Table S9 Clinical Case Reports and Bacteriological and Molecular Characterisation Studies

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Table S9 Clinical Case Reports and Bacteriological and Molecular Characterisation Studies

Table S9 Clinical case reports and bacteriological and molecular characterisation studies for human brucellosis

Pe rio d of Culture Reference Origin of samples Region Media Typing Type of samples n Isolate Biotype/biovar Comments sa positive m pli ng Moroccan man presenting to Brucella Blain et al. 19 Swab of aortal wall, Patient also had spondylitis Paris hospital with thoracic Morocco NS NS 4 4 melitens biovar 3 (1997) 96 thrombus, blood SAT titre 1/1280 aneurysm is 19 Cases of primary psoas El Hassani et 87- SAT was strongly positive in 2 abscess presenting to three Morocco NS NS NS NS NS NS NS al. (1998) 19 out of 16 psoas abscess cases hospitals in Rabat 97 Man diagnosed with hepatic Brucella Ennibi et al. brucelloma at Hopital South of 20 NS NS Blood NS NS melitens NS RBT positive (2009) militaire et d'instruction Morocco 08 is Mohammed-V, Rabat Vitek GN ID system, confirma tion by analysis of partial Woman returning to Taiwan aerobic culture 16S rRNA after travel to Algeria and Brucella Patient had close contact with Chuang et al. Morocco 20 bottles gene Morocco with thoracic aortic Blood NS NS melitens NS camels and ate cheese and (2011) and Algeria 10 (BacT/ALERT, sequenci embolism and lumbar is milk whilst in desert bioMerieux Inc.) ng and discospondylitis comparis on with publishe d GenBank sequence s

Lounes et al. Cases diagnosed in France, Morocco 19 NS CO2 NS NS NS Brucella biovar 3 All cases (apart from one lab- (2014) exposure in Morocco 96- requirem melitens acquired infection) are

20 ent, H2S is Moroccan expats living in 14 producti France or French persons who on, urea had visited Morocco and hydrolysi consumed raw dairy products. s, No info on geographical origin agglutina of strains. Authors state that tion with strains form two distinct monospe clusters, suggesting existence cific sera, of lineage resulting from due socio-historical connections sensitivit between North Africa and y and phage Europe. typing

NS- not specified, SAT- serum agglutination test, RBT- rose Bengal test, CO2- carbon dioxide, H2S- hydrogen sulphide

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