Reading Planning: First Grade

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Reading Planning: First Grade

Reading Planning: First Grade: Reading Narrative Texts Big Idea: Unit 1: All About Us Time Frame: September 27 – October 18 (16 Days) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question:  Reading like Writers What is a narrative text?  Elements of Narrative  Structures of Narrative  Language of Narrative  = From Treasures Series  Strategies for comprehending Narrative Comprehension  Analyze Character and Setting  Identify Sequence of Events  Evaluate Author’s Purpose  Unit Vocabulary: author, character, setting, vocabulary, unique, interest, movement, express, change, learn, train, needs America’s Choice CAFÉ Strategies to be Treasures NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE Progress Indicators Framework incorporating introduced during whole Differentiation Options ARTS CONTENT STANDARDS, Treasures group BENCHMARKS, AND Unit 1, Week 1: We are PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Special   Use whole group Daily teacher observations during shared Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) - Comprehension: Retell the lessons to introduce, LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell reading, guided reading and independent  Oral Vocabulary Story model, teach, and short stories. reading activities Big Book: That Big Cat LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary Genre: Realistic Fiction review skills and - Fluency – Reread text through reading, listening and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Strategy: Story Structure concepts. interacting. Skill: Character & Setting  Use teacher led small LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with Running Records to assess fluency, miscues,  Phonemic Awareness: groups to differentiate fluency and comprehension self-corrections, and reading strategies Identify Rhyme, Blending the instruction grade level text. short a presented in whole LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of Listening Comprehension (Day group plot and setting in a story. 3) LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of  Use cross curricular  Read Aloud: “Beverly plot and setting in a story. Billingsley Borrows a Book” work stations to LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate Genre: Fantasy provide activities that understanding of sequence Model Analyzing Story reinforce key skills and characterization in a story. Structure and concepts. LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Model Fluent Reading  Use independent classifies grade-appropriate Listening Comprehension (Day activities to provide categories (e.g., animals, 4) meaningful practice. foods) of words, and  Read Aloud: “The Town reads, listens, and interacts in Mouse and Country Mouse” a variety of situations Genre: Fable LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text Model Analyzing Story aloud with fluency, accuracy, Structure comprehension, and Model Fluent Reading appropriate intonation and Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) expression.  Comprehension Main Selection: “Pam and Sam” Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Analyze character and setting

Unit 1, Week 2: Ready, Set, New Skill:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell Move!  - Accuracy: Use the lessons to introduce, short stories. Daily teacher observations during shared Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) Pictures…Do the words and model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary reading, guided reading and independent pictures match? through reading, listening and reading activities Oral Vocabulary review skills and  interacting. Big Book: From Head to Review Previously Taught concepts. LA-1-1A-5 Self- Monitor Student entries in readers’ notebooks Toe Skill(s)  Use teacher led small comprehension by using Genre: Informational groups to differentiate questions, retelling, and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Strategy: Analyze Story the instruction summarizing. self-corrections, and reading strategies Structure presented in whole LA-1-1C-2 Predict and explain Skill: Identify Sequence of what will happen next in a Events group  Use cross curricular story. Fluency: Build fluency as LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with work stations to word automaticity and echo fluency and comprehension read provide activities that grade level text. Listening Comprehension (Day reinforce key skills LA3-3A-2 Identify the 3) and concepts. characters and simple story  Read Aloud: “Just Watch”  Use independent lines from selected myths and Genre: Poetry activities to provide stories from around the world. Model Visualizing meaningful practice. LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Model Fluent Reading classifies grade-appropriate Expand Vocabulary categories (e.g., animals, Listening Comprehension (Day foods) of words, and 4) reads, listens, and interacts in  Read Aloud: “The Tortoise a variety of situations and the Hare” LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text Genre: Fable aloud with fluency, accuracy, Analyzing Story Structure comprehension, and Model Fluent Reading appropriate intonation and Expand Vocabulary expression. Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) LA1-2-11 Talks and writes  Comprehension about stories Main Selection: “I Can, Can LA1-2-8 Retells stories and You?” events, indicating beginning, Strategy: Analyze Story Structure middle, and end. Skill: Analyze character and LA1-2-5 Relates characters setting and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. Unit 1, Week 3: Growing Up New Skill:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell Daily teacher observations during shared  - Fluency : Practice lessons to introduce, short stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) common sight words and model, teach, and LA-1-1D-2 Demonstrate reading activities high frequency words decoding and word recognition Oral Vocabulary review skills and  strategies and skills by Student entries in readers’ notebooks Big Book: Growing Up Review Previously Taught concepts. Recognizing high-frequency Genre: Nonfiction Article Skill(s)  Use teacher led small and common irregularly Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Strategy: Analyze Story groups to differentiate spelled words in text. self-corrections, and reading strategies Structure the instruction LA-1-1A-5 Self- Monitor Skill: Analyze Character presented in whole comprehension by using and Setting questions, retelling, and Listening Comprehension (Day group  Use cross curricular summarizing. 3) LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with work stations to  Read Aloud: “Growing Old” fluency and comprehension Genre: Poetry provide activities that grade level text. Cultural Perspectives reinforce key skills LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary Model Visualizing and concepts. through reading, listening and Model Fluent Reading  Use independent interacting. Expand Vocabulary activities to provide LA-1-1C-2 Predict and explain Listening Comprehension (Day meaningful practice. what will happen next in a 4) story  Read Aloud: “I’m Growing LA3-3A-2 Identify the Up” characters and simple story Genre: Nonfiction Article lines from selected myths and Model Analyzing Text stories from around the world. Structure LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Model Fluent Reading classifies grade-appropriate Expand Vocabulary categories (e.g., animals, Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) foods) of words, and  Comprehension reads, listens, and interacts in Main Selection: “How You a variety of situations Grew” LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text Strategy: Analyze Text Structure aloud with fluency, accuracy, Skill: Sequence of Events comprehension, and appropriate intonation and expression. LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. Unit 1, Week 4: Pets  New Skill:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared stories. Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) - Comprehension: Predict lessons to introduce, reading, guided reading and independent LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with  Oral Vocabulary what will happen; use text model, teach, and reading activities to confirm fluency and comprehension Big Book: Along Came - Accuracy: Chunk letters review skills and grade level text. Student entries in readers’ notebooks Toto and sounds together concepts. LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary Genre: Fantasy (teacher chosen book)  Use teacher led small through reading, listening and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Strategy: Analyze Story groups to differentiate interacting. self-corrections, and reading strategies Structure Review Previously Taught LA-1-1A-5 Self- Monitor Skill: Analyze Character Skill(s) the instruction comprehension by using and Setting presented in whole questions, retelling, and Listening Comprehension (Day group summarizing. 3)  Use cross curricular LA-2-2C-5 Begin to utilize  Read Aloud: “Animal work stations to conventional spelling. House” provide activities that LA3-3A-2 Identify the Genre: Nonfiction reinforce key skills characters and simple story Analyze Story Structure and concepts. lines from selected myths and Model Fluent Reading stories from around the world. Expand Vocabulary  Use independent LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of Listening Comprehension (Day activities to provide plot and setting in a story. 4) meaningful practice. LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary:  Read Aloud: “Mary Had a classifies grade-appropriate Little Lamb” categories (e.g., animals, Genre: Nursery Rhyme foods) of words, and Model Visualizing reads, listens, and interacts in Model Fluent Reading a variety of situations Expand Vocabulary LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) aloud with fluency, accuracy,  Comprehension comprehension, and Main Selection: “Flip” appropriate intonation and Strategy: Analyze Story Structure expression. Skill: Analyze Character & LA1-2-11 Talks and writes Setting about stories LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. Reading Planning: First Grade: Revisiting Narrative Texts Big Idea: Unit 2: Outside My Door, Unit 3: Let’s Connect, Unit 3: Have Fun! Time Frame: October 19 – November 10 (17 Days) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question:  Reading like Writers What are the elements of a narrative text?  Elements of Narrative  Organization of Narrative  Language of Narrative Comprehension  = From Treasures Series  Analyze Character and Setting  Identify Sequence of Events  Evaluate Author’s Purpose  Unit Vocabulary: summarize, retell, visualize, identify sequence of events, predictions, responsibility, cooperate, humorous, amuse, friendship, relationship America’s Choice CAFÉ Strategies Treasures NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE ARTS Progress Indicators Framework incorporating to be introduced Differentiation Options CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS, Treasures during whole AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS group

