1Spanish Fort High School Cross Country/Track Rules and Consequences Coach Michael Rauch

1. I will attend all practices!! When I am at practice (which will be daily) I will give 110%!!

2. I will be at every practice session, unless Coach Rauch is aware. Cross Country practice will begin at 3:45pm at the track.

3. If I anticipate a problem getting to practice on time, I will inform Coach Rauch as far in advance as possible

4. I understand that practice will only be cancelled by Coach Rauch, and that will only be in the case of an extreme emergency. You are expected to come to practice unless you hear otherwise from the announcements or from Coach.

5. Inappropriate behavior of any kind that is not consistent with the philosophy and rules of Spanish Fort High School or the Cross Country/Track program will not be tolerated!!!!

6. I recognize that only through hard work can anything worth having be achieved. Coach Rauch is a huge believer in hard work… so don’t expect anything to be easy.

7. I understand that I am a part of something that is bigger than myself and will therefore be supportive and forgiving of my teammates. I also understand that I will respect my teammates and coaches regardless of their age, athletic ability or any other reason you may come up with.

8. I recognize that workouts are designed with great care to prepare me for the meets. You will follow them to the letter! Warm ups, stretching, weight lifting, circuit exercises, distance runs, track workouts, hill repeats, or any other fun Coach Rauch can come up with… are extremely important and need to be approached with a positive can-do attitude.


1. The first violation of these said rules will result in the athlete being reprimanded verbally. 2. A second violation of these rules can result in missing the next meet. 3. An athlete that has been dismissed from practice three times need not return. 4. Blatant disregard for these rules will result in immediate dismissal from the team without a warning at the discretion of the head coach. 5. If I feel that you are in jeopardy of being dismissed from the team, I will contact your parents to discuss the issues and hopefully a resolution. 6. Any and all disciplinary measures are at the discretion of Coach Rauch and are final. I have no intentions on excusing ANY athlete from the Cross Country/Track programs. But I intend on this being a positive, respectful program.


I, ______, have read these rules and consequences and will abide by all the above to the best of my ability.

Athletes Signature: ______Parents Signature: ______