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INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion
Goal I – Leadership: Uphold and direct the future of special education in the state and nation. Objective 1 – Recruit and retain highy qualified special education administrators to the profession. Strategies i. Award and publicize one or Sept/annually Past- President $6000 One or more scholarships awarded at Completed. more scholarships per year. Fall Conference each year. 4 – 2014 Awardees shall be publicized through the 3 – 2015 website, Newsletter and the Conference Program. ii. Collaborate with LASE Annually/March LASE Coordinator -0- Report to board on activities completed AMP – Working to revise more presidents, and DESE New intensive plan. director to develop strategies Directors/AMP to retain and prepare special Committee Chair education administrators. PD Chair
iii. Award and publicize Fall/Annually Past-President $150 New special education administrator Yes recognition of New awarded annually. Awardees shall be Outstanding Special publicized through the website, Education Administrator, newsletter and conference program. Distinguished Service, and Recognition Award, on an annual basis. No progress. Need to clarify iv. Collaborate with CEC to strategy. recruit potential special August / Sept. CEC Board Rep. Cost of Report to Board on activities completed. education administrators brochures- through an annual Membership Chair $20 membership drive.
1 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion
Objective 2 – Increase member and supporter participation in organizational activities. Strategies i. Recognize participants in Annually PD Chair -0- Documents from year Yes conference program, Communications newsletter and website. Chair ii. Recruit candidates for Annually President/ Past -0- Record of committee participation & Yes Board positions and MO- President and representation- Fall Conference, Planning CASE committees who are Committee Chairs Committee, LASE Groups, Volunteers, representative of our Session Leaders membership (geographic, urban, and rural). iii. Conduct two annual Annually President -0- Attendance at meetings-time has been Yes. Move Spring to January. business meetings at changed to encourage more participation. times/locations designed to encourage membership participation.
Objective 3 – Establish organizational structures that address the changing needs of MO-CASE. Strategies i. Maintain and implement a Bi-Annually President/ -0- Results as shown on operation time line Yes. Review at each board meeting. strategic plan. Exec. Director President Elect ii. Develop and implement June/Annually Board/Treasurer Implementation, and accounting reports, Yes. Adopt at the board meeting. an annual budget designed to treasurer reports meet the strategic plan objectives. iii. Evaluate staffing needs March Board, Executive -0- Report/recommendations from Executive Yes and resources needed to Director Director implement the strategic plan. iv. Maintain current and January/Annually Membership -0- Data base, newsletter, Director briefs, Yes accurate member records. Chair/Admin website Asst
2 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion v. Assess and respond to Ongoing LASE -0- LASE President’s Breakfast, develop Yes needs of LASE groups and Coordinator/ additional strategies to encourage other educational Membership affiliation. organizations through Chair/Executive Email Board updates to LASE Presidents affiliation with MO-CASE. Director after each board meeting. Letter to LASE Presidents from Executive Director and LASE Coordinator
Maintain CEC Liaison position on MO- CASE Board
LASE Representatives vi. Maintain an operating -Annually by Board/Executive -0 (assets – CC funds– building funds/ Yes. Adopted June 2015. budget balance equal to January Director operating budget) 100% of the annual operating budget.
Objective 4 – Special Education Renewal / Reform Strategies i. Collaborate with Ongoing Board/Executive -0- Participation by leadership from major Completed - Advisory committee leadership from groups such Director education organizations in Missouri. met in December 2014 as DESE, MSBA, MASA, MAESP, MASSP, NEA, MFT, MSTA, CEC and University Special Education Faculty. ii. Review or determine need Board/Executive Participation by leadership from major Completed Winter 2015. for a facilitator for reform Director education organizations in Missouri initiatives on an annual basis. iii. Convene 2 or 3 Ongoing Board/Executive August 20, Agreement reached with representatives Developed an advisory & steering subsequent meetings of the Director 2014 Retreat of the organizations relative to changes committee specific to Reinvent. organizations for the purpose Advocacy Chair and improvements necessary for 3 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion of clarifying issues and educational reform. Debelopment of a achieving consensus relative formal document to articulate the to changes and changes. Discussions ith the state and improvements that may be national leaders to advocate the necessary. recommended changes. iv. Advocate necessary Ongoing Board/Executive -0- Agreement reached with representatives Completed. changes with state leadership Director of the organizations relative to changes Developed formal document. relative to state specific and improvements necessary for Discussions at state level. issues and with the Advocacy Chair educational reform. Development of a MO-CASE participated in national congressional delegation and formal document to articulate the discussions regarding ESEA. national education changes. Discussions with the state and Reduction in paperwork. organizations relative to national leaders to advocate the federal issues. recommended changes.
