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Babington Community College Scheme of Learning GCSE BUSINESS STUDIES Research for Unit 2 Controlled Assessment Topic 2.1 Choosing Task and Research Blooms Taxonomy and iPad Use in Overview of Learning Activity Impact of using iPad Technology the Scheme of Learning Stage 1 1. Select controlled assessment task Book Creator App (Free) Lesson 1 2. List initial thoughts for possible research Need to allow set up time so that aspects and actions. students understand the need to email Remembering: (listing, searching, 3. Create topic overview pages for primary and their file to a suitable email address or bookmarking) secondary research plans, e.g. for each understand how to save and retrieve location factor considered by a start-up via cloud based storage or apps such Analysing: (organising, structuring) business. as Edmodo (Free) 4. Peer review research planning. 5. Transfer ideas to student’s Research Log Students found it easy to make structured folder including a front cover and individual topic pages into which they were able to drop research of various types, i.e. weblinks, images, audio and video. Stage 2 1. Review relevance, breadth and depth of Some students need help to focus on the Lesson 2 to 5 research evidence task not the technology; they need 2. Adding research to the page structure guidance when choosing the most Remembering: (listing, searching, 3. Using audio to leave and receive peer suitable format i.e. audio vs video when bookmarking) reviews interviewing or copying a weblink vs Applying: (interviewing, presenting) copy & pasting text. Stage 3 1. Creating final research folder Unless you have a printer enabled to Lessons 6 & 7 2. Exporting information as PDF print directly from students’ iPads you will Analysing: (organising, structuring) 3. Creating hardcopy of Research Folders need to have the facility to create a PDF Creating: (mixing) 4. Self-Assessment against Edexcel Research via other apps. You need Adobe’s PDF creator as criteria an in-app purchase from the basic (free) Adobe Reader App. Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Long Term Planning
Subject: Edexcel GCSE Business Studies BS Year Group: KS4 (2012/13 cohort) - Years 1 & 2 Contact Time Available: 3 lessons per week
Year 10 Autumn *Time available = 7 weeks x 3 lessons = 21 hours Term 1 Unit 1 - Setting Up a Business Topic 1.1 Spotting a Business Opportunity 1.Understanding the need to add value 2.What options exist for starting a business? Topic 1.2 Showing Enterprise 3.What is enterprise? 4.Thinking Creatively 5.What questions do entrepreneurs ask? 6.Invention and Innovation – generating new business ideas 7.Taking a calculated risk 8.Other important enterprise skills
Autumn Time available = 9 weeks x 3 lessons = 27 hours Term 2 Unit 1 - Setting Up a Business Topic 1.3 Putting a business idea into practice 9.Objectives when starting up 10. The qualities shown by entrepreneurs 11. Estimating revenues, costs and profits 12. Forecasting cash flows 13. Obtaining finance
Spring Time available = 5 weeks x 3 lessons = 15 hours Term 1 Unit 1 - Setting Up a Business Topic 1.4 Making the start up effective 14. Customer focus 15. The Marketing Mix 16. The importance of Limited Liability 17. Start-up legal and tax issues 18. Effective on-time delivery and customer satisfaction
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL 19. Recruiting, training and motivating staff
Spring Time available = 5 weeks x 3 lessons = 15 hours Term 2 Unit 1 - Setting Up a Business Topic 1.5 Understanding the Economic context 20. Market demand and supply 21. Impact of changes in interest rates on small businesses 22. Impact of changes in exchange rates (£/$ and £/€ only) 23. How do business cycles affect small businesses? 24. What effects do decisions have on stakeholders?
