Campfire News –Mrs. Wachter’s Class

February 1, 2013 Campbell Ridge Curriculum for the Elementary week: Camper of 4th Grade Newsletter Reading (As written by Abby the Week! ______Adkins): This week we have just ______finished our Unit 3 test (Not my Destine Hill favorite test). We reviewed some skills such as generalizations. We learned about clue words such as Most, always, never, all are some clue words. Our test was 17 pages long. 3 CR (Constructed Responses) and 40 multiple choice. The test took Important 2 days. And we input our multiple choice answers on the Dates computer. After each test you can look on there for your

February child’s progress on the computer and your child can also see maybe what the need to work on. This coming week we are 4: Box tops collection this week going to read The Case of the Gasping Garbage. Our skill is synonyms & antonyms, Compare & Contrast, and visualizing. 6: D. J. Scully coming! That’s some things about reading in Mrs. Wachter’s class. Bye! 11: CCBOE @ 7

12: PTO @ 5 Writing (As written by Kyria Anderson): This week in writing we are doing page 248 in our Readers and Writers th rd 13: 5 3 Student notebook that is writing mysteries. The Case of the Missing Bank Crayon is the title of the passage. (We are actually doing this 14: Valentine Party 2- next week. The students will be looking at the characteristics 3, Trimester 2 ends of a mystery and draft their own mystery.)

15: PTO Dance @ 7 Grammar/Spelling (As written by Josie Barnhart): This 18: No School week in spelling/grammar we are working with singular and

19: 4-H plural pronouns. Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun. Next week we are also taking a look at multiple meaning 21: Report Cards come words. Multiple meaning words are words with the same home! spelling but different meanings. That is our grammar/spelling 22: Work Ethic for this week and next. Recognition

26: SBDM @ 5:30, Math (As written by Trent Baute): We are having a math District Governor’s Cup test next week. Math is awesome! We have learned a lot Composition Campfire News –Mrs. Wachter’s Class

about math and division. We have learned how to divide using March the standard algorithm. We have learned a lot over the year 2: District Governor’s and it has been a great year just so you know that we have had Cup @ Grant’s Lick a good time this year. We Comets get smarter and smarter every second! We almost know everything in 4th grade. We are doing division still but where close to be done for division man oh man isn’t that a relief. But we get smart and that’s the whole point of learning. We have already brought home our study guide for our math test next week. We are learning about angles too. The smarter you get the easier it will be. We are also working on a full circle protractor and a half circle protractor. We are using those for the angles we have on math boxes and study link they are hard to learn about that’s why we are learning about them in class.

Science/Social Studies (As written by Devyn Bobo): Today we had a science fair and it was awesome. We love science. We have only some people that like science if we had scores on classes we would win first place. We studied very had. We had a lot of work to do in order to have gotten it perfect. Did you know that diamonds are made of carbon atoms that proves that we studies I’m sure 90% of the class loves science. And also we’re moving to a new Social Studies unit. Isn’t that exciting? Well, I’ll see you next time on the Campfire News. Bye!!

Special Events (As written by Madison Burnett): Well, we did have the science fair. It was really fun. Don’t forget to turn in the Work Ethic form. Those are due February 4th. Also 3rd through 5th had an assembly. (COSI) It was fun! So those are the events coming up.

Camp Wachter Website: You can access it from the CRES Homepage. Please have your child blog over Christmas Break!

Fluency Practice: Students have been bringing home a fluency paper on Mondays. They should practice reading it aloud as part of their 20 minutes of reading homework each night. By Thank you for all that you do for your this time in fourth grade students should be able to read Campfire News –Mrs. Wachter’s Class child and for our between 105 – 120 words correctly per minute. If your child is classroom! already able to do this then they should also focus on things Mrs. Wachter like stopping at periods and changing their voice when there are exclamation points and question marks.

Infinite Campus: If you do not have your code to access the IC Parent Portal yet you can still stop by the office to get it. This is a great tool to keep up to date on your child’s grades and attendance.

Special Area Classes: The week we return is a Week 4. This means we will have the following Specials: WEEK #4: - Mon – PE Tues. – Music Wed. – Art Thurs. – Library Fri. – Library

Bucket Filling Slips: Your children write some amazing bucket filling slips! They really know how to make each other (and me!) feel appreciated and liked. Many of them also go out of their way to make sure that other classes do not have any empty buckets on Friday. Whenever you would like to send some in either for your child or multiple children or staff-- remember that you can print them from my website.

Communication: Open communication between school and home is vital for your child’s success this year. Please do not hesitate to email, call, or write a note if you have any questions, concerns, or need to share any other information with me. If you do not receive the nightly Homework Email that means I either do not have your email address or the one I have is wrong. Please send your email address to school with your child or send me an email so I can add you to my email list.

Tutoring: is an online tutoring web site. can set up in-home tutoring. Campfire News –Mrs. Wachter’s Class