Modify the Table in the Following Clause As Shown

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Modify the Table in the Following Clause As Shown

November 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1519r2

IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs

TGaq – ANQP update for Venue URL and Access Cost

Date: 2014-11-06

Author(s): Name Company Address Phone email Stephen 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, BlackBerry Ltd +44 1753 667099 [email protected] McCann SL1 3XE, UK m

Submission page 8 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry November 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1519r2

Add the following reference to Annex A

[B56] ISO 4217 currency codes,

Modify the table in the following clause as shown:

* Access Network Query Protocol (ANQP) elements

T able 8 -2 59 AN Q P-el em ent defi ni ti ons

ANQP -el em ent name I nfo ID ANQ P-e le me nt (c la use)

R eserved 0 – 255 n /a

Q uery L i st 256 E r ror: R eference source not found

C apabil itL y i st 257 E r ror: R eference source not found

V enue Na me 258 E r ror: R eference source not found

E me rgency C alNu l mb er 259 E r ror: R eference source not found

N et wo rkAu thenti cati on T y pe 260 E r ror: R eference source not found

R oami ngC onsort ium 261 E r ror: R eference source not found

I P Ad dress T ype Av ai la bili ty 262 E r ror: R eference source not found

N AI Re al m 263 E r ror: R eference source not found

3 GP PC el lula Ne r tw ork 264 E r ror: R eference source not found

A PG eospat ia lLo cati on 265 E r ror: R eference source not found

A PC ivic L ocat ion 266 E r ror: R eference source not found

Submission page 8 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry November 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1519r2

A PL ocat ion Public I dentif ie rUR L 267 E r ror: R eference source not found

D om aiNa n me 268 E r ror: R eference source not found

E me rgency A le rtI dentif ie rUR L 269 E r ror: R eference source not found

T DL C S a pabili ty 270 E r ror: R eference source not found

E me rgency N AI 271 E r ror: R eference source not found

N ei ghbor R eport 272 8 .4.4.18 (N ei ghbor Re port ANQP -ele me nt)

V enue UR L 273 8 .4.4.20 (V enue UR LA NQP -ele me nt)

A ccess C ost 274 8 .4.4.21 (Ac cess C o stA NQP -ele me nt)

R eserved 27 53 – 56796 n /a

V endor Speci fi c 5 6797 E r ror: R eference source not found

R eserved 5 6798 –65535 n /a Venue Name ANQP-element

Insert the following paragraph after the last paragraph

A URL associated with the Venue can be specified by the Venue URL ANQP-element defined in

Insert the following new subclauses Venue URL ANQP-element

The Venue URL ANQP-element specifies URLs which can be used for for webpage advertising services or providng information, particular to a venue, to a STA. The format of the Venue URL ANQP-element is defined in Figure 8-404aq

Info ID Length Venue URL Duples Octets: 2 2 variable

Figure 8-404aq – Venue URL ANQP-element format

The Info ID and Length fields are defined in (General).

Submission page 8 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry November 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1519r2

The format of the Venue URL Duple field is shown in Figure 8-404aq1

Venue Length Venue URL Number

Octets: 1 1 variable

Figure 8-404aq1 – Venue URL Duple field

The Length is a 1-octet field whose value is set to 1 plus the number of octets in the Venue URL field.

The Venue Number is a 1-octet field whose value corresponds to the implicit returned order value of the corresponding Venue Name Duple returned in an Venue Name ANQP-element, as defined in If no Venue Name Duples were returned in the Venue Name ANQP-element then this value is 0.

The Venue URL field is a variable-length field that indicates the URL at which information relevant to the corresponding Venue Name Duple, indicated by the Venue Number, might be retrieved. This is further described in If no Venue URL is provided this field is left empty. The Venue URL field is formatted in accordance with IETF RFC 3986. Access Cost ANQP-element

The Access Cost ANQP-element provides financial access cost information to a STA. The format of the Access Cost ANQP-element is defined in Figure 8-405aq

Access Cost Info ID Length Duples

Octets: 2 2 variable

Figure 8-405aq – Access Cost ANQP-element format

The Info ID and Length fields are defined in (General).

The format of the Access Cost Duple field is shown in Figure 8-405aq1

Length Access Cost Type Language Currency Code Plan Information

Octets: 1 1 3 3 variable

Figure 8-405aq1 – Access Cost Duple field

The Length field is a 1-octet field whose value is set to 7 plus the number of octets in the Plan Information field.

The Access Cost Type is a 1-octet field with the following values:

Table 8-405 Access Cost Type field values

Access Cost Type Value Description

0 Time-based 1 Data-volume-based 2 Time-and-data-volume-based

Submission page 8 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry November 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1519r2

3 Unlimited 4 Unspecified 5-255 Reserved

The Language Code is a 3-octet ISO-14962-1997 [B45] encoded string field that defines the language used in the Cost Information field. The Language Code field is a two or three character language code selected from ISO-639 [B44]. A two character language code has 0 (“null” in ISO- 14962-1997) appended to make it 3 octets in length.

