Graduate Student Senate
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Graduate Student Senate University of Connecticut
Graduate Student Senate Agenda 7 September 2011
I. Call to Order at 7:12pm: A regular meeting of the Graduate Student Senate, with Chantelle Messier presiding; Maureen Harris, secretary.
II. Recognition of Senators
III. Special Guest: Interim Dean of the Graduate School/Vice Provost for Graduate Education: Skip Lowe a. At the undergraduate level, UConn 26% diverse, which is more than the national average. b. Next task is increasing percent for the graduate/research/faculty level c. Graduate students will lead the way in making faculty diverse by doing much of the teaching and research d. Contact at [email protected] with questions or suggestions e. Mission to represent and work for graduate students f. Jason Charrette – what are your ideas for improving graduate life? g. We need a place for graduate students to get together, centrally located graduate housing h. Lots of issues, details to be worked out i. Todd Vachon – how much influence with parking services? Lack of specific graduate parking. j. Used to be free, but not anymore; grad students work late, not faculty; trying to figure out a solution with head of parking.
IV. Approval of Minutes – 25 April 2011 a. Minutes approved with no objection
V. Executive Committee Reports
a. President – Rich Colon i. New President: Susan Herbst 1. official inauguration 16 September 2. focus on improving undergraduate and graduate programs. ii. New GSS Administrative Assistant: Roman iii. New Undergraduate Leadership 1. Still interested in working together with graduates iv. Update on GAIN 2011 1. Huge success!
1 v. Graduate Orientation 1. GSS will continue to partner with University’s Graduate Orientation in the future by making GAIN a part of the orientation schedule vi. Mansfield Downtown Partnership Meeting 1. Have actually broken ground, but still expensive, need graduate input 2. Will be inviting this group to a GSS meeting later in the semester vii. Graduate Student Trustee 1. Adam Scianna is on final year of serving on Board 2. Will need to hold election in spring 3. Open to any graduate or professional student of UConn 4. 2-year commitment 5. Also still several at-large senator seats open viii. Meeting with Consultants 1. BOT hired consulting firm to find cost-saving measures 2. The group wanted to meet with graduate students 3. Steven Williamson – What exactly were the consultants looking for? 4. Bill Waite – they have a rather limited purview, but they did suggest philanthropy 5. Provost wanted consultants to meet with all constituencies on the campus 6. Report, once it’s released, will go public 7. Some cost-saving measures may require up-front expenditures b. Vice President – Chantelle Messier i. Student Life Committee 1. Will be building committee 2. Committee will look at international student issues c. Treasurer – Bill Waite i. Finance Committee 1. We need a finance committee ii. Tier II representatives can find allocations on GSS website iii. Will be at least two info sessions this semester on reimbursements, etc, and on budgeting iv. Need to register financial points of contact d. Secretary – Maureen Harris i. Public Relations Committee 1. Looking for volunteers ii. Dates of GSS meetings this semester: Sept 21, Oct 5, Oct 19, Nov 2, Nov 30 iii. Email address for GSS: [email protected] iv. Attendance e. Activities Director – Derek Doran i. Activities Committee ii. GAIN
2 1. DJ Frankie Z rocked out; high attendance and “totally baller” 2. Thanks to volunteers: Jacqueline and Safet iii. PhD movie - October 4th , 7pm-9pm 1. Free tickets to grad students 2. Leland Aldridge – did this cost GSS money? 3. Yes 4. Only for grad students, but each can get two tickets iv. Fall activities 1. Social Night at Ted’s at end of October 2. Coffee Night next week 3. Thanksgiving Dinner: Nov. 17th or Nov. 18th v. “Like” GSS on Facebook
f. Parliamentarian – Steve Mollmann i. Procedures Committee 1. Looking for one more member ii. Robert’s Rules of Order in Brief in Brief 1. GSS conducts business according to this 704-page book 2. What you need to know to survive meetings: a. Do everything by motions, except in anomalous issues forum b. Need a second c. Everyone allowed to talk twice per issue d. Only talk for ten minutes per issue e. No motion to vote, but vote f. Always address chair: Madam Vice President g. Talk about issue, not person h. Can do parliamentary inquiry whenever you want i. Point of information whenever you’re confused j. Point of order when you feel your rights are being ignored iii. Constituency Registration Form 1. Verification of constituency senators 2. Also list financial points of contact for groups that receive funding iv. State name and constituency when speaking
