Component 2: Professional Practice and Delivery of Service

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Component 2: Professional Practice and Delivery of Service


Component 2: Professional Practice and Delivery of Service

Specialist Supervisor

Element Level of Performance – Rating Sheet

Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Accomplished 2a Is unable to manage Manages caseload Effectively manages Completes caseload caseload and delivery with some caseload with ability responsibilities and Demonstrating of service to proficiency and to prioritize needs. demonstrates caseload students. results. Has Completes delivery initiative in extending difficulty prioritizing of services on time. and integrating management caseload needs and services. delivery of service.     2b Provides no advocacy Provides sporadic Advocates for Aggressively for students and advocacy to maintain services to enhance advocates for Providing eliminates student’s educational student’s learning. services that directly advocacy for opportunities to program. affect student’s receive potential learning and students benefits. confronts challenges that may negatively impact learning.     2c Speaks inaudibly Speaks clearly and Speaks and writes Listens well to other, and/or writes correctly but may clearly and correctly. effectively facilitates Communicating illegibly. May make use limited Uses vocabulary appropriate effectively with many grammar and vocabulary that is appropriate to interactions and syntax errors. Uses inappropriate to the listener’s age, successfully engages students and vocabulary that may listener’s age, background and level all participants in the others be inappropriate, background or level of understanding. discussion. vague, or inaccurate, of understanding. leaving listeners confused.     2d Does not listen well Makes attempts to Listens well to others Listens well to others, to others, limiting listen well to others and adequately effectively facilitates Listening well to appropriate during a discussion, facilitates appropriate others interactions. with limited success. appropriate interactions and interaction among all successfully engages participants. all participants in the discussion.     2e Interacts in a Usually interacts in a Interacts in a Consistently interacts negative and non- positive and positive and in a positive, Interacting with supportive way supportive way, with supportive way, with supportive, and students. disregarding the age minimal regard for regard for the age respectful way, with and culture of the the age and culture and culture of the regard for learners, thus of the learners, thus learners, thus background minimizing limiting opportunities fostering characteristics of the opportunities for for learning. opportunities for learners, thus learning. learning. promoting opportunities for learning.     2f Does not know if Has some knowledge Consistently assesses Makes a thorough practice was effective of effectiveness of the effectiveness of and accurate Reflecting on in achieving the practice, the extent practice, the extent assessment of the Practice goals. Offers no to which the goals to which the goals effectiveness of suggestions for were met, and are met, and the practice by citing the improvement. makes suggestions reasons for meeting strengths and for improvement. the goals. Identifies weaknesses as they some specific areas relate to each goal. for improvement. Assesses the positive impact on the student and makes numerous specific suggestions for improvements.    


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