Summer Time available = 7 weeks x 3 lessons = 21 hours Term 1 Unit 2 – Controlled Assessment Topic 2.1 Choosing Task and Research 1.Introducing the Assessment (Task Choice) 2.Research Phase (max recommended 6 hours) Topic 2.2 Analysis of research 3.Presentation of data Topic 2.3 Write up and evaluation 4.Skills Building (especially evaluation skills) 5.Final presentation (max three hours to write up task) Summer Time available = 6 weeks x 3 lessons = 18 hours Term 2 Unit 3 – Building a Business Topic 3.1 Marketing 1. Marketing 2. Marketing research 3. Product Trial and Repeat Purchase 4. Product Lifecycle 5. Branding and differentiation 6. Building a successful marketing mix
Year 11
Autumn Time available = 7 weeks x 3 lessons = 21 hours Term 1 Unit 3 – Building a Business Topic 3.2 Meeting customer Needs 7. Design and research development 8. Managing stock and quality 9. Cost effective operations and competitiveness 10. Effective customer service 11. Meeting consumer protection laws Topic 3.3 Effective financial management
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL 12. How to improve cash flow 13.How to improve profit 14.Break-even charts and analysis 15.Financing growth Autumn Time available = 7 weeks x 3 lessons = 21 hours Term 2 Unit 3 – Building a Business Topic 3.4 Effective people management 9.Organisational structure 10. Motivation theory 11. Communication 12. Remuneration
Spring Time available = 5 weeks x 3 lessons =15 hours (estimate only) Term 1 Unit 3 – Building a Business Topic 3.5 The Wider World Affecting Business 13. Ethics in business 14. Environmental issues 15. Economic Issues Affecting International Trade 16. The impact of the government and EU
Spring Time available = 5 weeks x 3 lessons = 15 hours (estimate only) Term 2 REVISION PROGRAMME 17. Unit 1 – Small Businesses 18. Unit 2 – Large Businesses 19. Exam Technique and Revision Guidance Sessions
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning Medium Term Plans
Subject: GCSE Business Studies Year group: KS4
Context (to include core subject framework objectives where appropriate):
Unit 2 – Investigating Small Business CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT Topic 2.1 Choosing Task and Research Introducing the Assessment (Task Choice – new tasks set in January of each year for current Y10 groups) Research Phase (max recommended 6 hours) Topic 2.2 Analysis of research Presentation of data Topic 2.3 Write up and evaluation Skills Building (especially evaluation skills) Final presentation (max three hours to write up task)
Deadline for mark submission = May15th (check exact date each year)
Prior Learning Needed for this Unit. Students should have completed Unit 1 learning – Introduction to small business. this will provide them with the appropriate business understanding and terminology and the research and analysis skills required.
An understanding of the ways in which to navigate an iPad is useful.
Differentiated Learning Outcomes for LA, MA and HA within this Unit
(HA) Independently: Selects an appropriate task which is of interest to them.
Autonomously uses the Book Creator App throughout the research phase to store and retrieve a range of primary and secondary evidence of promotional methods and their effectiveness.
Selects and analyses a range of relevant evidence to formulate an answer to the task.
Produces and effectively communicates an evaluated response to the task using a wide range of relevant business terminology
(MA) Additional Guidance: Selects an appropriate task which they understand and feel capable of tackling.
Uses generic guidance to independently access and use the Book Creator App to store and retrieve some primary and secondary evidence related to their task. Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning
Selects and analyses relevant evidence from at least two sources (must use secondary and ideally one primary) to formulate answers to the task.
Produces and communicates an evaluated response to the task using relevant business terminology
(LA) With Help: Works on a task chosen for them by the teacher OR chooses a task with guidance from the teacher.
On the direction of the teacher/TA and with support and guidance, uses the Book Creator App to store and retrieve some evidence useful to their investigation.
Produces evidence from at least one source (primary or secondary, ideally both) to support their own answer to the task.
Produces and communicates a response to the task which explains their point of view. They will use a few business terms in their explanations.
Progression from this Unit Unit 3 Building a Business
Home Learning Opportunities linked to this Unit To discuss what evidence may be available, useful and relevant to their chosen task.
To create evidence (e.g. interviews, photographs of the business, knowledge of competitors, costs of promotional methods etc.).
To use mobile devices or PCs with internet connections to upload and collate evidence.
