Greater Marble Hall Municipality
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1. BACKGROUND…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… 3 1.1 Our VISION…………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………….pg 3 1.2 Our MISSION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… 3 1.3 MFMA Provisions….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………….pg 3 1.4 The Concept of a SDBIP…………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. pg 5
2.1 MUNICIPAL MANAGER……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………… 7 2.1.1 INTERNAL AUDIT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………….pg 7 2.2 STRATEGIC PLANNING …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 9
3 2.3 CORPORATE SERVICES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... pg 13 2.3.1 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………….pg 13 2.3.2 COUNCIL SUPPORT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 25 2.3.3 ADMINISTRATION & LEGAL SERVICES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ….pg 31 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….pg 31 LEGAL SERVICES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………… 33 RECORD MANAGEMENT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………pg 34 CUSTOMER CARE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………….pg 36 2.4 TECHNICAL SERVICES.. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………pg 38 2.5 COMMUNITY SERVICES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………….pg 41 4 2.6 FINANCIAL SERVICES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………….pg 44
The following vision was reviewed at a strategic planning workshop on 8-9 February 2011:
The following mission was reviewed at a strategic planning exercise on 8-9 February 2011 :
The Municipal Financial Management Act (MFMA) aims to modernise budget and financial management practices by placing Local government finances on a sustainable footing in order to maximise the capacity of municipalities to deliver services to all its residents, customers, users and investors. It also aims to put in place a sound financial governance framework, by clarifying and separating the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor, executive and non-executive councillors and officials.
The Act aims to enable managers to manage, but also makes them more accountable, by introducing regular and consistent reporting requirements. The challenge facing all role-players is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the municipality. The Act promotes the principles of accountability and good governance and also obliges municipalities to be transparent about their budgets and financial affairs. The opportunities and benefits that will occur from the successful
6 implementation of the MFMA guarantee responsiveness and democratic decision-making over financial planning, expenditure and performance of local government.
Section 69(3)(a) requires that the Accounting Officer must no later than 14 days after the approval of the annual budget submit to the mayor a draft Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) for the budget year.
Section 53(1)(c)(ii) requires that the mayor must take all reasonable steps to ensure that the municipality’s SDBIP is approved within 28 days after the approval of the budget.
The SDBIP gives effect to the integrated Development Plan and Budget of the municipality and will be possible if the IDP and budget are fully aligned with each other, as required by the MFMA.
Underlying principles
Promote sound financial governance
Modernisation of Role clarification (political & administrative) Elements of Accountability financial management MFMA Governance
Promoting co-operative Strategic approach and consultative governance to budgeting Reporting Accountability Measurement Improved accountability and service delivery outcomes
Management systems 7
COUNTING WHAT COUNTS: Marc Epstein & Bill Birchard Figure 1: Underlying principles of the MFMA
Figure 2: Elements of accountability in line with the MFMA 1.4 THE CONCEPT OF A SERVICES DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SDBIP)
Section 1 of the MFMA defines the “service delivery and budget implementation plan” as a detailed plan approved by the mayor of a municipality in terms of section 53(1)(c)(ii) for implementing the municipality’s delivery of municipal services and its annual budget, and which must include –
(a) projections for each month of- i. Revenue to be collected by source; and ii. Operational and capital expenditure by vote; (b) Service delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter; and (c) Any other matters that may be prescribed and includes any revisions of such plan by the mayor in terms of section 54(1)(c)
8 Why a SDBIP?
Increased focus in government on:
Quality Increased of accountability spending Improved service Accurate & delivery timely outcomes reporting Measurable Financial & Performance non-financial objectives indicators
The budget gives effect to the strategic priorities of the Municipality. It therefore serves as a contract between the administration, council and community expressing the goals and objectives set by the council that can be implemented over the next twelve months. The SDBIP is a management, implementation and monitoring tool that will assist the mayor, councillors, municipal manager, senior managers and community. An SDBIP should ensure that appropriate information is circulated internally and externally for purposes of monitoring the execution of the budget, performance of senior management and achievement of the strategic objectives set by council. It enables the Mayor to monitor the performance of the Municipal Manager, the Municipal Manager to monitor the performance of Senior Managers and the community to monitor the performance of the Municipality. The SDBIP should therefore determine the performance agreements of the Municipal Manager and Senior Managers at the start of each financial year. This clearly makes the SDBIP what links the Performance Management System with the Budget and the IDP.
