Minutes of the Policies and Resources Meeting of The
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LYMINGTON AND PENNINGTON TOWN COUNCIL Town Council Offices, Town Hall, Avenue Road, Lymington Tel: 02380 285894 Town Mayor: Cllr Jacqueline England
Minutes of the Policies and Resources Meeting of the LYMINGTON AND PENNINGTON TOWN COUNCIL held on Monday 21 January 2013 at 5.30pm
PRESENT: Committee J England (arrived 18.10) Councillors: J Olliff-Cooper A Penson (Chairman) A Swain (Substitute for Cllr Thomson) B Vincent M White
Other P Hickman Councillors: M Humber S May
Also in Steven Cridland - Town Clerk attendance: Lynne Kerrigan – Minutes Secretary Sue Finnimore – RFO Jonathan Waller – Lymington Times 8 Members of the public
68. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Thomson and Turnage.
69. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ON ANY ITEMS ON THE AGENDA There were no declarations of interest.
70. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A member of the public spoke regarding Speed Watch and reported he had received clarification from Totton Police that all 20, 30 and 40mph roads could be included in the Speedwatch programme. He went on to speak about vandalism at Deneside Copse allotments and objected to paying compensation to Farwells.
The New Woodside Association Chairman said there was no need for the recommendations of the Amenities Committee to be brought before this committee. The Chairman said that only those with a financial implication were brought to this committee for approval before ratification or otherwise by full Council. The Town Clerk confirmed that this was the correct procedure. A further member of the public disagreed and said that the New Woodside Association Chairman is a former councillor and knew the procedures. He also queried the increase in staff costs.
A member of the public spoke saying they had now collected 1350 bags of rubbish but NFDC seem to be making a concerted effort not to keep the streets litter-free. Cllr May sympathised and said she was trying to contact the Headmaster of Priestlands regarding litter but had been unsuccessful.
Finally the financial figures were questioned by a member of the public with particular emphasis on Woodside. Page 1 of 7 71. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS P&R MEETING HELD ON 28 NOVEMBER 2012 There were no comments relating to the previous Minutes.
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 November 2012 be approved.
Proposed by Cllr Swain, seconded by Cllr Olliff-Cooper.
72. AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS The report attached to the Agenda was scrutinised but no comments were raised.
RESOLVED: That the payments report for November and December 2012 be noted and approved.
Proposed by Cllr Olliff-Cooper, seconded by Cllr White, all in favour.
73. BUDGET CONTROL REPORT The Budgetary Control Report from April to December as detailed in the report attached to the Agenda was accepted and authorised. The RFO said the report was based on 9 months of the year. Expenditure was 70% of budget against 75% on a time related basis so she was reasonably happy.
Cllr Humber questioned the cost of CCTV and asked if this would increase next year. The RFO said NFDC have not yet advised the Council of any increase. Cllr May asked about payments for Deneside Copse Allotments but it was explained that the difference between actual expenditure and budgeted expenditure was because VAT can be claimed back.
RESOLVED: That the Budgetary Control Report be noted and approved.
Proposed by Cllr Swain, seconded by Cllr Olliff-Cooper, all in favour.
74. MINUTES OF THE AMENITIES COMMITTEE MEETING The following subjects from the Minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held on 14 January 2013 which have financial implications were discussed. Draft Revised Budget 2012/13 and Draft Original Budget 2013/14 which would be more fully discussed later. Improvements to Sports Facilities at Lymington Sports Ground (Ladies Toilet). Cllr Humber asked who would be paying for the planning application and was informed the Council would pay. Notes on Playground Meeting: 14 January 2013 (£13k for Woodside play equipment).
RESOLVED: To accept the recommendations and proposals as agreed at the Amenities Committee Meeting on 13 January 2013.
Proposed by Cllr Swain, seconded by Cllr Olliff-Cooper, all in favour.
Page 2 of 7 75. DRAFT REVISED BUDGET 2012/13 AND DRAFT ORIGINAL BUDGET 2013/14: POLICIES & RESCOUCES COMMITTEE The RFO reviewed the report and draft revised budget for 2012/2013 and highlighted a reduction of £14k against the original budget. She said this arose from a number of savings including the Town Hall rent plus an increase in interest earned.
The RFO went through the salient facts in the report and the draft budget for 2013/2014 which at £196,768 was £10k higher than the budget for 2012/2013. She said the main variance was in salaries which had been increased to meet the cost of the Development Officer.
Cllr Swain questioned the loan to the Rugby Club of £3k and the Town Clerk explained that this loan was over 3 years for purchasing equipment and posts.
RESOLVED: 1) The revised budget for this year of £173,770 is agreed. 2) The draft budget for 2013/14 of £196.768 is approved. 3) The new bids for 2013/14 as set out in the report are approved.
Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Olliff-Cooper, all in favour.
76. REVISED BUDGET 2012/2013 AND DRAFT ORIGINAL BUDGET AND PRECEPT 2013/2014 The RFO explained the revised budget for 2012/13, the budget for 2013/14 and the precept for 2013/14.
She fully explained the report including the transfers to general reserves.