Unit 2, Week 2: Helping New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Out  - Accuracy: Flip lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) the sound model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities reading, listening and interacting. Oral Vocabulary review skills and  -Comprehension: LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Big Book: Momma’s Ask questions concepts. comprehension grade level text. Coming Home throughout the  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Genre: Realistic Fiction reading process groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Strategy: Summarize the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Skill: Retell Review Previously presented in whole setting in a story. Listening Comprehension (Day Taught Skill(s) LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding 3) group  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a  Read Aloud: “The Little story. work stations to Red Hen” LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Genre: Folk Tale provide activities that classifies grade-appropriate categories Model Summarizing reinforce key skills (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Model Fluent Reading and concepts. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Listening Comprehension (Day  Use independent of situations 4) activities to provide LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud  Read Aloud: “Johnny meaningful practice. with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Appleseed” and appropriate intonation and Genre: Biography expression. Model Summarizing LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Model Fluent Reading LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) indicating beginning, middle, and end.  Comprehension LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events Main Selection: “Little Red Hen” found in a variety of texts and media Strategy: Summarize from around the world to own Skill: Retell experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. Unit 3, Week 1: Let’s Laugh New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared  - Accuracy: Skip lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) the word, then model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities come back reading, listening and interacting. Oral Vocabulary review skills and  LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Big Book: If You Take a Review Previously concepts. comprehension grade level text. Mouse to School Taught Skill(s)  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Genre: Fantasy groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Strategy: Visualize *Comprehension: the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Skill: Identify Sequence of Make a picture or presented in whole setting in a story. Events mental image group LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Listening Comprehension (Day (visualize)  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a 3) work stations to story.  Read Aloud: “One Monkey provide activities that LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Too Many” classifies grade-appropriate categories Genre: Rhyming Story reinforce key skills (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Model Visualizing and concepts. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Model Fluent Reading  Use independent of situations Expand Vocabulary activities to provide LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Listening Comprehension (Day meaningful practice. with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, 4) and appropriate intonation and  Read Aloud: “Aiken Drum” expression. Genre: Song LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Model Visualizing LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Model Fluent Reading indicating beginning, middle, and end. Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events  Comprehension found in a variety of texts and media Main Selection: “On My Way to from around the world to own School” experiences. Strategy: Visualize LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Skill: Identify Sequence of answering who, what, when, where, Events how, why, and what if questions. Unit 3, Week 2: Family New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Fun - Comprehension: lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) Recognize literary model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities elements reading, listening and interacting. Oral Vocabulary review skills and  (problem/resolution LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Big Book: The Stray Dog ) concepts. comprehension grade level text. Genre: Realistic Fiction  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Strategy: Analyze Story - Accuracy: Trade a groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Structure word/guess a word the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Skill: Make and Confirm that makes sense presented in whole setting in a story. Predictions LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Listening Comprehension (Day group Review Previously  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a 3) Taught Skill(s) story. work stations to  Read Aloud: “The Upside LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Down Boy” provide activities that *Recognize classifies grade-appropriate categories Genre: Realistic Fiction reinforce key skills literary elements (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Model Fluent Reading and concepts. (genre, plot, reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Build Robust Vocabulary  Use independent of situations Listening Comprehension (Day character and activities to provide LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud 4) setting) meaningful practice. with fluency, accuracy, comprehension,  Read Aloud: “Close and appropriate intonation and Friends” expression. Genre: Narrative LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Model Analyzing Story LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Structure indicating beginning, middle, and end. Model Fluent Reading LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events Expand Vocabulary found in a variety of texts and media Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) from around the world to own  Comprehension experiences. Main Selection: “Smile, Mike!” LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Strategy: Analyze Story Structure answering who, what, when, where, Skill: Make and Confirm how, why, and what if questions. Predictions