The SDBIP links each service delivery output to the budget of the municipality, thus providing credible management information and a plan of how the municipality will provide such services and the inputs and financial resources to be used. Being a start-of-year planning and target tool, the SDBIP gives meaning to both in-year reporting in terms of the MFMA Section 71 (monthly reporting), Section 72 (mid- year report) and Section 121 (end of year annual reports).
2.1 MUNICIPAL MANAGER 2.1.1 INTERNAL AUDIT Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators 2011/12 KPA Projects Objectives Base KPI Annua Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budg line l et Targe Vote t no Ward Municipal Quarterly To provide an 2010/2011 Assessment To Internal Internal Internal Internal None Transformat Internal independent Internal of controls produce Audit Audit Audit Audit ion and Audit objective Audits and the annual Reports Reports Reports Reports organization Engagemen assurance Reports Audit internal al ts and recommend Audit developmen consulting ations Reports t service to add included in for 4 Internal value and the quarters Audit improve Quarterly in the EMLM’s Internal financial operations Audit year. and to Reports accomplish its objectives by evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of risk management, internal controls and governance process Municipal Quarterly To ensure 2010/2011 Four Four Preparatio Preparat Preparatio Preparati None Transformat SDBIP accountability Annual performanc perform n of ion of n of on of 11 ion and Performanc Performan e reports ance quarterly quarterly quarterly quarterly organization e Reports ce Report compiled reports progress progress progress progress al and AC compile report report report report developmen Progress d t reports Performanc e Managemen t Municipal 2011/2012 Define and Approve Approved Review Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing none Transformat Internal set out the Internal and and implement impleme implement impleme ion and Audit nature, role Audit reviewed obtain ation ntation ation ntation organization Charter purpose and Charter internal approval al responsibilitie Audit form the developmen s and Charter Audit t I authority of IA Committ nternal within EMLM ee Audit Charter
12 KPA Projects Objectives Base KPI Annua Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budg line l et Targe Vote t no Ward Municipal To facilitate to help 2010/2011 2011/2012 2011/20 Update Update Update Update None Transformat risk management risk Risk 12 Risk risk risk risk risk ion and assessment to prioritise Register Assessment Assess Register. Register Register. Register. organization and review : the identified and risk Report ment - Hold . - Hold - Hold al - Risk risks. This policies Approved: Report risk - Hold risk risk developmen managemen enables -Risk Approve committee risk committee committe t t Strategy management managemen d: meetings committ meetings e Risk - Risk to spend t Strategy -Risk ee meetings Managemen managemen more time, - Risk manage meeting t t policy effort and managemen ment s - Fraud resources to t policy Strategy Prevention manage risks - Fraud - Risk Plan of higher Prevention manage - Fraud priority than Plan ment Response risks with a - Fraud policy Plan lower priority. Response - Fraud - Whistle- Plan Preventi blowing - Whistle- on Plan policy blowing - Fraud policy Respon se Plan - Whistle- blowing policy Municipal Reporting to To report to 2010/2011 Four Audit Present Present Present Present R 50 Transformat Audit Audit Audit Reports to committ reports to reports reports to reports 000 ion and Committee Committee on committee Audit ee Audit to Audit Audit to Audit organization quarterly. Activities of minutes committee minutes Committe Committ Committe Committ al Internal Audit. e. ee. e. ee. developmen t
13 Audit committee Municipal Appoint To increase Chief Appointed One Forward Conduct Appointed Appointe R167 Transformat internal the scope of Internal Internal internal request intervie person d person 000 ion and auditor internal audit Auditor Auditor Auditor for ws and conduct conduct organization through Only appointe advertise appoint audits audits al appointment d ment with ment developmen of competent the job letter. t staff descriptio Appoint n to HR Internal Auditor
Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2011/12 KPA Project Objectiv KPI Baseline Annua Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget e l Vote no Targe Ward t Local 1. Marketing To entice Number of 2 2 1 1 NIL Economic and investors to investors Developme Investment Marble Hall enticed. nt strategy and Industrial investors retention 2.Eco Develop a Number of 1 1 1 No funds tourism Flag unique eco- investors required Boshielo tourism secured Schuinsdraa destination i nature reserve developmen t 3.Horticultur To improve Number of 4 4 1 1 1 1 No funds e cluster the businesses required competitive assisted ness of Number of 10 10 2 2 2 4 R5 579 horticulture co-operative 150 cluster by established 760/26015 obtaining for Organic 4 funds to farming assist viable emerging businesses
15 Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2011/12 KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annua Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ne l Vote no Targe Ward t Local 4.Red meat To improve the Number of 4 4 1 1 1 1 No funds Economic cluster competitiveness businesses required Developme of red meat assisted nt cluster by obtaining funds to assist emerging businesses 5.Tourism Promote Information 100% 100% 20% 50% 30% No funds cluster economic centre required growth in the established tourism industry by establishing information centre 6.Informal Promote Train informal 10 10 2 3 3 2 R10 000 economic economic economy 760/260150 cluster growth in the traders Ward 7 informal industry by training traders 7.Logistic Hub Establish Conclude 1 1 1 No funds logistic hub contract on required performance and remuneration with Implementing agent 8. Marble Hall Develop Number of 5 5 5 R20 000 festival tourism in the product owners 760/260150 municipality by to showcase All wards attracting their products tourists and 16 possible investors to the area by showcasing our natural resources and products
17 Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2011/12 KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annua Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ne l Vote no Targe Ward t Local 9. Coordinate Access to Number of 10 10 2 2 3 3 No funds Economic effective information, businesses required Developme use of the local advice and linked with nt business assistance LIBSA support center regarding LED related matters 10.Fundraising Increase Increase 5% 5% 0 3% 2% No funds available funds available funds required by 5% for by 5% for implementation implementation of projects of projects 11.Coordinatio Review SDF Number of 2 2 0 1 0 1 No funds n of the and LED sector plans required drafting of strategy reviewed sector plans 12. Urban Promote Number of 5 5 1 1 2 1 No funds renewal economic SMME,’s linked required strategy growth by to markets market linkages 13.Review To review LED Number of 1 1 1 No funds LED strategy strategy review required strategy
18 Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2011/12 KPA Project Objective KPI Baselin Annual Q Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget e Target 1 Vote no Ward Good 1.IDP Review To review the Annual review Reviewed 1 1 R100 000 IDP for 2011/12 of the IDP for 760/260025 IDP Governa 2011/12 All wards nce document 2.PMS To implement Number of 4 4 1 1 1 1 No funds the organisational required performance performance management reports system submitted Verification of Performan 12 3 3 3 3 No funds performance ce required evidence evidence Number of 1 1 1 No funds performance required plan of organisation Number of 5 sec 57 5 5 No funds performance managers required agreements and plans 7 7 7 No funds compiled for divisional required section 57 managers Managers,Divisi onal Managers and Supervisors Intergoverment To promote IDP Number of 2 IDP rep 1 1 R20 000 al relations cooperative representative meetings forum 760/260150 governance forum. LED convened 1 LED 1 R10 000 forum forum 760/260150
Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2010/11 KPA Projec Objecti KPI Baseli Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budge t ve ne Target t Vote no Ward Municipal 1. Job To have Number of 100% (60 50% (30 Job 50% Transformat Descriptio functions Job Job Descriptions) (Remaining ion and ns & Descriptio Descriptio 30 Job organization responsibi ns ns) Descriptions al lities developed ) developmen attached , t to specific Number of posts in post-titles order to aligned to expedite TASK service Final delivery Outcome Results (FOR). Employme Complianc Appoi 100% 25% 25% 25% 25% No nt Equity e with nted (Appointment ( Complianc (Complete (Holding budget Employme EE of EE e with EE loading of of 3 EE required. nt Equity Manag Manager, Act & EE EE data Committe Act er, Reviewal of Plan on on VIP e EE EE appointment software meetings, data Committee, of new staff, system, Quarterly on VIP Holding of 3 Holding of 3 Holding of EE softwa EE EE 3 EE report). re Committee Committee Committe syste meetings, meetings, e m, completion of Quarterly meetings). Existe EE Report: EE report). 20 nce of quarterly & EE annual). Plan, Compl eted EE Report , Numb er of EE Comm ittee meetin gs held. Employee Employe To assist Number of 100% Assisting of Assisting of Assisting Quarterly Assistance e staff staff (About 50 20 employees 20 of 10 report on Assistan members members employee & referral employees employee progress ce who are assisted. s) where a need & referral s & made. Program having Establishe arise, where a referral me challenge d EAP Quarterly need arise, where a (EAP) s in order Committe report. Quarterly need to enable e. report. arise, them to Quarterly work report. productive ly. Occupatio Complianc Number of 100% Revival of Inspect & Holding of Staff nal Health e with meetings OHS provide First 3 OHS medical and Safety OHS Act. held by Committee, Aid boxes Committe examinati (OHS) OHS Appointment contents, e on i.t.o. Committe of OHS Inspect & meetings, OHS Act, e, Representativ refill Fire Quarterly Develop Number of es, Extinguisher OHS OHS appointed Holding of 3 s, report. Memoran OHS OHS Staff dum of represent Committee medical Agreemen atives, meetings, examination t for Number of Display i.t.o. OHS Contractor
21 First Aid Safety signs Act, s, Boxes & copies of Develop Holding of provided, OHS Act, and update 3 OHS Number of Draft smoking Incident Committe displayed policy, Statistical e Safety Quarterly register, meetings, signs, OHS report. Holding of 3 Quarterly Develope OHS OHS d OHS Committee report. Memoran meetings, dum of Quarterly Agreemen OHS report. t for Contractor s, Number of Fire Extinguish ers refilled/pro vided, Develope d Incident Statistics register, Number of medical examinati ons for hazardous -work staff, Develope d Smoking policy, Number of OHS Act copies & charts displayed
22 on municipal buildings.
Skills To Number of 100% Revival of Ensuring Engage Develop & Developm enhance meetings Training payment for municipal finalize ent skills, held by Committee, SETA departme WSP, performan Training Holding of 3 levies, nts & get Update ce & Committe Committee Holding of 3 inputs on data on productivit e, meetings, Committee draft VIP & y of Number of Ensuring meetings, WSP, Skills Gap municipal staff payment for Pursue Update software officials. trained, SETA levies, SETA training systems, Number of Revive ABET grants due data on Holding of reports Training, to VIP & 3 developed Develop Skills municipality, Skills Gap Committe , Gap Plan & Loading software e Number of PDP’s, data of systems, meetings, staff Quarterly trained staff Update Develop & attending SETA & on VIP & training complete ABET, training Skills Gap data on Annual Payment report. software VIP & Training for SETA systems, Skills Gap Report levies, Prepare for software (ATR), Receipt of & hold systems, SETA Graduation Holding of grants, Ceremony 3 Develope for all Committe d WSP, trained staff, e Develope Quarterly meetings, d Skills SETA & Quarterly Gap Plan training SETA & & number report. training of report. Personal Developm ent Plans (PDP’s), Number of 23 Graduatio n Ceremoni es held, Number of trained staff & data on VIP software system, Availability of Skills Gap Report on Skills Gap software system, Number of developed Quarterly SETA & training Reports, Develope d ATR,
Recognitio To enable Number of 100% (60 Identification Portfolio of Portfolio Portfolio n of Prior staff with portfolio of staff of relevant evidence for of of Learning skills & evidence members) institutions, additional evidence evidence (RPL), capabilitie files, Identification 15 staff for for last s to Number of & testing members, additional group of acquire staff (portfolio of Quarterly 15 staff 15 staff RPL having evidence) of RPL members, members, certificate acquired 15 staff progress Quarterly Quarterly s. RPL members, report. RPL RPL certificate Quarterly RPL progress report. s. report., report.