Cllr Humber made a query regarding the costs of Deneside Copse Allotments which come out of general reserves as provision had been made for it in the previous year.
The RFO explained the change to the calculation of the precept. The Government is making changes to the precept setting process. She explained the reduction in Band D properties which will affect the precept in future years. It is unlikely that the Government will continue to provide sufficient grant funding to make up the difference between the income from the current number of Band D properties and the reduce number and its implications which will mean an 8% reduction in properties collecting council tax. In future years this could have an impact on the level of precept. A grant from Government in 2013/14 will be forthcoming and NFDC will decide on how much is passed onto local councils. The effect on the precept in future years is unknown.
The Chairman stated that for 2014/15 the Council does not know what will happen so may be faced with the situation of cutting the precept or increasing the rate. For the coming year the situation is still subject to approval by NFDC. He went onto say that the precept for 2013/14 of £683K would require a 64p per annum increase or 0.7% on a band D property.
Cllr Humber felt that putting the precept up, even a small amount, could result in hardship for some families.
The Chairman said the SWB budget for next year is the same as this year in budget terms. The Council was budgeting for a loss of £80k but was expecting to improve on that. This therefore assumes £20k will go into reserves for 2013/14 for the SWB.
Page 3 of 7 The saving against the budgeted loss for this year estimated at £23.5k will go into the SWB reserves so the Council are building up a contingency sum specifically for the SWB for the future.
Cllr Humber questioned the grants in aid and the RFO explained £20K had been set aside for this which is the same as last year.
The RFO referred to proposed increases in fees and charges. The market stall holder’s rate increase of 2.5% (from £2.00 to £2.05 per foot) would add about £1 to a 20ft stall per week which the Chairman said is very reasonable compared with other local markets. He added that there had been no rise for 5 years.
A market trader present at the meeting said that those who pay by direct debit received no financial benefit over those that pay weekly and casuals. The Chairman said it may be appropriate for the Market sub-committee to come up with a proposal to increase the fee income but which encourages traders to sign up to a direct debit arrangement.
Cllr England said this weekend’s inclement weather had produced a low turnout. However she had spoken to some traders and two Market Superintendents regarding an increase. Some traders said they enjoyed the market but if the rate increased they would probably take smaller pitches. The Market Superintendents said traders were worried about their income and it might be useful to have a meeting to encourage regulars.
Cllr Olliff-Cooper said he rented properties and inflation linked increases year after year are accepted by tenants so he couldn’t see any reason why the Council cannot agree similar increases. In real terms they would pay the same every year. It was agreed this should go to the Market sub-committee.
The Chairman said that business rates are going up every year and the shops and other businesses in the town have been hit hard. He added that the committee should note that the Council paid £45k per year in business rates.
RESOLVED: 1. The draft budgets for 2013/14 for Policy and Resources, Amenities and Planning as set out in Appendix A, including the new bids as recommended are approved. 2. The revised budget for 2012/13 for Policy and Resources, Amenities and Planning as set out in Appendix A be approved. 3. The proposed transfers to reserves and provisions as detailed in Appendix 3 be approved. 4. The tariff of fees and charges review be deferred to the next meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Olliff-Cooper, seconded by Cllr White, all in favour.
Cllr Swain proposed a vote of thanks to the Responsible Finance Officer as fixing the budget this year with the new rules and regulations had made it a nightmare.
77. VANDALISM AT DENESIDE COPSE ALLOTMENT SITE: ADDITIONAL COSTS The Council has received a letter from Farwells regarding their additional costs. It was agreed that Farwells have incurred a substantial cost and did cooperate with the Council in dealing with the vandalism.
Cllr White said he had asked a Chartered Quantity Surveyor what they would have done given the circumstances. Their response was that they would have stopped work, it was not insurable and the cost of security would be more than the contract.
Page 4 of 7 Cllr Olliff-Cooper agreed that the only way of securing the allotment site would have been to put a fence around the fence and employ security 24 hours a day. This was not feasible.
Cllr Swain agreed that Farwells have a good track record working with this Council and we should compensate them for losses not of their own making.
RESOLVED: To pay the full amount of £1,576 towards their costs as requested by Farwells without prejudice.
Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Olliff-Cooper, all in favour.
78. MARKETING SUB-COMMITTEE The Economic Development Officer and Sea Water Bath Manager (EDO) has been appointed to address opportunities and challenges with a view to stimulating the local economy and the Chairman said the position we face is to ensure the Council is getting value for money.
Cllr Swain said he has reservations as there may be duplication as NFDC employed several full and part-time Economic Development Officers, also there was the Federation of Small Businesses, Lymington Chamber of Commerce and many voluntary organisation with people arranging events every year throughout the year and thought our efforts would be better spent on supporting these events. He gave the example of the Council putting a float into the Carnival but in the past these suggestions had fallen on deaf ears.