The Currency Code is a 3-octet string (e.g. “USD”) represening an ISO 4217 currency numeric code [B56]

The Plan Information is a variable length UTF-8 formatted field that carries an XML description of an access cost plan. The UTF-8 format is defined in IETF RFC 3629. The schema and semantics of this description are outside the scope of this standard.

As ANQP-elements are transmitted in the clear, prior to STA association, protected dual of public action frame should be used after association to verify this information.

Modify the text and table in the following clause:

1 0. 25.3 .2 A N Q procedures P General

Tabl e 10-1 6 A N Q Pusage 0 0b522e7 5e3f f4 53083 e0989e8 bc521 c. docx


ANQP -el em ent Na me ANQP -el em ent (s ubcl ause) ANQ P-e le me ntT ype AP No n-A PST A S T A

Q uery L i st 8 .4.4.1 (Q uery L i stANQ P-el em ent ( 11u)) Q T R , T ,R T R ,

C apabil il tyL ist 8 .4.4.2 (C apabil il tyL Ais t NQP -ele me nt(11u)) S T R , T ,R T R ,

V enue Na me 8 .4.4.3 (V enue Na me A NQP -ele me nt (11u)) S T R —

E me rgency C alNu l mb er ( E m ergency Ca llN um ber ANQ P-el em ent (11u)) S T R —

N et wo rkAu thenti cati on T y pe ( Ne tw ork Au thenti cati onT ype ANQ P-el em ent( 11u)) S T R —

R oami ngC onsort ium ( R o am ing C o nsorti um ANQ P-el em ent( 11u)) S T R —

V endor Speci fi c ( Ve ndor Specif ic A NQP -ele me nt(11u)) Q ,S T R , T ,R T R ,

Submission page 8 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry November 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1519r2

I P Ad dress T ype Av ai la bili ty ( IP A ddress T y pe Av ai la bilit ANQ y P-el em ent (11u)) S T R , T ,R T R ,

N AI Re al m 8 .4.4.9 (N AI Re al m ANQP -ele me nt(11u)) S T R T R ,

3 GP PC el lula Ne r tw ork ( 3G PP C e ll ular Ne tw ork ANQP -ele me nt(11u)) S T R —

A PG eospat ia lLo cati on ( AP G eospat ia lL ocat ion ANQ P-el em ent( 11u)) S T R T R ,

A PC ivic L ocat ion ( AP C ivic L ocat ion ANQ P-el em ent( 11u)) S T R T R ,

A PL ocat ion Public I dentif ie rUR L ( AP L ocat ion Publi cI dentif ie rU R LA NQP -ele me nt(11 u)) S T R T R ,

D om aiNa n me ( Dom aiNa n me A NQP -ele me nt(11u)) S T R —

E me rgency A le rtI dentif ie rUR L ( E me rgency A le rtU R LA NQP -ele me nt(11u)) S T R T R ,

T DL C S a pabili ty ( T DL SCa pabili tyA NQP -ele me nt) Q ,S T ,R T ,R T R ,

E me rgency N AI ( E me rgency N AI ANQ P-el em ent( 11u)) S T R —

N ei ghbor R eport ( Ne ighbor R eport ANQ P-el em ent) S T R -

V enue UR L ( Ve nue UR L ANQ P-el em ent) S T R -

A ccess C ost ( Ac cess C o st ANQP -ele me nt) S T R -

Symbols Q element is an ANQP query S element is an ANQP response T ANQP-element may be transmitted by MAC entity R ANQP-element may be received by MAC entity —ANQP-element is neither transmitted nor received by MAC entity

Insert the following new subclauses

Submission page 8 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry November 2014 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/1519r2 Venue URL procedure

The Venue URL ANQP-element is used to transmit webpage advertising services or information particular to the venue between STAs.

This ANQP-element is to be used in conjuction with the Venue Name ANQP-element, to provide extra information about the venue. Typical operation would be to use the Venue Name ANQP-element to determine the list of available venues advertised by a STA, and then the Venue URL ANQP-element is used, if required, to determine a list of venue URLs, each entry corresponding to the Venue Name entry in the list returned by the Venue Name ANQP-element. Access Cost procedure

The Access Cost ANQP-element is used to transmit financial cost advertisments between STAs in the form of access cost plan information. This information may be of benefit to a receiving STA, or user of a receiving STA, in assisting with a financial decision about proceeding with access.

The use and operation of the Plan information schema are outside the scope of this standard.

As ANQP-elements are transmitted in the clear, prior to STA association, protected dual of public action frame should be used after association to verify this information.

Submission page 8 Stephen McCann, BlackBerry

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