VI. Issues Forum a. Mark Lowe – what is the policy for mileage reimbursement for grad students teaching on regional campuses? b. Bill Waite – know rate and can tell you how to get it if you’re due it c. Joshua Ping Ang – consult Bursar’s Office d. Caryl Nunez– graduate students at UConn not unionized; why? e. Rich Colon – if we were unionized, it would be graduate assistants, not all graduate students; grad students at UConn would need a specific reason for unionizing, which we don’t seem to have right now; we don’t have contracts, but just offer letters f. Todd Vachon – wouldn’t forming a union require negotiating actual contracts? g. Rich Colon – not sure, but we can investigate; not sure if that falls within the purview of GSS, because we represent all grad students, not just grad assistants
3 h. Safet Berisa – How do graduate fellowships relate to fees and to loans? Many issues with Bursar. i. Bill Waite – Requested that Safet email write-up/details. As soon as received, will deliver concerns to the Bursar & look into the matter to the extent possible given issues with confidentiality. Loans supposed to be treated like any debt to university. j. Mark Lowe – motion to extend issues forum k. Todd Vachon – second motion
VII. Unfinished Business a. Ailton Coleman - Motion to change old business to unfinished business b. Eric Njuki – second c. Leland Aldridge – what does Roberts’ Rules say? d. Steve Mollmann – not in there e. George Moore – for all future agendas? f. Ailton Coleman – yes g. Todd Vachon – if it’s Roberts’ rules, let’s change it h. Steven Williamson – if we want to change it, let’s, but we can modify Roberts’ Rules i. Motion passes
VIII. New Business
a. CSC Allocation Appeal i. Bill Waite – Content Neutrality rules: beliefs held by group must be ignored by GSS when providing budget ii. Christian Students on Campus appealed denial of funds through Budget Hearing iii. After appeal went to treasurer, skipped budget hearing because nonexistent over the summer iv. Executive hearing agreed that Finance Committee did not act inappropriately, but Budget Hearing did so by violating content neutrality v. Original amount of request was $900, but was reduced by Executive Committee to $450 vi. Because the amount is under $500, falls under guidelines of special allocations vii. Steven Williamson – Not look at belief system, but can fund or not based on whether everyone is welcome at events viii. Rich Colon – We as GSS are stewards of funds of graduate activity fee, so we are entrusted to see that those funds are used in appropriate ways. Therefore, all events using our funds must provide equal opportunity to all, and all members of our constituency must have equal opportunity to attend these events. GSS must look at event, not at beliefs of group. ix. Jason Charrette – question is actual physical access? x. Bill Waite – must take every reasonable measure to make everyone aware of event xi. Caryl Nunez – If GSS funds event but then it comes to light that it was not open to all, what happens next? xii. Bill Waite – We would not reimburse or reallocate money to that group. xiii. Jason Charrette – Decided to cut based on events not open to grad students xiv. Bill Waite – can’t fund items that should be funded by departments; more likely to
4 get money when have outside sources of revenue xv. Eric Njuki – what is the nature of event? xvi. Caryl Nunez – After Tim presents, will exec committee present rationale for decision? xvii. Steven Williamson – motion to discuss special allocation xviii. Mark Lowe – second xix. Tim Jenson – president of CSC, in existence for about 5 years, but with new name; request was for graduate component of mixed-membership group. Periodical seminars/info sessions for anyone who wants more info about Christianity; request just for food. Advertise through club tables in Union, fliers, table tents in dining halls xx. Bill Waite – During last year’s Budget Hearing, there was confusion over nature of the events for which money was