Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards s12
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USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN Report
Global Agriculture Information Network
Template Version 2.09
Required Report - public distribution Date: 9/23/2005 GAIN Report Number: SW5013 SW5014 Sweden Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Export Certificate Report 2005
Approved by: Margaret E. Thursland Agricultural Counselor U.S. Embassy Stockholm Prepared by: FAS Stockholm
Report Highlights: As a member of the European Union (EU), Sweden fully applies EU regulations on export certificates. In addition to certificates required by the EU, there are specific sanitary certificate requirements with regard to salmonella for imports of fresh meat, meat preparations and eggs into Sweden.
Includes PSD Changes: No Includes Trade Matrix: No Unscheduled Report Stockholm [SW1] [SW] GAIN Report - SW5013 Page 2 of 9
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...... 2 SECTION I. EXPORT CERTIFICATES REQUIRED BY SWEDEN AND THE PRODUCTS THEY COVER...... 3 New EU Legislation...... 3 SECTION II. PURPOSE OF SPECIFIC EXPORT CERTIFICATES...... 4 Salmonella Guarantees...... 4 New Methods Approved for Salmonella Testing...... 4 SECTION III. SPECIFIC ATTESTATION REQUIRED ON EXPORT CERTIFICATE...... 5 Salmonella – Meat/Eggs...... 5 SECTION IV. GOVERNMENT CERTIFICATE’S LEGAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS...... 5 Salmonella...... 5 SECTION V. OTHER CERTIFICATION/ACCREDITATION REQUIREMENTS...... 6 Approved Establishment in the United States...... 6 APPENDIX I. MODEL CERTIFICATES FOR SALMONELLA GUARANTEES...... 7 Model certificate for the consignment to Finland and Sweden of eggs intended for human consumption...... 7 Model commercial document for the consignment to Finland and Sweden of meat from bovine or porcine animals and meat from poultry, including minced meat...... 8
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Being a member of the European Union (EU), Sweden fully applies EU export certificate regulations. Required certificate details are set out in specific legislation, including models of the certificates to be used. The Swedish government does not publish these models in Swedish but, rather, accepts English models as specified in the EU legislation.
For a list of EU-required export certificates and the products they cover, please refer to the U.S. Mission to the European Union’s GAIN report E35010:
In addition to those certificates required by the EU, Sweden also has specific certificate requirements for fresh meat, meat preparations or minced meat (with the exception of heat- treated meats) and eggs exported to Sweden. These products must be accompanied by a health certificate (a salmonella guarantee) stating that the product is free from salmonella.
Table 1. Specific export certificates required by the Swedish government
Products Title of Certificate Attestation Required Purpose Requesting on Certificate Ministry Meat & Salmonella “No occurrence of Certificate of National Food eggs Guarantee salmonella infection conformance Administration disease”
Unlike some countries outside the EU, Sweden/EU does not require the food authorities in exporting countries to certify that products are free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or BSE. Exporters are expected to comply with EU legislation. For GMO products, that means labeling the products as such. The EU only allows the import of GMOs that have been granted market approval by the EU. With regard to BSE, exporters are similarly expected to respect that EU law requires that product be free from BSE. The EU also has legislation in place requiring that products not contain more than the allowed trace levels of dioxin and radiation.
New EU Legislation
At present, the EU has a number of different regulations in place with regard to export certificate requirements. However, on January 1, 2006, one single hygiene legislation package will enter into force, replacing all current regulations. This new legislation is expected to reduce the current complexity of the certificate procedure and become the one single source of information on export certificates.
The EU has also initiated work in updating old or, where appropriate, establishing new models of trade and certification documents to accompany consignments. These include declarations and certifications that guarantees are fulfilled. According to the Swedish government, all relevant model export certificates will be included in the hygiene regulation package (Annex VI to regulation no 854/2004), with the exception of the salmonella guarantees for meats and eggs, frog’s legs, gelatine, and snails. The EU is currently processing individual draft model certificates for these products to be adopted and published
UNCLASSIFIED USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN Report - SW5013 Page 4 of 9 soon. Up until now, no model salmonella guarantee certificate has been available. The current draft salmonella guarantees (not yet adopted) are attached in Appendix I.
