NHS Grampian Tobacco Policy
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NHS Grampian
Draft Tobacco Policy (2009)
Consultation Paper
February 2009 We welcome your views on the Draft Tobacco Policy (2009).
Please send us your response by Tuesday, 31 March 2009.
How to Respond
Further copies of this consultation paper and the consultation questionnaire, or a copy of the full NHS Grampian Draft Tobacco Policy (2009), can be requested by:
Phone: 01224 550950
E-mail: [email protected]
Online: www.nhsgrampian.org (Click on Smoke Free logo)
Please send your completed questionnaire or comments using one of the following options:
By post: FREEPOST NHS Grampian
Or Email: [email protected]
Alternative Formats
This consultation paper and questionnaire are available in large print and on computer disk. Other formats and languages can also be supplied on request. Please contact NHS Grampian Corporate Communications Team on 01224 554400 or email [email protected]
More Information
If you would like more information about the NHS Grampian Tobacco Policy, please contact Mr Derek Petrie, Tobacco Control Co-ordinator, on the details below.
Mr Derek Petrie Tobacco Control Co-ordinator NHS Grampian Public Health Directorate Summerfield House Eday Road Aberdeen AB15 6RE Email: [email protected] Introduction
NHS Grampian is responsible for improving the health of the people in Grampian. NHS Grampian recognises the dangers of passive smoking and the potential effects of this on patients, visitors and staff and believes that all patients, visitors and staff have the right to be in a totally smoke-free environment. NHS Grampian provides support for people who wish to give up smoking.
NHS Grampian’s current Tobacco Policy was developed in 2006, following a change to the law, and prohibited smoking within enclosed or substantially enclosed spaces. The aim of the Tobacco Policy (2006) was to ensure that all NHS Grampian sites became smoke free within a few years and that the provision of smoking areas was only a temporary measure.
The revised Tobacco Policy (2009) will make all NHS Grampian sites smoke-free, fulfilling the commitment made in 2006. This means that patients, visitors and staff will not be allowed to smoke on NHS Grampian premises and grounds or when using NHS Grampian services.
This consultation paper outlines the main points of the revised NHS Grampian Tobacco Policy and what it means for patients, visitors and members of staff.
Smoke-free Environment
The Tobacco Policy (2009) applies at all times to:
All premises and grounds of NHS Grampian. All people on NHS Grampian premises and grounds, including patients, visitors, staff (including bank staff and agency staff) and contractors. All staff wearing NHS Grampian uniform or an NHS Grampian ID badge or representing NHS Grampian during their working hours. This includes providing services to patients in any place, including a patient’s home.
The introduction of the Tobacco Policy (2009) will mean that patients are:
Expected not to smoke when on NHS Grampian premises and grounds or when receiving NHS Grampian services (including in their own home). Asked to take alternative sources of nicotine with them when using NHS Grampian services or on NHS Grampian premises, if needed to ease the discomfort of not smoking. Expected to treat NHS Grampian staff respectfully if asked by staff to stop smoking. If staying overnight, asked not to take tobacco products into hospital or onto NHS Grampian premises or grounds.
1 Visitors
The introduction of the Tobacco Policy (2009) will mean that visitors are:
Expected not to smoke when visiting NHS Grampian premises or grounds. Expected to treat NHS Grampian staff respectfully if asked by staff to stop smoking. Asked to take alternative sources of nicotine with them when visiting NHS Grampian premises, if needed to ease the discomfort of not smoking. Asked not to take tobacco products into hospital or on to NHS Grampian premises for patients to use.
NHS Grampian Staff
The introduction of the Tobacco Policy will mean that NHS Grampian staff:
Have a duty to comply fully with the policy. Are asked to take alternative, safe sources of nicotine with them during their working hours, if needed to relieve the discomfort of not smoking. Are encouraged to inform patients, visitors and other NHS Grampian staff, if they are seen smoking on NHS Grampian premises and grounds, that NHS Grampian has a smoke free policy and that smoking is not allowed. However, staff should not put themselves at risk by doing this.
Exceptional Circumstances
NHS Grampian recognises that it may not be appropriate for staff to ask some patients or visitors not to smoke. Staff will be expected to use their professional judgement on such occasions, for example, in the event of trauma or bereavement; and for some patients with a terminal illness or experiencing mental ill-health.
Efforts should be made to ensure that, in these exceptional circumstances, smoking does not present a risk to others.
A national consultation about achieving smoke free mental health services in Scotland is taking place at the same time as the NHS Grampian Tobacco Policy consultation. This is available at http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/12/22094350/0
The views of local mental health staff, service users and carers gathered for the national mental health consultation will be shared with NHS Grampian as part of the local consultation.
Support to Give Up Smoking
The revised policy proposes that support should be provided to patients and staff who wish to give up smoking. Support is available from NHS Grampian Smoking Advice Service.
2 Implementation
A number of actions are planned to implement the policy and encourage people to follow the ‘no smoking’ rule.
All smoking shelters will be removed from all NHS Grampian sites. ‘No smoking’ signs will be displayed widely across all NHS Grampian sites. No tobacco products of any description will be sold on NHS Grampian premises. From September 2009, all NHS Grampian correspondence, for example, letters, appointment cards and leaflets, will contain a statement telling people that NHS Grampian operates a Tobacco Policy on all sites. Information about NHS Grampian’s Tobacco Policy will be included in all patient and staff handbooks, recruitment information, job offers, employee induction programmes and safety policies. Contracts with external organisations, for example, for building works, will include information about NHS Grampian’s Tobacco Policy. All external organisations working on NHS Grampian premises and grounds will be expected to follow the policy.
The revised policy will be implemented in September 2009, and the necessary actions to make this possible will take place before this time, for example, removal of smoking shelters.
Thank you for taking the time to read this summary of the NHS Grampian Tobacco Policy. Please send us your views.