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Department Children and Youth Services

The City of Chicago, The Department of Family and Support Services Out-of-School Time 2012 Program Work Plan Career Exploration in Green Industries

2012 Work Plan Introduction Welcome

Congratulations on being awarded funding with the Youth Division of the Department of Family & Support Services (DFSS). The City of Chicago welcomes your organization to our network of “DFSS Youth Services providers.”

Here are some DFSS resources to help you in implementing your grant for 2012:

DFSS Youth Citywide Site:

As part of our network, your organization will be given the opportunity to interact with various types of youth development agencies and organizations. Organizations have the opportunity to share information and resources across communities. You will also be connected to citywide resources that are available to support and strengthen the quality of youth programs. Additional benefits include:


This year DFSS will provide your site with quarterly data that can be utilized to improve program operations and management. Agencies are required to use Cityspan for all out-of-school time programs. The more information you enter into Cityspan the more aggregate information you will have on your site (i.e. an aggregate report which includes all youth that attend a variety of programs at your site vs. a report which only includes total number of youth served by your CDBG contract).

Use of Cityspan is a contract requirement and future funding will be based on compliance and non-compliance.

Employability Assessment:

The Employability Assessment (EA) is an observed assessment of 16 core 21st century college and career skills. Employability Assessments measure behavioral skills required for college and career success. This custom tool was created by the Chicago Workforce Investment Council after extensively researching industry, education and academic reports on career readiness. Assessment tool includes Assessment Scorecard and Rubric. Training and implementation calendar will be shared with delegate agencies in 2012.

Program Quality:

In a continuing effort to improve the quality of DFSS programs, the Youth Division will more fully build on the Program Quality Initiative in 2012. The four areas/focuses of Program Quality Initiative include: DFSS Out-of-School Time 2012 Program Work Plan PAGE 1 The City of Chicago, The Department of Family and Support Services Out-of-School Time 2012 Program Work Plan Career Exploration in Green Industries

1) Safe Environment-Program provides psychological and emotional safety, healthy food and drinks, physically safe environment, program space and furniture. 2) Supportive Environment- Program provides youth with skill building, active engagement, session flow, reframing conflict, and welcoming atmosphere. 3) Interaction-Program provides opportunities for youth to lead and mentor, partner with adults, experience belonging, and participate in small groups. 4) Engagement-Program provides youth the opportunity to plan, reflect, and make choices.

Fiscal Management Associates (FMA) - a Fiscal Initiative:

Fiscal Management Associates (FMA) in collaboration with the DFSS Youth Division will continue to provide opportunities- trainings, webinars and one-on-one consultations- to help improve the fiscal capacity of your agencies.

Community Planning Network:

Essential to supporting delegate agencies, the Department of Family and Support Services will continue convening youth programs across the city. The purpose will be to continue planning around capacity building and expansion of quality youth programs in the city. The Youth Service Coordinator will be provide more information on the function and operation of the community planning networks.

Performance Rating:

A performance rating system will be used for each agency based Cityspan usage, Average Daily Attendance, Expenditure Rate, Program Quality process, Work-Plan deliverables, and Action Plans, when applicable. The performance rating is as follows: o Thriving-Exceeds performance. o Performing-Meets performance. o Emerging-Below performance.

After School Chicago Program Locator:

The After School Chicago website ( allows parents and teens to see all available city programs across agencies and other city departments that includes the Department of Family and Support Services, Chicago Park District, Chicago Public Libraries, Chicago Public Schools and After School Matters, on one easy-to-use website. The portal is searchable by program type and program location. For more information about the program locator, contact your YSC.

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Technical Assistance and Supports:

A Youth Service Coordinator (YSC) is assigned to your organization to support, assist and coach program staff to thrive in the implementation of your program and all administrative aspects related to your program.

