Tasmanian Herding Committee Rules Review Proposals for 2016

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Tasmanian Herding Committee Rules Review Proposals for 2016


Tasmanian Herding Committee Rules review proposals for 2016

1.2.1 An Instinct Test is a Test conducted at a sanctioned event by a Club which is an affiliated member of the Controlling Body at which a pass gains a Certificate.

Amendment Delete 1.2.1 and all references to Instinct Testing.

Rationale: Instinct testing is not proving to be of any value to the progress of dogs in the Herding discipline and is lowering the profile of the discipline.

Section 3 1.3.2 There is a requisite for entry in a Herding Test. A dog must gain 1 pass at an Instinct Test and this will qualify for the issue of an Instinct Certificate. This is not a Title.

Amendment Delete 1.3.2 and all references to Instinct Testing

Rationale: The current Instinct Test is not creating a good impression of the herding discipline

IF 1.3.2 successful 1.3.3 Before a dog is eligible to compete in a Pre-Trial Test Class, it must have qualified for an Instinct Certificate.

Amendment Before a dog is eligible to compete in a Pre-Trial Test Class it must have qualified in two Herding Tests under two different judges.

Rationale: Passes in Herding Tests lay the foundation for basic training of Herding Dogs

1.3.4 Before a dog is eligible to compete in a Herding Started (HS) Trial, it must have qualified for 2 passes under 2 different Judges in the Pre-Trial Test. This will qualify for the application and issue of a Pre-Trial Test Title (PT). The Pre-Trial Test Title must be applied for with-in one month of Qualification for the dog to continue to trial at the next level.

Amendment 1.3.4 Before a dog is eligible to compete in a Herding Started (HS) Trial, it must have qualified for 2 passes under 2 different Judges in the Pre-Trial Test. This will qualify for the application and issue of a Pre-Trial Test Title (PT). The Pre-Trial Test Title must be applied for with-in one month of Qualification for the dog to continue to trial at the next level

Add Dogs may continue to enter Tests to gain experience after the title for that class is earned however once they gain a qualification at a higher level in a test or trial they are no longer eligible for a lower test or trial. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Rationale: Present rule allows for dogs with Trial Qualifications to return to Test levels but precludes dogs with Trial Qualification to participate in lower levels.

New Rule 1.3.15 Once a dog has qualified in a class it is no longer eligible to enter a test or trial at a lower level.

Rationale: Nothing in the current rules prevents dogs from returning to tests after they qualify in trials.

1.4.2 An approved Trial need not include all classes, but in order to hold a Novice class the Trial must include the Started class. If an Advanced class is offered, Intermediate, Novice and Started classes must also be offered at approved Trials.

Amendment 1.4.2 An approved Trial need not include all classes, but in order to hold a Novice class the Trial must include the Started class. If an Intermediate Class is offered Novice & Started must be offered and if Advanced class is offered, Intermediate, Novice and Started classes must also be offered at approved Trials.

Rationale: Inconsistency in present rules

1.6.1 If more than one type of stock is used, High in Trial and Reserve may be awarded for each kind of stock

Amendment 1.6.1 If more than one type of stock is used, High in Trial and Reserve shall be awarded for each kind of stock and for each course

Rationale: Tie Breakers on different courses are not equitable.

1.6.2 Trials. Scores shall be posted for the public viewing after each dog is scored. If more than one type of stock is used, High-in Trial and Reserve may be awarded for each kind of stock.

Amendment 1.6.2 Trials. Scores shall be posted for the public viewing after each dog is scored. If more than one type of stock is used, High-in Trial and Reserve shall be awarded for each kind of stock and each course.

Rationale: Tie Breakers on different courses are not equitable.

1.12.12 Dogs that are excused or disqualified by a Judge at a Trial shall be considered as having been in competition when determining points. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Amendment 1.12.12 Dogs that are excused or disqualified by a Judge at a Trial shall be considered as having been in competition when determining credentials for Championships.

Rationale: Points are not used for Championships.

New Rule: 1.13.1 ANKC Herding Judges may compete in Trials & Tests at which they are judging provided another judge is available to judge them.

Renumber subsequent rules.

Rationale: Herding is a performance based discipline which is judged publicly by ANKC Rules Judges frequently travel long distances to adjudicate and it is reasonable they be given the opportunity to participate in the same trial.

2.3.1 The Affiliate Member is responsible for providing the stock, fencing, facilities and equipment which meet the requirement of these regulations. The Affiliate Member is responsible for providing for adequate livestock handling crews, particularly when more than one ring is used at an event. It is strongly recommended that they arrange to have one or two experienced stock dogs and their handlers (the dog(s) may not be entered in the Test or Trial) present throughout the Test or Trial. Stock handlers who are entered in the event must not have been involved in the selection of the stock for their run.

Amendment 2.3.1 The Affiliate Member is responsible for providing the stock, fencing, facilities and equipment which meet the requirement of these regulations. The Affiliate Member is responsible for providing for adequate livestock handling crews, particularly when more than one ring is used at an event. It is strongly recommended that they arrange to have one or two experienced stock dogs and their handlers present throughout the Test or Trial. The dog(s) may be entered in the Test or Trial provided the dog(s) has already competed in the Test or Trial. Stock handlers who are entered in the event must not have been involved in the selection of the stock for their run.

Rationale :There aren’t always dogs available that aren’t entered in Tests or Trials to be used as stock dogs. If the dog has already completed its run(s) it doesn’t have any advantage over the other dogs who are trialling.

Addition 2.5.2 No one is to be within audible distance of the trial arena and cause distraction to the dog and/or handler.

Rationale : Even if people are standing away from the trial arena their voices can still be heard by the dog and handler and can be off putting, this new clause prevents this from occurring. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

2.8.2 Handlers and Judges may carry a staff or crook which shall be wooden, bamboo, cane, plastic or a fibreglass stock stick and not longer than approximately 1.65 metres. PVC and poly plastic pipe is not permissible in the arena. The staff or crook is intended as an aid in controlling livestock as a visual aid to signal a command to the dog and not as a training device and shall never be used to touch the dog, except in an extreme situation involving the safety of another dog, a person or the livestock.

Amendment 2.8.2 Handlers and Judges may carry a staff or crook which shall be aluminium, wooden, bamboo, cane, plastic or a fibreglass stock stick and not longer than approximately 1.65 metres. PVC and poly plastic pipe is not permissible in the arena. The staff or crook is intended as an aid in controlling livestock as a visual aid to signal a command to the dog and not as a training device and shall never be used to touch the dog, except in an extreme situation involving the safety of another dog, a person or the livestock.

Rationale: Present rule disallows for aluminium crooks which are used in normal farm management.

2.10.14 Regardless of the type of stock used, Affiliate Members must arrange to have at least an additional five head in reserve.

Amendment Regardless of the type of stock used, Affiliate Members must arrange to have sufficient stock in reserve.

