INTRODUCING THE DOW AGROSCIENCES PREFFERED FUNGICIDE :- DITHANE M-45 An organic wettable powder fungicide with good dispersal and sticking properties, for control of a wide range of fungal diseases in horticulture, floriculture, and field crops. It is a multisite fungicide, ideal to use in mixture or in alteration with systemic compounds in a resistance management programme. It is biodegrable and does not accumulate in the environment.

Active Ingredient :- 800g/kg MANCOZEB, as a coordination product of Zinc ion and Manganese ethylene bis-dithio-carbamate

Formulation :- Wettable Powder (WP)

Mode of Action A contact fungicide with protectant activity. It forms a slight film on the surface of the plant and gradually releases several degradation compounds, which disrupt the respiratory activity of the target fungi at several points of metabolic pathway. It is active against spore germination.

Directions for use To be fully effective Dithane M-45 must be used as preventive spray and therefore applied before the disease appears. Thorough coverage of the plant is essential. Repeat sprays every 7-10 days, applying at the shorter interval during heavy rain or if overhead irrigation is used.

Mixing Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Add the recommended measure of Dithane M-45. Mix and agitate well then completely fill the tank with the remaining water. Keep on agitating during spraying.

Spray volume Spray in 400-1000lt water per hectare

Rates of Use Crop Disease Rate/Ha Rate/20Lt Remarks Potatoes Early blight, late 1.5-2.5kg 50gm Start application as soon as the blight, crop is well established or at common scab first sign of disease. Apply at 7-10 days interval. Tomatoes Early blight, late 1.5-2.5kg 50gm Start application when the blight, seedlings emerge or at leafspot,anthracnose 2-3weeks after transplanting. Repeat at 7-10 days interval. Vegetables Rust, downy 1.5-2.5kg 50gm Apply at first signs of disease (brassica, spinach, mildews, as a full cover spray 7-14 days cucurbits) Alternaria leafspot, or after rain. anthracnose, early and late blight Beans and peas Rust, anthracnose, 1.5-2.5kg 50gm Commence application when disease anticipated or when first signs of disease noticed. Apply full cover spray and wet thoroughly ,every 7-10days to keep plant surface protected. Ornamentals and Downypildews, 1.5-2.5kg 50gm Start application when disease cut-flowers anthracnose first appears, and continue Rusts, black spot weekly throughout the season. Fruit crops (citrus, Anthracnose, core 1.5-3.0kg 60gm Start application at the pre- mangoes ) rot,blackspot,melano bloom stage. For citrus start se, when either disease or pest scales, rust mite and threatens. Repeat 6 times, at associated 7days interval. russetting. Tobacco Blue mold,leafspot, 1.5-2.5kg 50gm Apply when disease anticipated brown spot, or immediately after signs of anthracnose disease. Repeat at 7-10days interval. Onions Downey mildew, grey 1.5-2.5kg 50gm mold Vines (grapes ) Dead am disease, 1.5-2.5kg 50gm downey mildew,blackrot

The leading protectant fungicide with tradition and confidence for over 40 years Preharvest intervals (PHI) Tomatoes, potatoes, and vegetables 3days All other edible crops 7days Citrus 14days Grapes 28days

KEY BENEFITS  A mancozeb based fungicide with a proven superior activity to other cacarbamates like Zineb and Maneb.  Has broad-spectrum protectant activity effective in many crops.  Low risk resistance due to multisite mode of action  High margins of crop safety. It is not phytotoxic to sensitive crops e.g. Cucurbits where other cambamates are not recommended.  Compatible with most commonly used fungicides, insecticides, miticides and growth regulators.  Low persistence in the environment (degraded by chemical process on plant surfaces, and by biochemical processes in plants,animals,and soil micro-organisms)  No leaching potential  Has a short pre-harvest interval.  Potential health benefits to the plant of micronutrients Mn and Zn.  Primary resistance management tactic for single site fungicides.  The preferred partner of systemic and penetrant fungicides.

AVAILABLE PACKS 24x100g,12x200g,12x500g,12x1kg ALWAYS READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE Marketed and distributed by

LACHLAN KENYA LIMITED P.O.BOX 49470 – 00100 NAIROBI TEL +254 20 2073912/3/4 FAX +254 20 2060260 CELL +254 722 209474 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE