List of Safety Activities

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List of Safety Activities

Miss Ottolini’s Safety Plan! List of Safety Activities

1. Lab Safety Video

To introduce students to several key rules of lab safety, I will show them a video at, which was provided by a member of the NSTA Listserv. After they watch the video, I will hand out an index card to each student and ask them to write down two things they learned from the video. I will then collect the index cards so that I have documentation that they watched the video and were paying attention.

2. Poster Contest

After passing out my list of safety rules and procedures, I will ask my students to get into groups of two or three and create a poster illustrating one of the rules or procedures on the list. I may ask them to draw the school mascot demonstrating a procedure so there is more continuity among the poster, or I may give them free reign to draw whatever they choose, so long as it depicts the rule/procedure effectively. Once the students have finished their posters, they will vote to determine the best poster, and the winning students will receive some sort of reward. Though I’m typically against using external rewards such as candy in the classroom, I think this is one situation where it is acceptable. After the contest is over, I will hang the posters up around the room so that students can all see them. That way, I have a nice visual display of the rules and documentation that the students learned them.

3. Safety Equipment Scavenger Hunt

To familiarize my students with the location and function of laboratory safety equipment, I will have them participate in a scavenger hunt. They will each receive a worksheet listing clues or descriptions of safety equipment. For instance, one of the clues might read, “use these to protect your eyes.” Students will then fill in the word “goggles” and describe the location of the goggles in the room. Later, we will review the worksheet and go over any questions or concerns students might have. Additionally, I will collect the worksheets at the end of the class period.

4. Safety Scenarios

For this activity, I will create a worksheet with several scenarios in which a safety rule was broken or a procedure was conducted in an unsafe manner. I will pass these out to pairs of students and ask them to identify the problem with the scenario. Later, I will ask each pair to present the issue with one of the scenarios (depending on how many students are in the class). That way, I will have an idea of why they believe a particular rule was broken and how the situation could have been handled better. Again, I will collect the worksheets at the end of the class period.

5. Dissection Demo

Before the frog or fetal pig dissection, I would do a demo dissection in which I modeled safe lab behavior and provided explicit verbal instructions about safety procedures. Students would be required to take notes and turn these notes in to the teacher for a classroom participation grade.

Laboratory Safety for Miss Ottolini’s Biology Class

Lab Safety Rules and Procedures

Directions: Please read and discuss the rules and procedures listed below with a parent or guardian. Once you have read through the contract, both you and your parent or guardian should sign in the appropriate spaces on the back of this page.

Laboratory experiments are a fundamental part of any biology class, and they help to make biology more exciting and understandable. That said, lab activities can become dangerous if they proper safety procedures are not followed. In order to have a safe, enjoyable laboratory experience, all students and visitors in the lab must follow these procedures:

General: 1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner in the lab at all times. Do not perform any unauthorized experiments or work alone in the lab. 2. Be prepared and follow all written and verbal directions. If you do not understand a direction or procedure, ask the teacher BEFORE you begin the activity. 3. Do not fool around in the laboratory. Pranks, horseplay, and practical jokes are NOT allowed in the laboratory. 4. Tie back long hair remove jewelry before beginning a laboratory exercise. Do not wear loose clothing, open-toed shoes, or sandals in the lab. 5. Students will wear goggles any time chemicals, heat, or glassware are used. 6. NEVER eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the lab. Equipment: 7. Do not touch broken glass. Use a brush and a dustpan to clean up and place broken glass in the glass disposal container. 8. Never touch heating equipment or heated glassware. Make sure all hot plates and open burners are off and have cooled down before touching them. 9. All lab desks must be cleaned after you conduct an experiment. All equipment must be cleaned and stored safely or returned to the appropriate place. Chemicals: 10. All chemicals in the lab should be handled with care. Do not taste or smell any chemicals. 11. Keep your hands away from your face, eyes, and mouth when using chemicals or lab equipment. Wash your hands with warm water and soap after all lab activities involving chemicals or organisms. 12. If a chemical splashes in your eye(s) or on your skin, immediately flush with running water for at least 20 minutes. 13. Dispose of all chemical waste properly and never mix chemicals in sink drains. Follow your teacher’s directions about appropriate disposal of chemicals. Dissection: 14. When working with any animal specimens, be respectful and ethical. Use proper dissection technique, and never mutilate your animal! 15. Handle sharp objects very carefully! Accidents/Injuries: 16. Report any accident or injury to the teacher right away, even if it seems minor. Remember not to panic. 17. Know the locations and procedures for using all safety equipment including: first aid kit, eyewash, shower, and fire extinguisher. Know where the fire alarm and the exits are located. Student Safety Contract

I, ______, a student in Miss Ottolini’s biology class, have carefully read through the Lab Safety Rules and Procedures and agree to follow all rules and procedures listed in this document. I understand that failure to follow safe lab procedures could result in a serious accident or injury. I also understand that I may lose the privilege to participate in lab exercises if I violate the rules.

Student Signature: ______

Date: ______

Parent Safety Contract

I, ______, parent or guardian of ______, have read the Lab Safety and Procedures, and I will encourage my son or daughter to follow these rules and procedures. I understand the importance of lab safety, and I know that the benefits of laboratory experience can only be enjoyed in a safe lab environment. I give permission for my child to participate in laboratory activities.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Date: ______Lab Safety Quiz!

