HIV Preve-Lance

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HIV Preve-Lance

Results of questionnaire on HIV/AIDS and Education (27/09/01) Part 1 Country HIV Existence of national Multi-sect. Activities to HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS HIV training prevalence HIV/AIDS strategy & HIV- com. influence Nat. information information information rate content (UNICEF) Edu. Policies Primary secondary non-formal Benin 4.1% Yes Yes HIV sensitisation Same as primary Same as Awareness raising - national done by primary and inter-sectoral level 'meadiatrices' Free testing (school/community Information in the two last mediators) and years of primary school as well monitoring as higher levels committees. Burkina Faso 7.17% Yes Yes Participate in For instructors, HIV/AIDS and education action planning of inspectors, and plan about to be finalised. national HIV in teacher Main strategies: reinforce education policies. training primary prevention, schools comprehensive care for people infected/affected HIV/AIDS, promotion of partnership Cap Verde 1,4% within Being developed Yes with No UNICEF/educ. pop. 15 - 55 UNAIDS and Activities UNICEF Chad 11,29% Yes NO No UNICEF/educ. MOE has developed Activities in 2001 pedagogical documents and trained teachers to use them Côte d'Ivoire 10% Yes Yes Research action to See national policies See national UNICEF Education strategy included in define a policies supports national strategy communication elaboration of strategy against HIV module HIV/AIDS at for illiterate primary but also girls and secondary level women school (identify (relation existing literacy programmes, level courses) of knowledge of children, identify education message)

1 Part 1 Country HIV Existence of national Multi- Activities to HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS HIV training prevalence HIV/AIDS strategy & sect. HIV- influence national information information information rate content com. education policies primary secondary non-formal (UNICEF) Equatorial Approx. Yes Yes Participation of Unicef supports the Unicef supports Same as Guinea 2.12% About to finish the document UNICEF in the design 'national the 'national primary and (67.7% of of national strategy programme to programme to secondary infected are combat HIV/AIDS' combat HIV/AIDS' women) [no specific info.] [no specific info.] Gambia 2000 No No Sensitisation of Sensitisation of Sensitisation Training, estimate: teachers [no teachers [no of car park within the 0.9 HIV 1 specific info.] specific info.] boys framework of 0.7 HIV2 girls education activities, for teachers and community members Ghana 4.6% Yes Yes Sensitisation Provision of Training of i) school curriculum, ii) workshop with information, study teachers adolescent particularly female opinion leaders & visits, action learners (in and out of school) parliamentarians. research. Workshop iii) teachers and moving educ. Policy action to develop material personnel iv) communities research. Liberia 9% Yes Yes Studies (KAP on Support to in- Peer education Community Awareness IEC activities aimed at HIV/AIDS education; service teacher based HIV workshop with prevention and care care and rearing training, sensitisation. the teachers practices. development of Translation of association. Advocacy for national training HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum material in training to Education workshop local language. NGO's, for policy makers, Community Development religious leaders based girl's HIV training education curriculum Mauritania 1,7% 1998 Yes Yes Celebration World See point before. Training of girls, HIV/AIDS Development AIDS day  gov. PTAs, school health teachers and manuals being of training promised clubs and student boarding house developed for modules for commitment. Healthy, association receive supervisors. Sheikhs teacher clean and green training on Secondary school (Muslim training. approach include HIV HIV/AIDS. youth associations community info  approach and health clubs leaders) included in the receive training. National Plan for education.

