Read Each Section Below and Pay Attention to What Is Expected

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Read Each Section Below and Pay Attention to What Is Expected

Student: ______Hour: 2-4 6-7 8-9 6 5 4 3 2 1 Superior Strong Good Okay Poor Incomplete On balance, the Need for revision Shows control and A bare beginning; Has a complete strengths Strengths and the outweighs skill in the main writer not yet grasp of the outweigh the need for revision strengths; needs requirements for showing any qualities; no weaknesses; a are about equal; a lot of work to this trait; many control or visible errors small amount of about half-way meet the strengths are mastery of this are present. revision is home. expectations for present. trait. needed. this trait.

Read each section below and pay attention to what is expected.

Check box 1 when you have addressed and shown evidence for the expectation. When your writing is finished, put a score in the Student Score column. Score yourself a 6 if this is a Superior part and a 3 if that section is just ok. If you score yourself a 2 or 1, go back and correct what you see as missing. 1

+ Specific Expectations for This Assignment Student Teacher 6 General Description box1-student; box2-teacher

s Key:

t Score Score Grade i  = Addressed and Evidence apparent a of Trait (x 1) (x 4) r  = Not addressed or finished completely T Prewriting   Completed the “You Write It” sheet   Font size 14 1st draft r   Double spaced e h t n  *Starred the hook e

o  i g t a o   Underlined the thesis total t  The construction of the words T n st

e points e 1 revision   s Highlighted adjectives

and ideas l e

p 1 r

 Awareness of the rubric and a   Numbered the supporting evidence P t

S d expectations   Reviewed by a friend, ______n a

s  Care and pride in the   Circled possible spelling errors s e c publication of the piece Edit   Boxed transition words o r

P   X-out the first word of each sentence grade   Font clean and 14 e l

p   Includes a greeting and closing

a Final copy t

S   Packet is organized & paperclipped(top to bottom) rubric, final, rough draft)

1. List your two best supporting evidence  statements here. 2.

  Sticks to the idea of insects being good  The main point or storyline Focus   Is writer’s own thoughts and words ____tp

s  Awareness of details a e  Knowing what’s d   Connects supporting evidence to the I interesting/important thesis Details ____g  Clarity, Focus, and Purpose   Uses transition words   Uses unique adjectives

What is the most memorable phrase that  you used in this writing?

  Confusable words Spelling   Common words

s  The mechanical correctness of the piece ____tp n o i  Awareness of expected writing   Proper words t Capitalization n

e conventions: spelling, punctuation,   Sentence beginnings v n

o grammar and usage, paragraphing

C and capitalization ____g   Commas Punctuation   Other

Why is it important for you to carefully edit  your writing? Insects: Big Money and Yummy

Dear Owner,

Being unique, innovative, and adventurous in the kitchen will keep customers coming back to the Scope Bistro for years to come. One key element to keeping the customers will be adding new menu items: insects. Adding these tasty bugs to the menu will create a buzz since they are eco-friendly, spark interest with new tastes, provide new nutritional options, bring in new customers, and offer a wide variety of menu options. Many patrons would visit our restaurant once they learned that farming insects is good for the environment. Insects take up less space and cause less pollution than raising animals such as cattle. The taste profiles of our creepy, crawly friends can also be very interesting. For instance, termites taste like carrots, and tarantulas taste like shrimp. This will offer our entomophagist friends, bug eaters, many fun options. Another reason to add our eckoskeletal friends would be that they provide a nutritional option to the customers. Bugs have many of the proteins, minerals, and fiber that people need.

They also can provide the good fats for a diet. One final reason to expand our menu is that not only are edible insects plentiful, over 1,900 different species, but one third of the world’s population, over two billion people, eat insects on a regular basis. Therefore, it would be in the

Scope Bistro’s best interests to add some insect delicacies onto the menu. Please consider these reasons to add them and meet with me to discuss the possibility.

Thank you,

247 words, 14 sentences Head Chef K

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