Andrew Fernandez Carmen E. Alicea-Reyes Director of Youth Services Deputy Commissioner of Youth Services

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Agency Profile:

Funding Department: The Department of Family and Support Services Agency Name:

Funding Program: Out-of-School Time 2012 Funding Amount:

Funding Source: Executive Director Contact Information: Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email

Administration Location: Address, Phone, Fax, Email

Program Location/Site(s) (where the youth programming will take place): Address, Phone, Fax, Ward, Comm. Area(s)

Program Contact Information: Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email

Program Information (Please initial your selection):

 CDBG funding as a primary source for your program site: ______

 CDBG funding is supplemental funding for your program site: ______

Program Operation:

Programs are required to operate 5 days per week from the hours of 3:00pm to 6:00pm, Monday thru Friday. Please include Saturday and Sunday hours, if program operates on those days. Program Hours of Operation: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Program Type:

□ Apprenticeship (Youth 13 to 15) □ Internship (Youth 16 to 18)

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Program Requirements:

Please review the following required program requirements and acknowledge your understanding and commitment to these requirements by checking the box and initialing where indicated. Remember your assigned Youth Service Coordinator (YSC) is your best resource.

1. Program data entry Agencies are responsible for entering data on all CDBG youth and program Acknowledge content to this required in DFSS information into Cityspan ( This should be done commitment by checking the Cityspan tracking on a weekly basis. Data will include, but is not limited to: 2012 Work Plan, Semi- box below and initialing. system. Annual Report, CDBG Intake Forms, Program Schedule, Monthly Calendars, Attendance Reports, etc. ______

Agencies are required to use Cityspan for all of their children and youth programs ages 6 to 18 regardless of funding source.

Please see Cityspan instructions for tracking data below.

Youth Program Attendance Data Attendance Tracking Track program attendance in Cityspan. Refer to the Daily Attendance Sign-in Sheet in Cityspan. Program schedule should reflect your CDBG contract: Year-Round, School-Year, Summer and School Breaks Only. It should also reflect attendance by program period: January to May, June to August, and September to December. Funding Source Please select all funding sources for this program. Program Offering Describe your OST Program Offering: Please refer to subcategories (2012 Community Development Delegate Agency Application booklet). Proposed Number of Type in the contracted number of participants for this program or activity Participants Age Only one age category can be selected for each group/activity entered:

 Ages 6 – 12: Agencies are to define their Group Activities in Cityspan system by age; track attendance in Cityspan system by program and age.  Ages 13 – 15: Agencies are to define their Group Activities in Cityspan system by age; track attendance in Cityspan system by program and age.  Ages 16 – 18: Agencies are to define their Group Activities in Cityspan by age; track attendance in Cityspan by program and age.

Gender Agencies should select the gender. Fee CDBG youth and/or their families should not be charged a program fee. Note: CDBG funding cannot be combined with Action for Children, School-Age funding, or other for fee-based programs. Schedule Create a program schedule that mirrors your CDBG contract obligations (hours of operation). Staff Staff members paid with CDBG funds must be entered into the Cityspan System, and assigned to the OST program they lead.

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Youth Program Attendance Data Attendance Attendance should be taken every day that CDBG programs operate. Hardcopy attendance sheets should be generated from Cityspan. Youth participants are required to sign-in, and data is to be entered into Cityspan. This should occur on a weekly basis. Use of CitySpan is a contract requirement and future funding will be based on compliance or non-compliance.

2. Program Outcomes Agencies are required to track and document outcomes for youth participating in Acknowledge content to this their program in the following areas: commitment by checking the 1. Academic improvement. box below and initialing. 2. Life skills improvement. 3. Improving peer to peer interaction. ______

3. Employability/Life Agency will be required to participate in the Employability Assessment which Acknowledge recognition of this Skills Assessment includes training, assessment, and an evaluation. The EA core components are commitment by checking the listed below: box below and initialing.  FUNDAMENTAL o Appearance/Hygiene ______o Timeliness o Oratory/Speaking  WORK ETHIC / CHARACTER o Attitude o Accountability/Integrity o Self Control o Ambition/Initiative  PROBLEM SOLVING o Supervision o Procedure/Rule Following o Problem Solving Approach o Information Management  INTERPERSONAL o Verbal Communication o Active Listening o Feedback o Teamwork ≥2 people  COMPUTER o Computer Literacy DFSS will provide agency with the necessary resources, training, and guidance on how to implement the Employability Assessment.

