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MINUTES ISLAND HEIGHTS PLANNING BOARD – Jan. 10, 2007 The regular meeting of the Island Heights Planning Board was called to order by Chairperson Joest at approximately 6:30pm. Following the flag salute roll call was taken and present were: Garrett Joest, Richard Woods, John Bendel (6:40PM), Bill Doherty (6:45PM), Anne Garvin, Florence Kernaghan, Karen Kier Elizabeth Leahey and Robert Ellis, Esq., Michael O’Donnell and Wendy Prior, Secretary. Absent: Fred DeFeo, Brian Hall, and Richard Morrison. Chairperson Joest then read the Open Public Meetings announcement.
Chairperson reviewed the correspondence which required no action to be taken.
Motion to approve the vouchers from Mr. Ellis was made by Mr. Woods second by Ms. Garvin. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Joest Yes Ms. Kernaghan Yes Mr. Woods Yes Ms. Kier Yes Ms. Garvin Yes Ms. Leahey Yes
Motion to approve the minutes from the December 13, 2006 meeting was made by Mr. Woods second by Ms. Garvin. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Joest Yes Ms. Kernaghan Abstain Mr. Woods Yes Ms. Kier Abstain Ms. Garvin Yes Ms. Leahey Abstain
Chairperson Joest read into record the letter dated November 21, 2006 from O’Donnell, Stanton and Assoc. Mr. MacGyver attorney for Padula Builders stated that the application for the sign C Variance was withdrawn. Mr. Amelchenko was sworn in by Mr. Ellis who gave testimony regarding the architecture. Various pictures were marked into evidence from A1 to A5. The applicant Mr. Louis Padula was sworn in by Mr. Ellis. Mr. Padula gave testimony to the use of the building if approved and answered various questions from the Board and their Attorney. At this time the letter from environmental study group was marked into evidence as A6. Mr. Frank Bauer from WSB Engineering was sworn in by Mr. Ellis. Mr. Bauer gave testimony and answered various questions from the Board and Mr. Ellis. Chairperson Joest opened the Privilege of the Floor. Mr. Dan Janquitto asked about the runoff if this is constructed as planned. Mr. Bauer stated that a study was done and would be going towards the western portion of the property. Mr. Swain had a question regarding the drawing and look of the front of the building. At this time the privilege of the floor was closed. Chairperson Joest opened the statement portion from the public. Mr. Dan Janquitto of 39 Lake Ave. was sworn in by Mr. Ellis. Mr. Janquitto stated it would be a benefit and improvement to existing structure but voiced concerns regarding fence being only two feet from his building. Discussion was held between Mr. Janquitto, the Board, Mr. Padula and his experts and Mr. Ellis. Motion to close the statement portion of them meeting was made by Mr. Woods second by Mr. Joest. Unanimous Voice Vote.
Motion to approve the Site Plan Application of Padula Builders for Block 39.01, Lot 1.02 was made by Mr. Woods second by Mr. Bendel. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Joest Yes Ms. Garvin Yes Mr. Woods Yes Ms. Kernaghan Yes Mr. Bendel Yes Ms. Kier Yes Mr. Doherty Yes Ms. Leahey Yes
At this time a brief recess was taken.
Mr. Bendel was absent at 8:30PM.
The variance application for Mr. McMullan Block 7, Lot 1, was heard with various questioning from his attorney Mr. Swain. Mr. Ellis marked into evidence various pictures and model from Mr. McMullan. Questions from the Board, Mr. Ellis and Mr. Swain were heard. Mr. Swain stated that their two witnesses were unable to attend the meeting this evening and therefore would like to carry this over to another meeting without further notification or notice. Motion to carry this Variance application until May 9, 2007 was made by Mr. Woods second by Mr. Joest. Unanimous Voice Vote.
Chairperson Joest announced that the Master Plan reviewed would be held at the next meeting.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Joest second by Ms. Leahey. Unanimous Voice Vote.
Respectfully Submitted by Wendy J. Prior