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Middle East Java Tarakan Syria New Guinea Balikpapan

SECRETARY PRESIDENT TREASURER C (Col) Hamley E.J. (Ted) Hansen Ken Fraser 114 Mountainview Road 5 Whitehaven Street 8 Larool Ave BALWYN NORTH 3104 WANTIRNA 3152 Greensborough, 3088 (03) 9859 5949 (03) 9729 3481 (03) 9434 4670

EDITOR – Eleanor Newcombe, Please address all correspondence to the Secretary 24 Mills St, Glen Iris, 3146; (03) 9889 2248,

Coming Events: The AGM for the election of office bearers etc for the ensuing 12 month s will be held at the Maribyrnong RSL Hall, commencing at 1:30pm on Tuesday 5th April 2006.

Caulfield Cup Effort I would like to take this opportunity to extend to With great support the 2005 effort worked well for all Pioneers, Widows, families & our Association as well as for the three winners. friends my best wishes for good Congratulations to all those lucky enough to get a health, happiness and prosperity over starter and to the lucky winners who were: the Christmas & New Year period. 1st ($250) Neil Hocking, Jack & Joy’s son Ted Hansen 2nd ($100) John Clement. 3rd ($50) Gordon Knape’s daughter.

Receipts 2005 2004 Sale of Tickets $1,158.00 $1,358.00 Expenses Ticket Printing $170.00 Postage $315.10 Prizes $490.00 $ 975.10 $784.80 Surplus $ 182.90 $667.20 (Donations listed separately)

Shields, Badges, etc. (Phone Ted or Col) Shields $50 Posted $55 Badges $8 Posted $10 History Books $60 Posted $70 Car Stickers $1 Posted $1

President’s Message

Page 1 of 5 Obituaries The following 2/2nd Pioneers have passed away since the September 2004 newsletter:

Barko, AJ Oct 2005 Culton, R Nov 2005 Dean, FW Feb 2005 English, MK Nov 2005 Fullarton, LB Sep 2005 Jeanes, LA Jun 2004 Prior, N unknown Wright, AC Jul 2005 Vale “Mac” English It is with great regret we report the passing of long standing committeeman and vice-president “Mac” English, and we extend our sympathy to Lorna and family members. Lest We Forget

Photos of War Graves Lt Col Terry Beaton has kindly provided us with photos of Pioneer War Graves in Thailand’s War Cemetery at Kanchanaburi. These photos are being put on to CD-ROM and will be available if required by any relative. Cost $5.00 including postage. Ring Ken Fraser (03) 9434 4670

The 2/2nd Pioneer Younger Generation Group Would be pleased to hear from any family member wishing to join their mailing list. Please contact Sue Tovey on (03) 9548 3586.

