Business Address: the University of Texas at Austin s17

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Business Address: the University of Texas at Austin s17

Daniel Kurtzman Professional Summary August 2, 2007

Business address: The University of Texas at Austin Bureau of Economic Geology University Station, Box X Austin, Texas 78713-8924 (512) 475-9527 E-mail address:

Academic Background

B.Sc., Magna Cum Laude, Atmospheric Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1993 M.S., Magna Cum Laude, Environmental Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997 Ph.D. Hydrogeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2005

Areas of Expertise

A. Designing, performance, and interpretation of hydraulic tests in porous media and fractured rocks. B. Fracture surveys, from field surveys (1-D and 2-D) to probability density functions of orientations and radii, verification of spatial distribution patterns, 3-D fracture density. C. Groundwater flow and transport modeling. D. General mapping, interpolation methods, and validation tests. E. Geostatistics, semivariogram analysis, and kriging.

Professional Work Experience

A. Present Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (September 2005 - Present).

Hydrological research.

B. Research Assistant, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (February 2005 - August 2005).

In charge of parameter estimation through hydraulic and tracer tests in groundwater- contamination research.

C. Teaching Assistant, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (2000 - September 2004).

Groundwater hydrology, physics, GIS, physical chemistry.

D. Consultant, Eshed Environmental Consulting (2000 - 2000).

Consultation on air pollution and wind effects..

E. Teaching Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Department, Tel Aviv University (1999 - 2000).

Environmental engineering courses. F. Researcher, Department of Ecology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1997 - 1998).

Climatic database research and development.

G. Senior Guide, The Science Museum, Jerusalem (1995 - 1998).

Guide and water-related activities developer.

Awards and Honorary Societies

Fellowship—The Rieger Foundation, Jewish National Fund Program for Environmental Studies, 2003 Fellowship—The Baron de Hirsch Foundation, for studies in the U.S., used to fund a visit to Golder Associates Inc. (Seattle branch) and work with Dr. William Dershowitz, 2002 Scholarship, The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research—Scientific Cooperation Scholarship Program, 2001



Kurtzman, D., Nativ, R., and Adar, E. M., 2003, Results from an intermediate-scale study area located at the confluence of the Naim and Hovav washes, in Contaminant transport, monitoring and remediation strategies in fractured chalk in the Northern Negev—Frac Flux Project: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Annual Report for the 2nd year, p. 69–82.


Kurtzman, D., Nativ, R., and Adar, E. M., 2005, Correlating fracture trends and hydraulic head using semivariogram cloud analysis: Ground Water, v. 43, p. 250–258. Kurtzman, D., Nativ, R., and Adar, E. M., 2005, The conceptualization of a channel network through macroscopic analysis of pumping and tracer tests in fractured chalk: Journal of Hydrology, v. 309, p. 241–257. Kurtzman, Daniel, and Kadmon, R., 1999, Mapping of temperature variables in Israel: a comparison of different interpolation methods: Climate Research, v. 13, p. 33–43.


Kurtzman, Daniel, and Scanlon, B. R., 2006, ENSO and PDO impacts on precipitation in southern and central US: spatial distribution and predictions validity (abs.): Eos, v. 87, no. 52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H13B-1394. Kurtzman, Daniel, Nativ, Ronit, and Adar, E. M., 2005, Lessons learnt from discrete fracture network modeling of multi-borehole pumping and tracer tests in fractured chalk (abs.), in Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geological Society, Mashabim (Mashabei Sade), Israel, April 5–7, p. 53. Kurtzman, Daniel, Nativ, Ronit, and Adar, E. M., 2004, A fractured-chalk field laboratory for flow and transport studies on the 10- to 100-m scale (ext. abs.), in Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium on Dynamic of Fluids in Fractured Rock, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, February 10–12, p. 19–24. Kurtzman, Daniel, Nativ, Ronit, and Adar, E. M., 2004, The conceptualization of a channel network through macroscopic analysis of pumping and tracer tests in fractured chalk (abs.), in Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Israel Geological Society, Hagosherim, Israel, March 23–25, p. 66.

2 Kurtzman, Daniel, Nativ, Ronit, and Adar, E. M., 2004, The conceptualization of a channel network through macroscopic analysis of pumping and tracer tests in fractured chalk (abs.), in Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado, November 7–10, Kurtzman, Daniel, Nativ, Ronit, and Adar, E. M., 2003, A fractured-chalk field laboratory for flow and transport studies on the 10- to 100-m scale (ext. abs.), in Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the Israeli Association for Water Resources, Neve Ilan, Israel, October 23, p. 96–99. Kurtzman, Daniel, Nativ, Ronit, and Adar, E. M., 2002, Aquitard characterization through fracture observations on different scales (abs.), in NATO Advanced Study Institute in Hydrogeophysics: Improved subsurface characterization using integrated hydrogeological and geophysical data, Trest, Czech Republic, July 17–27. Reedy, R. C., Scanlon, B. R., Tachovsky, J. A., and Kurtzman, Daniel, , Degradation of water quality related to mobilization of salts Caused by land-use change (abs.): Eos, v. 87, no. 52, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H13B-1383.

Contract Reports

Reedy, R. C., Kurtzman, D. J., Tachovsky, J. A., and Scanlon, B. R., 2006, Development and field evaluation of an aquifer stratification testing program system: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 26 p. Tachovsky, J. A., Reedy, R. C., Kurtzman, D. J., and Scanlon, B. R., 2006, Reconnaissance study of groundwater recharge in the central High Plains of Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District, 28 p.


A geostatistical analysis of the error in groundwater-head estimation for pumping recommendations from aquifer cells: application to the Yarkon-Taninim aquifer. Dissertation

The use of fracture surveys, hydraulic tests and groundwater head data for improving predictions of flow and transport in fractured chalk.


Lectures and Addresses Aquitard characterization through fracture observations on different scales: poster presented at NATO Advanced Study Institute in Hydrogeophysics: Improved subsurface characterization using integrated hydrogeological and geophysical data, Trest, Czech Republic, July 17–27, 2002.


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