Bluffs Middle School
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Students at Bluffs Middle School are required to participate in physical education. 7th and 8th grade students are required to dress in gym shorts and t-shirt, white socks, and a pair of tennis shoes. 6th graders will not dress out each day. However, they are encouraged to wear P.E. appropriate clothing. These items can be easily purchased at local clothing and discount businesses. Students should mark each part of their physical education uniform so that if it gets misplaced, it can be returned to the proper person.
Personal hygiene is also an important component in physical education: therefore all 7 th and 8th grade students will have the opportunity to shower following each P.E. class.
A student's activity may need to be modified or restricted, but this can only be done through a written note from their medical practitioner, (MD, nurse Practitioner or Physicians' Assistant). A parent or guardian may request that activity be restricted or modified for their child for a period of one day. If an injury requires that activity be restricted or modified for longer than one day, a medical practitioner's note is required. For long term injuries, our school nurse will fax a Health Care Provider Referral form to the doctor to fill out and return. When activity is restricted or modified we do ask that students dress for class so that they do not lose all of their daily points. Asthma—If you have asthma and need to carry an inhaler with you to PE you must provide the school nurse with a note from your doctor stating it is ok for you to carry your inhaler. It’s important to have your inhaler with you at all times during PE class because there are times we are outside on school grounds are not able to get you into the nurses office quickly if necessary.
CLASS CONDUCT (Behavior, Equipment Use, Gum or Candy and Jewelry) All students are expected to follow the rules as set forth in the student/parent handbook as well as those presented here by the Physical Education Department. Students are expected to give proper care towards equipment and will be expected to pay for any damage they may cause through misuse. Gum, candy, and any kind of jewelry are not allowed in physical education class. This includes hair ties that are worn around the wrist. If worn during activities, they may cause injury to the person wearing it or to someone else. Students are encouraged to bring a Ziploc baggy to leave in their locker for jewelry. We recommend that ear piercing be accomplished over Christmas or summer vacation. If a student misses physical activity because of body piercing, he/she has the opportunity to do an alternate activity. 7th and 8th grade—PE clothing should be brought to class in a small shoe bag or Walmart type sack on Monday’s. NO backpacks, books, notebooks, etc will be permitted. 6th grade—Do not bring anything to class except PE shoes.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS 1. Since classes are coed, shirts are to be tucked ALL THE WAY into shorts and shorts must be worn around waist. 2. 7/8 grade students are to use their own towel, deodorant and other personal hygiene items. (CLEAR deodorant only) 3. 7/8 grade students are to remove street clothing & jewelry and lock them inside their street locker during class. 4. 6th graders may change tennis shoes only in the health classroom, where attendance will be taken. 5. Students are to be safety conscious in the shower and gym area. 6. For safety reasons, excessive talking is restricted in the weight room. 7. Caps and hats are not to be worn in the school building: therefore should not be brought to the gym area. 8. For obvious safety reasons, shoes are to be tied tight. 9. Students are urged to take clothing home at the end of each week so that it can be properly laundered. 10. Only plastic bottles are allowed in the locker room. NO sprays of any kind allowed in the girls locker room. 11. Students are required to report injuries to their teacher immediately. Students will not be allowed to go to the Health Office after class without a note from their PE teacher. LOCKER ROOM EXPECTATIONS
Each 7th and 8th grade student will be assigned his/her own physical education locker. Students are expected to use their own locker to store their clothing, etc. Students are not allowed to share clothing, etc. with sister, brother or friend. Each 7th and 8th grade student needs to bring a combination lock in order to secure their clothing and personal items during class. The best locks are stainless steel and not aluminum. Also, we prefer the lock has a serial number engraved on the back. Students are not allowed to share clothing.
Grades are based on the following factors: Daily Attendance/Participation Points Completion of Daily Assignments * Students can earn 10 points daily or 50 points Lifetime Sport Skill Tests each week. Motor Ability Tests Fitness Tests Daily Attendance/Participation Class Conduct Daily Effort
Completion of Daily Assignment
The daily assignment in physical education includes dressing in prescribed clothing, participation in class stretching or warm up exercises, and participating in the daily activity.
Physical Fitness Tests
Physical Fitness Tests have been adopted by the Scottsbluff School District. They are required to be administered at least two times each school year. The tests involve a variety of items designed to measure student's muscle strength, flexibility and endurance, as well as their aerobic capacity, and body composition. Specifically, the tests utilized are the mile run, 50 yard dash, curls, standing long jump, and shuttle run. Quality Physical Education programs utilize these tests to assess students' physical maturity and growth, as well as their own program effectiveness.
Daily Attendance/Participation Students are scheduled in Physical Education daily. Daily points are awarded based on attendance, dress, conduct, and participation. Since our grading system is weighted towards participation, missing class can have a negative effect upon a students' overall average. Tardiness, gum or candy, and poor class behavior/effort can cause a student to lose a portion or all of their daily points. Daily attendance and participation are the most important part of Physical Education. Points can be made up during open gym on MWF mornings at 6:45am.
Counselor Office—Students must get a note from their PE teacher before going to the counselor’s office. If students need to go to the counselors office in-between classes they MUST check in with their next period teacher first and get a note.
T-Shirt and Shorts (No tank tops or cut offs) Towel White Socks Clear Stick Deodorant Tennis Shoes Soap in a plastic container
Mr. Burda Mr. Hall Mrs. Talkington [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Boys PE office – 635-6284 Girls PE office – 635-6277