Minutes of a Caucus Meeting of the Board Of

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Minutes of a Caucus Meeting of the Board Of


A caucus meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haddon was convened in the Municipal Building, 135 Haddon Avenue, Westmont, NJ on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 7:00 PM.

Mayor Teague requested all stand for the flag salute

Mayor Teague announced that Chapter 231, Public Law 1975 requires adequate notice of this meeting be provided specifying time, place and agenda. This was done by placing Annual Notice in the Courier-Post and Retrospect Newspapers and by posting on two bulletin boards in the Municipal Building.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Teague Present Commissioner Foley Present Commissioner Dougherty Present

Stuart Platt, Esq., Greg Fusco, PE, Chief Cavallo, Jim Stevenson, Lee Palo, Ed Toussaint, Kate Burns, Dawn Pennock and Denise P. Adams were also present.

Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissionr Dougherty that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 24, 2011 be approved, with both members voting in the affirmative.

ORDINANCES (for consideration on June 28, 2011)

RESOLUTIONS (for consideration on June 28, 2011) #2011-096 - Bill Resolution #2011-097 - Authorizing the Tax/Utility Collector to Process Posting Corrections and Various Other Adjustments and Deductions #2011-098 – Refund for Swimteam Fee for Linda Devine

OTHER BUSINESS Raffle License #RA:13-2011 for the PTO & Alumni Association of Paul IV High School

DEPARTMENT REPORTS Greg Fusco, PE reviewed the Engineer’s Report dated June 21, 2011.

Public Works, Water/Sewer Department: Jim Stevenson reported that South Park Drive Pump Station is up and running. Crystal Lake Pool is opened for the season.

Tax Assessor/Revaluation: Commissioner Foley reported that Mr. Blaskey was attending a tax appeal in his other community. Stuart Platt indicated the tax appeals were addressed recently.

Construction Office: Ed Toussaint reported that the Clubhouse has final Certificate of Occupancy. Three new homes build this month. Issued 353 building permits which is up 6% from last year.

DISCUSSION ITEMS: - Resolution accepting the Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Public Entity Grant (the “HDSRF Grant”) in an amount not to exceed $149,790 - Ordinance #1258 Wind and Solary Energy Systems – Forwarded to Environmental Commission for further review-Mayor Teague suggested this Ordinance be tabled for another month - Resolution Authorizing Settlement re: Finkel & Davino Pool and Spa Company v. Township of Haddon - Resolution re: Approval for Independence Day Fireworks Display 2011 - Resolution to establish a petty cash fund for the township clerk - Appt. of Chief Financial Officer (4 year appt.) – Commissioner Foley recommended Jack Bruno a CPA, RMA , and CFO - Resolution of the Mayor and Commissioners-Certification of the Annual Audit - Resolutions for appointment of the licensing clerk, municipal improvement search clerk, treasurer, and public agency compliance officer – appointment will be until December 31, 2011 - Amend Ordinance 1170 – reads Construction Official and should be Zoning Official - Resolution approving ABC licensing renewal for 2011/2012 - Ordinance #1283 - Grant of Easement for 627 Graisbury Avenue - Municipal Court Alcohol Education Rehabiliation and Enforcement Fund Grant, anticipated monies $4,422.65 – Chapter 159 Resolution - Resolution Authorizing Signatures on Township Checks - Resolution Designating Recipients for the Camden County Housing Rehab Program and Authorizing Camden County Community Development as Administrative Agent - Resoluton Ratifying Hearing Officer’s Decision in Connection with Disciplinary Proceeding - Resolution appointment of Judge John J. McFeeley for a 3 year term – clarification on dates in resolution (on hold) - Resolution refunding pool membership fees


- Legal Communication – Proposed Purchase of Band Properties to be utilized as open space Block 11.01, Lots 19 & 35 – Stuart Platt and Greg Fusco presented information regarding this subject - Newton Diner – W. Hargrove Demolition Inc re: damages resulting from work performed in October 2010-Stuart Platt put Newton Diner’s and W. Hargrove Demolition’s insurance companies on notice - Shared Services Agreement for Municipal Clerk between Borough of Audubon Park and the Township of Haddon - NJLM urging to adopt resolution in favor of - A-3412 which requires fire districts, school districts, and county govt. to share in burden of property assessment appeal refunds - Resolution urging swift passage of A-3430, A-3431, and A-3432 strengthening immunity from tort claims involving weather, sidewalks, beaches, boardwalks and similar public properties. - Disorderly Conduct Ord.- Repealing Section 175-4 and Section 173-3(c) - Resolution updating the Township Cafeteria Plan under Section 125 of the IRS Code

With nothing else on the agenda, Commissioner Foley opened the meeting to the public:

Fred Litwak, 1114 Newton Avenue, West Collingswood Extension – reported that there was a problem Champion School. Youth are using the backyard as a baseball field. He’s concerned with liability issues. Requested a sign be erected along with authorization from Mayor and Commissioners stating it is okay for the youth to play in that area. Mr. Litwak also requested that the Township request permission from the State of New Jersey to have a turn on left arrow put at the light on Collings Avenue and Route 130. He reported that he had problems with the Zoning Board. It took three months for them to figure out that he did not need a variance as he was grandfathered.

Ed Loughman, Linden Avenue, Westmont – Thanked Chief Cavallo, the Detective Bureau, and Betty Band for their handling of a situation in his neighborhood. Library is closed due to a water leak and when he called the number there wasn’t any response on the line at all. Recommended posting information on the website. Mark Swanson reported that the Library will be closed all summer. There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Foley moved, seconded by Commissioner Dougherty that the meeting be adjourned at 7:40 PM with all members voting in the affirmative.


______Denise P. Adams, Municipal Clerk ______Randall W. Teague, Mayor

______John C. Foley, Commissioner

______Paul Dougherty, Commissioner

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