Rationale: It is unnecessary to provide extra stock if they will not be required eg five cattle when only three are used per run

New Rule 2.10.17 Heat policy should comply with the national welfare codes and state affiliate codes of livestock (sheep, goats, ducks, geese, turkeys, cows and dogs).

The addition of this clause will help to preserve the sport of herding by showing that we have thought about the welfare of the animals that we use whilst trialling.

2.11.3 Obstacles for sheep and cattle should be constructed of slatted wood, pipe panels or equivalent Obstacle panels for sheep should be approximately 1.2 metres in height. Obstacle panels for cattle should be 1.3 metres in height. Obstacle panels for ducks should be approximately 1.2 metres long and 0.6 metres high and may be reinforced with wire fencing to keep the ducks from escaping.

Amendment 2.11.3 Obstacles for sheep and cattle should be constructed of readily visible material such as slatted wood, pipe panels or equivalent Obstacle panels for sheep should be approximately 1.2 metres in height. Obstacle panels for cattle should be 1.3 metres in height. Obstacle panels for ducks should be approximately 1.2 metres long and 0.6 metres 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

high and may be reinforced with wire fencing to keep the ducks from escaping

Rationale: Some obstacles being used by affiliates are not very visible making it difficult for Intermediate & Advanced competitors to see them from a distance & for judges to view.

3.2.3 The arena for a Herding Test must measure no less than approximately 15 metres x 15 metres, 15 metres x 15 metres for ducks and no more than approximately 30 metres x 30 metres for all other stock. An oval or round arena is acceptable. Square corners must be rounded. Terrain for duck arenas should be very smooth and firm and with only a slight slope.

Amendment 3.2.3 The arena for a Herding Test must measure approximately 15 metres x 15 metres for ducks and no less than 15 metres x 15 metres or greater than 30 metres x 30 metres for all other stock. An oval or round arena is acceptable. Square corners must be rounded. Terrain for duck arenas should be very smooth and firm and with only a slight slope.

Rationale:The original wording doesn’t make sense, not grammatically correct.

3.4.4 Dogs may continue to enter Tests to gain experience after the title for that class is earned with noentry preference, (except for the Instinct Test) which they are no longer eligible.

3.4.4 Dogs may continue to enter Tests or Trials to gain experience after the title for that class is earned with no entry preference, (except for the Instinct Test) for which they are no longer eligible.

Rationale: It doesn’t state anywhere in the rules that a dog may continue to compete in a trial level once the title is obtained. A dog should be allowed to continue to trial in the same level to gain experience as they may not be ready to move up to the next level.

3.6.1 Judging and timing commence when the handler and dog enter the ring. The dog is brought into the arena containing the livestock on a long line, approximately 2-5 metres in length. At some point while on the line, the dog must demonstrate a stop (down, sit or stand) and a call to handler before the line is dropped or removed. The line does not have to be dropped for a dog to pass. The dog should show sustained interest in the stock for a greater period of time than not while it is in the arena. A dog is not required to work to balance or even on both sides, it is only required to show sustained interest.

Amendment 3.6.1 Judging and timing commence when the handler and dog enter the ring. The dog is brought into the arena containing the livestock on a long line, approximately 2-5 metres in length. At some point while on the line, the dog must demonstrate a stop (down, sit or stand) and a call to handler before the line is dropped or removed. The line does not have to be dropped for a dog to pass. While in the arena, the dog should demonstrate sustained 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

interest in stock for the majority of the duration of the test. A dog is not required to work to balance or even on both sides, it is only required to show sustained interest

Rationale: Current wording ambiguous.

3.10.1 A minimum 2 metre free swinging reopen gate is recommended. Depending upon the configuration of the arena, the graze area should not exceed approximately 15 metres x 30 metres and is set up along the long wall on the same side of the arena as the second of two gates. The graze area must be marked with wood shavings, sawdust, mown grass or ploughed furrow so that it is readily discernible to the dog

Amendment 3.10.1 A minimum 2 metre free swinging reopen gate is recommended. Depending upon the configuration of the arena, the graze area should be a minimum of 15metres x 15 metres and not exceed approximately 15 metres x 30 metres and is set up along the long wall on the same side of the arena as the second of two gates. The graze area must be marked with wood shavings, sawdust, mown grass or ploughed furrow so that it is readily discernible to the dog

Rationale: Current wording needs defining

3.11.4 The same procedures and general positions assumed by the Judge and handler for starting the Herding Test apply to the Pre-Trial course. Stock should be freestanding at the top of the arena and may be held in the same manner as in the Herding Test.

Amendment 3.11.6 The same procedures and general positions assumed by the Judge and handler for starting the Herding Test apply to the Pre-Trial course.

Rationale: No reference is made to the manner in which the stock is to be held in Herding Tests.

3.11.9 If the dog is being tested on the boundary, the dog will contain stock within the graze for four minutes before exiting the graze to move the stock through both gates to the pen. The handler may take any position relative to the stock and dog throughout the course. If there is no/little forage in the graze, seeding the graze with hay may be permitted. The boundaries must be clearly discernible.

Amendment 3.11.9 If the dog is being tested on the boundary, the dog will contain stock within the graze for a total of four continuous minutes before exiting the graze to move the stock through both gates to the pen. Should the stock exit the graze before the expiry of four minutes they should be returned and timing is to start again The handler may take any position relative to the stock and dog throughout the course. If there is no/little forage in the graze, seeding the graze with hay may be permitted. The boundaries must be clearly discernible. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Rational: The timing of four minutes requires better clarification.

3.11.11 The five elements of the Test, which must be executed, are: 1. A stay (controlled pause); 2. Controlled passage of the stock (which includes clearing four gates and a change of direction); 3. One stop on the course; 4. One stop while the handler opens the pen gate; 5. Penning the stock.

The five elements of the Boundary Test which must be executed are: 1. A stay (controlled pause); 2. Containing the stock in the graze for four minutes; 3. Controlled passage of stock (which included clearing two gates); 4. One stop while the handler opens the pen gate; 5. Penning the stock.

Amendment 3.11.11 The five elements of the Boundary Test which must be executed are: 1. A stay (controlled pause); 2. Controlled passage of the stock (which includes clearing four gates and a change of direction); 3. One stop on the course; 4. One stop while the handler opens the pen gate; 5. Penning the stock.

The five elements of the Boundary Test which must be executed are: 1. A stay (controlled pause); 2. Containing the stock in the graze for four continuous minutes; 3. Controlled passage of stock (which included clearing two gates); 4. One stop while the handler opens the pen gate; 5. Penning the stock.