24 Bursary To afford Number of 100% (20 Hold Training Hold Hold Hold R212 Fund for staff staff Staff Committee Training Training Training 000 Staff members benefiting members) meetings & Committee Committe Committe Vote with an from the review the meetings, e e 510/3060 opportunit bursary, policy, Council meetings meetings, 20 y for Number of Prepare and approval of & verify Quarterly further reports finalize Notice the academic progress learning & developed for reviewed records report. self- , applications, policy, and exam developm Approved Update data Publish results, ent. reviewed of Notice for Short staff beneficiaries, applications, listing of Bursary Quarterly Identify applicatio Fund progress qualifying ns, policy. report. applications, Make Quarterly payment progress for report. successful applicants at respective institutions , Update data of beneficiari es, Quarterly progress report. Bursary To award Number of 100% (15 Hold Training Hold Hold Hold 3 R212 Fund for bursaries bursary Communit Committee Training Training Training 000 Communit to beneficiari y meetings & Committee Committe Committe Vote y qualifying es, members review the meetings, e e 510/3060 members communit Approved including policy, Council meetings meetings, 21 y reviewed 13 for Prepare and approval of & verify Quarterly members, Communit continuati finalize Notice the academic progress especially y Bursary on of for reviewed records report. youth in Fund training). applications, policy, and exam order to policy, Update data Publish results,
25 equip Number of of Notice for Short them with related beneficiaries, applications, listing of skills & meetings Quarterly Identify applicatio qualificatio held by progress qualifying ns, ns. Training/B report. applications, Make ursary Quarterly payment Committe progress for e. report. successful Number of applicants reports at developed respective . institutions , Update data of beneficiari es, Quarterly progress report. Experie To afford Number of Training of Review draft Council Update Hold 3 ntial communit communit 10 policy, approval of data of Training training/l y y communit Holding of 3 the draft trainees, Committe earner members members y Training policy, Holding of e ships/ with an trained, members Committee Identify 3 Training meetings, Internshi opportunit Approved p.a.) meetings & qualifying Committe Quarterly p y of Experienti prepare and applications, e progress having al Training finalize Notice short listing, meetings, report. practical policy. for appointment Quarterly work- applications, , progress experienc Draft and opening file report. e. publish Notice & assigning for supervisor/ applications, mentor, Quarterly Quarterly progress progress report. report.
26 Comput To Number of 100% (To Load & Update data Update Update erize HR migrate staff’s have all update leave on VIP data on data on program from Leave personnel administration system, VIP VIP mes on manual Administra data on data on VIP, Quarterly system, system, VIP recordkee tion data EE, Commence progress Quarterly Quarterly software ping to on VIP Personnel with EE data report. progress progress system software software history & loading on report. report. recordkee system, Leave VIP, ping for Number of Administra Commence enhanced staff’s tion on with data & Loaded VIP Personnel recordkee Personnel system). History data ping. history on loading on VIP, VIP, Data of Quarterly EE on progress VIP, report.
Human To have Approved 100% (As Council Develop Develop Develop Resourc the policy policy, per the approval of identified identified identified e approved Number of previous draft policy, staff i.t.o. staff i.t.o. staff i.t.o. Develop by the staff Skills Commence policy, policy & policy, ment & council in developed Audit). with staff PDP’s & J.D.’s, PDP’s & Success order to i.t.o development J.D.’s, Quarterly J.D.’s, ion provide for PDP’s, i.t.o. PDP’S, Quarterly progress Quarterly policy staff Number of Identify staff progress report. progress developm staff on for report. report. ent and Successio Succession successio n programme, n. programm Quarterly e. progress report.
27 Complet Complianc Number of 100% (49 Completion of Completion Completio Completio ion of e with officials officials, forms as per of forms as n of forms n of forms Disclosu relevant having i.e. 18 legislation, per as per as per re legislation completed staff Quarterly legislation, legislation, legislation, Forms & Disclosure members progress Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly by regulation Forms. & 31 report. progress progress progress municip s. councilors report. report. report. al ). officials
Develop To Installed 100% Develop & Implement Implement Implement ment of enhance security implement access access access access safety & system, access control & control & control & control security of Develope control & valuable valuable valuable measure both d valuable valuable assets assets assets s municipal assets assets registers, registers, registers, officials & register, registers, Continuatio Quarterly Quarterly communit Develope Commence n & progress progress y d access with finalization report. report. members. control processes of of register. installing processes security of installing system, security Quarterly system, progress Quarterly report. progress report.
28 Linking To Linked 100% Commence Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring of enhance clocking with & ensure & control of & control & control Clocking leave system development clocking of clocking of clocking system administra data of Manual system, system, system, with tion & between Clocking Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Salary control of Personnel registers by progress progress progress section staff & Salary all municipal report. report. report. & absence. sections, departments develop Number of and ment of manual implementatio manual registers n thereof, clocking opened, Linking registers clocking system with payroll system in salary section., Quarterly progress report.
