Mission and Vision

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Mission and Vision

Rotary International – District 5520 Strategic Plan Mission and Vision:

The Mission of the District 5520 Leadership Team is to provide the support and resources for every club and member in the District to understand, achieve, sustain, and share “Service Above Self.” (Developed at Dick Jones’ 5520 Long Range Planning Meeting – Clovis, NM)

The Vision of Rotary District 5520 is to enable its clubs and their membership to be the best and most effective Rotary Club and Rotarians possible that change lives in their communities and the world by advancing the “Object of Rotary.”

Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise, and in particular, to encourage and foster:

FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;

SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and community life;

FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

Goal 1. Support and Strengthen Clubs in District 5520

Provide Training and Assistance to ensure effective Rotary Clubs

ESTABLISH STRONGER LEADERSHIP A. By providing leaders with training through President-Elect Training Sessions. 1. Through the establishment of a standing committee chaired by the District Trainer (with at least a two year term) assisted by Assistant Trainer and under direction of District Governor. 2. Through pre-PETS assistance to President- Elects by LGs and AGs in addition to one-on-one help by LGs and AGs during PETS. (LG and AG attendance required at PETS) 3. Through training sessions on leadership, club organization, grants preparation, Future Vision lead by panels made up of representatives from large, medium and small clubs. Page 1 of 4 B. By marketing the Rio Grande Academy to better prepare potential leaders. 1. Offer RGA after PETS or before District Conference. 2. Expect all AGs to attend RGA and make recommendations for attendees. 3. Use as incentive for leadership training. 4. Distance learning to broaden availability.

C. By evaluating and improving the program content for all District seminars to encourage Rotarian attendance. 1. Develop comprehensive training agenda for all district events.

Foster Club and District leadership development

RECOGNIZING AND HELPING FURTHER THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLUB AND DISTRICT LEADERS A. By promoting Institute for Leadership as additional opportunity for leadership development. B. By continuing to encourage involvement of PDG to provide leadership and mentor future leaders. C. By supporting Assistant Governors in recognizing and encouraging strong and future potential club and district leaders. D. By promoting the resources and training provided by Rotary International and Zone 27.

Goal 2. Create a More Effective District Organization

Provide effective and efficient communication

A. By reviewing District organization to maintain the cost of operations. B. By requiring all committees to report annually on use of their funds so the District financial condition can be shown with more transparency. C. By developing and continually improving the District website into a first source of information for members, Clubs, and the general public. D. By identifying needs of Clubs through District survey and implementing strategies to provide assistance. E. By involving more Club members on District committees. F. By encouraging more Clubs to participate in District trainings and attending the District Conference.

Enhance District Administration Functionality

A. By providing District Leadership to support and help clubs develop and meet their goals. B. By encouraging club partnerships with service, social and public image activities. C. By improving efficiency and internal controls of district administration. D. By maintaining a list of successful fundraising ideas. E. By maintaining a list of programs that might be used by the Clubs. F. By promoting the Youth Study Exchange program to all Clubs in the District. G. By promoting the RYLA program to all Clubs in the District.

Page 2 of 4 H. By developing a District-wide Interact and Rotaract organization to better coordinate, implement, and publicize these programs. I. By establishing a budget using prior years’ expenses. J. By expanding the make-up of the District Conference Committee to include past and future Conference Leadership.

Goal 3. Foster Membership Growth

Promote Membership Growth Through Retention and Additions

A. By setting District Goal of “5 Years to 5,000.” B. By identifying opportunities to support sustainable new clubs. C. By focusing on District Growth instead of just Club growth. D. By focusing on retention: 1. Lack of retention because not engaged or too engaged. 2. Meet with members that have left the Club or planning to leave. 3. Engage new members in projects and committee structure. 4. Social activities involving spouse/significant other and children. 5. Educate new members and involve in District through District Conference and trainings. E. By sponsoring a Membership Seminar early in the Rotary year. F. By sharing the best practices of successful Clubs and Districts for recruitment and retention of members: 1. District level leaders speaking at small clubs. 2. Larger clubs helping smaller clubs. 3. Prospect parties for potential members and spouse/significant other. 4. Follow up after potential member visits club. 5. Focus on younger generation for future of Rotary. 6. Focus on circle of friends. 7. Rotaract vital source of new members. 8. Ask President-Elect for membership and retention goals and plans for implementation. 9. District Web Site needs to be searchable and continually updated. 10. Club sites need to be kept up-to-date. G. By expanding the responsibility of the District Public Relations Committee to assist Clubs in promoting Rotary.

Page 3 of 4 Goal 4. Enhance Public Image and Promote the Rotary Foundation

Advance Both Internal and External B rand Awareness A. By maintaining district website with timely information and focused list of subject matters. B. By helping clubs improve their websites and social media activity. C. By applying for Rotary PR grants and working with clubs in developing Public Image campaigns with grant monies. D. By developing a resource list of public image material and best practices.


Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service

A. By supporting End Polio Now – Get out the message, “We are this close!” B. By developing a smooth transition towards TRF Future Vision. C. By asking every Rotarian to contribute annually to The Rotary Foundation. D. By ensuring sound stewardship of Foundation funds. E. By encouraging club development of local and international projects.

Increase Foundation Giving

A. By encouraging “Every Rotarian Every Year” support beginning in July. B. By offering a Rotary Foundation Seminar early in the Rotary year. 1. Educating PEs and Clubs on reason for and use of RI Funds throughout the world. 2. Educating PEs and Clubs on the calculation of and funding of grants. C. By implementing incentives to sell tickets for Cruise Raffle: 1. Provide Cruise tickets in July. 2. Add additional prizes to raffle. 3. Maintain unified fun- raising effort. D. By establishing “Million Dollar Dinner” program in District. E. By establishing Fund Raising Chairman and standing Fund Raising Committee. F. By encouraging club use of various TRF grants available to them. G. By promoting The Rotary Foundation programs at the club level. H. By promoting Paul Harris Fellow and Paul Harris Society.

IMPLEMENTATION Continued implementation of this District Strategy is encouraged, but will be at the discretion of the District Governor recognizing the changes to Rotary International’s Strategic Plan, Code of Policies, Annual Theme and emphasis. The Plan should be reviewed and updated each year.

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