Congress of Vienna Simulation

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Congress of Vienna Simulation

Congress of Vienna Simulation

The French Revolution and Napoleon’s desire to establish an empire created a sense of instability throughout much of Europe. After Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, diplomats and heads of state sat down at the Congress of Vienna. From September 1814 to June 1815, these leaders faced the monumental task of restoring stability and order after 25 years of war and upheaval.

The Setting:

 Chaos and fear of revolution spread throughout Europe and much of the world.  France conquered territory as far east as Moscow.  The Holy Roman Empire is abolished.  Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia and France suffered economic and human loss as a result of years of war.  Feelings of nationalism spread across Europe.  Partnerships and alliances emerged between different European countries.  Prussia and Russia grew ambitious, wanting more territories.

Your task: You and your classmates will conduct a simulation of the Congress of Vienna to the class. Each group will represent a country at the Congress of Vienna and negotiate with diplomats from other countries to bring a new stability to war-torn Europe. Things to consider and complete while “in congress” (during your negotiations and presentation):

1. Create policies that will ensure stability:

 What will provide stability to all of Europe? Your goal is to create and promote peace and stability throughout Europe for decades.  What types of government are most appropriate for each country?  Should a multi-national governing body be formed to make sure the likes of Napoleon never rampage across Europe again?

2. Redraw the map of Europe to reflect a balanced Europe

 Where will France fit into all of this?

3. Diplomats in attendance at the Congress will show their agreement with the terms by signing the document.

Step 1: Research your statesmen (diplomats), country, and general information about the Congress of Vienna. In addition to your book, here are some links for research:

 Congress of Vienna general information  Animated Congress of Vienna map (worth watching, especially if you need to visualize the changes and you fancy a nice English accent).

Diplomats at the Congress of Vienna:

Links have been provided to start your search!

Russia Tsar Alexander I

Austria Prince Klemens von Metternich

France Charles Talleyrand Britain Lord Castlereagh

Prussia Prince von Hardenberg 0

- After you have gathered information move onto discussing background material with your country group to create a strategy for the Congress.

Step 2: Discuss background material about your country with your group...issues you will bring up with the other countries when you plan out the Congress. (You may want to reference CH 18)

 What was it like during the era of the Napoleonic Wars?  What kind of losses did we face?  Who do we blame?  As victors, what will we demand in reparations?  How will we ensure that there is a balance of power throughout Europe to prevent future wars and the rise of another Napoleon?

Step 3: Design a plan or strategy for negotiations at the Congress - Questions to ask your group members:

 How will you get what you want? How will you protect yourself? What are you willing to compromise?

Step 4: Working with your group, you will want to go out and forge alliances and create strategies with other nations! Your country wants to create a cohesive plan or strategy when the Congress convenes.

Meet and debate with other countries—do you have similar or different interests? Find out (or send out spies to other countries to see what they are planning!).

1. Design a plan for negotiation at the Congress:

 How is everyone going to get what they want?  What kind of compromises will have to happen? *This needs to make sense. It must have fact and reason backing up the group’s decisions!  The biggest issue is creating stability on the continent but while also advancing your country's interest (nationalism is strong during this period). 2. Each member should have a working outline as to what issues are going to be discussed...if you need some additional ideas about what should be discussed, refer back to the task which lays out what should be completed by the end of this presentation.

3. It is critical that you work well with one another to outline your group’s plan so you know what countries to work with during the Congress. will have a few minutes to review format and then groups will present. The room will be in a large oval and you will be sitting with your country members. Each group will have a minute to outline its interests and desires at the end of the Napoleonic Age, and each member should speak. Be prepared! Then, in an open forum, your country will convene at Congress and try and advance two goals: European stability and your nation's own interests.

Congress of Vienna

Simulation Activity Questions

Your Country: ______

Group Members: ______


 Each of the people on the lines above will contribute to this process and to the answers turned in at the end of the activity………………………20 assessment pts.

1. What losses did your nation experience during the Napoleonic period? Whom do you blame for these losses? 2. What are your strengths as a nation currently (1815)? What are your weaknesses?

3. What is your nation hoping to gain in this process ? Why do you think you deserve what you are asking for?

4. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to get what you want? Are you willing to go to war to defend your ideals and goals?

5. How will you protect your interests while still seeking to keep a “balance of power” in Europe? Explain your strategy here:

 Who will you ally with to accomplish your goals, and why?  Geography: Will there be new independent states in Europe? What will the borders look like? How will peace be kept in the new Europe?