Assessment For Learning (AfL) What are the AfL activities? When will they be used in the scheme? AFL 1. Peer Review Review of E Books
AFL 2. Self Assessment Review of Hard copy Research Folder (RF)
AFL 3. Produce a research folder focussed on the At the end of topic 2.1 – internal moderation controlled assessment task chosen External moderation (first submission May 2014)
Building Learning Power (BLP) What are the BLP activities? When will they be used in the scheme? Resourcefulness – Choosing their controlled assessment task questioning, making links, capitalising Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning Linking knowledge of modelled Research Folders (RF) to structure of their own RF
Resilience – Independent research noticing, perseverance
Reciprocity – Peer review activities interdependence, imitation
Reflectiveness – Personal review and assessment of folder planning, revising
Respect – Preparation for interviewing an entrepreneur Social skills, managing feelings
Literacy For Learning (LfL) What are the LfL activities? When will they be used in the scheme? LFL 1 Reading for meaning - Selecting the controlled assessment task - Secondary research in textbooks and web pages
Numeracy For Learning (NfL) What are the NfL activities? When will they be used in the scheme? NfL 1 Sequencing/numbering systems Students organise their research folder into a numbered/referenced appendix
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning Short Term Learning Plan
Learning Stage Le Differentiated Differentiated Process for LA and HA ar Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities (cross-referenced in lesson planning) ni (Linked to AFs and (cross-referenced to AfL, BLP, LfL HA ng Assessment and NfL) LA Ob Criteria) Topic 2.1 Choosing Task jec tiv and Research es Stage 1 To Must: Which task interests me most? Independently plans how Creates a Book sel choose a controlled In learning sets, visit each task evidence can be Creator App Lesson 1 ect assessment task form resource table. Discuss the nature of collected, retrieved and (Free) account an the Edexcel list the task and record rate/rank level of archived both in and out with help. ap personal interest plus any concerns or of school using the pr Open a Book Creator questions on “Selecting My Controlled Book Creator App op Account Assessment Task” handout. (FREE) riat e List research to be BLP - Resourcefulness – Compiles detailed list of tas done on their questioning, making links, capitalising evidence to be collected k Research Log Sheet with possible sources for What relevant secondary research Creates a list of the Should: sources are available? what could ir describe research to Review samples of Creates own checklist to information could co be done and know research from a range of plan for best practice in be collected ntr what evidence will be websites through a ‘book’ own primary research. about the task. oll produced shown in the Book ed Creator App as Could: Review Textbooks Uses a checklist se Explain the research Review Leaflets to identify good ss outcomes desired with practice in me suitable formats Which relevant primary research primary research. nt identified to present techniques are suitable for your evidence collected task? To Review examples of interview and rec focus group from video stored in the
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning og ‘Controlled Assessment Book’ shown nis on an iPad through the Book Creator e App an Interviews d pla Questionnaires n Focus Groups Independently explores wa Sampling features of app and ys models use to others to How should I prepare for giving verbal guidance col interviewing an entrepreneur? (in full sentences using lec Manners/social protocols keywords) about most t Safety – who should know? features. evi Parents, teachers Identifies de Permission to take features found in nc photos/videos app e Follows for Why is it important to use more verbal/picture the than one source of information? guidance to ir Relevance, verify, up to date, notice and use co compare, evaluate some features. ntr oll How could I collect and store my ed research? as Review Book Creator features – se audio, video, textboxes, images, ss m How can I organise my en My ebook - Book Creator t new book, choose re Landscape se create cover to include ar o Full name of student ch o An image relevant to fol task de o Start date r Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning (R o Record an audio clip F) explaining the purpose of their e-portfolio To Create new page for each us research theme e dig What information do I need to ital collect for this task? sto Research Log Sheet – give a ra completed model – review features ge Full sentences to Research technique used en Successes/difficulties abl Next step identified e Relates to task col lec Provide a sorting/sequencing activity tio of A, C and F grades n of dat a to oc cur wit hin les so ns an d fro m wo rk do Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning ne out sid e sc ho ol on stu de nts ’ ow n de vic es.