Rationale: Current wording needs defining

3.11.10 The dog must be under control and move the stock under control, either on or off the fence, throughout the course. The dog will move the stock through the first gate at the side of the arena, across the narrow end of the arena through the second gate. Direction is reversed at approximately the midpoint of the long side of the arena. The stock moves back through the second gate, across the narrow end, through the first gate and to the pen. While the handler opens the gate the dog will sit, stand or down/stay until commanded to pen the stock. The dog should be positioned to allow the stock to settle off the pen, and not be habitually moving the stock while the gate is being opened. Four gate passes are required and at some point on the course that handler must demonstrate that the dog can hold a stop (controlled pause). The Test is completed and timing ceases when the gate is closed and the handler may leash the dog as soon as the gate is closed. Once a dog has 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

attempted or completed all Test elements, regardless of whether it qualifies, it must leave the arena.

Amendment 3.11.10 The dog must be under control and move the stock under control, either on or off the fence, throughout the course. The dog will move the stock through the first gate at the side of the arena, across the narrow end of the arena through the second gate. Direction is reversed at approximately the midpoint of the long side of the arena. The stock moves back through the second gate, across the narrow end, through the first gate and to the pen. While the handler opens the gate the dog will sit, stand or down/stay until commanded to pen the stock. The dog should be positioned to allow the stock to settle off the pen, and not be habitually moving the stock while the gate is being opened. Four gate passes are required and at some point on the course that handler must demonstrate that the dog can hold a stop (controlled pause). The Test is completed and timing ceases when the gate is closed and the handler may leash the dog as soon as the gate is closed.

Rationale :Doesn’t require the last sentence as it appears to serve no purpose.

3.11.13 Recalcitrant stock are a consideration, and a dog can be considered as having met the requirements if all but one head pass through the gates and are penned, provided the dog qualifies in all other aspects of its work. Generally, 80% of the stock should be penned.

Amendment 3.11.13 Recalcitrant stock are a consideration, and a dog can be considered as having met the requirements if all but one head pass through the gates and are penned, provided the dog qualifies in all other aspects of its work.

Rationale :100% of the stock should be penned to encourage good trialling.

4.1.4 A dog may be entered in more than one class at an event, subject to qualification and entry limitations. Untitled dogs shall be given entry preference for classes in which they are qualified to enter, but have not gained title.

Amendment 4.1.4 A dog may be entered in more than one class at an event, subject to qualification and entry limitations. With the exception of advanced classes untitled dogs shall be given entry preference for classes in which they are qualified to enter, but have not gained the title.

Rationale :Dogs that are going for their HCH and/or VHCH and/or VHCHX are required to have obtained one or more advanced titles and need to compete in the advanced classes to achieve the HCH, VHCH, VHCHX title/s and are disadvantaged with the current wording.

4.2.1 A qualifying score shall be 60 or more points in all classes, provided no single point category is scored at less than one-half the available points (Non Qualifying). No dog shall be credited with a leg toward a title or receive points toward a Herding Championship unless it receives a qualifying score. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Amendment 4.2.1 A qualifying score shall be 60 or more points in all classes, provided no single point category is scored at less than one-half the available points (Non Qualifying). No dog shall be credited with a leg toward a title or a Herding Championship unless it receives a qualifying score.

Rationale: Points are not relevant in current rules

4.2.2 A High in Trial Certificate is to be awarded to the highest scoring qualifying score on any one type of livestock, over all classes and courses. Reserve High in Trial is awarded to the second highest qualifying score.

Amendment 4.2.2 A High in Trial Certificate is to be awarded to the highest scoring qualifying score on any one type of livestock, over all classes and courses under each judge. Reserve High in Trial is awarded to the second highest qualifying score under each judge.

Rationale :If clubs wish to provide HIT and RHIT under each judge this new clause will allow them to without having to run separate trials for each judge.

4.3.1 The ANKC will issue a Herding Started certificate designating the specific course and livestock type for an eligible dog, and will identify the title by the use of HS (course and livestock) after the name of that dog in all official ANKC records, once the dog has been certified by at least two different Judges to have received qualifying scores in the Started classes, same course and livestock type, at three Affiliated member Herding Trials.

4.3.2 The ANKC will issue a Herding Intermediate certificate designating the specific course and livestock type for an eligible dog, and will identify the title by the use of HI (course and livestock) after the name of that dog in all official ANKC records, once the dog has been certified by at least two different Judges to have received qualifying scores in the Intermediate classes, same course and livestock type, at three Affiliated member Herding Trials.

4.3.3 The ANKC will issue a Herding Advanced certificate designating the specific course and livestock type for an eligible dog, and will identify the title by the use of HX (course and livestock) after the name of that dog in all official ANKC records, once the dog has been certified by at least two different Judges to have received qualifying scores in the Advanced classes, same course and livestock type, at three Affiliated member Herding Trials.

Amendments 4.3.1 The ANKC will issue a Herding Started certificate designating the specific course and livestock type for an eligible dog, and will identify the title by the use of HS (course and livestock) after the name of that dog in all official ANKC records, once the dog has been certified by at least two different Judges to have received qualifying scores in the Started classes, same course and livestock type, at Affiliated member Herding Trials. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

4.3.2 The ANKC will issue a Herding Intermediate certificate designating the specific course and livestock type for an eligible dog, and will identify the title by the use of HI (course and livestock) after the name of that dog in all official ANKC records, once the dog has been certified by at least two different Judges to have received qualifying scores in the Intermediate classes, same course and livestock type, at Affiliated member Herding Trials.

4.3.3 The ANKC will issue a Herding Advanced certificate designating the specific course and livestock type for an eligible dog, and will identify the title by the use of HX (course and livestock) after the name of that dog in all official ANKC records, once the dog has been certified by at least two different Judges to have received qualifying scores in the Advanced classes, same course and livestock type, at Affiliated member Herding Trials.

Rationale :The three implies that if a dog gains three passes under three judges at one trial then only one of those passes can be used when applying for a title.

4.5.2 All natural obstacles such as trees, rocks, hills and valleys are permitted on the course. The Judge and the Trial Manager may reverse the direction of the course, and modify the location of the obstacles as necessitated by local circumstances provided such changes are in keeping with the basic character of the course.

4.5.2 All natural obstacles such as trees, rocks, hills and valleys are permitted on the course. The Judge and the Trial Manager may reverse the direction of any course, and modify the location of the obstacles as necessitated by local circumstances provided such changes are in keeping with the basic character of the course.

Section 8. Ties. 4.9.1 All Ties, including High-in-Trial and for championship scores shall, if possible, be decided by and in order of the following:

Course A: Best score on centreline gates; Best score on outrun. Course B: Best score on outrun; Best score on Pen Course C: Best score on grazes; Best score on bridge work.

4.9.2 Ties between courses are broken by score on the centreline gates, outrun or wide graze. If this is not possible, High-in-Trial will be decided by reruns on the part of the course (centreline gates, outrun or wide graze) which decides the winner. The Judge shall choose whether the run will be all or part of the course but the scoring will be only on the centreline gates, outrun or wide graze.

Amendments 4.8.1 All ties shall be allowed.