requested xxi. Joseph Darda– nature of content; is this intended to provide teachings about religion or for a scholarly discussion? xxii. Tim Jensen – not necessarily to teach about religion, but to give info about Bible xxiii. Joshua Wilson – When we vote as Senate, do we consider size of organization and of the events? xxiv. Bill Waite – yes, but not in a formulaic way xxv. Leland Aldridge - $150 per event not all that much; physics asks for similar amounts for 25 attendees. At budget hearing, we were given the distinctive impression that some grads would not be welcome at events. xxvi. Jason Charrette – content is irrelevant, but access matters xxvii. Leland Aldridge – worried about access, not content xxviii. Bill Waite – event must be open to fit with GSS policies xxix. Ally Walton – confusion at budget hearing; good to have Tim here for more info xxx. Ailton Coleman – What exactly are the criteria for funding? xxxi. Bill Waite – As indicated, the criteria are not formulaic; idea is to provide general guidelines and allow discretion on the part of the senate/representatives. xxxii. Kamryn Warren – original request for $900, but now propose to fund $450? xxxiii. Erin Eighan – oral or written descriptions of event? xxxiv. Bill Waite – oral in budget hearing xxxv. Steven Williamson – if policy allows group with any content, then we just need to figure out a dollar amount and vote xxxvi. Mike Ambroselli – motion to extend meeting xxxvii. Safet Berisa – second motion xxxviii. Erin Eighan – want to review facts at issue before vote xxxix. Steve Mollmann – can motion to postpone issue to later meeting xl. Todd Vachon – how long do we extend? xli. Steve Mollmann – 30 minutes xlii. Orko Momin – Can non senate-members raise points of information xliii. Steve Mollmann – yes, but cannot vote xliv. Leland Aldridge – many departments have very similar events; concern is just accessibility to all in constituency xlv. Tim Jensen – past events: don’t ask anything of attendees, but welcome all and present
5 xlvi. Kamryn Warren – move previous question to close debate xlvii. Ailton Coleman – second xlviii. Chantelle Messier – debate closed; proceed to vote xlix. Bill Waite – To grant funds to Christian Students on Campus to amount of $450. l. Lucas David-Roesler – so motion li. Steven Williamson – second lii. Ailton Coleman – motion to split vote into whether or not to fund, and then how much to allocate liii. Kamryn Warren – motion to amend amount to full $900 liv. Ailton Coleman – second lv. Jason Charrette – all groups had to cut some money from budgets lvi. Leland Aldridge – this money takes away from other special allocations; $450 is in line with what other groups received lvii. Rich Colon – Exec examined CSC’s request like the other groups that received a budget. While there is no objective measurement, the cut is similar to the cuts made at the budget hearing. Like all grad organizations, CSC still has ability to apply for special allocations lviii. Chantelle Messier – Exec approved merit of appeal before choosing amount lix. Joshua Wilson – motion to move the previous question lx. Lucas David-Roesler – second lxi. Debate closes lxii. Motion does not pass lxiii. Steven Williamson – move the previous question lxiv. Leland Aldridge – second lxv. Motion carries lxvi. Question of awarding $450 to CSC lxvii. Motion passes unanimously lxviii. Ailton Coleman – motion to adjourn lxix. Steven Williamson – second lxx. Motion does not carry lxxi. Mike Ambroselli – motion to extend meeting lxxii. Erin Eighan – second b. Presentation of proposed amendment to GSS Financial Policies and Procedures i. Posted on GSS website as proposed new version ii. Will be voted on at next GSS meeting c. Huskymail to Gmail transition: i. Questions or comments to Derek on Student Technology Advisory Group d. GSS 11/12-01: That the Graduate Student Senate award $600 to the president, Rich Colon, $400 to the treasurer, Bill Waite, and $400 to the activities director, Derek Derek, according to the Senate Bylaws. i. Leland Aldridge – motion ii. Safet Berisa – second motion iii. Maureen Harris – this money is for the summer, when these three members of exec were busy planning GAIN and taking care of administrative tasks iv. Motion passed 16-1 e. External Committee Appointments
6 i. That the GSS approve committee appointments listed ii. Leland Aldridge – so motion iii. Mark Lowe - second
