Carlton Scroop and Normanton-On-Cliffe Parish Council
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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 13 November 2017
Present: Cllr J Couzens – Chair: Cllr Hankinson, Cllr Rainthorpe, Cllr Baker-Browne, Cllr Hutton, Cllr Robinson, Cllr Naheem, Cllr Balfe and Mr A Illingworth (Clerk).
Public Forum – commenced 7.20 Three members of the public were.
Mr R Bellamy raised concerns regarding the state of Howdale Lane due to the severe amount of tonnage being moved. Ruts on the lane are such that a cars base could be damaged. The question was asked if the owner of the crushed concrete was liable. Cllr Balfe stated it was unlikely to get any contribution from Mr Porter. The Chair was aggrieved that the Parish Council may have to pay to have the work done to repair the lane. If so Council needs to consider increasing the precept at the budget meeting in January. It was resolved to send a letter to LCC asking if any action can be taken by them and if not would they be able to provide materials. It was also resolved to send Mr Porter a letter. This was proposed by Cllr Couzens and seconded by Cllr Balfe.
Mr Worth gave an update on the works being carried out adjacent to the A607. Upgraded waste material has been removed by LCC. The mortgage holder of the filed will need to submit Particulars of sale, be agreed and published before any action can be taken. Liquidator is not in control. Once the mortgage on the land has been repaired the liquidator can then satisfy other creditors.
The Chair thanked everyone for their input.
Meeting commenced 7.50pm.
1. Welcome Remarks by Chairman Chair welcomed all present
2. Apologies None
3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations None
4. Signing of the minutes Clerk’s notes of the Parish Council meeting held 11 September 2017 accepted as a true reflection of the meeting. Proposed by Cllr Hutton, seconded by Cllr Couzens. Minutes signed by Chair (17/179) 46
5. Report from District and County Councillor (17/180) County Councillor Maughan gave a brief explanation regarding Fairer Funding for Lincolnshire. The government is in agreement the funding formulae needs to change but it will be difficult to get the motion through Parliament. Funding favours urban areas rather than agricultural. The County Council has two years of reserves available to cover any shortfall in funding. Currently drawing down £20million each year.
LCC are also looking at how to tackle skills within Lincolnshire and how they can keep youngsters from leaving the area, but instead getting them to consider going into an apprenticeship.
Update on speeding given and Cllr Maughn is to chase up the Councils request for a change in the speed limit between the villages.
The Chair thanked the Cllr who then left the meeting.
6. Matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda None
7. Matters arising from minutes(17/181) 7.1 Cllr Baker-Browne gave an update and showed photos to other Councillors of ideas. The signs cannot be made bigger but the style can be altered. Cllr Baker-Browne to do a photoshop of images for discussion at the next meeting. 7.2 The sign for the Cemetery has been completed and is awaiting erection. Cllr Hutton agreed to put the sign in place. 7.3 Cllr Maughn to be contacted when the village hall car park floods. He will then take photos and take the matter up with Highways.
Cllr Karberry – Brown entered the meeting. She had nothing to report. Chair gave her an update on the Howdale Lane situation
8. Finance (17/182) To note income received and payments made since last meeting. 8.1 Income 8.1.1 VAT Refund 5.00 8.1.2 Community Cleaning Grant 195.00 8.2 Payments 8.2.1 Carlton Scroop Village Hall 56.25 8.2.2 A Illingworth – Expenses 63.18 8.2.3 M Fairbrother – Litter Picker 210.15
47 8.3 To approve payment to Mrs J Bullock for distributing questionnaires 100.00 8.4 To approve payment to Glendale Ground Maintenance – Sept/Oct 192.00 Council resolved to approve payment. Proposed by Cllr Rainthorpe and seconded by Cllr Hutton. Letter of thanks to be sent to Mrs Bullock. 8.5 Monthly Income & Expenditure Account and Bank Reconciliation approved. Proposed by Cllr Hutton and seconded by Cllr Hankinson. Reports signed by Chair. 8.6 The Clerk pointed out to the meeting there would be a fall in the subscription payable to LALC in the next financial year. 8.7 Excellent work is being carried out by Glendale. Quote provided was suitable and Cllr Hutton recommended this should be accepted. The extra spending per the quote would be an extra £1277 plus VAT. This on top of what the Council is paying out at present would represent a third of the Councils precept. It was Agreed the work being carried out at present showed to residents the Council is regarding the appearance of the area. Cllr Couzens opposed to the extra cost. The Chair called for Council members to vote. All Councillors, except Cllr Couzens voted to spend extra. It was resolved to have two safety cuts, one spraying and one edging at a cost of £917 plus VAT. Proposed by Cllr Hutton and seconded by Cllr Hankinson.
8 Planning Applications. (17/183) 9.1 Applications received since last meeting None 9.2 Decisions made since last meeting 9.2.1 - 14 Main Street – New vehicular access 9.2.2 – Mid UK – Proposed formation of materials open storage.
10 Highways (17/184) 10.1 No matters arising 10.2 Previously discussed under public forum. 10.3 No action been taken yet. Awaiting LCC’s decision in the New Year
11 Parish Plan (17/185) 11.1 Update given by Chair. Questionnaires have been collected which need to be analysed. 11.2 Council resolved to request the assistance of surveymonkey to carry out the analysis. Proposed by Cllr Baker-Brown and seconded by Cllr Balfe. Clerk to contact.
12 Fairer Funding for Lincolnshire (17/186) Council agreed to support LCC’s campaign for a fairer funding scheme for Lincolnshire. Proposed by Cllr Rainthorpe and seconded by Cllr Balfe
13 Correspondence (17/187) Clerk read out a letter regarding this year’s Stamford Christmas Market
14 Items to be discussed at next meeting None
15 Date of next meeting The date of the next meeting will be Monday 8 January 2018 starting at the new time of 7.30pm
Meeting closed 8.48pm
Signed: Date: 8 January 2018 Cllr J Couzen 49