He felt the savings of £10K for wages at the SWB, the kiosk saving £5k and the saving in purchases went some way to meeting the expense of an Economic Development Officer and felt the current incumbent was self-motivated and did not need a sub-committee breathing down his neck. Cllr Swain went on to say expressions of interest were bound to be forthcoming for the SWB kiosk as that was the only thing that makes money and any organisation coming in is going to want to run the kiosk and two thirds of the pool. So the SWB manager will have a non-job. The Town Clerk said that Peter Hebard said he would be happy to be co-opted to this Committee and that it would be a good idea. He said he agreed the EDO was self-motivated but he queried whether he was doing what the Council was aware of or wanted. The Chairman stated that the Council should be giving direction to the promotion of the town and needed to ensure value for money from what the EDO is setting up and how he is managing the various events. Cllr White said the Council were missing a trick. The area the Council are looking at is too vague. The EDO has done one particular task exceptionally well which is bringing coaches into the town. We need to get a committee together to brain-storm further activities. Cllr England said she had identified the post when she chaired the Lymington Forum. Hampshire County Council development was run under Anne Harrison as EDO for Hampshire who has helped with the job description in conjunction with New Milton and Hythe. Cllr England read out a long list of initiatives she said the EDO had been or is involved with including organising the Christmas lights turn-on, seeking grants from various sources, investigating an ice rink, working with many different organisations Page 5 of 7 and putting together a calendar of events of the town. She said he is attending Lymington Chamber of Commerce breakfast meetings and had made several contacts, working on putting a triathlon event at the same time the summer spectacular takes place, revenue streaming to increase more visitors, working on a Arthur Phillips history trail, identifying a 20 hotspots plan, working with the Market Traders to see if they can advertise Lymington events at the various markets they go to etc etc.
Cllr White said councillors were unaware of most of these activities and this was a major reason for having a sub-committee to give direction to what was worthwhile and in the town and council’s interests.
Cllr Penson said he understood that the EDO reported to the Town Clerk and said he should be doing that on a daily basis. The Marketing Sub-committee should function with the idea of ensuring that the Council is giving some direction to the development and marketing of the town. That is the prime objective and the scope of the Committee should be changed to reflect this.
Cllr Penson said he was uncomfortable with some of the things that are happening and it is up to the whole Council to decide where the initiatives come from which will evolve from a co-ordinated sub-committee.
The overseeing of the EDO/SWB Manager is an issue for the Town Clerk and not for the Committee
RESOLVED: To form a sub-committee which will report to the Policy & Resources Committee responsible for: 1. Identifying marketing opportunities and strategies for the town in the form of promotions, functions and activities to attract visitors and promote the economy of the town. 2. Identifying projects and project budgets within the overall budget of the Council. 3. Quantifying to the Council the value created by the post of Economic Development and Sea Water Bath Manager.
Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Olliff-Cooper with two against and three in favour, motion carried.
79. PROCEDURE TO SELECT A MAYOR AND DEPUTY MAYOR ELECT There was discussion on this topic as referred to in Standing Orders. Cllr Vincent asked which standing orders we are working to and the Town Clerk explained the Standing Orders were reviewed and amended last year and approved at the Council Meeting in November 2012.
The Town Clerk went onto say that the law states the first item of business at the Town Meeting is for the Town Mayor to be elected. Any decision for a mayor elect could therefore be overturned.
The letter regarding nominations for a Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor Elect had gone out and the Town Clerk said that it cannot be retracted. However, the election will take place as prescribed in May.
The Chairman said it was too late for this year but suggested that an agreed procedure needs to be put in place for future years.
Page 6 of 7 That a proposal for a procedure to elect a Mayor and Deputy Mayor for following years be put to the next Policy and Resources Meeting
Proposed by Cllr White, seconded by Cllr Olliff-Cooper, all in favour.
80. CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED Correspondence has been received from Mrs Salmon regarding the butcher’s stall on the Saturday Market being parked outside her premises. The Town Clerk reported that the Market Superintendent had looked into this previously and he felt that moving the stall might set a precedent.
The Chairman said it was a very big wagon and a narrow pavement and he had some sympathy with the complaint. He urged the Town Clerk to investigate a possible move that would be acceptable to all parties.
Cllr Olliff-Cooper stated there were very few private businesses left in Lymington and thought the butcher’s wagon in its present location was overwhelming and Mrs Salmon was absolutely right in her request. Mrs Salmon is a Lymington tradition and Cllr Olliff-Cooper thought she should be supported.
Cllr England felt the butcher’s wagon needs to be in that position which is part of the theatre of the market, but was happy for the butcher’s van to move further down.
RESOLVED: That if possible the Butcher’s wagon be moved to a more suitable location.
Proposed by Cllr Swain, seconded by Cllr White, all in favour.
The letter received from Lymington Care Group regarding office accommodation was discussed and the Mayor said she had brought this up at the Chamber of Commerce meeting and also the League of Friends. Cllr England finalised the discussion by saying any ideas would be welcomed.
Private Session
It was proposed that the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee then move into private session, under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972; members of the public and press were then excluded.
The meeting closed at 19.40pm.
The next meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee will be held on Monday 25 February 2013 in the Mayor’s Parlour.
Date…………………………….. Chairman…………………………………………..
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