Delete 4.9.2 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Rationale :None of the courses have any part in common or if they do then they are worth different marks making it extremely hard to break the ties. The section numbers need to be corrected to section 8.


Amendment 4.8.1 All ties, including High-in-Trial will be awarded to the higher classes, if this isn’t possible then they shall be decided by and in order of the following:

Course A: Best score on centreline gates; Best score on outrun. Course B: Best score on outrun; Best score on Pen Course C: Best score on grazes; Best score on bridge work.

Where this isn’t possible re-runs shall commence.

Rationale :The higher levels are harder and so if the dog trialling at a higher has got the same score as a dog trialling at a lower level the higher level dog has done a better job.


Amendment: 4.8.1 All Ties, shall, if possible, be decided by scores in the following order: Course A – Best score on pen; Best score on outrun Course B – Best score on outrun; Best score on pen Course C – Best score on Exit from pen; Best score on bridgework

Rationale: Present rule makes tie breaking inequitable.

Amendment 4.8.2 If this is not possible to break ties by scores, High-in-Trial will be decided by reruns on the part of the course which decides the winner. The Judge shall choose whether the run will be all or part of the course but the scoring will only on the elements applicable to tie breaking that course.

5.2.1 The course includes three centreline locations ("lettered posts"), four obstacles and five numbered markers. The "near side" of the arena is the long fence where the "Y chute" is located; the "far side" of the arena is the long fence where the runway or hold/exam pen is located; the "top" of the arena is the shorter fence nearest to the centreline panels; the "bottom" of the arena is the shorter fence where the "Z" chute is located. The stock should be positioned 10 metres (6 m for ducks) from the top fence line and 4 m (2 m for ducks) from the centreline toward the far side of the arena.

Amendment 5.2.1 The course includes three centreline locations (“lettered posts”), Y Chute, Z chute, Holding pen or runway, centre line gates and exhaust pen and five numbered markers. The 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

"near side" of the arena is the long fence where the "Y chute" is located; the "far side" of the arena is the long fence where the runway or hold/exam pen is located; the "top" of the arena is the shorter fence nearest to the centreline panels; the "bottom" of the arena is the shorter fence where the "Z" chute is located. The stock should be positioned 10 metres (6 m for ducks) from the top fence line and 4 m (2 m for ducks) from the centreline toward the far side of the arena.

Rationale: Present rule is not explicit.

5.3.3 Post B is located immediately beside the far side of the lower end of the centreline panels.

5.3.4Post C is located on the centreline, in line with the lower end of the "Y" chute panels.

Amendments 5.3.3 Post B is located immediately beside the far side of the bottom end of the centreline panels.

5.3.4Post C is located on the centreline, in line with the bottom end of the "Y" chute panels.

Rationale :Provides consistency throughout the rules by referring to parts of the course by the same name. It also avoids confusion.

Novice Class Course A - Description (Optional Class) Time allowed: 10 Minutes Timing: Timing commences when the dog is cast and ceases when the gate is closed. The timer shall signal a two minute warning and shall signal the end of time for the run. No dog shall qualify if fetching stock to the handler through the drive legs of the course. The drive legs (Post C to marker #3) must be performed at a drive for more than half of its distance in each scoring category. The dog must demonstrate its ability to drive stock forward on the course to qualify in this class.

Start – The dog enters the arena off lead and is placed at Post C. The handler may move to any location on the centreline between Post B and Post C.

Amendment Novice Class Course A - Description (Optional Class) Time allowed:10 mins (minimum course) Arena Size - Sheep & Cattle Minimum 30m x 60m 11 mins (medium course) Maximum 60m x 120m 12 mins (maximum course) Ducks Minimum 15m x 30m Maximum 30m x 60m Timing: Timing commences when the dog is cast and ceases when the gate is closed. The timer shall signal a two minute warning and shall signal the end of time for the run. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

The drive legs (Post C/#1 to #2 and #2 to #3) must be performed at a drive for more than half of its distance in each scoring category. The dog must demonstrate its ability to drive stock forward on the course to qualify in this class.

Delete -No dog shall qualify if fetching stock to the handler through the drive legs of the course.

Rationale :if the requirement is only to drive for 50% of each scoring category then fetching is allowed Start – The dog enters the arena off lead and is placed at Post C. The handler may move to any location on the centreline between Post B and Post C.

Amendment Start – The dog enters the arena off lead and is placed 10 metres from Post B towards the bottom of the Arena. The handler may move to any location on the centreline between Post B and Post C.

Rationale :To bring outrun distance in line with B course Less of an outrun for less experienced dogs

Centreline Gate – Turn stock towards the near side at marker #4 and move the stock straight across arena through centreline gate to marker #5. Once the stock pass through the centre line gate the handler may pass through at his/her option.

Amendment Centreline Gate – Turn stock towards the near side at marker #4 and move the stock straight across arena through centreline gate to marker #5. The handler may pass through the centreline gate.

Rationale: Present description is confusing

Section 5. Classes. Intermediate Class Course A – Description Time Allowed: Cows and sheep  10 minutes = 30m x 60m – 40m x 80m  11 minutes = 40m x 80m – 50m x 100m  12 minutes = 50m x 100m – 60 m x 120m

Ducks  10 minutes = 15m x 30m – 20m x 40m  11 minutes = 20m x 40m – 25m x 50m  12 minutes = 25m x 50m – 30m x 60m 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Rationale :Keeping consistent with proposal made about course size and timing in Started A course description.

Section 5. Classes. Advanced Class Course A – Description Time Allowed: Cows and sheep  10 minutes = 30m x 60m – 40m x 80m  11 minutes = 40m x 80m – 50m x 100m  12 minutes = 50m x 100m – 60 m x 120m

Ducks  10 minutes = 15m x 30m – 20m x 40m  11 minutes = 20m x 40m – 25m x 50m  12 minutes = 25m x 50m – 30m x 60m

Rationale :Keeping consistent with proposal made about course size and timing in Started and Intermediate A course descriptions.

Section 6. Judging Course A.

Points will be deducted in ½ point or whole point increments only.

SUGGESTED SCORING: The centreline runs from one end of the arena to the other.

A. Outrun/Lift/Fetch: 1. Up to 1½ points deducted for a redirect while the dog is in motion. 2. Up to 3 points deducted for a stop and redirect. 3. Up to 10 points deducted if the handler leaves the handler's post prematurely. 4. Up to 10 points deducted for a crossover between the handler and the stock on the outrun. 5. Up to 5 points deducted if the dog starts straight ahead towards the stock and then completes the outrun correctly. 6. Up to 10 points deducted if the dog runs straight up the middle on the outrun. 7. Up to 20 points deducted if (caused by the dog) the stock run down the course out of control. 8. Up to 5 points deducted for dog crossing behind the handler on the outrun. 9. Up to 3 points deducted for a false start.

