Alison Cliffe Alton Buckle Community P Ship Manager

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Alison Cliffe Alton Buckle Community P Ship Manager


MINUTES OF THE MEETING Held on 8th July 2010 At Wootey Junior School

PRESENT Alison Cliffe Alton Buckle Community P’ship Manager Carolyn Warne Community First Dawn Casson St Lawrence Primary HT Clare Allen Bushy Leaze Business Manager Dave Ashton Youth Services HCC Youth Team Manager Ella Palmer Wootey Infant HT Jon Allen Amery Hill Vice Chair of Governors Karen Magill Amery Hill School Business Manager Helen Dye Acute Services School Nurse (Amery Hill) Janet Knott Selborne Primary School HT Christine Davies Farnborough College Principle

APOLOGIES Ian Waine Alton EIP HT, Medstead Primary Jane Machell Alton College Principle Sharon Goodchild Parent Support District Manager

1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Alison Cliffe welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave the apologies received. Everyone present was asked to introduce themselves. Alison gave a brief resume of the history of Alton Buckle extended services and the newly formed children’s partnership.

2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24 TH MARCH 2010 AND MATTERS ARISING The last meeting had been very well attended. The main business of the meeting had been the Terms of Reference and the Delivery Plan. The local head teachers are reviewing the criteria for vulnerable children in their schools and looking at numbers. They were due to discuss this at their next meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as true and accurate.

3. REVIEW OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE There was a long discussion about the remit of the steering group and the implications for the make up of the group. It was agreed that this steering group must be strategic and its key role will be to monitor progress of delivery of the Delivery Plan and measure impact. For this group to be really effective it needs to be a manageable size and members must have a commitment to partnership working. They must also be sufficiently senior in their representative organisation to make things happen. Members must be able to support the work of the sub-committees and be able to push issues up to the next level if blocks occur. It was agreed that the group needs to meet half termly in order to ensure progress with the Delivery Plan. There was also discussion about what happens after the funding for the ESCO runs out. Currently Alison is the driving force behind this agenda and members have to think about taking ownership when she is no longer in post, and putting a sustainable model in place.

The make-up of the group was agreed as follows, but there is still some flexibility until everyone has been contacted and final names have been agreed.

Primary Care Trust rep Michele Harrison (TBC) District Manager – Education/Inclusion Ann Truman District Manager – Children & Families Trish Reed ESCO - Interim Chair Alison Cliffe Children’s Centre Rep Clare Allen Secondary School rep Karen Magill (TBC) Primary School rep to be agreed at next HT meeting Post 16 education Jane Machell Voluntary Sector Carolyn Warne A district Councillor Andrew Joy (?) Police rep ? Community Voice / governor Jon Allen (?)

The final membership will be agreed at the next meeting.

There was discussion about raising funds to support the work locally – this could be included on the Terms of Reference. Barbara Langham (Alton Buckle Family Support Outreach Worker based at Bushy Leaze) has offered to clerk the meetings.

There was discussion about how the hierarchy works. A diagram was put up to explain the inter-related groups. There is a clear link to the Education Improvement Partnership group. Some of their remit overlaps with the Delivery Plan so there needs to be good communication with members. Clarification is still needed as to the overarching group and links to E Hants.

4. SubGroups The Alton Buckle sub-groups were originally based on the Extended Services 5 core offers. There were two groups – the first for Community Use/Menu of Varied Activities/Childcare and the second for Parenting Support/Swift and Easy Access to specialist services. It was agreed that this model would still work. Alison had drafted out suggestions of which projects would fit each group. There was a suggestion to colour code the Alton Buckle LCP priorities and match them to sub-group projects. The chairs of these two sub-groups need to be on the Steering Group and report back on progress. Currently Alison Cliffe and Clare Allen are the chairs.

The representation on the sub-groups needs to continue to be very wide. The groups will need to take ownership of the priorities and drive forward the delivery of the Plan. There are a number of projects already running and it will be important to keep everyone informed to avoid duplication of effort. The sub-groups will need to communicate with each other and their constituents.

5. Delivery Plan Alison had annotated the delivery plan with the key priorities for different groups – EIP, Extended Services and CYPP. There was a discussion about priorities. It was agreed that the data has to be taken in context. For example, the reported 100% rise in teenage conception rates in the village of Selborne, relates to one teenager. Some data is also out of date, and local knowledge is needed to supplement county data. Local head teachers are compiling numbers of vulnerable families in their schools. There is a need for all professionals to work together to build up the local picture and discuss how to address the needs. Alison is working with the local chairs of the Bordon and Liphook/Liss/Petersfield groups.

6. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS Tuesday 5th October at 10.00 a.m. Tuesday 23rd November 2010 at 10.00 a.m. ****NB The timings for both meetings have been changed to 2pm**** Venues : Bushy Leaze Children & Family Centre

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