Salmonella Guarantees
The purpose of the salmonella guarantee - Certificate of Conformance- is to provide consumer protection. In its EU accession, Sweden and Finland received a derogation allowing them to apply stricter salmonella controls than other EU member countries. Sweden and Finland were granted additional salmonella guarantees covering trade in fresh meat from bovines and hogs, fresh poultry meat and table eggs which were extended to minced meat. All consignments containing fresh meat, meat preparations or minced meat (with the exception of heat-treated meats) are subject to salmonella control.
Salmonella regulations are stipulated in the National Food Administration regulations (SLVFS 1998:39, §17-23). These regulations do not apply to imports from Norway and Finland, since these countries have the same salmonella status as Sweden. The National Food Administration is the authority responsible for requiring and approving the certificate. Copies of the draft “Model Certificates” for meats and eggs are found in Appendix I of this report.
Swedish importers are themselves responsible for ensuring that fresh meats, i.e., beef, pork and poultry, are tested for salmonella in the country of dispatch. Documentation stating that the meat was tested in accordance with the applicable EU decision, and that no salmonella was detected in the meat, must accompany the consignment. Likewise, importers of eggs for consumption must, as part of the self-inspection, ensure that the consignment is accompanied by certification of salmonella testing before further processing of the eggs. However, this does not apply when eggs are delivered to pre-approved establishments and when it can be demonstrated that they are to be used in the manufacture of egg products.
New Methods Approved for Salmonella Testing
The EU Commission has approved new testing methods for salmonella in fresh meat (beef, pork and poultry) imported from another EU country. Commission Decision 2003/470/EG approves alternative analytical methods for salmonella testing than those referred to in Decisions 95/409/EG and 95/411/EG. Importers who wish to use other test methods for salmonella are required to provide documentation to the National Food Administration demonstrating that the method used is valid and in accordance with Decision 2003/470/EC. Questions regarding testing methods may be addressed to the National Food Administration (Mr. Lars Plym Forshell, Tel: +4618-17 55 00).
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Salmonella – Meat/Eggs
The specific declaration (attestation) required on the salmonella guarantee certifies that the product to be imported into Sweden is in conformance with Sweden’s strict non-tolerance for salmonella. To date, no specific export certificate format has ever been published. Progress, however, is underway. It is expected that a “Model Certificate” will be adopted in Fall 2005. These new certificates will facilitate the implementation of new rules concerning special guarantees for food with respect to salmonella which will apply under Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. This new regulation will come into force as of January 1, 2006. As noted above, the draft “Model Certificates” can be found in Appendix I.
Does the original certificate need to accompany the product at the time of entry?
Commercial documents should follow the model as provided in Appendix I. The certificate should include, in the numbered order that appears in the model, the required attestations for the transportation of meat from bovines or hogs or poultry meat, including minced meat.
It shall be drawn up in one of the official languages of the EU Member State of destination. However, it may also be drawn up in other EU languages, if accompanied by an official translation or if previously agreed by the competent authority of the Member State of destination.
The commercial document must be produced at least in triplicate (one original and two copies). The original must accompany the consignment to its final destination. The final receiver must retain the original. The producer must retain one of the copies and the carrier the other.
The original of each commercial document shall consist of a single page, both sides, or, where more text is required it shall be in such a form that all pages needed are part of an integrated whole and indivisible.
If, for reasons of identification of the items of the consignment, additional pages are attached to the document, these pages shall also be considered as forming part of the original of the document by the application of the signature of the responsible person on each of the pages.
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When the document, including additional pages, comprises more than one page, each page shall be numbered at the bottom as follows: (page number) of (total number of pages). The top of each additional page shall bear the code number of the document as designated by the responsible authority.
Can the certificate be applied to multiply shipments?
No. The Certificate follows the individual consignment.
. Will Sweden accept a Supplier’s or Manufacturer’s Export Declaration as proof of compliance?
No. The certificate must be issued by the competent authority
. Will Sweden accept a U.S. State issued export certificate?
Yes, provided that it has been drawn up in accordance with the Model Certificates.
. Will Sweden derogate export certificates?