2 Part 1 Country HIV Existence of national HIV- Activities to HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS information HIV/ HIV prevalence HIV/AIDS strategy & com. influence national information Secondary AIDS info. training rate content Unicef education policies Primary non-formal Niger No info (only Yes No Introduction of HIV in Sensitisation and Sensitisation and training HIV booklet See HIV distrib- President committed to curriculum. Called training of teachers. of 'HIV/AIDS committee for literacy primary ution in the community mobilisation meetings with leaders Analysis of how to on prevention and peer training. and population campaign and policy makers on extend HIV education. education'. Teacher Effort to secondary HIV. Development of Training manuals for training introduce education information material. nomads schools. HIV in Coranic schools. Nigeria 5.4% Yes No Development of Development of Sexuality education HIV/AIDS See The HIV/AIDS emergency action interim action plan on sexuality education curriculum. UNICEF info. Though primary plan will roll over in to the HIV/AIDS curriculum for primary requested to help with life-skills in and strategic pan for the next 5-10 and secondary schools. implementation of non-formal secondary years. Teacher manual on curriculum at the and education HIV/AIDS for primary secondary level. Also Quaranic (teacher schools development of teacher schools. manuals) manuals. Work-shops for students and youth. Senegal 1.7% Yes No STD/AIDS Social Curriculum being Curriculum Training of Introduction of HIV/AIDS into mobilisation and developed [no specific being teachers the formal and non-formal advocacy towards info] developed etc. [no curriculum national authorities [no specific specific Social mobilisation and and partners. info.] info.] communication through out of Curriculum design school activities with youth and development groups such as Scouts, Girl (content and Guides etc. methodology) Sierra Leone 2.99% No No Proposed: workshop Inclusion of HIV/AIDS Inclusion of HIV/AIDS in Training of 53% of the for education in the core subjects core subjects: (pre- teachers in infected are stakeholders to (social sciences, general vocational, social studies, population/ in the group: advocate for science, pre-vocational integrated science and family life women 15- HIV/AIDS studies, physical and physical and health education 49 interventions in health education) at the education, home (includes education sector upper prim. Level economics and biology) HIV) at junior and senior secondary school. Togo 6% Yes Integration of HIV/AIDS No, but Awareness raising and Same as primary population in the first, second and third planned documentation for peer- 19-39: 8% year (CP 1, CP 2, CE 1) of educators at primary primary school and secondary level. 3 Part 2 Country Extra Info. Individuals Children Response to Other HIV actors and their activities Future orientations for curricular outside school affected HIV impact of UNICEF's HIV response activities primary/sec. HIV on ed. /non-formal structures Benin UNFPA, PSI/USAID, PNLS (programme Physical and psychological national de lutte contre le sida) support to the women, Information and awareness raising children and families affected Distribution and selling of condoms and infected by HIV/AIDS, also through the state. Make treatments available. Take care of children victims of aids. Burkina Faso Embassy Netherlands, Save the children: Support to national action plan support to planning and implementation. in the area of primary WB: support to research and planning prevention and access to comprehensive care of affected and infected children. Cap Verde UNAIDS: support to national strategy; EU: Should be in association with establish IEC/HIV committee WHO; national authorities within the France: HIV testing; UNFPA: sexual and framework of an IEC on the reproductive education for girls. rights of the child. Chad Within MOE - HIV office: production of Support the AIDS office in the books and guides on HIV/SIDA, training of MOE. Include HIV/AIDS teachers, (both primary and secondary activities in the next plan of level). Peer education at secondary level. action for 'healthy school Otherwise - three national organisations environment' in collaboration carry out IEC, psychosocial support and with health/nutrition training. Côte d'Ivoire Programme Study (1996 - Ministry for combating HIV, MOE, NGO's. Should get involved at the IMUP (interv. 1998) on the Activities: awareness raising, information, primary level, should help In milieu urb. impact of and training - mostly relating to secondary create (instead of correct) Pauvre) access HIV/AIDS on level good behaviour. to medicines, education Advocacy for a national insertion into system programme to combat AIDS in host family, (supported by schools also at non-formal payment UNICEF) level and young children. school fees Develop preventive behaviour (primary) among teachers and have them communicate this.

