This Code of Conduct Will Form an Integral Instrument in the Regulation of the Conduct Of

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This Code of Conduct Will Form an Integral Instrument in the Regulation of the Conduct Of

Preamble This Code of Conduct will form an integral instrument in the regulation of the conduct of TSR members. This Code of Conduct is written in the spirit of maintaining a high level of professionalism and emulating the values that the TSR uphold, which is implicit in the TSU Vision and the Mission Statement of the TSR. This Code of Conduct will form the basis of micro-accountability in the internal environment of the council as a distinguished and prestigious body Objectives With this Code of Conduct the TSR hope to achieve the following outcomes, to: 1. Regulate the conduct of members of council and portfolio managers; 2. Encourage the development of a professional representative council; 3. Ensure the council and all members of council and portfolio managers are responsible and accountable; 4. Encourage council members to engage critically, yet respectfully with one another, other students and staff at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Stellenbosch University; 5. Promote and protect the integrity of the council; 6. Promote the status of the council as a distinguished and prestigious body; 7. Have the council and all members of council and portfolio managers fulfil their 8. constitutional mandate 9. Have the status of the TSR as the highest representative body of the TSU should be upheld, promoted and protected.

General Provisos The following general rules apply to all TSR members and Portfolio Managers: 1. Pledge loyalty to the Vision of the TSU; 2. Commit to the Mission Statement of the TSR; 3. Commit to the Strategic Directives of the TSR (e.g. the Golden Threads); 4. Respect the values of the SU, the values implicit in the TSU Vision, TSR Mission Statement and the Core Values of the Tygerberg Cluster; 5. Engage critically with students and staff, without breaching professional and diplomatic decorum; 6. Represent students judiciously; 7. Execute and fulfil the constitutional mandate of the TSR; 8. Preserve personal integrity, especially in social, cultural and academic contexts – the council supports the development of well-rounded, well informed students that think critically and engage with and participate in society; 9. Wear the official TSR uniforms as prescribed by the council; 10. Relay information and accounts of events accurately and objectively; 11. Manage sensitive intelligence appropriately; 12. Uphold the confidentiality of matters declared confidential [including discussion in camera]

Members of the TSR and Portfolio Managers must refrain from: 1. Abusing the power of the Tygerberg Student Council in any way; 2. Participating in activities or displaying conduct that will compromise the integrity and good standing of the TSR and Stellenbosch University; 3. Forging, altering or misusing university documents, records or identification; 4. Misrepresenting oneself in any way; 5. Representing oneself [personally] in a capacity of a TSR office bearer, however, a member may represent views of his/her ex officio body; 6. Using, distributing, selling or being under the influence of illegal drugs or illegal substances; 7. Possessing or using illegal firearms, dangerous weapons or hazardous material; 8. Vandalising or destroying property of Stellenbosch University; 9. Using property of Stellenbosch University for personal gain; 10. Exercising any form of conduct that may threaten or endanger the health or safety of any person; 11. Receiving penalties or sanctions for misconduct of any sort; within the university or external environment; 12. Violating any university policy or South African law. 13. Promoting ideals, notions or activities contrary to the vision of the TSR, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences or the University

Meetings The following stipulations are applicable to general TSR meetings; UK meetings; TSR Committee meetings; meetings with officials of Stellenbosch University and other parties: 1. Acquaint yourself with the procedural decorum of the meeting you are attending and observe the appropriate procedures; 2. Be punctual and arrive ten (10) minutes before the start of the gathering so that the gathering may start on time; 3. Be professional, respectful, courteous and observe diplomatic decorum at all times; 4. Prepare for the meeting, by perusing all relevant content before arriving for the meeting; 5. Dress appropriately, in accordance with the prescribed TSR dress code: a. Wear the appropriate formal TSR uniform to all TSR meetings; TSR committee meetings; meetings with officials of the University and other structures where the council is represented; b. Wear the appropriate informal TSR uniform for social gatherings as prescribed by the TSR member for Marketing. 6. Submit apologies for absence from meetings and other proceedings to the Secretary and the Vice Chairman, 48 hours before the meeting, proceeding, gathering or other event is to take place; 7. The Vice Chairman may use his/her discretion to reject an apology and not grant leave of absence, in consultation with the Chairman of the TSR; 8. No TSR member or Portfolio Manager may be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or any other illegal substance at a meeting.

Formal university activities Be punctual and arrive ten (10) minutes before the start of the gathering; 1. Be respectful and diplomatic at all times; 2. Wear formal TSR uniform or clothing prescribed by the TSR Member for Marketing; 3. Represent the council and the TSU fairly; 4. Observe the procedures of the activity; 5. In no way say, do or conduct yourself in such a way that may bring ill repute to the TSR, TSU or Stellenbosch University.