B. Drive/Fetch: Note: Applies to movement of the stock over the entire course. Penalty is to be deducted under the exercise(s) where the error(s) occurs. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

The correct path of the livestock through the course will be a zone approximately 4 metres wide, or 4 metres in from the fence line (1.2 metres for ducks). There are no off-line deductions for going directly to the "Z" chute or Hold/Exam pen (panel runway in Started).

1. Up to 1 point deducted each time for flanking the dog too far off the stock. 2. Up to 1 point deducted each time for the dog allowing the stock to spread out. 3. Up to 1 point deducted each time for causing the stock to weave by over-flanking. 4. Up to 2 points deducted each time the dog circles the stock. 5. Up to 3 points deducted each time the stock (one or more) are off-line. 6. Up to 3 points deducted each time for the dog allowing or causing the stock to split. 7. Up to 3 points deducted for retreating on the course. 8. Up to 3 points deducted for the dog leaving the stock due to lack of interest or off contact.

C. Obstacles: Retries are permitted at all obstacles. No obstacle may be attempted more than twice. After two attempts, the stock is moved to the marker which begins the next obstacle. It will be counted as an attempt if the stock runs past the obstacle. The top panel for the cross-drive does not have a horizontal plane. Judges are to use retreat on course and off-line penalties, instead of a penalty for missing the plane of an obstacle, if the stock are not turned for the cross-drive.

Amendments C. Obstacles Removal of attempts from A & B Add – Do not progress unless all but 1 stock passes through the obstacle Retries are permitted at all obstacles. Judges are to use retreat on course and off-line penalties, instead of a penalty for missing the plane of an obstacle, if the stock are not turned for the cross-drive.

Rationale :Dogs that don’t have a false start are currently at a disadvantage to those who do. The course is meant to simulate farm situation and no livestock would be purposely left behind. Only allowing 2 attempts can train the stock to misbehave. Removes the need for a definition of attempt, which varies from judge to judge and handler to handler. There is nowhere in the rules that states that all obstacles must be completed. All the obstacles are part of the course and should therefore be completed in order to qualify.

CHAPTER 6. COURSE B. Section 1. Course B. 6.1.6 The handler's post can be a stake driven into the ground, a pylon or other marker. All outruns start from and all course measurements originate from the handler's post. Panels used to form the gates may be 2.5-4m long for sheep and cattle, 1.2 – 2m long for ducks, at the prescribed angles to the course line. The pen shall be from 2m x 2m up to 2.5m x 2.5m for sheep, 4m x 4m for cattle, or 1.2m x 1.2m for ducks, with a freely swinging gate. The gate, at the opening end, must have a 2 metre securely attached rope for sheep and cattle, 0.6m for ducks. The shedding ring shall be no less than 9 m in diameter for Started and 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Intermediate and 18m in Advanced or 6m in diameter for ducks. It shall be clearly marked with sawdust, lime or mowed.

6.1.6 The handler's post can be a stake driven into the ground, a pylon or other marker. All outruns start from and all course measurements originate from the handler's post. Panels used to form the gates may be 2.5-4m long for sheep and cattle, 1.2 – 2m long for ducks, at the prescribed angles to the course line. The pen shall be from 2m x 2m up to 2.5m x 2.5m for sheep, 4m x 4m for cattle, or 1.2m x 1.2m for ducks, with a freely swinging gate. The gate, at the opening end, must have a 2 metre securely attached rope for sheep and cattle, 0.6m for ducks. The shedding ring shall be no less than 9m or more than 18m in diameter for Started and Intermediate and 18m-36m in Advanced or 6m-12m in diameter for ducks. It shall be clearly marked with sawdust, lime or mowed.

Rationale :Currently there is no maximum size for the shedding ring and so it would be possible to have the whole course as the shedding ring to make the exercise extremely easy.

Section 5. Judging Course B. SUGGESTED SCORING: Points will be deducted in one-half or whole point increments only.

A. Outrun: 1. Up to 1 point deducted for the dog being too far away from the post, more than 3 metres. 2. Up to 5 points deducted for the dog running to the exhaust pen and must be called back. The dog is removed the second time. 3. Up to ½ point deducted for the handler encouraging the dog on the run. 4. Up to ½ point deducted for a redirect on the outrun. 5. Up to 3 points deducted for the dog stopping and then receiving a redirect. 6. Up to 4 points deducted if the dog runs straight up the middle of the field and casts out. 7. Up to 4 points deducted for the dog running narrow. 8. Up to 5 points deducted for the dog being off contact with the stock, running too wide, fence or boundary running. 9. Up to 10 points deducted for the dog running straight up the middle of the field. 10. Up to 10 points deducted if the dog crosses over the centreline on the outrun before passing behind the stock. 11. Up to 1 point deducted for the dog running to the dog holding the stock. 12. ½ point deducted for overrunning the stock. 13. Up to 2 points deducted for the dog stopping short. 14. Up to 2 points deducted for the dog too close to the stock at top of the outrun. 15. Up to 5 points deducted for the dog running to the release pen and must be called back. 16. Up to 4 points deducted if the dog is tight at top, will not stop and rushes stock. 17. Up to 10 points deducted if the handler leaves the handler's post prematurely.

Rationale :10 points is a lot of points to lose. The dog is heading towards stock just not the right flock. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

“Up to” provides consistency, “centreline” and “the dog” allow for better interpretation. The dog may need to cross the centreline before completing the outrun and it shouldn’t be penalised for doing so if it doesn’t cross between the handler and the stock.

15. is the exact same situation as 2. and so should have the same points removed.

Chapter 7 Course Section 2. Course Layout.

7.2.6 Pause (of the flock), Traffic Road In the Started Class, the vehicle will be parked with the engine running or not at the Clubs discretion. In Intermediate, the vehicle will pass once from the front of the flock. In Advanced, the vehicle will pass once from the front and once from the rear.

Amendment: 7.2.6 Pause (of the flock), Traffic Road In the Started Class, the vehicle will be parked with or without the engine running the Clubs discretion. In Intermediate, the vehicle will pass once from the front of the flock. In Advanced, the vehicle will pass once from the front and once from the rear.

Rationale: Greater clarity

New Addition Add a page for a standard Judge’s report form on it.

Clause 1.13.5 states that a Judge’s report form shall be filled out after the conclusion of a trial. There should be a standard Judge’s report form included in the rules to ensure that trials are being run correctly.

Guardian dogs. For discussion at the National rules review: to explore the possibility of including a guardian test/trial in herding

D Course Motion: D Course (as described in attachment A) be included in the options for Herding Trials. Affiliates may opt to offer D Course it is no compulsory.

Rationale: Australia has stock management practices which have encouraged the development of capabilities in dogs which can only be demonstrated in the components of the proposed D Course. These skills need to be preserved in working dogs. Handlers would benefit from training for D Course & this experience would be beneficial for stock handlers at trials

Herding Hall of Fame Recommendation that a Herding Hall of Fame be created. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

National Herding Trial Recommendation that a National Herding Trial be conducted a minimum of every 2 years and a maximum of every 3 years from the previous Herding National.