Finally, in this space, prepare your comments for a short (1 min. or less) speech outlining your nation’s situation, its goals, and its strategies for achieving those goals at the Congress of Vienna. Personalities of the Congress of Vienna Mainly, the four major powers of Europe (Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain) made most of the big decisions. Austria was represented by Prince von Metternich, the Austrian minister of state who was also acting president of the Congress. The Russians sent Alexander I, the emperor of Russia. The main delegate from Prussia was Prince Karl August von Hardenberg, and Great Britain was represented by Lord Castlereagh, and later Arthur Wellesley, the first duke of Wellingtom. This group of major powers decided that France, Spain, and the smaller powers would have no say in important decisions; however, the French diplomat, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, was successful in allowing France to have an equal voice in the negotiations. Talleyrand became the deciding vote in many of the decisions. Prince Klemens von Metternich Prince Klemens von Metternich was an Austrian statesman, and the Austrian minister of foreign affairs form 1809 to 1848. Metternich was also a champion of conservatism. Metternich, the mediator at the Congress of Vienna, was an insightful man. He knew that for the meeting to be a success, he would have to modify his conservative ideals for a new Europe. It was a great success to Metternich that the conference was held in Vienna. Wanting to secure the Austrian predominance, Klemens tried to form German and Italian confederations, both under Austrian rule. Along with Castlereagh, Metternich opposed the elimination of France. Metternich also agreed that Russia must be kept form obtaining too much control. Another plan that Metternich wanted to achieve at the Congress of Vienna, was long- lasting order in Europe. But Klemens’ biggest hope for the Congress of Vienna was to restore conservative governments in the new Europe. Metternich was able to achieve most of these goals, but neither a German confederation nor an Italian confederation ever came about. Prince Klemens craftily manipulated whole countries, for he was a master at controlling people. In the end, Klemens obtain most of the things he wanted through strong will and determination.

Czar Alexander I

Czar Alexander I, the emperor of Russia from 1801-1825, was best known for his alternately befriending, then fighting Napoleon I. In the early 1810’s (1813-1815) Alexander helped form the Big Four, which finally defeated the French emperor. As a part of the Congress of Vienna, the czar played a big part in the agreement to balance power and to get along with one another. In this meeting, Alexander was determined to obtain the only spoil that he wanted, Poland. The allies (Britain, Russia, Prussia), afraid of the Asiatic Russians obtaining too much control, only gave Russia a portion of Poland. Disgusted and disillusioned by the cynicism of Metternich, Talleyrand, and Castlereagh towards the idea of all people getting along, the czar formed the Holy Alliance in 1815. With this group, Alexander I tried to create a world based on the ideas of justice and charity. Because of these radical and liberal ideas, Czar Alexander I was thought to be foolish and almost childish in his goals. Alexander was an idealist, and towards his later year, the czar became even more involved in mystical and spiritual events. Alexander was also a very religious man. He had such liberal ideas as giving Poland a liberal constitution (this allowed Poland to be partially restored) and funding universities and secondary schools in his country. Alexander was unpredictable, and did many things on whims. For this reason, it is thought that he might not have died in Taganrog, but moved to Siberia to become a hermit.

Prince Karl August von Hardenberg

Karl von Hardenberg was a Prussian statesman and the Prussian delegate in attendance at the Congress of Vienna. Hardenberg was able to bring about the rapprochement between Russia and Britain over the division of Saxony and Poland. He waved Prussian rights to Saxony in return for the Rhineland. Hardenberg later associated himself with Alexander I and his Holy Alliance. A resourceful man, Karl saw that some things must be given up for the good of the continent.

Viscount Robert Castlereagh

Viscount Castlereagh was the British foreign secretary from 1812 to 1822. Castlereagh was a major player in the Congress of Vienna. He was involved with the redrawing of the post-Napoleonic map and was a major influence in the Concert of Europe. As a leader in bringing together the powers they overthrew Napoleon and in forming the Congress of Vienna, Castlereagh was a large influence in promoting diplomacy by conference. The viscount’s main objective at the Congress of Vienna was to keep Russia from gaining too much control and to strengthen a weak Germany and Italy. Castlereagh also took the lead in denying Russia’s territorial demands on Poland. Throughout later years of his life, Castlereagh continued to oppose Russian expansion. The viscount was a thoughtful, introspective man who realized the dangers of an ultra- powerful Russia. He was known for brilliant diplomatic techniques and persuasive tactics. In 1821, Castlereagh became ill. He began to show signs of abnormal suspicion, which in 1822 was full blown paranoia. The viscount’s reputation became soiled by vicious rumors. Unable to stand this disgrace, Castlereagh committed suicide.

Prince Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand Charles Talleyrand was a French statesman and a diplomat. He was the diplomat from France assigned to the Congress of Vienna. With the interest of France, Talleyrand managed to divide the Allies and to keep France in one piece. He did this by forming an alliance with Britain and Austria. As this new alliance, the three powers were able to prevent the splitting of French land. By sheer cunning, Talleyrand was able to obtain what he wanted. He was, quite arguably, the most skillful and best diplomat that France has ever had. Mainly, the four major powers of Europe (Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain) made most of the big decisions. Austria was represented by Prince von Metternich, the Austrian minister of state who was also acting president of the Congress. The Russians sent Alexander I, the emperor of Russia. The main delegate from Prussia was Prince Karl August von Hardenberg, and Great Britain was represented by Lord Castlereagh, and later Arthur Wellesley, the first duke of Wellingtom. This group of major powers decided that France, Spain, and the smaller powers would have no say in important decisions; however, the French diplomat, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, was successful in allowing France to have an equal voice in the negotiations. Talleyrand became the deciding vote in many of the decisions.

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