Reading Planning: First Grade: Reading Procedural Texts Big Idea: Unit 6: Let’s Discover4, Paper folding, Bookmaking, Cooking Time Frame: November 12 – December 10 (15 Days) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question:  Elements of Narrative Procedure What strategies do good readers use?  Strategies for reading and comprehending procedural texts  Unit Vocabulary:  = From Treasures Series context, cause and effect, procedure, generate questions, origami, recipe America’s Choice CAFÉ Strategies Treasures NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE ARTS Progress Indicators Framework incorporating to be introduced Differentiation Options CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS, Treasures during whole AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS group

Unit 3, Week 3: Making Art New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared  -Comprehension: lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Day 1) Recognize and model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities explain cause-and- reading, listening and interacting. Oral Vocabulary review skills and  effect relationships LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Big Book: Elephants Can concepts. comprehension grade level text. Paint Too! Review Previously  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Genre: Expository Taught Skill(s) groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Strategy: Monitor the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Comprehension: Reread presented in whole setting in a story. Skill: Main Idea and Details LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Oral Language (Day 2) group  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a  Build Robust Vocabulary story. work stations to Oral Vocabulary Cards: LA1-1-4 Self-monitors comprehension “Making Art and Music” provide activities that by using questions, retelling, and Genre: Expository reinforce key skills summarizing Strategy: Monitor and concepts. LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Comprehension: Reread  Use independent classifies grade-appropriate categories Skill: Main Idea and Details activities to provide (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Listening Comprehension (Day meaningful practice. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety 3) of situations  Get Ready Story from Basal LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Reader: “Make a Doll” with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Genre: Expository and appropriate intonation and Review Skill: Main Idea expression. and Details LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Listening Comprehension (Day LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, 4) indicating beginning, middle, and end.  Main Selection from Basal Reader: “Masks! Masks! LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events Masks!” found in a variety of texts and media Genre: Nonfiction from around the world to own Skill: Main Idea and Details experiences. Listening Comprehension (Day LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in 4) answering who, what, when, where,  Read Aloud: “The Sound of how, why, and what if questions. Music” Genre: Information Text/Expository Model Fluency Expand Vocabulary

Week 2 of Procedural Texts New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) - Accuracy: Use lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent  Oral Vocabulary beginning and model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities Read Aloud: The Paper ending sounds review skills and reading, listening and interacting. Crane by Molly Bang LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks - Comprehension: concepts. comprehension grade level text. Genre: Procedural  Use teacher led small Strategy: Reading and Determine and LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Comprehending Procedural analyze author’s groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Texts, Analyze Text purpose and the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Structure (Procedural) support with text presented in whole setting in a story. Skill: Generate Questions group LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Listening Comprehension (Day Review Previously  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a story. 3) Taught Skill(s) work stations to LA1-1-4 Self-monitors comprehension  Read Aloud: Origami for provide activities that Kids Directions by using questions, retelling, and reinforce key skills summarizing and concepts. uk/origami_for_kids.htm LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Genre: Procedural  Use independent classifies grade-appropriate categories Model Reading and activities to provide (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Comprehending Procedural meaningful practice. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Texts of situations Model Analyzing Text LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Structure with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Expand Vocabulary and appropriate intonation and Listening Comprehension (Day expression. 4) LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories  Read Aloud: Origami for LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Kids Directions indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events uk/origami_for_kids.htm found in a variety of texts and media Genre: Procedural from around the world to own Model Reading and experiences. Comprehending Procedural LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Texts answering who, what, when, where, Model Analyzing Text how, why, and what if questions. Structure Expand Vocabulary Theme Wrap Up (Day 5)  Comprehension Main Selection: Paper Airplane Directions Strategy: Reading and Comprehending Procedural Texts, Analyze Text Structure (Procedural) Skill: Generate Questions Week 3 of Procedural Texts New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) - Expand lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent  Oral Vocabulary Vocabulary: Ask model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities Read Aloud: How a book Is someone to define review skills and reading, listening and interacting. Made by Aliki the word for you LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks concepts. comprehension grade level text. Genre: Procedural  Use teacher led small Strategy: Reading and Review Previously LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Comprehending Procedural Taught Skill(s) groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Texts, Analyze Text the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Structure (Procedural) presented in whole setting in a story. Skill: Generate Questions group LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Listening Comprehension (Day  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a story. 3) work stations to LA1-1-4 Self-monitors comprehension  Read Aloud: Teacher’s provide activities that Choice of Book Making by using questions, retelling, and reinforce key skills summarizing Directions from Big Book of and concepts. Books and Activities by LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Dinah Zike  Use independent classifies grade-appropriate categories Genre: Procedural activities to provide (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Model Reading and meaningful practice. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Comprehending Procedural of situations Texts LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Model Analyzing Text with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Structure and appropriate intonation and Expand Vocabulary expression. Listening Comprehension (Day LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories 4) LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events,  Read Aloud: Teacher’s indicating beginning, middle, and end. Choice of Book Making LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events Directions from Big Book of found in a variety of texts and media Books and Activities by from around the world to own Dinah Zike experiences. Genre: Procedural LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Model Reading and answering who, what, when, where, Comprehending Procedural how, why, and what if questions. Texts Model Analyzing Text Structure, Expand Vocabulary Week 4 of Procedural Texts New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) - Expand lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent  Oral Vocabulary Vocabulary: Use model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities Read Aloud: Chop, dictionaries, and review skills and reading, listening and interacting. Simmer, Season by Alexa glossaries as tools LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks concepts. comprehension grade level text. Brandenburg  Use teacher led small Genre: Procedural LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Strategy: Reading and Review Previously groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Comprehending Procedural Taught Skill(s) the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Texts, Analyze Text presented in whole setting in a story. Structure (Procedural) group LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Skill: Generate Questions of sequence and characterization in a Listening Comprehension (Day  Use cross curricular story. 3) work stations to LA1-1-4 Self-monitors comprehension  Read Aloud: Teacher’s provide activities that by using questions, retelling, and Choice of Recipe reinforce key skills summarizing Genre: Procedural and concepts. LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Model Reading and  Use independent classifies grade-appropriate categories Comprehending Procedural activities to provide (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Texts meaningful practice. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Model Analyzing Text of situations Structure LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Expand Vocabulary with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Listening Comprehension (Day and appropriate intonation and 4) expression.  Read Aloud: Read Aloud: LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Teacher’s Choice of Recipe LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Genre: Procedural indicating beginning, middle, and end. Model Reading and LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events Comprehending Procedural found in a variety of texts and media Texts from around the world to own Model Analyzing Text experiences. Structure LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Expand Vocabulary answering who, what, when, where, Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) how, why, and what if questions.  Comprehension Read Aloud: Teacher’s Choice of Recipe Strategy: Reading and Comprehending Procedural Texts, Analyze Text Structure (Procedural) Skill: Generate Questions

