The Board of Trustees held a Special Meeting on Thursday, May 31, 2012 at 12:00 noon at the School Administration Building with Chairwoman Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Scott Ferguson, Linda Sorini Granger, Patti Hepola, Vikki O’Brien, and John Ries. Absent: Trustee Debbie Shea and Carol Wold. Also present were: Linda Reksten, Superintendent; J.R. Richardson, Business Manager, and Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resources.


Chairperson Boston removed items #4 and #5 from the Agenda. Hepola moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried.

Item 1 – Approval of Personnel Action Report – Therese McClafferty

Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the Personnel Action Report with the amended changes showing in red.




Jesse Padilla-Marrou 04/24/12 Volunteer/Internship, Network Technology


Laura Uggetti 04/18/12- Bus Driver, 08/29/12 Transportation


Brenda Conner 06/07/12 Sp Ed Monitor, Headstart Monroe Sandra Fisher 06/07/12 Sp Ed Monitor, BHS Renee Keith 06/07/12 Sp Ed Monitor, East Suzanne Nalivka 06/07/12 Sp Ed Monitor, East Mary Jo Norton 06/07/12 Sp Ed Monitor, Whittier Hope Ave. Cheryl Parrett 06/07/12 Bus Monitor, Transportation Vina Walker 06/07/12 Bus Monitor, Transportation



Diana Kujawa 06/06/12 Yearbook Advisor, BHS


Cheryl Storey 06/06/12 6th Grade Teacher, Whittier


Amanda Curtis 08/24/11 National Honor Society Advisor, BHS



Bryan Arntson 06/01/12 Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Chad Jonart 06/01/12 Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Malcolm Neill 06/01/12 Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Leonard Rundle 06/01/12 Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Curtis Smith 06/01/12 Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, BHS Brian Anderson 06/01/12 Assistant Wrestling Coach, BHS Dean Gransbery 06/01/12 Assistant Wrestling Coach, BHS Rick Rowling 06/01/12 Assistant Wrestling Coach, BHS Mike Kenison 06/01/12 Assistant Girls’ Track Coach, BHS Jaric McElroy 06/01/12 Assistant Girls’ Track Coach, BHS Mara Osborne 06/01/12 Assistant Girls’ Track Coach, BHS Zach Osborne 06/01/12 Assistant Girls’ Track Coach, BHS Eric Zahler 06/01/12 Assistant Girls’ Track Coach, BHS

Granger moved to approve with amended changes, second by Hepola, motion carried.

Item 2 – Approval of Amended Tentative Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and Silver Bow Stationary Engineers – Therese McClafferty

Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the tentative agreement between Butte School District #1 and Silver Bow Stationary Engineers

The tentative agreement was approved by Trustees at the last Board meeting, but amendments were required to illustrate the full negotiated wages for 2011-2012 and then the change to the 2012-2013 wages as Engineers elected to have a portion of their wage diverted into their pension

Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried.

Item 3 – Approval of UNITE HERE Holiday Pay – Therese McClafferty

Therese McClafferty stated that during the work session prior to the regular May meeting, the Board directed the retroactive payment of the Christmas Eve Holiday for the District’s food service employees.

Ms. McClafferty requested Board approval of UNITE HERE holiday pay.

Ries moved to approve, second by O’Brien, motion carried.

Item 4 – Approval of Amended Staffing Plan – Therese McClafferty

Item pulled from Agenda.

Item 5 – Approval of Non-Renewal Notifications – Superintendent Reksten

Item pulled from Agenda.

Item 6 – Approval to Purchase a Truck for the School District #1 Plumber Position – Jed Hoopes

Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to purchase a work truck that will primarily be used by the School District Plumber. Additionally, there will no longer be a truck allowance paid to the Plumber per board approval, effective June 1, 2012. 126

The cost of the vehicle is $8,300.00 and will be purchased using Elementary and High School General Maintenance Funds.

Hepola moved to approved, second by Ries, motion carried.

Item 7 – Approval to Award Telephone VOIP System Bid to S&K Global Solutions in the Amount of $183,731.69 – Judy Jonart

Judy Jonart requested Board approval to award the Telephone VOIP System bid to S&K Global Solutions. The District had three vendors respond to the request for proposal. S&K Global Solutions submitted the lowest responsible bid.

Ms. Jonart publicly thanked Dr. Phillip Curtis and his group for their meticulous, unbiased screening of these proposals which resulted in a positive process.

John Odinger, CEO Sales, Corporate Technology Group stated that they requested a copy of all RFP responses to review. Mr. Odinger stated that he felt that CISCO was a better fit for the Butte Schools. He evaluated S&K’s proposal and found that it was lacking in different categories. Mr. Odinger stated that he provided a letter stating these concerns to Dr. Reksten and Judy Jonart.

Mr. Odinger stated that the S&K/Mitel solution did not meet many important aspects of the RFP response; but because it did not include the ability to call 911 during a network outage, it puts the safety and lives of the students and staff at risk, and places the Butte School District at significant liability exposure.

Jeff Whiteside, Network Engineer for Corporate Technology Group, stated that he has been a network engineer for seventeen years and takes public safety extremely seriously.

Casey Coyne Collins, S&K Global Solutions, stated that S&K has addressed all of the issues brought forward by Corporate Technology and any accusation of S&K Solutions not being concerned about public safety is of utmost concern.

LeRoy Wolf, S&K Solutions, stated that 911 is very serious and S&K takes security of students extremely serious. S&K’s proposal complies with Mytel and does comply with the RFP. Mytel has every capability of the CISCO and can supply 911 capacities out to phone set for 911 capability.

Dr. Curtis stated that the committee reviewed all proposals and all responses of requirements for 911 capabilities were included in proposals. An evaluation matrix was used and the committee took elements from the RFP and gave a ranking of qualitative analysis. All three respondents met the qualifications. The ranking matrix was as follows:  S&K 77.30  Corporate Technology Group 76.67  Black Box 69.98

Judy Jonart stated that each school has had training on 911 emergencies and beyond our own phone system; each building has a three-way radio system. The existing system is thirteen years old and has this capability; this will be an upgrade. The District also has separate phone lines in each building that can be used for emergencies.

Chairperson Boston thanked Judy Jonart, Dr. Curtis and committee for all of their work.

Ries moved to approve, second by Ferguson, motion carried.

Item 8 – Public Comment On Any Public Matter Not On Agenda

Mike Kujawa, representing the Butte Teachers’ Union, spoke in regard to the new Out-of-District Travel Policy. Mr. Kujawa shared concerns in regard to no out of district travel in the future and the fact that sports would be exempt from this policy.

Mr. Kujawa mentioned several student related travels, i.e. Art Trek, Art Interscholastic, VICA Skills USA, Youth Legislature, German Trip, Montana History Club, Science Field Trips, Grand Canyon Trek, State Science Fair, World Quest, FCCLA Field Experiences, etc.

Chairperson Boston stated that this is not a policy; but the Board will be taking a good look at all District travel. 127

Chairperson Boston commended the fourteen graduates from the Butte High Career Center and the graduates of Butte High School. Ms. Boston thanked Dr. Reksten, Kathy Cannon and all teachers K-12 that have done all that they have to help these students succeed.

Trustee Ries thanked the negotiating team from the District and the teachers for their worthwhile effort in settling their contract.

Chairperson Boston thanked Therese McClafferty for leading her first negotiations.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Hepola moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Ries, motion carried. Chairwoman Boston adjourned the meeting at 12:42 p.m.

______Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees


______District Clerk