Revival To ensure Number of 100% Identify & Ensure that Ensure Ensure of the the meetings address Training that that Training functionali held by Training Committee Training Training Committ ty of Training Committee meetings Committe Committe ee Training Committe challenges, are held on e e Committe e, Ensure that monthly meetings meetings e and Number of Training basis, are held are held effective officials Committee Quarterly on on training of trained, meetings are progress monthly monthly municipal Number of held on report. basis, basis, officials. training monthly Quarterly Quarterly reports basis, progress progress developed Quarterly report. report. . progress report.
29 Updatin To ensure Number of 100% Open files as Continue to Continue Finalize g of staff complianc files (271 per NARSA open files to open Insertion & e with opened officials’ Act as per files as of File- councilo NARSA i.t.o. files requirements, NARSA Act per indexes & rs files Act and NARSA inclusive Inserting File- requirement NARSA numbering in line related Act, of indexes & s, Act of file- with regulation Number of councilors numbering Inserting requireme document NARSA s. files files). file- File-indexes nts, s/contents Act No. updated documents/co & Insetting , 43/1996 i.t.o. ntents, numbering File- Quarterly NARSA Quarterly file- indexes & progress Act, progress documents/ numbering report. Number of report. contents, file- files Quarterly document having progress s/contents Index report. , sheets & numbered file document s.
Reviewa Re-align Approved 100% Reviewal of Submission Implement Implement l of the reviewed policy of reviewed ation of ation of Recruit policies Recruitme documents & policies for reviewed reviewed ment, with nt policy, submission council approved approved Selectio legislation Approved thereof to LLF approval, policies, policies, n & & with reviewed and Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Appoint new Training Committees’ progress progress progress ment Human policy meetings, report. report. report. policy Resource Quarterly and the Developm progress Training ent and report. policy. Successio n policy.
30 Reviewa To update Approved 100% Reviewal of Submission Implement Implement l of the policy reviewed policy of reviewed ation of ation of Inductio and align policy document & policy for reviewed reviewed n policy it to submission council approved approved present thereof to LLF approval, policy, policy, work and Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly environme Committees’ progress progress progress nt. meetings, report. report. report. Quarterly progress report. Reviewa To update Approved 100% Reviewal of Submission Implement Implement l of Staff the policy reviewed policy of reviewed ation of ation of Exit & enable policy document & policy for reviewed reviewed policy. exiting submission council approved approved staff thereof to LLF approval, policy, policy, members and Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly to Committees’ progress progress progress comment meetings, report. report. report. about this Quarterly municipalit progress y. report. Filling of To Approved 100% Identification Advertiseme Continuati Continuati (critical) enhance common Filling of of posts to be nt of on of on of posts & expedite Format posts advertised, benchmarke filling of filling of service (Template budgeted Benchmarkin d posts, advertised advertised delivery. ) for for. g of Filling of posts and posts and capturing unevaluated advertised induction induction of posts, posts and of new of new applicatio Quarterly induction of staff staff ns across progress new staff members, members, the report. members Quarterly Quarterly municipal Quarterly progress progress departme progress report. report. nts, report. Number of filled posts (e.g..Risk & Security Officer
31 appointed, Secretary appointed, PMS officer appointed, Ward Liaison officer appointed, One Committe e clerk appointed, Special Programm es Officer appointed, Council Support manager appointed, Appointed Handyma n, appointed LED Officer, Appointed Fleet Managem ent clerk, 2 IT Interns appointed) .