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Program Requirements continued:

4. Youth Program Agencies will be required to participate in Youth Program Quality Intervention Acknowledge content to this Quality Intervention (YPQI). The assigned Youth Service Coordinate will be your guide through the commitment by checking the (YPQI) process. The following are steps in the process that you will be participating in: box below and initialing.  Youth Program Quality Assessment Basics- Workshop equips participants to conduct program internal assessments using the YPQA tool. ______ Internal Assessment (Agency)- Agency self-assessment. Conducted after agency has participated in YPQA Basics.  External Assessment (YSC)-Observation of program offering conducted by YSC.  Consensus Meeting-Meeting between the YSC and agency program staff to discuss/compare assessment results.  Planning with Data-This workshop is dedicated to sites working with data, discussing, the assessment experience, and planning.  Program Improvement Plan (Agency and YSC)-This workshop is to discuss and reflect on the quality assessment process, the data collected, and how change works at the personal, team, and organizational level.  Methods Training-This is a day-long event, where a variety of youth work methods covering areas of best practices from YPQA tool and Pyramid of Youth Program Quality.  Follow-up External Assessment-Assessment done by the YSC after agency has completed the YPQA process cycle (Annual).

5. Program Staff  Program Staff is required to have CPR and First Aid training. Acknowledge recognition of this  All staff and volunteers directly working with youth must have completed commitment by checking the criminal background checks before they can work with youth. box below and initialing.  Background checks must be submitted prior to contract finalization. ______

6. Expenditure Rate Agencies contracted with DFSS and receiving CDBG funding are required to Acknowledge content to this voucher monthly. The table below illustrates what percentage of the grant should commitment by checking the be expended by quarter. box below and initialing.

1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q ______23% of 46% of 69% of 100% of Total DFSS Out-of-School Time 2012 Program Work Plan PAGE 7 The City of Chicago, The Department of Family and Support Services Out-of-School Time 2012 Program Work Plan Career Exploration in Green Industries

award award award award award expended expended expended expended expended

Program Requirements continued:

7. Fiscal Initiative Agencies will be required to participate in two professional development sessions Acknowledge recognition of this focusing on strategies for improving the financial management function of your commitment by checking the organization. Your assigned Youth Service Coordinator will provide a list of the box below and initialing. sessions being offered. ______

# of planned meeting per quarter Q 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

Mandatory attendance at DFSS Acknowledge recognition delegate agency meetings (executive of this commitment by director and program checking the box below director/coordinator) and initialing. 1 0 1 0 2


Mandatory attendance at community Acknowledge recognition planning meetings as scheduled by of this commitment by DFSS (mandatory) checking the box below and initialing. 1 1 1 1 4


Other: Meetings/conferences, etc. Acknowledge recognition that would indicate collaboration, or of this commitment by as requested by DFSS. This includes checking the box below first aid and CPR training. and initialing. TBD Note: DFSS may request ______participation in additional meetings.

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Program Deliverables:

Eligible Participants are: 1) Youth who meet the HUD income requirements, are between the ages of 6 and 18, and are not charged a program fee. 2) Youth have a completed 2012 Intake Form (including parent signature) and have been entered into the Cityspan system. 3) 51% of youth participating in the program should be moderate income and below, 49% of youth participating in the program can be at a higher income level. 4) Youth are enrolled into or attached to a individual/group CDBG activity in Cityspan. 5) Active Participants are youth participants who are registered and enrolled and attend a CDBG program.