IX. Adjournment a. Adjourned at 10:09 with no objections.
7 Attendance S = Senator, E = Executive Committee Member, N = Not a Senator
Name Constituency Senator Abhinav Upadhyay Animal Science N Ailton Coleman Public Health S Allison Hale Visual Arts S Ally Walton At Large/Art History S Austin Johnson Ed. Psych N Bill Waite Treasurer/Economics E Caryl Nunez GSCA S Chantelle Messier Vice President/English E Curtis Denton Friends of Geography N Derek Doran Activities Director/Computer Science and Engineering E Elizabeth Totten LANGSA S Eric Njuki Agriculture & Resource Economics S Erin Eighan English S George Moore English S Hannah Mudrick Human Development & Family Studies S Ian Yue Agriculture & Resource Economics N Indu Upadhyaya Animal Science N Jason Charrette POLS S Joseph Darda English S Joshua Ping Ang Economics S Joshua Wilson NGSA S Kamryn Warren Sociology S Leland Aldridge Physics S Lucas David-Roesler Math S Mark Lowe Philosophy S Maureen Harris Secretary/History E Michael Ambroselli Physics S Mike Mudrick NGSA S Neerajha Nagarajan At Large/BME S Orko Momin Student Association of Graduate Engineers N Ranjith Ramanathan Animal Science N Rich Colon President/Anthropology E Safet Berisa Linguistics S Steve Mollmann Parliamentarian/English E Steven Williamson POLS S Timothy Jensen Christian Students on Campus N Ting Xu Linguistics N Todd Vachon Sociology S
8 Committee Notes GSS Rep GSS Rep 2 Academic Material Fee Committee Approved by Senate Rich Colon Voted by Graduate Board of Trustees Students Adam Scianna Distinguished Professor Committee Approved by Senate Ally Walton Environmental Health and Safety Approved by Senate Eric Njuki General Education Oversight Committee Approved by Senate Erin Eighan GFC Policies and Procedures Approved by Senate Steve Mollmann Graduate Faculty Council Approved by Senate Rich Colon Steve Mollmann Honors and Awards Approved by Senate Ally Walton Parking Advisory Committee Approved by Senate Mark Lowe Provost Commission on Institutional Diversity Approved by Senate Caryl Nunez Provosts Library Advisory Committee Approved by Senate Safet Berisa Lucas David- Scholastic Standards Approved by Senate Roesler Student Activities Election Week Committee Approved by Senate Steve Mollmann Student Activity and Service Fee Advisory Committee Approved by Senate Bill Waite Rotating Member Student Leadership Group Approved by Senate of Exec Student Technology Advisory Michael Group Approved by Senate Derek Doran Ambroselli Student Trustee Election Committee Approved by Senate Steve Mollmann Rotating Member Student Union Partners Approved by Senate of Exec Student Welfare Committee Approved by Senate Jason Charrette Uconn Branding Committee Approved by Senate Bill Waite UCONN Reads Program Approved by Senate Nick Gelbar University Budget Committee Approved by Senate Bill Waite University Senate Approved by Senate Rich Colon Chantelle Messier Work Life Oversight Committee Approved by Senate Elizabeth Totten
Capital Projects Planning and Advisory Committee Still need to fill Diversity Committee Still need to fill Faculty Standards Still need to fill Growth and Development Committee Still need to fill Mansfield Downtown Partnership Still need to fill