Section 508 Basic Testing Checklist - PDF July 2015 Version 0.1

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    Objects 11. Images Yes No NA The descriptive text conveys the purpose and/or function of the image or object. For images of text, the descriptive text matches verbatim. 12. Data Tables Yes No NA Data tables are identified with “Table” and not “Figure.” Table header cells are marked with “TH” and data cells with “TD” For complex tables, table cell properties are set for header and data cells. 13. Links and Controls Yes No NA Link names are unambiguous within context and describe the destination, function or purpose. The tab order matches the visual/logical order of links and controls. 14. Forms Yes No NA Each field has a tooltip that matches the label or instructions. The tab order matches the visual/logical order of form fields. Color 15. Color and Other Sensory Characteristics Yes No NA There is text that conveys the meaning of color or sensory characteristics. 16. Color Contrast Yes No NA The color contrast ratio passes (AA). Miscelaneous 17. Audio, Video & Multimedia Yes No NA For audio-only, the transcript is accurate and complete. For video-only, the text description is accurate and complete. For multimedia, the synchronized captions and audio description are accurate and complete. 18. Flashing Yes No NA Flashing objects are excluded. 19. Alternative Accessible Version Yes No NA The information is equivalent and up to date with the primary document.

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