Glossary Motion: Glossary of Terms to be included in the Rules. Example attached B

Rationale: Definitions of terminology is required to clarify rules. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Attachment A

Section 6. Courses 4.6.1 Each Trial class shall offer at least one of three courses, Course A, Course B, or Course C as hereinafter described. A Club need not offer all three courses at a Trial, but schedules and catalogues must clearly specify which courses are offered, the Judges of each course, and the type and number of livestock that will be used for each course.

Section 6. Courses. 4.6.1 Each Trial class shall offer at least one of four courses, Course A, Course B, Course C or Course D as hereinafter described. A Club need not offer all four courses at a Trial, but schedules and catalogues must clearly specify which courses are offered, the Judges of each course, and the type and number of livestock that will be used for each course.

Rational: Allows for D Course to be added.

CHAPTER 8. COURSE D. Section 1. Course D.

8.1.1 D Course is designed to reflect the skills necessary to complete tasks for a drover and their dog to move stock from one agricultural enterprise to another. The common tasks experienced in stock management may be the selection of stock by use of a drafting race, loading & unloading stock for transport or herding stock on hoof from one enterprise to another, where they may encounter cross-roads; the Maltese Cross resembles a cross-road experience.

8.1.2 Course D arena shall be 90’ x 90’ including pen, race, ramp, yard and Maltese cross. Section 2. Course D Layout. 8.2.1 The course includes pen “E”, two races (drafting and loading/unloading), unloading yard “F”, ramp, truck or trailer and a Maltese Cross.

Section 3. Obstacles. 8.3.1 Pen “E” - Measures 15’ x 15’ with a gate “E” 5’ long. It is located at the top left corner of the arena. The gate at the entrance to the race should be swung to assist the funnelling of stock into the race.

8.3.2 Races - Measure 22” wide 20’ long. The drafting race runs horizontally and is located off the top right corner of pen “E” and runs along top fence of arena. The loading/unloading race runs vertically below the drafting race and directly to the right of the unloading yard “F”.

8.3.3 Unloading Yard “F” – Measures 13’ x 13’. It is located directly to the right of the bottom right corner of pen “E” and below the drafting race. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

8.3.4 Ramp - Needs to be appropriate for safe loading of stock on to and off a truck or trailer.

8.3.5 Truck/Trailer – Located at the bottom end of the loading/unloading race.

8.3.6 Maltese Cross - Measures 20’ from “A” to “B” and from “C” to “D” with the mouth at each entrance measuring 12’. Located diagonally right from yards, pens and races and the entrance of “A” is 15’ from the right hand side fence and the entrance of “D” is 15’ from the bottom fence.

NB Affiliates may utilise existing stock yards with similar construction and adapt the course to approximate the description so long as the principal components are included.

Section 4. Classes.

Started Class Course D – Description

Time Allowed: 15 minutes

Timing: Timing commences when the dog enters the pen “E” and ceases when the gate at “E” is closed after the 5 un-marked sheep are penned.

Start – The dog enters the pen “E” off lead with the handler and works the sheep into the drafting race.

Drafting Off Un-Marked Sheep - The handler goes to the drafting gate to direct 5 un- marked sheep to the arena and 5 marked sheep to the loading ramp. The dog is required to work the sheep up the race to the handler. The un-marked sheep are to be released into the arena prior to commencement of the loading component.

Loading Marked Sheep On To Truck/Trailer – When 5 marked sheep are drafted off into the loading race the dog is required to load them onto the truck.

Gathering Un-Marked Sheep From Main Arena – After the loading exercise is complete the dog gathers the 5 un-marked sheep from the arena and takes them to “A”.

Negotiating The Maltese Cross – The sheep are worked through the centre of the Maltese Cross to “B” and then taken to the pen “E”.

Penning Un-Marked Sheep – The sheep are then penned at “E” which completes the run. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

COURSE D STARTED Time allowed: 15 minutes Course size: Sheep 90’ x 90’

The Races (Drafting and Loading/Unloading) Measure 22” wide 20’ long.

Pen “E” Measures 15’ x 15’ with a gate 5’ long. 10 sheep Ramp - appropriate for safe 5 unmarked loading of stock on to and off a 5 with raddle marks truck or trailer.

Pen “F” Truck/Trailer Measure 13’ x 13’.

Maltese Cross Measure 20’ from “A” to “B” and from “C” to “D” with the mouth at each entrance measuring 12’. Positioned 15’ from right-hand side fence and 15’ from bottom fence. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Intermediate Class Course D – Description

Time Allowed: 18 minutes

Timing: Timing commences when the dog enters the pen “E” and ceases when the gate at “E” is closed after the 5 un-marked sheep are penned.

Start – The dog enters the pen “E” off lead with the handler and works the sheep into the drafting race.

Drafting Off Un-Marked Sheep - The handler goes to the drafting gate to direct 5 un- marked sheep to the arena and 5 marked sheep to the loading ramp. The dog is required to work the sheep up the race to the handler. The un-marked sheep are to be released into the arena prior to commencement of the loading component.

Loading Marked Sheep On To Truck/Trailer – When 5 marked sheep are drafted off into the loading race the dog is required to load them onto the truck.

Gathering Un-Marked Sheep From Main Arena – After the loading exercise is complete the dog gathers the 5 un-marked sheep from the arena and takes them to “A”.

Negotiating The Maltese Cross – After the loading exercise is complete the dog gathers the 5 un-marked sheep from the arena and takes them to “A”. The sheep are worked through the centre of the Maltese Cross to “B”. They are then taken to “C” and worked through the centre of the Maltese Cross to “D” and then worked to the pen “E”.

Penning Un-Marked Sheep – The sheep are then penned at “E” which completes the run. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

COURSE D INTERMEDIATE Time allowed: 18 minutes Course size: Sheep 90’ x 90’

The Races (Drafting and Loading/Unloading) Measure 22” wide 20’ long.

Pen “E” Measures 15’ x 15’ with a gate 5’ long. Ramp - appropriate for safe 10 sheep loading of stock on to and off a 5 unmarked truck or trailer. 5 with raddle marks

Pen “F” Truck/Trailer Measure 13’ x 13’.

Maltese Cross Measure 20’ from “A” to “B” and from “C” to “D” with the mouth at each entrance measuring 12’. Positioned 15’ from right-hand side fence and 15’ from bottom fence. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Advanced Class Course D – Description

Time Allowed: 20 minutes

Timing: Timing commences when the dog enters the pen “E” and ceases when the gate at “F” is closed after the 5 un-marked sheep are unloaded into the unloading yard “F”.

Start – The dog enters the pen “E” off lead with the handler and works the sheep into the drafting race.