Reading Planning: First Grade: Genre of Teacher’s Choice: Biographies Big Idea: Unit 3: Let’s Connect, Unit 2: Outside My Door, Unit 4: Nature Watch Time Frame: December 13 – January 14 (3.5 weeks) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question:  Elements of Narrative Procedure What strategies do good readers use?  Strategies for reading and comprehending procedural texts  Unit Vocabulary:  = From Treasures Series shadow, outline, observe, perform, entertain, biography, compare and contrast, KWL chart, Venn diagram, inferences America’s Choice Framework incorporating Treasures Differentiation NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE ARTS Progress Indicators Treasures Options CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS, AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Unit 3, Week 3: Me and My Shadow   Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent  Oral Vocabulary model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities reading, listening and interacting. Big Book: Guess Whose Shadow review skills and LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Genre: Nonfiction concepts. comprehension grade level text. Strategy: Analyze Text Structure  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Skill: Identify Main Idea and Details groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Listening Comprehension (Day 3) the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and  Read Aloud: “Hide and Seek Shadow” setting in a story. Genre: Poetry presented in whole LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Model Visualizing group of sequence and characterization in a Model Fluent Reading  Use cross curricular story. Expand Vocabulary work stations to provide LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Listening Comprehension (Day 4) activities that reinforce classifies grade-appropriate categories  Read Aloud: “My Shadow” key skills and concepts. (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Genre: Poetry  Use independent reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Model Visualizing activities to provide of situations Model Fluent Reading meaningful practice. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Expand Vocabulary with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) and appropriate intonation and  Comprehension expression. Main Selection: “Short Shadows, Long Shadows” LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Strategy: Analyze Text Structure LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Skill: Identify Main Idea and Details indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. Unit 2, Week 4: Sing and Dance   Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent  Oral Vocabulary model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities reading, listening and interacting. Big Book: Rap A Tap Tap review skills and LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Genre: Biography concepts. comprehension grade level text. Strategy: Visualize  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Skill: Retell groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Listening Comprehension (Day 3) the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and  Read Aloud: “The Hokey Pokey” setting in a story. Genre: Song presented in whole LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Model Visualizing group of sequence and characterization in a Model Fluent Reading  Use cross curricular story. Listening Comprehension (Day 4) work stations to provide LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary:  Read Aloud: “Dance at Grandpa’s” activities that reinforce classifies grade-appropriate categories Genre: Historical Fiction key skills and concepts. (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Model Visualizing  Use independent reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Model Fluent Reading activities to provide of situations Expand Vocabulary meaningful practice. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) with fluency, accuracy, comprehension,  Comprehension and appropriate intonation and Main Selection: “Beth and the Band” expression. Strategy: Visualize LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Skill: Retell LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. George Washington & Abraham Lincoln  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Listening Comprehension (Day 1) lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Use KWL chart to find out what students already model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities know about George Washington and Abraham review skills and reading, listening and interacting. LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Lincoln (Do all parts except for L) concepts. comprehension grade level text. es/teachact.htm  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Listening Comprehension (Day 2) groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Read Aloud: A biography of George the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Washington (teacher’s choice) presented in whole setting in a story. Genre: Biography group LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Strategy: Making Inferences  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a story. Skill: Compare and Contrast work stations to provide *Complete L part of KWL chart LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: activities that reinforce Listening Comprehension (Day 3) classifies grade-appropriate categories Read Aloud: A biography of Abraham Lincoln key skills and concepts. (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and (teacher’s choice)  Use independent reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Genre: Biography activities to provide of situations Strategy: Making Inferences meaningful practice. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Skill: Compare and Contrast with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, *Complete L part of KWL chart and appropriate intonation and Theme Wrap Up (Day 4) expression. Use Venn diagram to compare and contrast lives of LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories George Washington and Abraham Lincoln LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. es/teachact.htm LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. Unit 4, Week 4: What Scientists Do   Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent  Oral Vocabulary model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities reading, listening and interacting. Main Selection: Meet Ben Franklin review skills and LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Genre: Biography concepts. comprehension grade level text. Strategy: Summarize  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Skill: Make Inferences groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Listening Comprehension (Day 3) the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and  Read Aloud: “Digging for Clues” setting in a story. Genre: Realistic Fiction presented in whole LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Model Summarizing group of sequence and characterization in a Model Fluent Reading  Use cross curricular story. Expand Vocabulary work stations to provide LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Listening Comprehension (Day 4) activities that reinforce classifies grade-appropriate categories  Read Aloud: “What Kind of Scientist Are You” key skills and concepts. (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Genre: Nonfiction reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Model Summarizing  Use independent of situations Model Fluent Reading activities to provide LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Expand Vocabulary meaningful practice. with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) and appropriate intonation and  Comprehension expression. Main Selection: “The Fun Kids’ Band” LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Strategy: Visualize LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Skill: Retell indicating beginning, middle, and end. Theme Wrap Up (Day 4) LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events Main Selection: Meet Ben Franklin found in a variety of texts and media Genre: Biography from around the world to own Strategy: Summarize experiences. Skill: Make Inferences LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. Reading Planning: First Grade: Reading Report of Information Big Idea: Unit 1: All About Us, Unit 2: Outside My Door Time Frame: January 18 – February 8 (15 days) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question:  Elements of Nonfiction Texts What are the elements of a non-fiction text?  Strategies for using nonfiction text features  Strategies for identifying nonfiction text structures  Strategies for comprehending nonfiction texts  = From Treasures Series Comprehension  Analyze Character and Setting  Identify Sequence of Events  Evaluate Author’s Purpose  Unit Vocabulary: author’s purpose, summarize, main idea, details, goal, accomplish, protect, provide, habitat, survive America’s Choice Framework CAFÉ Strategies Treasures NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE ARTS Progress Indicators incorporating Treasures to be introduced Differentiation CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS, during whole Options AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS group