Goal II – Advocacy: Advance MO-CASE member policy interests at the state and federal levels. Objective 1 – Indentify and inform members about key policy issues that affect special education. Strategies i. Actively participate with Annually Policy $5000 SAC Report of activities via board meetings, 2015 - payment made to SAC other education organizations Coordinator Payment email and The Director and Joint Venture Agreement such as MCSA and CASE. signed. Officer and Committee Chair on CASE. ii. Monitor legislative and Annually Policy Evaluation by the Executive Director/ 2015-session monitored and policy activities at the state Coordinator Policy Coordinator summary completed and and federal levels. disseminated. iii Regularly inform the As needed Advocacy Chair Evaluation by the Executive Director/ 2015 session communications Board and members of issues Policy Coordinator with Advocacy Network and of importance through the Policy Communication posted Board included over 100 web site and other Coordinator messages covering state and communication vehicles, 4 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion including weekly updates federal legislation and related during the MO session. policy issues each year. iv. Solicit input from As needed Advocacy Chair Response to requests 2014 and 2015-accomplished individual special education via Advocacy Network made up administrators and/or MO- Policy of one representative from each CASE affiliates on special Coordinator LASE group and MO-CASE education issues. Board. Expanded to include MASP in 2015.
Objective 2 – Advocate for organizational policy recommendations. Strategies i. Establish an advisory Annually Executive Director Documentation of DESE participation at DESE staff attended MO-CASE relationship with the Office Board meetings Board meetings. MO-CASE of Special Education within representatives participated in the DESE by facilitating a Documentation of MO-CASE multiple committees and advisory mechanism for systemic participation in DESE committees groups. Positive response and review of and response to course change in response to MO- policy and practice decisions, CASE input and comments for establishing a coalition of example, accepted all comments to administrators to influence State Plan. critical policy and practice decisions. ii. Develop an annual As needed Advocacy Chair Positions communicated Completed for 2014 and legislative platform; disseminated to members. Shared organizational position Policy Coordinator Platform developed with SAC. Position statements statements, talking points, developed on multiple bills during and similar documents as 2014 legislative sessions. needed to address key issues.
5 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion
iii. Provide organizational On-going Advocacy Chair Sara/Kurt to Testimony, Written documents, Direct 2014 documents were provided to recommendations to policy provide $$ contacts and other communications legislators, amendment makers including Policy Coordinator including those done as part of the CASE recommendations were included in participation in the CASE Leadership Seminar Hill Day. braille and transfer bill. Team of Leadership Seminar in Board Members MO-CASE members to DC in 2014. Washington, DC. iv. Conduct advocacy Annually Advocacy Chair Sara/Kurt to Seminar to be conducted Advocacy trainings conducted training(s) and expand to provide $$ November 2014 in Columbia in regional as feasible. Policy Coordinator conjunction with SAC. Investigate connecting with Winter Institute as one regional.
Goal III – Support: Provide services and resources to special education administrators. Objective 1 – Connect special education administrators in meaningful mentoring relationships through LASE groups. Strategies i. Collaborate with LASE On going LASE Coordinator 0 Identify who needs a mentor in each Invited LASE Presidents to lead Groups to provide Mentors LASE Reps LASE Group by sending a request to the lunch during summer based on for new special education New Directors/ LASE President to survey their DESE list. administrators. AMP Chair membership.
Encourage each LASE Group to increase their individual LASE mentor list by 1 annually. Request that the LASE President send a copy of the agenda as well as the list of individuals who need a mentor to the LASE Coordinator.
Obtain an updated list from DESE to see if additional mentors had been added and to make sure they were assigned to a 6 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion
mentee. ii. Develop post-conference Fall Conference Conference & 0 Post conference workshops will be New Director strand during workshops for new directors Winter Institute Program Chairs offered at the Fall, Winter and Spring conference. in conjunction with the Fall Spring LASE Coordinator Conferences. Conference, Winter Conference and LASE Reps Institute, & Spring Conference for new directors as a follow-up to the summer workshop. iii. Provide follow-up August New Directors/ 0 Develop & implement the curriculum that Scope/sequence part of information curriculum for the Summer AMP Chair correlates with the administrative tasks of packet. Institute to implement in each timeframe September, December, & Exec Director March. iv. Conduct survey of May New Directors/ 0 Survey Results Survey of MO-CASE provided PD strengths & weaknesses of AMP Chair but not mento program as a whole. mentoring program & make modifications Exec Director accordingly.