Stage 2 To Must: How do businesses decide whether Reviews content of Completes Lessons 2 – 5 en Update evidence a solution to a problem is research against original Research Log sur collection in Book effective? planning and includes after each e Creator Key words: risk, uncertainty, start-up written justification of research session tha costs, running costs, revenue, loss, any changes made in working on each t Review another profit, fixed costs, cashflow, sources their research log. item from their e- the student’s research of finance book list. res work ea Factors cards – RAG these, points rch Should: 3,2,1 is Review and give Rally Robin: reviewing foc feedback to two other importance/relevance of factors – us students on the Learning sets – 2 opponents, 1 se quality and relevance referee d of their research Students take turns to explain the on likely outcome of a start-up the entrepreneur doing or not doing one tas Could: of the factors using at least one key Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning k Review and give word in each response. Full set feedback to two other sentences must be used in the QBW students on the (refers to Question, Because, Which To quality and relevance means that/knock on effect) format. pr of their research od Extending Research: With reference to uc Independently plan Provide opportunities after each assessment criteria, e improvements to week’s homework for students to leaves constructive oral res relevance, breadth upload evidence to their Book Creator feedback for two Leaves ea and depth of own file. students. responses to rch research three given fro Resilience – review questions m noticing, perseverance a wi Peer review of evidence de (AFL1) ra Students voice record their ng own reflections about the e quality and relevance of evidence they of have chosen and how they intend to res further improve. ou rce Reciprocity – s interdependence, imitation
To WHN (WowHowNow) review Book refl Creator file in learning sets leaving a ect voice recording with WHN feedback. on qu Print out research alit Either print out the E Book or y create PDF files and email to an own network account for d printing. rel ev an Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning ce of evi de nc e col lec ted .
To rec eiv e an d res po nd to pe er fee db ac k to en ha nc e the br ea dth an Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning d de pth of the ir res ea rch
To or ga nis e the res ea rch gat he re d
Stage 3 To Must: Creating my final research folder Lessons 6 & 7 rec Give each piece of (RF) eiv evidence a number students view samples and match e them to assessment criteria for an Create an appendix RESEARCH (AFL2) d front page with a res numbered list of Resourcefulness – po evidence topics questioning, making links, capitalising nd to Summarise the 0 Level of response not worthy of pe sources of information credit. (Grade U) er used in a Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning fee biblio/webography 1–3 Research from one source db using limited selectivity and focus. ac Give in a complete RF (Grade F - G) k to Should: 4–6 Research from more than one en Organise evidence source showing some selectivity ha into an appendix and focus. (Grades E - F) nc using a suitable Submit self- assessment Agree a mark e referencing system 7–9 Research from a range of form with justification for with TA or the sources showing good selectivity their chosen mark Teacher br Could: and focus. (Grades C-D) guidance ea Selecting and dth prioritising evidence 10–12 Detailed, relevant research an by key topics into an from a wide range of sources Adapts forms available d appendix using a together with high quality demonstrating ability to de formal referencing organisation of materials and focus. cross reference Completes and pth system (Grades A*-B) information and sources Includes forms of within an appendix available the Create hard copy of Research ir Folder res Students gather together all evidence ea in an organised way. rch Note: once the folder is collected, Co students will only be able to use it mp in highly controlled conditions ie let when writing up their controlled e assessment task. the res (AFL3) – Final Mark awarded after ea internal/external moderation rch ph as e of co Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning ntr oll ed as se ss me nt tas k
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL Babington Community College Scheme of Learning Babington Community College
Other Cross Curricular Links
ICT – protocols for the use of iPads and familiarisation with Book Creator App, creating PDF files and emailing with attachments.
WRL – entrepreneurs starting up a new business, skills of an entrepreneur balancing risk and reward
Citizenship – relationships – develop appropriate relationships with a widening range of adults – Interviewing an entrepreneur and carrying out questionnaires/surveys.
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL by Babington Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Developing the Use of iPads to Support the Learning Process: Business Studies SoL