Unit 1, Week 5: Being Friends New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared  lessons to stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) - Expand introduce, model, LA-1-1D-2 Demonstrate decoding and reading activities Vocabulary: Use word recognition strategies and skills by Oral Vocabulary teach, and review  pictures, Recognizing high-frequency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Big Book: Teamwork illustrations, and skills and concepts. common irregularly spelled words in Genre: Nonfiction diagrams  Use teacher led text. Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Strategy: Analyze Text small groups to LA-1-1A-5 Self- Monitor comprehension self-corrections, and reading strategies Structure - Comprehension: differentiate the by using questions, retelling, and Skill: Evaluate Author’s Use text features instruction summarizing. Purpose (titles, headings, LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Listening Comprehension (Day 3) presented in whole  Read Aloud: “Tooth Tales captions, graphic group comprehension grade level text. from Around the World” features)  Use cross LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through Genre: Informational curricular work reading, listening and interacting. Expand Vocabulary Review Previously stations to provide LA-1-1C-2 Predict and explain what will Listening Comprehension (Day 4) Taught Skill(s) happen next in a story activities that  Read Aloud: “Up, Up, Up! LA-2-2C-5 Begin to utilize conventional It’s Apple Picking Time” reinforce key skills spelling. Genre: Fiction and concepts. LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Model Analyze Text Structure  Use independent classifies grade-appropriate categories Model Fluent Reading activities to provide (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Expand Vocabulary meaningful reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) practice. of situations  Comprehension LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Main Selection: “From Wheat to with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Bread” and appropriate intonation and Strategy: Analyze Text Structure expression. Skill: Evaluate Author’s Purpose LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. Unit 2, Week 1: Animal New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Families  - Comprehension: lessons to stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) Use main idea and introduce, model, LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities supporting details to reading, listening and interacting. Oral Vocabulary teach, and review  determine LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Big Book: Hello, Hello importance skills and concepts. comprehension grade level text. Genre: Nonfiction  Use teacher led LA-3-3B-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Strategy: Summarize - Comprehension: small groups to setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Skill: Identify Main Idea Recognize literary differentiate the LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Listening Comprehension (Day elements (genre, plot, instruction setting in a story. 3) character, setting) LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding  Read Aloud: “Goldilocks presented in whole group of sequence and characterization in a and the Three Bears” Review Previously story.  Use cross Genre: Fairy Tale Taught Skill(s) LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Model Summarizing curricular work classifies grade-appropriate categories Model Fluent Reading stations to provide (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Expand Vocabulary activities that reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Listening Comprehension (Day reinforce key skills of situations 4) and concepts. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud  Read Aloud: “Make Way  Use independent with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, for Ducklings” and appropriate intonation and Genre: Fiction activities to provide meaningful expression. Model Summarizing LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Model Fluent Reading practice. LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Expand Vocabulary indicating beginning, middle, and end. Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events  Comprehension found in a variety of texts and media Main Selection: “Animal Moms from around the world to own and Dads” experiences. Strategy: Summarize LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Skill: Identify Main Idea and answering who, what, when, where, Details how, why, and what if questions.

Unit 2, Week 3: Where New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Animals Live  - Fluency: Adjust and lessons to stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) apply different introduce, model, LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities reading rates to reading, listening and interacting. Oral Vocabulary teach, and review  match text. LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Big Book: Red-Eyed Tree skills and concepts. comprehension grade level text. Frog - Comprehension:  Use teacher led LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Genre: Nonfiction Summarize text; small groups to setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Strategy: Summarize include sequence of differentiate the LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Skill: Identify Main Idea & main events instruction setting in a story. Details LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Listening Comprehension (Day presented in whole Review Previously group of sequence and characterization in a 3) Taught Skill(s) story.  Use cross  Read Aloud: “We’re Going LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: On A Bear Hunt” curricular work classifies grade-appropriate categories Genre: Fiction stations to provide (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Model Summarizing activities that reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Model Fluent Reading reinforce key skills of situations Expand Vocabulary and concepts. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Listening Comprehension (Day  Use independent with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, 4) and appropriate intonation and  Read Aloud: “Make Way activities to provide meaningful expression. for Ducklings” LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Genre: Fiction practice. LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Model Summarizing indicating beginning, middle, and end. Model Fluent Reading LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events Expand Vocabulary found in a variety of texts and media Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) from around the world to own  Comprehension experiences. Main Selection: “A Prairie Dog LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Home” answering who, what, when, where, Strategy: Summarize how, why, and what if questions. Skill: Identify Main Idea and Details Reading Planning: First Grade: Author Study Big Idea: Using an Author Study to teach critical reading and writing skills Time Frame: February 9 – March 9 (20 Days) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question:  Reading Literature and Talking about Books How can studying works by one author help us improve our reading skills?  Studying the works of one author o Character o Conflict o Theme o Accountable Talk o Small Group Discussions (accountable talk, genre elements, demonstration of comprehension)  Unit Vocabulary: author study, Mem Fox, personal connections, dramatic play, interesting language, text-to-self connections, text-to-text connections, story structure, story map, book clubs America’s Choice CAFÉ Strategies Treasures NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE ARTS Progress Indicators Framework incorporating to be introduced Differentiation Options CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS, Treasures during whole AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS group

