JROTC Cadet Creed
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JROTC Cadet Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school, and the Corps of Cadets
I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America
I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.
I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.
I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.
I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life.
May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed. THE JROTC missions of LET 1, LET 2, LET 3, LET 4 "To Make Young Americans Better Citizens." Responsible for SAI (Msgt. Pickett)
LET I -- The mission of Leadership Education and Training (LET) is to motivate first year JROTC cadets to be better citizens. To accomplish this purpose, the text discusses citizenship, leadership, and a number of other courses designed to help the cadets succeed in high school and after graduation. Cadets wear uniforms twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday. Extracurricular activities include: Providing color guards, participating in community parades, drill and rifle teams.
Responsible for AI (SFC. Bee)
LET II -- The second year of Leadership Education and Training provides more details about leadership situations. The program is split into units including: Techniques of Communication, Leadership, Cadet Challenge, Leadership Lab, First Aid, Map Reading, History, Your American Citizenship, Career Opportunities, and Role of the U.S. Army. The wearing of the uniform and extracurricular activities are the same as for LET I. Responsible for AI (SFC. Bess)
LET III -- The third year of Leadership Education and Training provides still more leadership situations. In this year students will not only be more involved as teacher and leaders within the cadet battalion, but they will also do more independent studies in the areas of communication, leader, first aid, history, map reading, career opportunities, and technology awareness. The wearing of the uniform and the extracurricular activities are the same as for LET I.
LET IV --Fourth-year cadets are responsible for the daily cadet administration and perform as commanders and staff officers. They act as assistant instructors in some subject areas for other JROTC classes. They continue to develop their leadership skills and plan special unit events such as the military ball or the annual awards banquet.
LET 1 LET2 LET3 LET4 M : 50 M : 46 M : 14 M : 14 F : 46 F : 31 F : 13 F : 10 96 77 27 24 Pledge of allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America, And to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice For all. ARMY JROTC’ RIBBONS and MEDALS Ribbons
Distinguished Cadet Academic Excellence Academic Achievement
Awarded annually to one Awarded annually to one Awarded annually to those cadet who exhibits the cadet in each LET level for cadets who maintain a grade highest degree of excellence maintaining highest school of "A" in all academic in scholastics. academic grades. subjects. N-1-1 N-1-2 N-1-3
Perfect Attendance Student Government Leadership Education Training Service Awarded to cadets with no Elected to a student unexcused absence during government office. Awarded to cadets each quarter/semester. N-1-5 successfully completing first N-1-4 quarter/semester of training of each LET year. N-1-6
Optional by Region Optional by Region Optional by Region Commander Commander Commander N-1-7 N-1-8 N-1-9
Optional by Region Varsity Athletics Physical Fitness Commander N-1-10 Awarded annually to cadets Awarded annually to cadets that excel in varsity sports. who maintain excellent N-2-1 physical fitness. Male cadets must run one mile in 8:30 minutes or less – females in 10:45 minutes or less. N-2-2
JROTC Athletics Optional by Region Optional by Region Commander Commander Awarded annually to cadets N-2-4 N-2-5 that excel in ROTC athletics. N-2-3
DAI/SAI Instructor Personal Appearance Proficiency Leadership Awarded annually to cadets Awarded annually to cadets Awarded annually to one who consistently present an who have demonstrated an cadet per LET level who outstanding appearance. exceptionally high degree of displays the highest degree N-3-2 leadership, academic of leadership. achievement, and N-3-1 performance of duty. N-3-3
Drill Team Orienteering Color Guard
Awarded annually to drill Awarded annually to cadets Awarded annually to team members. who are members of members of the color/honor N-3-4 orienteering teams. guard. N-3-5 N-3-6
Rifle Team Ribbon Adventure Training Commendation Ribbon
Awarded annually to rifle Awarded annually to cadets Awarded to cadets whose team members. who are members of performance of duty N-3-7 adventure training type exceptionally exceeds that units. expected of a cadet of his N-3-8 grade and experience. N-3-9
Good Conduct Summer Camp Optional by Region Commander Awarded annually to cadets Awarded to cadets for N-3-12 who have demonstrated summer camp participation. outstanding conduct N-3-11 throughout the school year. N-3-10
Optional by Region Optional by Region Optional by Region Commander Commander Commander N-3-13 N-3-14 N-3-15
Parade Ribbon Recruiting Ribbon Optional by Region Commander Awarded to cadets who have Awarded to cadets who N-4-3 participated in local recruit students into the community parades JROTC program each (Veterans' Day Parade, quarter/semester. Memorial Day Parade, etc.). N-4-2 N-4-1
Optional by Region Optional by Region Commander Commander N-4-4 N-4-5
Unit Awards
Honor Unit Insignia. Each member of a unit designated as an Honor Unit is awarded the Honor Unit Insignia (blue star).
Honor Unit with Distinction Insignia. Each member of a unit designated as an Honor Unit with Distinction is awarded the Honor Unit with Distinction Insignia (yellow star).
Academic Achievement Insignia. A gold wreath authorized for wear by cadets in the top ten percent of each JROTC class – based on grades earned in JROTC courses, as determined by the SAI. Subsequent awards are indicated by a felt pad center background. • Second award – red pad. • Third award – silver pad. • Fourth award – gold pad.
Marksmanship Badges
Marksman Sharpshooter Expert
Shoulder Cords
Color Guard/Honor Guard – White
Drill Activities – Red Marksmanship Activities – Tan
Orienteering Activities – Green
Physical Training Team – Black
Honor Organizations & Societies – Gold
Color Guard/Honor Guard – White
Drill Team – Red
Rifle Team (Marksmanship Activities) – Tan
Academic Competition Team – Yellow
Physical Training Team – Black
Honor Roll – Blue
Summer Camp – Brown
Orienteering Team – Green
Raider Team – Black
School Band – Blue Cadet Rank and Battalion Structure