Page 2 of 5 Donations acknowledged since our September 2005 Golden Beach. Colin was a good friend of the late Bob newsletter… Jones of the Pioneers. $100 Ken Thompson, John Clement $60 Bill Russell Bill Henry, Trinity Beach, Cairns, Qld, son of the $54 Colin & Rhonda Sharman late Ted Henry, has a few of his Dad’s old photos $50 Murray Hamilton, Kaye & Wal Packer taken at Puckapunyal before they were shipped off to $46 Laurie Melbourne, Les Miley the Middle East. He will send copies to the $40 Bert Neasby $36 Clarrie Christie Association as they may be of interest generally and $30 John Clement, Don Crawford, Stan Reidy, to Jim Mitchell for his book. Max Robinson, Robert Sefton Letty Marriott, Cabooltine, Qld says all is well up $26 Fred Barnstable, Ray Cameron there although very dry and hot. She sends best $25 Theo Clarke, Bob Philpotts, Brendan Quoyle, wishes to all Colin’s old friends. Henry Walker. $22 John Jeffery, Guilianna Picone Letty keeps in touch with Matt Greenhatch and his $21 Ken Clements, Peter Hocking, Jack Hore Lacy, wife Judy with whom she chats on the phone. When Tilly Martin Matt comes home from the Nursing Home for the day, $20 Bill (WJH) Lewis, Jack Hearn, Laura Beer, Letty is able to have a short conversation with him. Colin & Doris Rae, Letty Marriott, Thomas O’Neil. Joy Preedy, Shenton Park, WA enjoys the $16 Frank Clareborough, Jack D’Argaville, Bill Hawse, newsletter. Len also used to look forward to them and Colin Munro, Allan McInnes, Neil McLeod, it is now six years since he passed away. Joy now Chas Ryall, John Shultz, Cec Sloggett, Norma Worrall, Jack Yorston, Mrs D Barnett, has an electric scooter, which gives her Ian Goding, Dot Hansen, Barbara Heal. independence. She is still living in her own home. $14 Archie Tait, Jean Stevenson She is still President of the Subiaco RSL Women’s $12 Beryl Cowden Auxilliary, which is Australia’s oldest auxiliary. $11 Phil Barnett, Dave Mitchell, Mick Smith, Numbers are dropping as time goes on, but they still Keith Wood do all they can for “the boys” in hospital etc. Joy has $10 Ray Ellis, Eric Goon, Owen Herron, Bill Lewis, many happy memories of visiting many other RSL Neil McPherson, Jim Murnane, Lionel McIntyre, clubs in the past, especially Frankston and Footscray Allan Olson, Lloyd Taylor, Fred Tubb, Rita Bailey, in Victoria. She sends best wishes to all and is very Lois Archibald, Mrs H Ball, Gordon Knape, Antony Lamb, Thelma Milne, Val Peterson, pleased to see the younger generation taking part. Judy Randall, Robert Tucknott, Sue Tovey Jean Allan Warrnambool, Vic says that James $9 Arthur Hann passed away in May 2005. She would like to continue $6 Ted Rowe, Gil Tuckwell, Alf Barnes, to be included in the raffle etc. Mary Bingham, Evelyn Booth, Rose Brackley, Phil Barrett, Alstonville, Vic sends congratulations Laurie Coles, Eileen Morgan, Merna Rees, to the committee for including younger generation Cora Richards, Betty Whyte $5 Betty Winsen members as honorary committee members. They $4 Don McLelland, Jack Waugh, Mrs F Broadley, have brought new life to the Association. Irene Hose Evelyn Booth, Wagga Wagga, NSW, partner of the $1 Len Brown, Mrs R Brittle, Barbara Caulfield, late Jack Morgan, sends thanks for the newsletter Mrs J Edmondson. which is always most welcome. She sends best wishes to all the Pioneers. Many thanks – Ken Fraser – Treasurer Emily Bradley, Bridgewater, Vic has had a couple of slight strokes which have affected her speech as well.

Emily apologized for her writing, but it was a joy to Personal Pars read such a clear good hand – the Ed. Bill Dowrick Geelong, Vic, tells us he was at the Don Crawford, Concord West, NSW sends his best Ford Credit Union in Geelong when the teller wishes to all Pioneers. recognized his 2/2nd Pioneer Association cap. The Rose Eastham & Bob Milliken, West Kempsey, teller told him that her father, John Patrick NSW missed the raffle last year as they were then Mansfield had been a Pioneer. Her father died 30 caught up with Bob’s triple bypass. Although laid low years ago and her family knew very little of his war for some time, Bob is “cruising pretty well” now. service as he was loathe to talk about it. Bill was Bob found Jenny Davidson’s article on the able to pass on information to her via Col Hamley involvement of the Hampton Scout group very and Ted Hansen. interesting. Bob’s family lived very close to that Scout Bill also had news about Colin Munro. Colin has Hall which was back then very popular for Saturday recently had an operation on his lower leg which night dances. It was from Hampton that Bob’s father could not be saved. Whilst a POW, Bill suffered enlisted. tropical ulcers and was lucky not to lose his leg Rose & Bob send their regards to all in the Pioneer back then. Colin will be in Caloundra Rehab family. They wish they lived a bit closer so they could Hospital for some time before returning home to join in.