Part 1: Creating Support in Review Previously  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared the Classroom Taught Skill(s) lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Environment model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities (Lesson 1) review skills and reading, listening and interacting. LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks  Who We Are As Readers concepts. comprehension grade level text. (Lesson 2)  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues,  The Purposes of Reading groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies (Lesson 3) the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and  What Good Readers Notice presented in whole setting in a story. group LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a story. work stations to LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: provide activities that classifies grade-appropriate categories reinforce key skills (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and and concepts. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety  Use independent of situations activities to provide LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud meaningful practice. with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, and appropriate intonation and expression. LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. LA1-2-7 Identifies elements of an author’s style (e.g., word choice, sentence patterns, illustrations). LA1-2-10 Forms opinions about the text. Part 2: Establishing the Review Previously  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Rituals and Routines of the Taught Skill(s) lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Author Study model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities (Lesson 4) review skills and reading, listening and interacting. LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks  Introducing Author Study of concepts. comprehension grade level text. Mem Fox  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, (Lesson 5) groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies  Introducing Mem Fox the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and (Lesson 6) setting in a story. presented in whole LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding  Exploring the Work of Mem group Fox of sequence and characterization in a  Use cross curricular story. work stations to LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: provide activities that classifies grade-appropriate categories reinforce key skills (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and and concepts. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety of situations  Use independent LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud activities to provide with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, meaningful practice. and appropriate intonation and expression. LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. LA1-2-7 Identifies elements of an author’s style (e.g., word choice, sentence patterns, illustrations). LA1-2-10 Forms opinions about the text. Part 3: Making Review Previously  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Connections to Text Taught Skill(s) lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent (Lesson 7) model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities  Modeling Making Personal review skills and reading, listening and interacting. LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Connections to Text concepts. (Lesson 8) comprehension grade level text.  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues,  Moving into a Story through groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Dramatic Play the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and (Lesson 9) presented in whole setting in a story.  Interesting Language and LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding New Words group  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a (Lesson 10) story. work stations to  How the Text-to-Self LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Connection of a Proficient provide activities that classifies grade-appropriate categories Reader Builds Meaning reinforce key skills (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and (Lesson 11) and concepts. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety  Practicing Text-to-Self  Use independent of situations Connections activities to provide LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud (Lesson 12) meaningful practice. with fluency, accuracy, comprehension,  Revisiting a Text through and appropriate intonation and Dramatizing and Writing expression. More LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories (Lesson 13) LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events,  Making Text-to-Text indicating beginning, middle, and end. Connections LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. LA1-2-7 Identifies elements of an author’s style (e.g., word choice, sentence patterns, illustrations). LA1-2-10 Forms opinions about the text. Part 4: Learning Strategies - Comprehension:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared to Hold on to Thinking Compare and lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Connections to Text contrast within and model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities (Lesson 14) between text review skills and reading, listening and interacting. LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks  Using a Venn Diagram to - Comprehension: concepts. comprehension grade level text. Compare Two Books Recognize literary  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, (Lesson 15) elements (Theme) groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies  Studying Characters in a the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Daily teacher observations during shared Story setting in a story. reading, guided reading and independent (Lesson 16) presented in whole group LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding reading activities  Looking at Story Structure  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a (Lesson 17) story. Student entries in readers’ notebooks work stations to  Reviewing Elements of a LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Story with a Story Map provide activities that classifies grade-appropriate categories Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, reinforce key skills (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and self-corrections, and reading strategies and concepts. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety  Use independent of situations activities to provide LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud meaningful practice. with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, and appropriate intonation and expression. LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. LA1-2-7 Identifies elements of an author’s style (e.g., word choice, sentence patterns, illustrations). LA1-2-10 Forms opinions about the text. Part 5: Working in Smaller Review Previously  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Discussion Groups Taught Skill(s) lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent (Lesson 18) model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities  Beginning Small-Group review skills and reading, listening and interacting. LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Discussions concepts. (Lesson 19) comprehension grade level text.  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues,  Continuing Small-Group groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Discussions the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and (Lesson 20) presented in whole setting in a story.  Discussing the Works of LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Mem Fox group  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a (Lesson 21) story. work stations to  Interpreting a Story through LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Drama provide activities that classifies grade-appropriate categories reinforce key skills (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and and concepts. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety  Use independent of situations activities to provide LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud meaningful practice. with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, and appropriate intonation and expression. LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. LA1-2-7 Identifies elements of an author’s style (e.g., word choice, sentence patterns, illustrations). LA1-2-10 Forms opinions about the text. Part 6: What Have We Review Previously  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Learned? Taught Skill(s) lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent (Lesson 22) model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities  What We Have learned review skills and reading, listening and interacting. about Mem Fox and Her LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks concepts. comprehension grade level text. Work?  Use teacher led small (Lesson 23) LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies  Continuation of What We LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Have Learned about Mem the instruction setting in a story. Fox and Her Work presented in whole LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding (Lesson 24) group  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a  Celebrating the Author story. work stations to Study LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: provide activities that classifies grade-appropriate categories reinforce key skills (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and and concepts. reads, listens, and interacts in a variety  Use independent of situations activities to provide LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud meaningful practice. with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, and appropriate intonation and expression. LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. LA1-2-7 Identifies elements of an author’s style (e.g., word choice, sentence patterns, illustrations). LA1-2-10 Forms opinions about the text. Reading Planning: First Grade: Self-Monitoring and Self-Correcting Big Idea: Unit 6: Let’s Discover! Time Frame: March 21 – April 8 (15 Days) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question:  Elements of Narrative Procedure What strategies do good readers use?  Strategies for reading and comprehending procedural texts  Unit Vocabulary:  = From Treasures Series mystery, reread, blend, feature, expedition, spacecraft