Participation in DESE New Director Planning Yes. Committee. v. Assist area LASE groups On going New Directors/ 0 Locally assign mentor/mentees through N/A in creating local AMP Chair LASE & notify MO-CASE of names & Have increased sessions for PD mentor/mentee process for periodically check to see if they need coordinators at fall conference. individuals who are Exec Director anything from MO-CASE functioning as process coordinator LASE Coord
Objective 2 – Distribute relevant information and resources to the membership. Strategies 7 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion i. Survey districts regarding On-going Exec. Dir./ TBD Survey results from Fall conference, Conference attendees, yes – through needs through electronic President Winter Institute and Spring Law SurveyMonkey survey. Administrative Conference Asst. ii. Dissemination of board On-going Ex. Director/ 0 Dissemination of Board Information Advocacy relevant info. – yes information and updated LASE Coordinator guidance regarding relevant information, including Board updates to LASE Presidents for distribution to LASE members a minimum of four times annually. iii. Publish a minimum of 5 Annually Newsletter Editor, Part of Completion of Quarterly newsletters Board updates in newsletter 5 times newsletters per year that Admin. Asst., website cost per year. relate to those needs Executive Director, identified by members. Advocacy Rep. iv. Maintain website with On-going Ex. Director/ $600 The Board will annually review the Yes – reviewed and updated information relevant to Admin. Assistant website at the June Board Meeting: members. Advocacy Rep Board Report will reflect changes, etc. Yes Will add links to helpful websites Yes Develop social media sites. Ongoing Newsletters will be archived Yes LASE Agendas/meeting times will be Yes – as submitted added under new LASE tab.
Objective 3 – Increase number of MO-CASE supporters who are also CASE members. Strategies i. Notify members of Ongoing Membership Chair 0 Email notification by October 1st of year, ? access to CASE updates on- directions on website and information in line. Exec Director newsletter ii. Disseminate CASE Ongoing Membership Chair 0 Newsletters with CASE information. MO-CASE Newsletter information to LASE Exec Director Dissemination of CASE information to Presidents for distribution LASE Coord LASE Presidents. to LASE members. iii.Annually conduct a August – Membership Chair 0 Email LASE contacts & send newsletters ? 8 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion
CASE membership drive December Exec Director by October 1st of each year through email
Goal IV – Education: Provide ongoing support to meet the informational and educational needs of MO-CASE members and supporters. Objective 1 – Implement an annual plan outlining needs identified by MO-CASE members and supporters related to professional development. Strategies i. A Professional Annually PD Chair – Professional Development Committee Held 3 conferences Development Planning President Elect responsible for planning and Committee continues to be organizational duties for Fall, Winter and Reinvent appointed- including board Spring Law conference and other means members responsible for all of professional development. Advocacy Training professional development activities. ii. Professional Development October PD Chair Survey Summary of Results, suggestions from Committee reviews all of each year President Elect Monkey conference evaluations, annual member Was noted: available data sources, survey FUTURE => Pull out to focus SPP including conference evaluations, member surveys, Board review of SPP to assist with new legislative requirements, supporting membership SPP outcomes and LASE/Board feedback. iii. Professional Development Committee identifies key June of each PD Chair PD aligned to strategic plan. Yes, feedback used from survey priorities for the upcoming year President Elect year and matches those Develop a PD plan with data, key priorities with the December priorities, strategic plan alignment. organizational structures for Transition professional development. Meeting Organizational/planning meeting in summer.
Strategies 9 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion i. Provide a minimum of Annually PD Chair, Determined Evaluation Forms, Conf. Summary three high quality President Elect, PD annually professional development Committee opportunities per year that relate to those needs as identified by members. ii. Investigate and explore On-going PD Committee TBD PD Committee report of activities in the Electronic training professional other professional Unit Report. modules for new directors development activities in a New Directors program designed for variety of formats. special ed administrators -Explore a variety of presentation formats Advocacy trainings Sunday Law Seminar subcommittee Different Outcome//Structure needs to be developed. Different iii. Participate in national Annually Executive Director, National CASE Meeting CASE Board meetings and President, $6000 Report to Board, LASE groups, conferences. President-Elect newsletter, &/or website Board Members at the digression of President
iv. Present a model Missouri Annually PD Chair and $4000 Report to Board – add to agenda and get Need to work on this. program at a national Committee reports each meeting. conference as appropriate.
Strategies i. Contact will be made to On-going Board, Executive Summary of activities Completed. Varied through 10 INTERNAL OPERATION TIMELINE Developed June 2014 MO-CASE STRATEGIC PLAN Revised June 2014 2014 – 2016
Goal Timeline Person Resources Criteria For Performance End Results/Date Objective Strategy For Responsible Needed Completion other educational Director, Advocacy Newsletter to other partners Reinvent. organizations suggesting both Rep, President Present at other conferences presentations and articles that Professional Document contact on log sheet can be disseminated by MO- Development Chair CASE members to their Work with leaders from other memberships. organizations to write and submit joint articles for both group’s publications. Need to expand this objective. Include this on PD agenda