Note: CDBG eligible participants cannot combined with Action for Children, School-Age funding, or other for fee-based programs.

Choose below which program and funding level your agency will receive

Number of Eligible Youth Participants ages 13-15 and 16-18 that will complete your green career exploration apprenticeship/internship. (FUNDED AT $50,000 - 33 must complete - Cost per youth is $1500) Number of Eligible Youth Participants ages 13-15 and 16-18 that will complete your green career exploration apprenticeship/internship. (FUNDED AT $75,000 - 50 must complete - Cost per youth is $1500)

Deliver Career Exploration Services – Real world environmental service learning projects that integrate skill development and job training with ecological, environmental awareness and food production components. Participants are exposed to a range of employment and academic opportunities in the environmental, agricultural, energy conservation and green jobs employment sectors.

Required Elements- All 5 are required:

1. Job Readiness & Life Skill Sessions  Youth attend workshops to develop skills necessary to succeed in the workplace. Topics such as resume writing, mock interviews, professionalism, diversity in the workplace, appropriate and effective communication, honesty, positive attitude at work, doing your very best, accepting guidance and direction, using good communication, handling difficult situations, conflict resolution, and being flexible are a few of the many topics to be covered.

2. Guest speaker workshops DFSS Out-of-School Time 2012 Program Work Plan PAGE 9 The City of Chicago, The Department of Family and Support Services Out-of-School Time 2012 Program Work Plan Career Exploration in Green Industries

 Youth attend the guest speaker series in order to help develop their career portfolio and to begin to develop a career path in green industries. Topics such as green technologies and careers, energy efficiency, alternative energy, using technology to grow vegetables, financial literacy, composting, gardening, providing a greener way of living, learning about green spaces, and recycling are a few of the many topics to be covered. Staff from each Green Career program will serve as guest speakers at other CDBG funded Green Career programs at least once during the year.

3. Youth serve Apprenticeship/Internships  Youth serve apprenticeships/internships at a museum; community based organization, an educational organization, or other companies and organizations providing experience in green sector industry.

4. Career Portfolio  Students create a career portfolio that outlines all of the activities and projects completed as well as resume preparation during the program. Student will have completed the program when the portfolio is final.

5. Field Trips  Students attend field trips to locations such as parks, forest preserves, restaurants, museums, farmer’s markets, etc.

Program Focus (Choose one of the three below)

Youth plan and create rooftop garden  Youth learn urban gardening and develop business model for marketing their produce, or other scenarios where youth develop business plan around their gardening initiative. Youth participate in coordinating weekly Farmer’s Markets during the summer.

Youth plan and create community garden and develop community participation plan  Youth learn skills necessary to plan and create a community garden while involving community members in the creation of the garden.

Earth Science Projects  Youth complete projects that reflect knowledge of use of solar energy by designing and creating solar powered model cars; measuring solar energy from roof top through lap tops; design community land use plans for land conservation or food production.

Activity and # of planned session per quarter/season January through July through June 2012 August 2011 September through Total December 2012

1. Number of job readiness and life skills workshops DFSS Out-of-School Time 2012 Program Work Plan PAGE 10 The City of Chicago, The Department of Family and Support Services Out-of-School Time 2012 Program Work Plan Career Exploration in Green Industries completed.

2. Number of guest speaker sessions provided.

3. Number of apprenticeships/internships completed. 4. Number of career portfolios completed by participants. 5. Number of field trips related to green sector industry.

6. Number of urban gardening plans that incorporate business models that develop market for their produce (or other examples that the youth choose).

7. Number of projects completed using solar power energy, building compost bins, (Earth Science projects). 8. Number of food distribution activities for the community that are youth led 9. Number of pocket parks/gardens completed

If work plan is approved, please sign below. Please note both signatures are required.


Youth Service Coordinator/Signature/Date


Agency Representative/Signature/Date

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