America’s Choice CAFÉ Treasures Differentiation NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE ARTS Progress Indicators Framework incorporating Strategies to be Options CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS, Treasures introduced AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS during whole group

Unit 6, Week 1: Bugs, Review  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Bugs, Bugs!  Previously lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) Taught Skill(s) model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities reading, listening and interacting. Build Background review skills and  LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Knowledge concepts. comprehension grade level text.  Vocabulary/Comprehension  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Read for Vocabulary (Day groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies 1) the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and From Basal Reader: presented in whole setting in a story. “Where Has Freddy Gone group LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Now”  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a Genre: Fantasy story. work stations to provide Strategy: Identifying High LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Frequency Words activities that reinforce classifies grade-appropriate categories Skill: Use Words in Context key skills and concepts. (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and Reread for Comprehension  Use independent reads, listens, and interacts in a variety (Day 2) From Basal Reader: “Dot activities to provide of situations and Jabber and the Big Bug meaningful practice. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Mystery” with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Genre: Mystery and appropriate intonation and Strategy: Monitor expression. Comprehension: Reread LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Skill: Use Illustrations LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Listening Comprehension (Day indicating beginning, middle, and end. 3) LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events  Read Aloud: “Hey, Bug!” found in a variety of texts and media Genre: Poem from around the world to own Model Monitoring experiences. Comprehension: Rereading LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Model Fluent Reading answering who, what, when, where, Expand Vocabulary how, why, and what if questions. Listening Comprehension (Day 4)  Read Aloud: “The Ant and the Pigeon” Genre: Folk Tale Model Monitoring Comprehension: Rereading Model Fluent Reading Expand Vocabulary Theme Wrap Up (Day 5)  Comprehension From Basal Reader: “Dot and Jabber and the Big Bug Mystery” Genre: Mystery Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread Skill: Use Illustrations Unit 6, Week 2: Exploring Review  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Space  Previously lessons to introduce, stories. reading, guided reading and independent Oral Language (Days 1 & 2) Taught Skill(s) model, teach, and LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities reading, listening and interacting. Build Background review skills and  LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Knowledge concepts. comprehension grade level text.  Vocabulary/Comprehension  Use teacher led small LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Read for Vocabulary (Day 1) groups to differentiate setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies From Basal Reader: “A Good the instruction LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Trip Into Space” presented in whole setting in a story. Genre: Fiction group LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Strategy: Identifying High  Use cross curricular of sequence and characterization in a Frequency Words story. work stations to provide Skill: Use Words in Context LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Reread for Comprehension (Day activities that reinforce classifies grade-appropriate categories 2) key skills and concepts. (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and From Basal Reader: “Little Bear  Use independent reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Goes to the Moon” activities to provide of situations Genre: Fantasy meaningful practice. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Strategy: Monitor with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Comprehension: Reread and appropriate intonation and Skill: Make Predictions expression. Listening Comprehension (Day LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories 3) LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events,  Read Aloud: “One Giant indicating beginning, middle, and end. Leap: The Story of Neil LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events Armstrong” found in a variety of texts and media Genre: Biography from around the world to own Model Monitoring experiences. Comprehension: Rereading LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Model Fluent Reading answering who, what, when, where, Expand Vocabulary how, why, and what if questions. Listening Comprehension (Day 4)  Read Aloud: “Space Food” Genre: Nonfiction Article Model Monitoring Comprehension: Rereading Model Fluent Reading Expand Vocabulary Theme Wrap Up (Day 5) From Basal Reader: “Little Bear Goes to the Moon” Genre: Fantasy Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread Skill: Make Predictions Reading Planning: First Grade: Genre of Teacher’s Choice: Personal Narrative Big Idea: Personal Narrative: Telling Our Stories Time Frame: April 11 – April 29 (15 Days) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question:  Reading like Writers What characteristics are important in a good personal narrative?  Elements of Narrative  Organization of Narrative  Language of Narrative  Introducing a Character  Making a Character Come Alive  Everyday Talk  Adding Inner Thoughts and Feelings of Characters  Adding and Completing a rubric for personal narrative  Unit Vocabulary: character, inner thoughts, feelings, everyday talk America’s Choice Framework CAFÉ Strategies Treasures NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE ARTS Progress Indicators to be introduced Differentiation CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS, during whole Options AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS group Week 1: Junie B. Jones New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Series (teacher’s choice of -Comprehension: lessons to stories. reading, guided reading and independent book) Infer and support introduce, model, LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities (Day 1) with evidence teach, and review reading, listening and interacting. Read Aloud: Junie B. Jones LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks skills and concepts. comprehension grade level text. Book – 1-2 chapters Review Previously  Use teacher led (teacher’s choice) Taught Skill(s) LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Genre: Nonfiction small groups to setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Strategy: Introducing differentiate the LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Character instruction setting in a story. Skill: identify relevant presented in whole LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding information about character group of sequence and characterization in a story. with illustrations/words  Use cross (Day 2) LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: curricular work classifies grade-appropriate categories Read Aloud: Junie B. Jones stations to provide Book – 1-2 chapters (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and activities that (teacher’s choice) reads, listens, and interacts in a variety Genre: Nonfiction reinforce key skills of situations Strategy: Making a Character and concepts. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud Come Alive  Use independent with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Skill: identify models of activities to provide and appropriate intonation and characters from literature meaningful expression. LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories (Day 3) practice. Read Aloud: Junie B. Jones LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Book – 1-2 chapters indicating beginning, middle, and end. (teacher’s choice) LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events Genre: Nonfiction found in a variety of texts and media Strategy: Everyday Talk from around the world to own Skill: identify dialogue that experiences. matches everyday talk LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in (Day 4) answering who, what, when, where, Read Aloud: Junie B. Jones how, why, and what if questions. Book – 1-2 chapters (teacher’s choice) Genre: Nonfiction Strategy: Adding Inner Thoughts and Feelings of Characters Skill: identify characters’ inner thoughts or feelings (Day 5) Wrap-Up Read Aloud: Junie B. Jones Book – 1-2 chapters (teacher’s choice) Genre: Nonfiction Strategy: Character Development Skill: review text characteristics that make a character interesting Week 2: Kevin Henkes Series New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared (teacher’s choice of books) - Expand lessons to stories. reading, guided reading and independent (Day 1) Vocabulary: Use introduce, model, LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities Read Aloud: Kevin Henkes prior knowledge teach, and review reading, listening and interacting. and context clues LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks Book (teacher’s choice) skills and concepts. Genre: Nonfiction to predict and comprehension grade level text. Strategy: Indentifying Setting confirm meaning  Use teacher led LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, Skill: identify details to show small groups to setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies story setting Review Previously differentiate the LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and (Day 2) Taught Skill(s) instruction setting in a story. Read Aloud: Kevin Henkes presented in whole LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding Book (teacher’s choice) group of sequence and characterization in a story. Genre: Nonfiction  Use cross LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: Strategy: Indentifying Details curricular work Skill: understand how details classifies grade-appropriate categories stations to provide make words come alive for (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and readers and understand the activities that reads, listens, and interacts in a variety difference between general reinforce key skills of situations and specific details and concepts. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud (Day 3)  Use independent with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, Read Aloud: Kevin Henkes activities to provide and appropriate intonation and Book (teacher’s choice) meaningful expression. LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories Genre: Nonfiction practice. Strategy: Identifying LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, Commentary on Events indicating beginning, middle, and end. Skill: identify the craft of LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events adding comments or reactions found in a variety of texts and media to events from around the world to own (Day 4) experiences. Read Aloud: Kevin Henkes LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in Book (teacher’s choice) answering who, what, when, where, Genre: Nonfiction how, why, and what if questions. Strategy: Identifying Commentary on Events Skill: identify the craft of adding comments or reactions to events (Day 5) Read Aloud: Kevin Henkes Book (teacher’s choice) Genre: Nonfiction Strategy: Identifying interesting leads and endings Skill: understand how a good lead leads the reader on and how interesting endings provide closure Week 3: Teacher’s Choice of New Skills:  Use whole group LA-1-1A-1 Listen to and retell short Daily teacher observations during shared Personal Narrative Texts - Fluency: Use lessons to stories. reading, guided reading and independent Strategy & Skill: punctuation to introduce, model, LA-1-1A-7 Increase vocabulary through reading activities dependant upon student needs and enhance phrasing teach, and review reading, listening and interacting. chosen texts and prosody (end LA-2-2A-1 Read Aloud with fluency and Student entries in readers’ notebooks marks, commas, skills and concepts. comprehension grade level text. etc.)  Use teacher led LA-3-3b-1 Identify elements of plot and Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, small groups to setting in a story. self-corrections, and reading strategies Review Previously differentiate the LA3-3A-1 Identify elements of plot and Taught Skill(s) instruction setting in a story. presented in whole LA3-3B-2 Demonstrate understanding group of sequence and characterization in a story.  Use cross LA1-1-5 Expands vocabulary: curricular work classifies grade-appropriate categories stations to provide (e.g., animals, foods) of words, and activities that reads, listens, and interacts in a variety reinforce key skills of situations and concepts. LA1-1-6 Reads grade level text aloud  Use independent with fluency, accuracy, comprehension, activities to provide and appropriate intonation and meaningful expression. LA1-2-11 Talks and writes about stories practice. LA1-2-8 Retells stories and events, indicating beginning, middle, and end. LA1-2-5 Relates characters and events found in a variety of texts and media from around the world to own experiences. LA1-2-3 Responds and elaborates in answering who, what, when, where, how, why, and what if questions. Reading Planning: First Grade: Inquiry Genre Study Big Idea: Time Frame: May 2 – May 20 (15 Days) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question: What strategies do good readers use?