Drafting Off Un-Marked Sheep - The handler goes to the drafting gate to direct 5 un- marked sheep to the arena and 5 marked sheep to the loading ramp. The dog is required to work the sheep up the race to the handler. The un-marked sheep are to be released into the arena prior to commencement of the loading component.

Loading Marked Sheep On To Truck/Trailer – When 5 marked sheep are drafted off into the loading race the dog is required to load them onto the truck.

Gathering Un-Marked Sheep From Main Arena – After the loading exercise is complete the dog gathers the 5 un-marked sheep from the arena and takes them to “A”.

Negotiating The Maltese Cross – The sheep are worked through the centre of the Maltese Cross where they are deflected to exit at “D” and then taken to pen “E.

Penning Un-Marked Sheep – The sheep are then penned at “E”.

Un-Loading Marked Sheep – After penning the un-marked sheep the dog is required to un- load the marked sheep from the truck to the un-loading yard “F”. The run is complete when the 5 marked sheep are worked into the unloading yard and the gate at “F” is closed. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

COURSE D ADVANCED Time allowed: 20 minutes Course size: Sheep 90’ x 90’

The Races (Drafting and Loading/Unloading) Measure 22” wide 20’ long.

Pen “E” Measures 15’ x 15’ with a gate 5’ long. Ramp - appropriate for safe 10 sheep loading of stock on to and off a 5 unmarked truck or trailer. 5 with raddle marks

Truck/Trailer Pen “F” Measures 13’ x 13’.

Maltese Cross Measure 20’ from “A” to “B” and from “C” to “D” with the mouth at each entrance measuring 12’. Positioned 15’ from right-hand side fence and 15’ from bottom fence. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Section 5. Judging Course D. Points will be deducted in ½ point or whole point increments only.


A. Holding Pen To Race: 1. Up to 3 points deducted for the dog leaving the handler before being instructed to do so. 2. Up to 3 points deducted each time for the dog allowing or causing the stock to split unproductively.

B. Drafting Race 1. Up to 1 point per head of stock deducted for the dog causing the stock to go in the wrong direction in the race. 2. Up to 1 point per head of stock that is drafted into the wrong race. 3. Up to 1 point per head of stock deducted for the dog causing the stock to jump out of the race. 4. NQ if handler fails to release un-marked sheep to main arena prior to commencing loading exercise.

C. LOADING RAMP 1. Up to 1 point per head of stock deducted for the dog causing the stock to go in the wrong direction on the ramp. 2. Up to 1 point per head of stock that escapes from the truck and has to be re-loaded. 3. Up to 1 point per head of stock deducted for the dog causing the stock to jump out of the race.

D. Drive/Fetch To And From The Maltese Cross : 1. Up to 1 point deducted each time for flanking the dog too far off the stock. 2. Up to 1 point deducted each time for the dog allowing the stock to spread out. 3. Up to 1 point deducted each time for causing the stock to weave by over-flanking. 4. Up to 2 points deducted each time the dog circles the stock. 5. Up to 3 points deducted each time for the dog allowing or causing the stock to split. 6. Up to 3 points deducted for retreating on the course.

E. Maltese Cross The handler is not permitted to enter the Maltese cross however they may assist the dog to work the sheep through it from the exterior.

1. Up to 1 point per head deducted for the stock entering the incorrect opening of the Maltese Cross. 2. Up to 1 point per head deducted for the stock following the wrong path once inside the Maltese Cross. 3. NQ if handler enters the obstacle.


1. Up to 3 points deducted if the dog loses control of the stock while the handler opens the pen gate. 2. Up to 5 points deducted if the dog brings the stock back out of the pen. 3. Up to 5 points deducted if the dog voluntarily leaves the stock and accompanies the handler to the pen gate.

Un-Loading Stock From Truck (Advanced Only): 1. Up to 5 points deducted if the dog loads the stock back in to the truck/trailer. 2. Up to 1 point per head if the dog causes the stock to rush. 3. Up to 1 point per head if the dog over pressures the stock causing them to lie down.

Obstacles: Retries are permitted at all obstacles. Stock are not to be moved onto the next obstacle until they have all passed through the obstacle before.

The handler may assist the dog by handling the sheep in the pen “E” when moving them to the drafting race, drafting race, loading/unloading race, or on the loading ramp but will be deducted a point for each occasion.

1. Up to 1 point per head, up to a maximum of 3 points in total, deducted for each attempt at an obstacle which is missed. 2. Up to 1 point per head deducted for the dog bringing the stock back through an obstacle from the wrong direction. 3. Up to 2 points deducted for handler forgetting to close any pen gates on the course before moving on the next part of the course. 4. Up to 3 points deducted if the dog loses control of the stock while the handler opens any pen gate. 5. Up to 5 points deducted if the dog brings the stock back out of any pen, unless otherwise stated. 6. Up to 5 points deducted if the dog voluntarily leaves the stock and accompanies the handler to any pen gate. 7. Non-qualifying - if the handler walks through the Maltese Cross anytime or enters the pen (E) when attempting this exercise. 8. 1 point deducted each time the handlers assists the dog by moving the stock.

D. General Deductions: 1. Up to 1 point deducted each time the dog stops to sniff. 2. Up to 3 points deducted for excessive commands. 3. Up to 3 points deducted each time the dog refuses to obey commands. 4. Up to 5 points deducted each time the handler touches the dog or the stock. 5. Up to 5 points deducted or removed for unacceptable grip. A dog must be removed for second unacceptable grip. 6. Up to 5 points deducted each time the dog fouls the course. 7. Up to 5 points deducted if the dog enters the arena on lead. 8. Up to 3 points deducted, each incident, for the excessive or threatening use of the crook or stock stick, or use of threats causing dog to cringe. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

9. Up to 3 points deducted for the dog leaving the stock due to lack of interest or off contact.

Maximum Points Available

Started and Intermediate Classes – 100 Points 1. Working Sheep In To Drafting Race – 10 2. Drafting Off Un-Marked Sheep – 20 3. Loading Marked Sheep On To Truck – 20 4. Gathering Un-Marked Sheep From Main Arena – 10 5. Negotiating The Maltese Cross – 30 6. Penning Un-Marked Sheep – 10

Total – 100

Maximum Points Available

Advanced Class – 100 Points 1. Working Sheep In To Drafting Race – 10 2. Drafting Off Un-Marked Sheep – 20 3. Loading Marked Sheep On To Truck – 10 (Not 20 as in Started and Intermediate) 4. Gathering Un-Marked Sheep From Main Arena – 10 5. Negotiating The Maltese Cross – 30 6. Penning Un-Marked Sheep – 10 7. Un-Loading Marked Sheep – 10

Total – 100

Rational: Tasmania feels the amended D Course better reflects the requirements of a drover's dog to perform tasks experienced when moving stock from one agricultural enterprise to another.

Should D Course be accepted then the chapter numbers will need to be changed to allow for the new addition.

