. What does the movie hero have to do? ______

3. What is the reviewer’s opinion of the movie and why? ______

4. Why does the reviewer say that the movie will keep audiences guessing? ______

5. Why did the reviewer NOT write more about the ending of the movie? ______


© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 3 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B

Part 2 (10 marks, 2 marks each for Questions 1–3, 4 marks for Question 4) Ben is reading an article in a newspaper. Read the text and circle the correct answers.

Ask a Celebrity

This week’s celebrity is leading lady, Roxanne Reynolds. Janice Tsoi put our readers’ questions to her.

Which of your movies are you most proud of? High Five. That movie had a big influence on audiences and received a great deal of attention. I was thrilled to be nominated for an award. It was a very difficult movie to make, however. We all worked long hours for almost six months. The director was very demanding. I already knew that because I worked with her on Oceans Apart. I guess the easiest movie I’ve made was The Crying Soldier, but that’s because I had a very small part in it.

What’s it like working with other stars? I’m very down to earth. Although I’m working with famous people who can sometimes be difficult, we all have a job to do. I leave my star personality behind and just get on with doing the work. We are all just people. It’s just that some of us are better known than others.

What do you do when you’re not making movies? My family means everything to me. I have a young daughter so I try to spend as much time as I can with her. I even take her with me if I’m working on a movie overseas. I grew up without a mother so I know how important it is to be there for her. Another thing I care passionately about is getting more children interested in theatre. Teaching young people to act builds their confidence and helps them understand the magic of the stage. I give free workshops in schools and colleges when I can. It’s very rewarding to work with young actors and see the joy it brings to their lives.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 4 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B

1. What kind of text is Ben reading? A. a film review B. a celebrity interview C. a descriptive article D. an essay

2. What is the meaning of ‘down to earth’? A. practical and humorous B. interested in oneself C. practical and sensible D. well known and respected

3. How does Roxanne spend her free time? i. She spends time with her daughter. ii. She travels overseas. iii. She does voluntary work. A. i and ii B. i and iii C. ii and iii D. all of the above

4. Decide whether the statements below are true, false or not given: i. Roxanne played a leading role in The True False Not Given Crying Soldier.

ii. Roxanne thinks she is better known than True False Not Given others.

iii. Roxanne lives alone with her daughter. True False Not Given

iv. Roxanne likes trying to help young actors. True False Not Given

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 5 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B


© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 6 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B Section B

Part 3 (8 marks, 1 mark each) Two robbers robbed a bank in North Point. Hong Kong Police are interviewing the bank staff to get information about the robbery. Complete the interviews using ‘in’ or ‘with’.

Officer: Can you describe the first robber to me? Staff member 1: The first one was tall (1) long brown hair. Officer: And what was he wearing? Staff member 1: He was (2) a long black jacket and blue jeans (3) holes in the knees. He was wearing round black sunglasses (4) silver frames.

Officer: What did the other robber look like? Staff member 2: He was older (5) very short hair and a short grey beard. Officer: Can you describe his clothes? Staff member 2: He was (6) a dark blue business suit (7) a large black briefcase. Officer: Did you notice anything else? Staff member 2: Yes, after they ran from the bank, I saw them getting into a large black sports car (8) very dark windows.


© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 7 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B

Part 4 (8 marks, 1 mark each) Ben and his friends are deciding on their plans for a charity event. Complete what they say using the words in the box.

how long how many however until

Ben: OK, so we all agree that we will raise money by holding a charity piano marathon at the open day event. We need to decide on this first: (1) will we run the marathon for? Kathy: Yes, and we also need to decide on how many people will play the piano. Peter: I think we should run the marathon from after the opening ceremony (2) the closing ceremony. (3) , we could maybe run it for longer if we are allowed to stay after the closing ceremony. (4) piano players do we have so far? Ben: So far we have six piano players. (5) , if we can find some more, the players won’t have to sit at the piano for too long. Peter: Also, (6) pieces of music should each person play? Kathy: I think we should ask each person to play at least four pieces. (7) , if they want to play for longer, we should let them keep playing (8) they are tired. Ben: That sounds like a good idea. People may give more money if they can see how hard the pianists are working.


© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 8 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing

/18 English to Enjoy 6B

Part 5 (18 marks, 2 marks each) Ben is writing movie reviews for the school magazine. Complete the reviews using the most suitable words from the boxes to help you.

amused/amusing bored/boring entertained/entertaining inspired/inspiring interested/interesting moved/moving

action adventure comedy horror musical romance

    Excellent  Very good  OK  Bad comedy Clown on the Run is a (e.g.) . I’d rate this movie as (e.g.) . very good entertaining The clown is (e.g.) . I was

(1) and could not stop laughing while watching the movie.

Adventurer Tom is an (2) movie. It is an

(3) movie. Adventurer Tom is a great person and has a big heart.

He teaches us not to give up on our dreams. I was (4) by his determination. The movie is really (5) and (6) .

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 9 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B

Invasion is a (7) movie. The movie, however, is just (8) .

Although I was (9) in the plot, the movie is just too long and it almost put me to sleep.


© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 10 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B

Part 6 (12 marks, 2 marks each) Ben is watching a police report on TV. Officer Kuo is informing the public about two wanted criminals. Complete the descriptions using the information given.

bell-bottom / striped / short brown / straight / long curly / black / short old / big / white spotted / over-sized / cotton woolen / checked / thick

Crime: Crime: Bank robbery Car theft

Age: Age: about 25 about 40

Hong Kong Police are looking for two dangerous criminals. The first criminal is a female bank robber. She is about 25 years old. She has (1) hair. She was last seen wearing a (2) T-shirt, (3) trousers and leather boots.

The second criminal is a male car thief. He is about 40 years old. He has (4) hair and a beard. He always wears a pair of sunglasses. He was last seen wearing a (5) sweater, jeans and a pair of (6) running shoes.

Please contact us immediately on 2100 1000 if you see either of these criminals.


© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 11 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B

Part 7 (9 marks, 1 mark each) Ben is writing about his family. Complete what he writes using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

My family likes to help others. My mother helps out at the SPCA. She

(1) (work) there one afternoon a week. She enjoys walking the

dogs. Sometimes I (2) (go) with her. I enjoy feeding the small

animals and (3) (clean) out their cages. It is good to learn how

to care for others.

Last year, my father (4) (take) part in a sponsored run for

Oxfam. He had to train hard for the event but he

(5) (find) it very rewarding. He feels proud that he (6)

(complete) the run and raised money for a good cause.

I would like to do voluntary work like my parents when I

(7) (be) older. I hope I can (8) (raise) money for

charity or work with people who are less fortunate than I am. I know I

(9) (find) this rewarding.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 12 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B

Section C

Part 7 (20 marks)

Ben is writing about a crime. Complete the story using the pictures. Write about 80 words.

1. 2.

with my dog Shiner / old lady skateboard / fly / bark 3. 4.

grab / handbag take off / dog lead / order


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© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 14 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing English to Enjoy 6B

I was walking in the park one Sunday with my dog, Shiner.

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 15 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing /20 English to Enjoy 6B

─ End of Paper ─

© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2012 16 Assessment Task 1 Reading and Writing

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