Cedar Rapids Kiwanis Board Meeting
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Cedar Rapids Kiwanis Board Meeting Bradley & Riley Building Cedar Rapids, Iowa Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Attendees: President Mark Thomsen, Katie Hiatt-Braasch, Jeff Hollingsworth, Dan Breitbach, Jerry Oakland, Pam Landon, Joe Blanck, Joel Sardzinski, Keith Sutherland, Chuck Wehage, Michael Metz.
The meeting was called to order at 12:03 P.M. Invocation by Michael Metz.
Secretary’s Report: Joe Blanck moved to accept the June minutes. Jerry Oakland seconded the motion. June minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Chuck Wehage moved to approve the preliminary June Treasurer’s report, which is incomplete. Seconded by Pam Landon. June treasurer’s report approved. Final report will be submitted later, as a couple of items are missing to complete the report.
New Business: a) Dan Breitbach and Katie Hiatt-Braasch provided an update on the June 24 meeting with Michael Malik and Jim Dane for ELIMINATE. Joe Schmall recommends adding $10,000 to the ELIMINATE goal. Pam Landon moved to become a Model Club, which is a minimum pledge of $750 per club member. Dan Breitbach seconded. Motion approved. b) The Kiwanis sponsored summer movie, The Nut Job, will be shown the week of July 14th. Katie Hiatt- Braasch will circulate a sign-up sheet for volunteers to represent the club at the movie. c) The Volunteer Fair at Transamerica will be August 19th from 11:00 to 1:00 and 3 volunteers are needed. d) Joe Blanck moved to contribute $50 to Keith Sutherland as a memorial in the death of his father. Seconded by Jerry Oakland. Motion approved. e) Jerry Oakland indicates the Matthew 25 Farm Camp, partially supported by a Kiwanis donation, has opportunities for volunteers to visit and participate. Jerry will bring a sign up sheet.
Committee Reports Membership & Growth: Katie Hiatt-Braasch, no report Club Administration: Koleene Herlocker, no report Community & Youth Services: Cathy Weber, no report Finance & Fundraising: Pam Landon, nothing new to report Internal & External Communication: Christina Djerf, no report Human & Spiritual Values: Laurie Worden, no report Prairie and Xavier Key Clubs: Dan Breitbach & Laurie Worden: no report
Old/Other Business: a) Pam Landon reports wrist-banding at the Kernel’s games in August, we have 40 spots to fill b) Reminder regarding the children’s shower at the July 30th meeting c) A suggestion by Ron Sundermann to sell Bug Balm at the Kernel’s baseball games was tabled
Upcoming Events:
Adjourned: 12:55 PM Podium Meeting Wednesday July 16th, 2014 Elmcrest Country Club, Cedar Rapids
Attending: President Mark Thomsen, Katie Hiatt-Braasch, Joe Blanck, Joe Schmall, Michael Metz, Jerry Oakland, Laurie Worden, Pam Landon, Keith Sutherland, Jeff Hollingsworth, Chuck Wehage, Dan Breitbach
Called to order at 1:00 PM by President Mark Thomsen
Dan Breitbach moved to donate $950 to the Wheelchair Ramp Accessibility program (WRAP) for a five year old child. Seconded by Chuck Wehage. Motion approved. The ramp has been designed and is scheduled to be completed by the end of July.
Respectfully submitted: Katie Hiatt-Braasch