The EU has a bilateral mutual equivalency veterinary trade agreement with the United States facilitating import procedures. However, the certificate requirements must be respected.
Approved Establishment in the United States
Foods of animal origin (meat, fish, milk, eggs and products thereof) must come from an EU- approved establishment in the country of origin and be accompanied by a health certificate as described in Section I.
The list of approved U.S. export facilities can be found on the website of the Foreign Agricultural Service U.S. Mission to the European Union at:
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Model certificate for the consignment to Finland and Sweden of eggs intended for human consumption
E U R O P E A N C O M M U N I T Y I n t r a t r a d e c e r t i f i c a t e I . 1 . C o n s i g n o r I . 2 . C e r t i f i c a t e r e f e r e n c e n u m b e r I . 2 . a . L o c a l r e f e r e n c e n u m b e r :
d N a m e e t I . 3 . C e n t r a l C o m p e t e n t A u t h o r i t y n
e A d d r e s s s
e P o s t a l c o d e I . 4 . L o c a l C o m p e t e n t A u t h o r i t y r p
t I . 5 . C o n s i g n e e I . 6 . N o . ( s ) o f r e l a t e d o r i g i n a l c e r t i f i c a t e s N o . ( s ) o f a c c o m p a n y i n g d o c u m e n t s
n * *
e N a m e m n
g A d d r e s s i s P o s t a l c o d e I . 7 . D e a l e r * n
o N a m e A p p r o v a l n u m b e r c
I . 8 . C o u n t r y o f o r i g i n I S O c o d e I . 9 . R e g i o n o f o r i g i n C o d e I . 1 0 . C o u n t r y o f d e s t i n a t i o n I S O c o d e I . 1 1 . R e g i o n o f d e s t i n a t i o n C o d e f o
l I . 1 2 . P l a c e o f o r i g i n / P l a c e o f h a r v e s t I . 1 3 . P l a c e o f d e s t i n a t i o n i
a H o l d i n g A s s e m b l y c e n t r e D e a l e r ' s p r e m i s e H o l d i n g A s s e m b l y c e n t r e D e a l e r ' s p r e m i s e
t * * * * * * e * A p p r o v e d b o d y * S e m e n c e n t r e * A p p r o v e d a q u a c u l t u r e h o l d i n g * A p p r o v e d b o d y * S e m e n c e n t r e * A p p r o v e d a q u a c u l t u r e h o l d i n g D
E m b r y o t e a m E s t a b l i s h m e n t O t h e r E m b r y o t e a m E s t a b l i s h m e n t O t h e r
: * * *
I N a m e A p p r o v a l n u m b e r N a m e A p p r o v a l n u m b e r
t A d d r e s s A d d r e s s r a P P o s t a l c o d e P o s t a l c o d e I . 1 4 . P l a c e o f l o a d i n g * I . 1 5 . D a t e a n d t i m e o f d e p a r t u r e * P o s t a l c o d e I . 1 6 . M e a n s o f t r a n s p o r t I . 1 7 . T r a n s p o r t e r * A e r o p l a n e S h i p R a i l w a y w a g o n N a m e A p p r o v a l n u m b e r R o a d v e h i c l e O t h e r A d d r e s s I d e n t i f i c a t i o n : P o s t a l c o d e M e m b e r s t a t e I . 1 8 . A n i m a l s p e c i e s / P r o d u c t I . 1 9 . C o m m o d i t y c o d e ( C N c o d e )
I . 2 0 . N u m b e r / Q u a n t i t y
I . 2 1 T e m p e r a t u r e o f p r o d u c t s I . 2 2 . N u m b e r o f p a c k a g e s A m b i e n t C h i l l e d F r o z e n I . 2 3 . I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f c o n t a i n e r / S e a l n u m b e r I . 2 4 . T y p e o f p a c k a g i n g
I . 2 5 . A n i m a l s c e r t i f i e d a s / p r o d u c t s c e r t i f i e d f o r :
* B r e e d i n g * F a t t e n i n g * S l a u g h t e r * T r a n s h u m a n c e * A p p r o v e d b o d y * A r t i f i c i a l r e p r o d u c t i o n * R e g i s t e r e d e q u i d a e * G a m e r e s t o c k i n g * P e t s H u m a n c o n s u m p t i o n * A n i m a l f e e d i n g s t u f f * P h a r m a c e u t i c a l u s e * T e c h n i c a l u s e * O t h e r I . 2 6 . T r a n s i t t h r o u g h 3 r d c o u n t r y I . 2 7 . T r a n s i t t h r o u g h M e m b e r s t a t e s 3 r d c o u n t r y I S O c o d e M e m b e r s t a t e I S O c o d e E x i t p o i n t C o d e M e m b e r s t a t e I S O c o d e E n t r y p o i n t B I P u n i t n o . : M e m b e r s t a t e I S O c o d e I . 2 8 . E x p o r t I . 2 9 . E s t i m a t e d j o u r n e y t i m e 3 r d c o u n t r y I S O c o d e E x i t p o i n t C o d e I . 3 0 . R o u t e p l a n * Y e s N o
