Physical Education s4

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Physical Education s4


COURSE: Physical Education –7th & 8th Grade

TEACHER: Ms. Groothuis

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Provide quality daily physical educational experiences for all students.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students Missing class are required to bring a re-admit slip to class. Failure to show the teacher your readmit slip may result in loss of participation points on absence day.


MAKE-UP POLICY: Missing work must be turned in before the end of the grading period.

It is the students responsibility to ask the teacher for any make-up work.

UNIFORMS: Students can purchase a Lathrop PE uniform from the front office during PE period. Uniforms will be issued through the PE locker rooms. Students needing to borrow a PE uniform may do so by checking out Loan clothes. In exchange for borrowing loan clothes, students must provide notebook, backpack, chromebook or other form of collateral. You always need to dress, unless there is a sign posted on the locker room door telling you not to. Sweatshirts and or sweatpants are permitted on cold days only. No pockets!

LOCKERS: All students will be assigned a small locker for their PE clothes and athletic shoes. DO NOT move from this locker or share it with others. Large lockers may be used during the PE period only, for storage of PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE SYLLABUS backpack and school clothes. At the end of ther period all large lockers must be vacated. ANY LOCKS LEFT ON THE BIG LOCKERS MAY BE CUT OFF!

LOCKER ROOM: Only PE clothes, athletic shoes, sweats, and deodorant are allowed in lockers. NO GLASS! No school books may be left in lockers. Students will not be allowed to retrieve their belongings after the PE period. Keep locker clean and free of food. All locker room rules must be obeyed. NO YELLING, SHOUTING, LITTERING OR THROWING OBJECTS IN THE LOCKER ROOM! Get in, get dressed, and get out!

MEDICAL EXCUSES: Students need to bring a note from home to be excused from activity. For excuses lasting more than 3 days, a doctor’s note is required. Students not participating in class activity will be given and alternate assignment.

ROLL CALL: All students are required to go directly to their roll call numbers , and be standing on them before the tardy bell rings Students not on roll call numbers will be marked tardy. It is the students responsibility to let the teacher know of their presence if student is not on number for roll call. No handballs or other personal equipment is allowed before, during or after class.

DETENTION: Detention will be assigned for various reasons. Most commonly it is assigned for Loan Clothes. Students will be assigned a 30 minute detention for borrowing loaners. Detention will be held every TUESDAY, immediately after school lets out. Call slips will be delivered to you as a reminder. Failure to attend detention will result in a referral PHYSICAL EDUCATION COURSE SYLLABUS and administrative detention, Friday school, or 4 hour Saturday school.

MILE CLUB: Students can earn a Lathrop Mile Club/Speed Limit t-shirt by completing the mile under a certain time. Boys must complete the mile in 7:00 or less. Girls must complete the mile in 7:30 or less. After earning a Speed Limit t-shirt, any other miles completed under said time will qualify student for a star that can be ironed on to Speed Limit tee.

GRADES: Grades are based on the following:

50% Participation – Attendance/Individual and Group Participation Participation grades will be based on 5 Points per day

25% Performance – 10 point laps/Mile runs/PFT

25% Homework/Classwork/Tests/Quizzes

MILE GRADING: Your first recorded mile run will be graded based on the “Healthy Fitness Zones” from the California Fitnessgram and will be a baseline for each mile thereafter. All mile runs after the baseline will be graded on how he/she improves on his/her fastest time.

A = Run time is within 1:00 of students fastest time B = Run time is within 1:30 of students fastest time C = Run time is within 2:00 of students fastest time D = Run time is within 2:30 of students fastest time F = Run time is over 2:30 of students fastest time

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