(Approved Minutes) Franklin Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Franklin Public Library Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017

1. Call to Order: at 7:09 pm. 2. Roll Call: Julie Douse-Angileri, Kim Greidanus, Sarah Karsnick, Pam Hackert, Teresa Natzke, and Judy Moenck were present. Mira Stahkiv was absent. 3. Secretary’s Report: Judy motioned to approve the August minutes. Sarah seconded and the minutes were approved. 4. New Business: Paychex – Franklin Church is changing to Pay Systems from Paychex. Karl, who works for the church also, did some research and concluded that Pay Systems is less expensive. Given that we have issues with Paychex just about monthly, he suggested we switch to Pay Systems also. We will discuss this with Mira next month. 5. Old Business: FCA Funds – We will review this with Mira next month. Dropbox Surround – Julie and Teresa met with two carpenters and discussed the scope of this project and the proposed storage cabinet in the children’s area. A proposal is forthcoming. Library Director Review – All board members should submit theirs to Sarah. Policies – Teresa presented amended Code of Conduct and Internet Policies. Judy made a motion to approve the Code of Conduct Policy as amended. Pam seconded the motion and it was approved. Judy also motioned to accept the amended Internet Use Policy. Sarah seconded, and that was approved. “Unvitation” – Sarah reported that this is at the printer. She also ordered return envelopes. The “unvitations” will go out in early November after Oktoberfest. 6. Librarian’s Report: Florence Rouquet will be emailing her monthly newsletter from the Friends this week. It briefly mentions the duties of the two boards. Next month she would like to introduce (mention) the members’ names. Judy stated it is a matter of public record, so no problem. 7. Treasurer’s Report: Kim reported that the question last month about the penal fines and state aid has been resolved. Bulletin boards of $195 is under “library furnishings” for a new year, and not part of the renovation. There is one final payment of $4075 for the handrail, lights, management fees and misc. expenses to be made on the renovation. $134,000 in property taxes was deposited today. Karl will clean up some things on the balance sheet (zeroed out items under current assets). He would like a schedule for the Birmingham Cable Board grant we received so that he can keep track of it. Judy suggested we discuss our financial position in January so that we can plan for the spring exterior work (Phase II). Judy motioned to approve the fiscal year 2016 end of year report. Pam seconded the motion and it was approved. Pam made a motion to accept the August treasurer’s report. Judy seconded, and the motion was carried. 8. Maintenance Report: The A/C was repaired. 9. President’s Report: None. 10.Vice President’s Report: None. 11.Public Comment: None. 12.Meeting Adjourned: Judy motioned to adjourn at 8:47 pm. Teresa seconded and the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is October 12th at 7:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Julie Douse-Angileri, Secretary