I . 3 1 . I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f t h e a n i m a l s / p r o d u c t s A p p r o v a l n u m b e r o f e s t a b l i s h m e n t s / v e s s e l s
S p e c i e s ( S c i e n t i f i c n a m e ) C a t e g o r y P r o c e s s i n g p l a n t Q u a n t i t y N e t w e i g h t
* N o t t o b e c o m p l e t e d
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EUROPEAN COMMUNITY Eggs for human consumption dispatched to Finland and Sweden
n II. Health information II.a. Certificate reference II..b. Local reference o
i number number t
a Attestation c i
f I, the undersigned, hereby certify that: i t
r (i) The eggs described above originate from a flock which has been subjected, with e negative results, to the provisions laid down in Commission Regulation […].(4) C
: (ii) The eggs are destined to be used for the manufacture of processed products by a
I (4) I process that guarantees the elimination of salmonella.
t r a P
Notes (1) Box reference No. I.16: the registration number(s) of rail-wagon or lorry and the name of the ship should be given as appropriate. If known, the flight number of the aircraft. (2) Box reference No. I.23: in case of transport in containers or boxes, the total number, their registration and seal numbers, if present, should be indicated. (3) Box reference No. I.31: for “category”, indicate class A or B as in revised Council Regulation 1907/90. (4) Delete as appropriate (5) The signature and the stamp must be in a colour different to that of the printing.
Official veterinarian or official inspector Name (in Capital): Qualification and title: Local Veterinary Unit: No. of the related LVU: Date: Signature (5): Stamp (5):
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Model commercial document for the consignment to Finland and Sweden of meat from bovine or porcine animals or meat from poultry, including minced meat
1. Consignor (name of despatching establishment Document reference number(1)...... and address in full and, if appropriate approval Total number of pages of this document:...... number of the despatching establishment) Date (on which the material was taken from the premises): ...... 2. Consignee (receiver's name and address in full 3. Place of loading for dispatch (address in full if and, if appropriate approval number of the different from point 1) establishment of destination of the product) ...... 4. Carrier, means of transport, quantity and 4.5. Nature of packaging identification of consignment ...... 4.1. Carrier (name and address in full): 4.6. Number of packages per category of products: ...... 4.2. Lorry, Rail-wagon, Ship or Aircraft(2) 4.7. Net weight (kg): ...... 4.3. Registration number(s), ship name or flight 4.8. Container number if applicable number: ...... 5. Description of the products 5.1. Type of products (3): ...... 5.2. Condition of products (4): ...... 6. Declaration by the consignor I, the undersigned, declare that:
The checks referred to in Commission Regulation […] have been carried out with negative results and a statement from the laboratory concerning the analyses performed on the consignment or the results of such analyses is attached to this document. (2) The meat from bovine or porcine animals, including minced meat thereof, is intended for an establishment for the purposes of pasteurisation, sterilisation or treatment having a similar effect. (2) The meat, including minced meat, comes from an establishment that is subject to a control programme recognised as equivalent to that approved for Sweden and Finland. (2)
Signature Done at ……………………………………………….. on ...... (place) (date) ………………………………………………………………….. (signature of the responsible person/consignor) (5) ………………………………………………………………….. (name, in capital letters)
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