Page 3 of 5 Jack Hore Lacey, Moss Vale, NSW tells us that won a place in a Canberra exhibition honoring the his daughter Stephanie’s MS has got a lot worse, lives of 50 Heroic Australians. so he & wife Robin are full time carers for her now. Bert Neasby, Davistown, NSW sends thanks for the Jack was very sorry to hear of Lionel Fullarton’s newsletter – it is always good reading. Anzac Day was passing. He was a good mate – they used to keep fine in Sydney. Only five 2/2nds were marching, but in touch by telephone. younger people made up the numbers to about 20. Jack sends regards to all Pioneers and for the Bert Huttley, Proserpine, Qld who this year attended newsletter. It’s always good to hear what’s going the Anzac Day march in Proserpine, was honoured by on. being placed at the head of the march behind the flag Joyce Kelly, Meeniyan, Vic is still recovering from bearers. Bert was driven by his eldest son in a sandy a bowel operation last January. Everything went coloured “desert model” WWII jeep lent for the march well but, as she says, when you get to 83 it takes by an old cane farmer for whom Bert used to work. longer to recover. The rest of the WWII blokes numbered about 6 or 8 Vince Longmore, Eagle Vale, NSW says it’s locals plus visitors from Airlie Beach & the Whitsunday always good to get the newsletter and read of those Islands. we know – “thanks heaps for the efforts of all Another important event for Bert was being presented involved”. Vince was unable to make it to the with the VP Day medallion by local Federal Member March this year or the get together afterwards, but and Minister for Veterans Affairs, De-Anne Kelly. Bert hopes to make it to the next one. He sends his best sent a photo of the occasion which was featured in the wishes for the future to all; particularly to old mates local Proserpine Guardian. At the presentation, Bert in the sigs platoon – “may whatever years we have was asked to say a few words about VP Day – where in front of us be filled with joy, peace and he was and what happened on that day. He told happiness”. those present that he was at Balikpappan, having Guilianna Picone, South Geelong, Vic sends been there since the day of landing. They each had thanks for the newsletter and says she was very been issued with their first beer issue of 3 large moved by Ken Fraser’s 2005 Shrine Pilgrimage bottles when word came that the hostilities had address at the tree. Guilianna remembers letters ceased. It was Bert’s 22nd birthday and certainly a day similar to that which she received from Charles to remember. when they first started going together. Bert sends his regards to all Pioneers, especially No 1 Chas Ryall, Cowan, NSW makes the comment platoon. He also sends thanks for all who have been that if there is any advantage to old age he’s yet to involved with the newsletter which, he says; he has find it! Chas, now the carer at home is also in poor enjoyed reading for 40-50 years. health. He says “I trust and hope everyone puts to Bill Russell, Tamworth, NSW sends thanks for the good use every advantage they find in our present newsletter. He says only two other Pioneers, apart stage of life, even if it is only our precious from himself, are left in the area: Ted Carter and Ken memories”. Little. Bill had a bad fall a few months ago and was Judy Randall, Tatura, Vic, daughter of the late unable to get around. Now he is better, but says his John Ludlow, hopes to get down to the Annual bones are not as good as they were when he was Luncheon next year or to Anzac Day. She enjoys seventeen! Bill sends best wishes to those still kicking receiving the newsletter and sends her best wishes. the tin around, especially 14 Platoon C Coy – all top Bob Sefton, Safety Bay, WA says the newsletter blokes. has been instrumental in putting him in touch with a Bob Milliken, West Kempsey, NSW says in couple of particular mates who would otherwise response to Treasurer Ken Fraser finding Bob’s been lost. It has also brought to his attention the father’s name on the Roll of Honour that when his doings and passing of others of his acquaintance. father enlisted his mother told him he should “think Bob was saddened to learn of the passing of his again”. However, he was adamant that he should not good mate Lionel Fullarton – “another link severed get left behind after WWII when it came to looking for in the chain of my youth”. work. During the 1930s depression years, preference He sends thanks and best wishes to the office was given to ex-servicemen from WWI, so securing a bearers and best wishes to all Pioneers. position was pretty hard going during those years. Libby Thomas, Mt Waverley, Vic tells us that her father Lloyd Taylor is now in Cabrini Residential Care, but is happy and is doing well. Kaye Threader, Tyabb, Vic tells us that her Dad, Lawrence Melbourne is still going strong. Anthony Lamb, Garron, ACT has sent to the Association copies of newspaper articles relating to his father the late Hamilton Lamb. A former member for Lowan, Lt George Hamilton Lamb, MLA, has

Page 4 of 5 Buying a Christmas Turkey Val Hamley offers the following poem for A lady was picking through the frozen our enjoyment… turkeys at the grocery store, but couldn't I remember find one big enough for her family. She I remember the cheese of my childhood, asked a stock boy, "Do these turkeys get And the bread we cut with a knife. any bigger?" When children helped with the housework, The stock boy replied, "No ma'am, they're And the man went to work, not the wife. dead." The cheese never needed an ice chest, The bread was so crusty and hot. The Christmas Story The children were seldom unhappy, And the wife content with her lot. Terri asked her Sunday school class to I remember the milk from the billy, draw pictures of their favourite Bible With yummy rich cream on the top. stories. She was puzzled by Kyle's picture, Our dinners were hot from the oven, which showed four people on an airplane, And not from the fridge in the shop. so she asked him which story it was The kids were a lot more contented. meant to represent. "The flight to Egypt," They didn’t need money for kicks, said Kyle. "I see. And that must be Mary, But a game with their mates in the Joseph, and Baby Jesus," Ms. Terri said. paddock, "But who's the fourth person?" And sometimes the Saturday flicks. "Oh, that's Pontius - the Pilot. I remember the shop on the corner, Where a penny’s worth of lollies were sold. Do you think I’m a little nostalgic? Or is it I’m just getting old?

The newsletter is printed by Joe & Sam Gilmour of Gilmour’s Shoes. Extra copies may be downloaded from website: http://www.gilmours.com.au/

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