2017-2018 Bill 3430 Text of Previous Version (Jan. 12, 2017) - South Carolina Legislature Online
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A HOUSE RESOLUTION 10 11 TO HONOR THE REVEREND RAYMOND ADAMS OF MT. 12 MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH IN GREENWOOD ON THE 13 OCCASION OF HIS THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF GOSPEL 14 MINISTRY AT MT. MORIAH AND TO EXTEND HIM BEST 15 WISHES FOR GOD’S RICHEST BLESSINGS AS HE 16 CONTINUES TO SERVE THE LORD. 17 18 Whereas, it is entirely appropriate to honor those individuals who 19 give tirelessly of themselves to succor the souls of men; and 20 21 Whereas, the Reverend Raymond Adams of Mt. Moriah Baptist 22 Church in Greenwood stands among their number as an 23 outstanding minister of the Gospel, one much admired by 24 colleagues, congregations, and area residents at large; and 25 26 Whereas, a native of Saluda, Reverend Adams is a graduate of 27 South Carolina State College in Orangeburg. He completed further 28 studies at the University of South Carolina Aiken, Augusta 29 College, Temple University, and the Morehouse School of 30 Religion of the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, 31 Georgia. He also received a certificate in theology from the 32 Interdenominational Theological Center and a certificate from the 33 Billy Graham School of Evangelism; and 34 35 Whereas, Reverend Adams has been in the ministry for many 36 years, having served as pastor for Pine Pleasant Baptist Church in 37 Ninety Six and Monetta Baptist Church. This dedicated man of 38 God and former teacher of nearly thirty years holds the respect of 39 his fellow citizens and is a role model to the community, especially 40 its young pastors; and 41
[3430] 1 1 Whereas, under Reverend Adams’s leadership, Mt. Moriah Baptist 2 continues to serve as a leading church in identifying and 3 addressing the needs of marginalized people in the community and 4 beyond. He has formed many ministries, including the Lighthouse 5 Puppet Ministry; meals for seniors, the sick, and shutins; the Mt. 6 Moriah Male Chorus; Boy Scouts; a prison ministry; and 7 afterschool tutoring; and 8 9 Whereas, Reverend Adams considers it one of the greatest 10 triumphs of his life that he was able to persuade the lovely 11 Josephine Adams to become his wife. They are the proud parents 12 of four children, Stacey, Montez, Warren, and Victor; and 13 14 Whereas, because of his many years of spiritual nourishment of the 15 people of South Carolina, the Reverend Raymond Adams is due 16 grateful thanks and best wishes as he continues to run the race the 17 Lord has set before him. Now, therefore, 18 19 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives: 20 21 That the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives, 22 by this resolution, honor the Reverend Raymond Adams of Mt. 23 Moriah Baptist Church in Greenwood on the occasion of his 24 thirtieth anniversary of Gospel ministry at Mt. Moriah and extend 25 him best wishes for God’s richest blessings as he continues to 26 serve the Lord. 27 28 Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to 29 the Reverend Raymond Adams. 30 XX 31
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