Tie breaker – score on Drafting Race, score on Maltese Cross 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d


Time Allowed: 15 minutes (Started), 18 minutes (Intermediate), 20 minutes (Advanced)

Qualifying Score: 60 points (with not less than one half of the points available in each category) Max Points Comments and Deductions Points Deducted NQ Available


Total Points Available 100 Points Deducted

Deductions for Misbehaviour

Total Points Deducted


Qualifying YES/NO

Comments: ...... Elapsed Time: …………………… Judge’s Signature: ………………………………………….

If D Course is accepted then judge’s form will need to be added to allow for it to be judged. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

Attachment B

Herding Glossary A ATTEMPT: When the livestock run past the exit of the obstacle.

B BALANCE: The position taken by the dog, at an appropriate distance from the stock, which enables the dog to control the direction of the stock and to cover any attempts by the stock to break away BOUNDARY: Natural features such as a creek, a forest line or a strip of mown grass, a ploughed furrow or a line marked with sawdust or shavings which mark the edges of graze areas and parallels to the narrow road. Depending on the natural features, the individual wide graze areas may be grouped but need not be.

C CALLED: when the judge dismisses the dog from the run

CAST/OUTRUN: When the dog runs out around the sheep to gather them prior to bringing them to the handler; the course taken by the dog in gathering its stock. The ideal shape for an outrun in a trial is that of a pear, with the handler at the narrow end of the pear and the stock at the widest point.

CLAMP: The act of a dog stopping and refusing to get up again. Usually appears in very strong-eyed dogs that get "stuck" and just lie there looking at the stock. COVER: The act of the dog controlling the stock, covering any possible escape

CROSS: when the dog crosses the centreline on the outrun before arriving on the opposite side of the stock to where the handler is.

CROSS-OVER: This term is meant to describe when the dog crosses in FRONT of the path the stock are to take. CROSS-DRIVE: This term indicates a “direction” of movement for stock that is across the plane of the handler or course. If you look at a clock face, the handler would be standing at 6 o’clock and the dog would turn the stock and drive them from 3 o’clock to 9 o’clock or vice versa.

D DISQUALIFIED: The judge asked the competitor to leave the course because of a rule infringement such as the dog biting the sheep OR not working productively with-in three minutes of commencement of the Test or Trial 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

DRAW: Where the stock wants to go. This might be a gate, a barn, a feed bucket, or other livestock. The dog must be able to put pressure on the stock to prevent them from escaping to the draw, unless that is where the handler wants the stock to go. DRIVE: When the dog works between the handler and the stock, moving the stock away from the handler.

DRIVING: Taking the livestock away from the handler or from one side to another at right angles to the handler, either naturally or upon direction from the handler to do so.

E EYE: An intense gaze used by the dog to control the stock, often accompanied by a creeping or crouching approach to the animals Strong-eyed: Showing all the characteristic of eye to a marked degree. A dog with overly strong eye may remain in place, staring intently, rather than move the sheep; sometimes referred to as sticky-eyed Loose-eyed: A dog which does not show an intense gaze at all times on the stock. Such dogs may glance around or at the handler from time to time, and tend to take in a view of the whole group of animals. Usually an upright body posture is displayed

EXCUSAL: A Judge's decision to end the run because the dog is attacking or attempting to attack the stock or gripping abusively. A separate report is made to ANKC when a dog is excused

EXHAUST PEN: Enclosure into which stock are taken after each run at a trial. F FETCH/GATHER: When the dog brings the stock to the handler. In a trial, the part of the course after the outrun and lift when the dog fetches the stock straight down the centreline of the course to the handler FLANKS: The flanks or sides are the directional commands the dog must learn to understand in which direction he must travel around the stock. The commands are always given in relationship to the dog's position vis-a-vis the stock. FLIGHT ZONE: Flocking animals naturally bunch together for protection. The flight zone is the invisible area around the animals, which, when crossed by an outsider, causes movement in the bunch. Although the angles of movement are predictable, the flight zone itself changes under different circumstances. A dog cannot pass through the flight zone without causing the stock to feel threatened and attempt to escape from the dog. G GRAZE: Allowing the stock time to settle and feed in a designated area.

GRIP: Nipping or gripping at the bodies of sheep, marking the flesh by tearing out hunks of wool (called body biting on cattle). Biting at the body of any type of stock is a fault. 2017 HERDING MTG - ATTACHMENT 6d

H HERDING INSTINCT: the inherited balance in a dog's temperament between the predatory drive and the dog's compliance with its handler. The stronger the herding instinct, the stronger must be the desire to comply with the commands of the handler H HOLD: The act of a dog keeping one or more head of stock in a certain area

L LET OUT PEN: Enclosure from which a specified number of stock are released for each run at a trial

LIFT: The point immediately after the dog has reached the maximum extent of its outrun and the stock start to move. It is often a fleeting few seconds or less but is important since the stock take their cue from how the dog acts at this time and react accordingly. It is the sheep's first impression of the dog and determines how the stock will react to the dog. It is also defined as the moment between the outrun and start of the fetch

O OFF CONTACT: When the dog loses control of the stock, either by being too far away or by losing concentration

OUTRUN: The run the dog makes to get to the far side of the stock, the balance point, by going out behind the stock. Ideally this should be a pear shaped run, moving away from the handler but staying close to the line between the handler and the stock, and then widening out as the dog approaches the stock with the largest part of the pair being when the dog is even with the stock and going behind the stock. The arc can also be semi-circular. The dog should be far enough off the stock on the outrun to not alarm them

P PAUSE: temporary stop

PLACEMENT: The exercise demonstrates the dog's ability to be placed outside and inside the graze and to change the direction of the grazing sheep.



R RETIREMENT: When the handler decides to withdraw their dog from its run


SHED: Sorting off one or more specific stock from the rest and driving it or them away from the other stock

SPLIT: WHEN THE DOG CAUSES ONE OR MORE head of stock to leave the group, without being directed to. STOCKSTICK: A staff or crook, intended as an aid in controlling livestock as a visual aid to signal a command to the dog and not as a training device and shall never be used to touch the dog, except in an extreme situation involving the safety of another dog, a person or the livestock.

T TENDING: The supervision of the flock by the dog while the flock is grazing. A style of herding used when pastures are unfenced and the dog serves as a living fence.

TURNING TAIL: A dog that turns tail and runs from cattle/sheep that face and challenge it letting itself be backed down and/or chased by the cattle or sheep.

TIMED-OUT: Trials specify a time for each run; If time expires, competitors may complete their run except in the circumstance where the dog is working unproductively, as specified in the rules but will not qualify.

W WEARING: 1. the side-to-side movement of the dog to keep the livestock grouped. 2. also when the dog moves the stock to the handler, as in the fetch 3. when sheep are shed or singled, those held back are said to be worn by the dog


Rationale: Herding Terminology needs definition in relation to the rules

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