4 Part 2 Country Extra Info. Individuals Children Response to Other HIV actors and their activities Future orientations for curricular outside school affected HIV impact of UNICEF's HIV response activities primary/sec. HIV on ed. /non-formal structures Equatorial Unicef Unicef supports Awareness UNAIDS, European Union, NGO's 1. Raise awareness of AIDS Guinea supports UNAIDS [no specific raising at Information and awareness raising among the authorities in UNAIDS [no information] government campaigns, distribution of condoms, AIDS the country specific level, and test 2. HIV/AIDS education for information] further of young and adolescents in regional and outside of school. supervisors Gambia Peer health Spread of information UNFPA, NSGA (Novo Scotia Gambia Ass.) Consolidate present activities education in through peer health NACP (National Aids Control Program) in areas of information schools educators NAYCO (National Ass. of youth and sharing, prevention and life- children's org.) skills education. Sensitisation, peer health education for in Support the production of up school and out of schools youth, to date manuals on HIV/AIDS development and dissemination of IEC and train youths, teachers material facilitators on the use of these manuals Ghana UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNESCO, WB, USAID Comprehensive community Advocacy, teacher training, peer education based approach. Youth friendly centres (managed by youth) for testing, counselling, peer education. Life-skills development + training of teachers. Liberia radio broadcast, drop-in Foster care Situation National AIDS control programme, UNICEF, Future activities include: youth centres, youth and micro- assessment UNDP, WFP, Liberia Society of Women studies, co-ordination community workshops, credit schemes analysis United against AIDS, UNIAIDS, support national dramas/songs to families undertaken by youth conference on AIDS children MoE Situation analysis, assessment, material education, develop tools for impacted by development, resource mobilisation, community based prevention AIDS capacity building, IEC activities, advocacy Mauritania Training of Youth association UNAIDS, WHO, UNFPA, Stop SIDA, FLM. Reinforce teacher training, school clubs summer camp with HIV Activities focus mainly on advocacy and including HIV into health prim. + sec. information. prevention activities, working with student level. Also (communication) associations. Also reinforce give material programme for girls entering to stud. and secondary school. youth ass.

5 Part 2 Country Extra Information for individuals Child. Response Other HIV actors and their Future orientations for UNICEF's HIV curricular outside of school affec- to impact activities response activities ted of HIV on HIV ed. structures Niger Use of traditional chiefs in Assessment UNESCO, Luxenb. Co-operation, Set up and support school committees spreading message of AIDS. of impact of UNAIDS (WHO, UNFPA, UNDP, WB and and clubs. Refresher courses and teacher Media campaign (TV, radio, HIV on FAO) partnership with government on training. Multi-sectoral actions. Rapid newspapers, drama, film, schools. information and HIV knowledge. Work execution of plan of action posters. Hold parties. Peer with communities and religious leaders. education. Nigeria Sensitisation campaigns for Proposal for UNAIDS, UNFPA, NACA, FME, UNESCO, Should interact with other offices. taxi-bus drivers, NGOs and studying the WHO, Civil society groups on HIV.AIDS, HIV/AIDS included in the education members of selected rural impact of People living with aids ass. All activities programme 2002 - 2007. communities. Sensitisation of HIV/AIDS on under HIV/AIDS emergency plan of youth corps members). Radio, education action. fliers and posters (health + communication) Youth friendly health services (health section) Senegal Yes [no PNLS (programme national de lutte Teacher training and peer education specific contre le sida): information and activities, development and dissemination info] sensitisation, antiretroviral drugs of sensitisation and information materials, UNFPA: support to family planning curriculum design, development and centres, teacher training and peer implementation, partnerships and education networking with youth and adolescent UNICEF/WHO/ groups UNESCO/UNIFEM life-skills curriculum (formal + non formal) Population council, Tostan Sierra Leone Support to Support to national youth forum Planned parenthood association: school 1. expand to include population/family planned focusing on emerging health clubs, IEC materials targeting life education in all schools parenthood adolescent issues, particularly youths, sensitisation activities in schools 2. Diversify HIV/AIDS and education association, HIV/Aids and sexual and and colleges activities to also include life skills. youth care reproductive health Norwegian refugee council: training of 3. Support the development of a club KAP study on adolescents and teachers for rapid response education HIV/AIDS and education policy and a activities youths also focusing on programme. strategic framework and action plan. HIV/AIDS. Togo Actions in communities to Population Service international. In the next programme: small group reduce mother to child Prevention in school, provision of sessions with pupils, training of teachers, transmission condoms. awareness raising among PTAs, support other organizations + MOE, develop messages for students and teachers


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