Social gatherings Be punctual and arrive ten (10) minutes before the start of the gathering; 1. Be respectful at all times; 2. Wear the appropriate TSR clothing prescribed by the TSR Member for Marketing; 3. Consume alcohol in moderation; 4. Refrain from displaying any form of conduct that may be offensive, profane or bring ill repute to the good standing, good name and prestige of the TSR as corpus egregius et praetexto.

Disciplinary Procedures and Sanctions

Disciplinary Procedure 1. Any member of the TSR, TSU or official or staff member of Stellenbosch University may notify the Chairman or Vice Chairman of any form of conduct that poses any risk to the good standing and integrity of the TSR and/ or Stellenbosch University; 2. Any member of the public or parties that interact with the TSR may inform the Chairman of the UK of any form of conduct that poses any risk to the good standing and integrity of the TSR and/or Stellenbosch University; 3. In the event that notice or information described in (1) and (2) above is communicated to a council member other than described in (1) and (2) above or to a Portfolio Manager, the member or Portfolio Manager report such to the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the TSR 4. The Chairman of the UK may institute Disciplinary Procedures if it is found that a member of the TSR or a Portfolio Manager has contravened this Code of Conduct. 5. The Chairman of the UK must assess the situation and determine the nature of the risks or damages caused to the image, good standing and integrity of the TSR and/or Stellenbosch University. 6. All actions executed by the Chairman of the UK with respect to the management of discipline and internal micro-accountability must be properly and appropriately justified. 7. Any matters of conduct and discipline deemed to have very little or no risk to the good standing and integrity of the TSR and/or Stellenbosch University may be addressed by the Chairman of the UK. 8. Any matters of conduct and discipline deemed to have moderate risk to the good standing and integrity of the TSR and/or Stellenbosch University must be referred to the UK for management. 9. Any matter of conduct and discipline that are deemed to have little impact on the integrity of the TSR and/or Stellenbosch University that recur, must be referred to the UK for appropriate management. 10. Any matters of conduct and discipline that pose a significant risk or caused damage to the good standing and integrity of the TSR and/or Stellenbosch University will be referred to a prosecutor of the Central Disciplinary Committee (CDC) for management, after consultation with the UK. 11. The UK may convene administrative hearings to establish all the relevant facts surrounding a contravention of this Code of Conduct and adopt any appropriate resolve. 12. Any directive sanctioned by the UK may be appealed against. The respective TSR member or Portfolio Manager will submit a written appeal to the Chairman of the UK within 24 hours of notification of the directive. 13. Appeals will be sent to the Chairman of the UK for an opinion. The opinions together with the justification provided by the UK will be presented to the TSR and the TSR will vote on a motion to ratify the UK’s decision, at a general TSR meeting where quorum is present. A valid vote constitutes 50% + 1 vote. If a majority vote is not upheld the TSR may veto the decision by the UK and adopt an alternative resolve or amend the directive sanctioned by the UK. 14. Should a member not be satisfied following the provisions of (13) above, the member in question may submit an appeal to Student Court and/or Student Affairs. 15. Should a member not be satisfied following the provisions of (12) and (13) above, the member in question may submit a complaint to the CDC 16. Matters referred to the CDC are subject to the provisos, regulations and jurisdiction of the CDC. 17. Records should be kept of all disciplinary and conduct matters by the Chairman of the UK 18. A statement of results of decisions made may be made public, provided that the rights of the parties involved are upheld and the consent of the parties involved is obtained.

Sanctions 1. The application of this code of conduct will aim to be recuperative, corrective and supportive; punitive measures shall be considered as a last resort. 2. Minor incidents, including those that are first time contraventions of this Code of Conduct, may be managed by the Chairman of the UK and may be resolved with a verbal warning and at most a written warning. 3. Written warnings issued by the Chairman of the UK must be ratified by the UK. 4. Matters managed by the UK must be contextualised and the directive sanctioned must be appropriate for the severity of the risk to the good standing of the TSR and/or Stellenbosch University caused by the contravention of this Code of Conduct. 5. The UK must adequately and appropriately, justify any and all of the directives sanctioned by the UK. 6. The UK may adopt any of the following methods to sanction a disciplinary directive: a. Written warning with the implementation of mechanisms to correct behaviour; b. A fine that shall not be less than R100 or more than R500, the amount to be determined by the UK, to be paid within 30 days from issue of the fine; c. Sanction any action that may cause reversal of risk to the good standing and integrity of the TSR and/or Stellenbosch University; d. Ask the respective TSR member or Portfolio Manager to resign from the TSR; e. Make recommendations to Student Affairs to reduce or withhold the honorarium or part of the honorarium of the respective TSR member or Portfolio Manager; f. Adopt any additional method that may be appropriate and fair to correct the individual’s behaviour and restore the good standing and integrity of the TSR and/ or Stellenbosch University. 7. Matters referred to the CDC are subject to the decisions determined by the CDC

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