1: Role Call Call to Order
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EFAN Meeting December 6, 2011
Attendance: Brittani Sorenson, Leca Rogozinsky, Laurel Fitzsimonds, Laurie Young, Diane Vigeant, Kelsey Bradburn, Danielle Clarke, Sean Quinn, Stephanie Alexander, Ashley Baxter, Alaina Thursby, Raquel Dominguez Fay Wilson, Nicole Sharpe, Kaleigh Scalzo, Leanne Reitan, Roxanna Clermont, Gail Clarke, Denise Plesuk, Elaine Bragg, Bernie Mallon, Cheryl Bell, Kelly Granley, Gloria Powoly, Valarie Jungkind, Cordene Gerlat, Brenda Humeney YWCA, Brianna Olson (IHUMAN), Jessica Jabbour (IHUMAN student), Scarlette Papin(TERRA student), Mike Dalke, Elizabeth Darrell, Coleen
Regrets: Aaron
1: Role Call – Call to Order
2: Approval of Last Meetings Minutes: approved.
3: Presentation from Alberta Caregivers Association – Rachelle Gietz– Self Care
4: Calgary Conference – Really liked Garbor Mate & Martin Brokenleg, Didn’t like BC agency that just talked about their agency. Hypnosis & FASD – not well received. Sexual Health, disliked by one and liked by others. Straight from the Horses Mouth was a great, informative presentation. Hoping to do another next year, probably in Calgary again. Certain agencies find it difficult to send enough staff 4 hours away. Maybe give people in the north a discount. Some people really surprised with it being full at 575 people. Filled up really quickly this year.
5: Strategic Planning Day: January 10th, 2012. McDaniel Manor. 8:30-4:30. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP so we have numbers for the caterer.
6. Membership fees - due in Jan, helps fund coffee, photo copies etc. a. Chamber of Commerce – Good for networking, events take up a lot of time and they are costly. Yearly cost is 378$. Is it worth that much to be on their “list”. Would be good to attend a couple of events. Need to look at when their memberships begin. Laurel makes a motion we join the C of C for a full year, Gail seconds. Passed.
7: PCAP Council – Still working on a database, post up on the EFAN website for a job to help develop database.
8: CMC Update – Additional funds have been received and put out.
9. Supports and Service Council – FNI, given dollars to S&S council to hire a person to do inventory of services that are already available and update that. Also, helping to do the update. Lots of talk with Janice Penner about the new data tool they are coming up with to help prevent struggling to collect info.
10. Additions: 11: Agency/External Committee Updates : First Steps: hired a new staff, starting in the next week or so. Program will be fully staffed. ABHS grant for provisional psychologist: hope to have person in place to start in January. AHS – National Addiction Awareness week went very well, really fun day. Bissell – looking for a female advocate. Working on doing presentations at the Remand Centre. IHuman - Work with youth 12-24, at risk or high risk. Do arts and music along with social services to help them. Just recently moved to building next WEAC. Work a lot in the court system with young & adult offenders. Working with a judge who ordered a FASD assessment, she was then allowed to do a presentation on FASD, which led to a total discharge for her. Working with Darren Sprake? Denise gave info on FASD Youth Justice Committee Glenrose – PEDS – hired Tracy Bean as the new social worker. Glenrose – Adult – into second year of the project, well into the assessment part of it. Trying to be flexible and adapting to the upcoming needs. Just removed the 40 yr old age restriction. Asked to do oral presentation at the Vancouver Conference. Poster submitted about the model also to be presented. WRAP – did a presentation at the Calgary Conference. Thanks to this group to for all the benefits it has provided. Elves - just did a workshop for caregivers and family members. Had a lady who grew up as a youth with FASD do a talk for them. Attendees got to ask tones of questions that she answered. This past weekend had a social get together where they did Christmas baking (recipes and supplies provided) for families. GES – still busy Robinhood Association – Triple P has had Aboriginal Canadian content been added to it. Will be presented in Glasgow at the international conference. A month after the conference all the info will be on their website. Norwood - will be closed for two weeks over the winter holidays, open 9-8:30 and on Saturdays. TERRA- continuing to do once a month family evening. Having about 30 people show up. McDaniel - Sol. GEN- fully staffed, referrals are coming very readily. Trying to help the kids that fell through the crack when staff changed. No waitlist. McDaniel – Hired new staff Mike, still need another staff b/c on is on Med Leave. Closed wait list. Step by Step - 5 on waitlist, but closing files so waitlist will be gone by end of Jan Family Centre – have a 31 yr old adult with a child trying to get diagnosed Coaching Families - 5 families on the waitlist. Leduc – busy, now are working with males. There is an ad out for a mentor (male or female). Bosco – will be hiring two new PCAP employees
12. Working Group Updates Child and Youth: brain storming for tip sheet as well as strat planning Adult: Housing in Edmonton, Discussed using a 10 step approach to talk to landlords. Next meeting 5 ways to rebut the “no you cannot live here” Prevention: Facebook Ad. X dollars over X days. 500$ for 30 days, green poster & blogs address connected to the ad. Need an answer by Dec 13. The money will only be spent only if the ad is clicked on. Get to choose target audience - 18 years and over Canada in our time zone. Ashley moves to get 500$ for Facebook ad that will run for 30 days over the holiday season. Diane seconds. Passed. 13. Next meetings: Leadership December 15th, Strat Planning Jan 10th
Adult Working Group Minute Taker: Leanne Reitan Attendance: Paul Pringle, Kelly Granely, Leanne Reitan, Shawn Quinn, Coleen Garska Projects: Housing resources brought forth Ideas: Creating a list of homeward trust, H2H housing & supportive housing programs. Marty Shuck housing solutions. Working on approach to obtaining housing for FASD clients. Tasks: Each person come back with a step by step approach to housing, approx 10 steps. Include rebuttals for your step by step plan. Find out about health regulations, specifically around bed bugs and spraying for them.
Child and Youth Working Group Minute Taker: Brittani/Nicole Attendance: Kelsey, Cordene, Mike, Kaleigh, Brittani, Nicole, Roxanna, Fay, Elizabeth, Gloria, Raquel, Stephanie, Valarie. Projects: Tip sheets – Christmas done, working on Keeping Warm Ideas: Keep warm tip sheet Tasks: FSCD info packages, resource list for age 9-12 Issues: training $, thinking of training we think would be beneficial.
Prevention Working Group Minute Take: Ashley Attendance: Alaina, Diane, Ashley, Laurie, Gale, Denise, Laurel, Scarlet Tasks Completed: Motion for $500 for Facebook ad approved. Facebook ad will be the green poster with the belly showing. EFAN’s blog address is where the ad will lead to. The ad will run from December 15 to January 15 – this is to catch the audience during peak party time. Tasks: 1 member to find a Edmonton child magazine and bring to the next meeting Laurel will look into the cost of the ‘prevent FASD’ condoms. Notes: We are no longer going with Birth Right due to their lack of returning emails.