Comprehension   = From Treasures Series Unit Vocabulary:

America’s Choice CAFÉ Strategies Treasures NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE ARTS Progress Indicators Framework incorporating to be introduced Differentiation Options CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS, Treasures during whole AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS group

New Skills:  Daily teacher observations during shared reading, guided reading and independent -Comprehension: reading activities Review Previously Student entries in readers’ notebooks Taught Skill(s) Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, self-corrections, and reading strategies

New Skills:  Daily teacher observations during shared reading, guided reading and independent Review Previously reading activities Taught Skill(s) Student entries in readers’ notebooks *Comprehension: Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, self-corrections, and reading strategies

New Skills:  Daily teacher observations during shared reading, guided reading and independent reading activities Review Previously Taught Skill(s) Student entries in readers’ notebooks

Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, self-corrections, and reading strategies Reading Planning: First Grade: Reflect and Evaluate Big Idea: Time Frame: May 23 – May 27 (5 Days) Unit Overview (main areas of focus): Essential Question:  Portfolios Which reading strategies helped me most?  End of Year DRA  Unit Vocabulary:

America’s Choice Framework CAFÉ Treasures Differentiation NEW MEXICO LANGUAGE ARTS Progress Indicators incorporating Treasures Strategies to Options CONTENT STANDARDS, BENCHMARKS, be introduced AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS during whole group

Review  Daily teacher observations during shared Previously reading, guided reading and independent Taught Skill(s) reading activities

Student entries in readers’ notebooks

Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, self-corrections, and reading strategies Review  Daily teacher observations during shared Previously reading, guided reading and independent Taught Skill(s) reading activities

Student entries in readers’ notebooks

Running Records to assess fluency, miscues, self-corrections, and reading strategies

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