Protect the Environment By Kyle

Stop! Just stop! Stop cutting down trees, stop draining swamps and marshes! Stop before we kill ourselves. Stop destroying the environment. There are real dangerous things that humans do like causing global warming. Don’t forget destroying habitats, poaching and pollution. Find out how humans will destroy themselves by destroying the environment.

The first reason why we should protect the environment is because when we don’t, we cause global warming. That’s right! Destroying nature causes global warming. This is how global warming happens. We people drive cars or use gas ovens that release CO2 into the air. CO2 traps sunlight in earth’s atmosphere. When this happens, it causes the polar ice caps to melt and sea levels will rise. This will cause major flooding worldwide and no beaches! Global warming also causes more mild winters so you can say goodbye to snowball fights, sledding, snowboarding, snowmen, skiing, snow forts and snow itself! This will cause more bugs such as mosquitoes. In addition, this will cause more use of pesticides which harm birds and mammals. Not to mention, all the animals that will go extinct because of global warming. Polar bears will probably go extinct because the polar bears’ habitat, or home, is melting. The panda will go extinct because their main food source, bamboo, is disappearing partly because people are cutting down the pandas habitat which are bamboo forests and partly because of global warming. Bamboo needs to grow at a certain temperature. If the temperature gets too hot, the bamboo won’t grow. If bamboo is gone, pandas will eventually starve to extinction with many other species! Now I will tell you about the second reason.

The second reason is humans are destroying animal habitats. Habitat destruction kills millions and I mean millions of plants and animals! There is a solution to stop global warming. Stop driving and stop deforestation. Plants take CO2 out of the atmosphere. Since we are destroying plants by deforestation and other things, this increases global warming even faster! On top of that, some plants are cures for diseases but WE, no not animals, WE are killing these plants and animals. So now it will be much harder for adults and children to move on with their lives. It is also very possible that the up rise in medical issues such as autism and type 1 diabetes are caused by environmental issues. Like all the chemicals that are released in the world from cars and factories. That is very possible. It’s just mean to cut down trees. From an animal’s perspective, cutting down trees and draining ponds is destroying their homes. I know, you’re upset, but just hang in there for the 3rd reason.

This is the 3rd reason. This is what I call the dangerous double Ps. Poaching and pollution. Poaching is the illegal hunting of animals. A good example of poaching is the black rhino. They use to be much more numerous, but since major poaching decimated the rhino’s population, they are now critically endangered! The worst part is that people have been killing the black rhino just for its horn. Its horn that grows back! Pollution is bad for animals and humans. If you pollute the air, animals will have a hard time breathing. Same problem with humans. Pollution can destroy the animal’s homes and waterways, same with humans. Pollution can also cause global warming. Poaching and pollution can destroy an entire food chain! If people poach cougars and bobcats, the deer population will increase dramatically, which causes deer to eat all the plants. That will mean there won’t be enough plants for other animals and they will go extinct. Then, the predators will go extinct! Then, eventually, there won’t be enough plants to support the massive population of deer and they too will go extinct! I’m not saying kill all the deer because that can destroy the whole ecosystem but there needs to be a stable population. Not too high and not too low. Poaching and pollution make population go too low, same thing with humans. Pollution will kill us too. Polluted air is making it hard to breathe and pollution is poisoning our water supply. We are animals too. We have to stop before we bring ourselves down. Do you know how we can destroy ourselves and destroy the environment? By increasing global warming, destroying animals’ habitats and poaching and pollution. Well, I’m glad you know the truth because you can help in many ways. Plant trees anywhere. Also, plant bushes, flowers and shrubs. Plant any type of plants. It works best if you raise plants that are native to your location so you don’t harm other plants in your area. Drive as little as possible. Try riding non motorized vehicles like bicycles. Try to spread the word about global warming and deforestation. Write letters too government leaders telling them to establish laws that protect the environment. You can also have boycotts to protect the ecosystem. Remember, protect the environment. Don’t destroy it. Prevent global warming, the destruction of habitats, poaching and pollution. Protect nature!