True/False: Write a T or F in the blank provided.

1. If you don’t understand a lab procedure, you should always ask the teacher before beginning the procedure. 2. Loose clothing and open-toed shoes are acceptable lab-attire. 3. If a chemical splashes in your eye(s), you must flush them out with water for 10 minutes. 4. If an injury is very minor, you do not need to notify the teacher.

Multiple Choice: Circle the correct answer.

1. How should you dispose of broken glass?

a) Throw the glass into the regular trash can and let your teacher know so he/she can replace the bag. b) Gather the glass shards and carefully hand them to your teacher. c) Use a brush and dustpan to clean up the glass shards and place them in the glass disposal container.

2. Which of the following is NOT one of our rules regarding chemical use?

a) Keep your hands away from your face, eyes, and mouth when using chemicals or lab equipment. b) Dispose of all chemical waste properly and never mix chemicals in sink drains. Follow your teacher’s directions about appropriate disposal of chemicals. c) If you are unsure of what chemical you are using, you should sniff it or taste it to determine the identity of your chemical.

3. When is it alright to eat food or drink a beverage in the laboratory?

a) On days when we are not doing an experiment b) Any time, so long as you keep your food/drink away from the experiment and wash your hands before you eat. c) It is never alright to eat food or drink a beverage in the lab.

Short Answer: Use complete sentences. 1. What are 3 pieces of safety equipment that we have in our classroom and where are they located?

2. Explain why practical jokes, horseplay, and pranks are not allowed in the laboratory.

3. Under what circumstances should you wear goggles in the laboratory?

4. Describe a situation where a student has broken a lab safety rule and discuss what they should have done instead. Lab Safety Quiz! (KEY)

True/False: Write a T or F in the blank provided.

5. If you don’t understand a lab procedure, you should always ask the teacher before beginning the procedure.


6. Loose clothing and open-toed shoes are acceptable lab-attire.


7. If a chemical splashes in your eye(s), you must flush them out with water for 10 minutes.


8. If an injury is very minor, you do not need to notify the teacher.


Multiple Choice: Circle the correct answer.

4. How should you dispose of broken glass?

a) Throw the glass into the regular trash can and let your teacher know so he/she can replace the bag. b) Gather the glass shards and carefully hand them to your teacher. c) Use a brush and dustpan to clean up the glass shards and place them in the glass disposal container.

5. Which of the following is NOT one of our rules regarding chemical use?

a) Keep your hands away from your face, eyes, and mouth when using chemicals or lab equipment. b) If you are unsure of what chemical you are using, you should sniff it or taste it to determine the identity of your chemical. If you are unsure of what chemical you are using, you should sniff it or taste it to determine the identity of your chemical. c) Dispose of all chemical waste properly and never mix chemicals in sink drains. Follow your teacher’s directions about appropriate disposal of chemicals.

6. When is it alright to eat food or drink a beverage in the laboratory?

a) On days when we are not doing an experiment b) Any time, so long as you keep your food/drink away from the experiment and wash your hands before you eat. c) It is never alright to eat food or drink a beverage in the lab.

Short Answer: Use complete sentences.

5. What are 3 pieces of safety equipment that we have in our classroom and where are they located?

Answers can include the first aid kit, eyewash, shower, fire extinguisher, etc., and the location of these pieces of equipment will vary based on the room you’re in.

6. Explain why practical jokes, horseplay, and pranks are not allowed in the laboratory.

Practical jokes, horseplay, and pranks can lead to violation of safety rules and procedures. For this reason, it is much safer to simply not allow such behavior in the laboratory.

7. Under what circumstances should you wear goggles in the laboratory?

Students should always wear goggles when handling chemicals, heat, or glassware.

8. Describe a situation where a student has broken a lab safety rule and discuss what they should have done instead.

Example: Stacey glanced through the procedures for her lab, but did not read them carefully. On lab day, she accidentally poured water into acid, and there was a minor explosion. Stacey could have avoided this mess by better preparing herself for the lab. She should have read the procedures thoroughly multiple times and asked the teacher if she had questions. General Safety Questions

1. Suppose your friend Amy is working with a chemical and it splashes into her eyes. Describe (a) what safety rule she has broken and (b) what you should do to help her, based on our class’s safety rules/procedures.

2. Suppose Dana is a new student in Miss Ottolini’s lab. Miss Ottolini is having a crazy day and does not have time to teach her about lab safety. She asks you to explain our lab rules about (a) clothing and (b) food/drinks in the lab. How do you explain these policies and describe the reasons for the rules? Sources

Note: It was difficult to put these sources in APA format, as there was very little citation information listed on the websites.

Mrs. H (2002). Lab safety/Safety Contract. Retrieved from

Ragusa, G. (2009). Science Lab Safety Activities.. Retrieved from

Mr. Lazaroff. Lab Safety Agreement. Retrieved from biology+lab+safety+contract&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a.

Additionally, I used my cooperating teacher’s lab safety contract and the Flinn Guidelines for developing my safety plan.

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