32 Staff To confirm Number of 100% (All Confirmation Confirmatio Confirmati Confirmati Vetting authenticit confirmed 240 staff and alignment n and on and on and y of certificate members of 60 (25%) alignment of alignment alignment certificate s, as well as staff 60 (25%) of 60 of 60 staff s & Number of councilors members’ staff (25%)staff members’ qualificatio certificate ) certificates/qu members’ members’ certificate ns of all s/qualificat alifications, certificates/ certificate s/qualificat staff ions Quarterly qualification s/qualificat ions, members aligned to progress s, ions, Quarterly with NQF report. Quarterly Quarterly progress relevant levels. progress progress report. institutions report. report. , and their NQF levels with SAQA. Labour To have Number of 100% Holding of 3 Submit draft Holding of Continuati Relation sound Local LLF meetings, policy for workshop on of s labour Labour Develop draft council s on holding of relations Forum Grievance approval, Collective workshop between meetings and Case Department Agreemen s on the held, management al ts, Collective employer Number of policy, workshops Quarterly Agreemen and its staff Re-submit on the progress ts & staff. grievance Essential policy and report. approved s handled, Services implementat policies Conclude Agreement for ion thereof, and d signing by the Quarterly implement Essential parties, progress ation Services Quarterly report. thereof, Agreemen progress Quarterly t, report. progress Number of report. reports developed , Number of workshop s held on Collective
33 Agreemen ts, Approved Grievance & Case Managem ent policy.
Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2010/11 KPA Project Objecti KPI Baseli Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ve ne Target Vote no Ward Good Intergove To have Numb 100% (4 Revival of Continuatio Continuat Continuatio governan rnmental good er of IGR local IGR n of ion of n of ce & relations relations meeti meetings forum, holding of holding of holding of Public with other ngs per Holding of IGR forum IGR IGR forum Relations governm held annum IGR forum meetings, forum meetings, ent with and meetings, Quarterly meetings, Quarterly bodies. such Quarterly progress Quarterly progress bodie progress report. progress report. s, report. report. Establ ished revive d local IGR forum. Public To afford Numb 100% (4 Holding of Holding of Holding Holding of Participat the er of meetings consultativ consultativ of consultativ ion communit consu per year) e/mayoral e/ mayoral consultati e/ mayoral y with an ltative outreach outreach ve/ outreach opportuni meeti meetings, meetings, mayoral meetings, ty of ngs Quarterly Quarterly outreach Quarterly taking held, progress progress meetings, progress
35 part in Numb report. report. Quarterly report. municipal er of progress program mayor report. mes and al giving outrea inputs. ch progr amme s held, Numb er of ward & Ward Com mittee meeti ngs held. Communi To have Appro 100% Reviewal of Submission Implement Implementat cation, a well ved Communica of reviewed ation of ion of Media coordinat revise tion strategy & strategy & strategy & Relations ed d Strategy & draft policy approved approved and communi Com drafting of for council policy, policy, Communica approval, Quarterly Quarterly Reporting cation munic tion policy. Quarterly progress progress . and good ation Submission progress report. report. relations policy, thereof to report. with the Numb LLF and public. er of Committees’ report meetings, s Quarterly devel progress oped. report. Handling To Numb 100% Attend to Attend to Attend to Attend to President expedite er of Handling queries, queries, queries, queries, ial service comm of issues improve improve improve improve 36 Hotline delivery unity raised. service service service service queries and memb delivery delivery delivery delivery enhance ers and give and give and give and give customer assist progress progress progress progress care. ed, report. report. report. report. Numb er of querie s handl ed. Record of To keep Numb 100% Check for Check for Check for Check for articles record of er of (Target articles & articles & articles & articles & and articles & article of 24 press press press press press press s & articles releases releases releases releases releases. releases press per year) pertaining pertaining pertainin pertaining pertainin releas to the to the g to the to the g to the es municipalit municipalit municipal municipalit municipal kept y & y & ity & y & ity for in bringing bringing bringing bringing future record them to the them to the them to them to the reference , attention of attention of the attention of s. Numb Municipal Municipal attention Municipal er of Manager Manager of Manager record and and Municipal and files relevant relevant Manager relevant opene Unit Unit and Unit d. Manager, Manager, relevant Manager, Ensure Ensure Unit Ensure record record Manager, record keeping keeping Ensure keeping thereof, thereof, record thereof, Submitting Submitting keeping Submitting quarterly quarterly thereof, quarterly report. report. Submittin report. g quarterly 37 report. Municipal Council & To ensure Numb 1 Adherenc Three Six Nine Twelve Transform Committe optimum er of Portfolio e to portofolio portofolio portofolio portofolio ation and e functionali meetin per Schedule committee committee committee committee organizati Schedule ty of gs month of Council meetings meetings meetings meetings onal of Council held per Activities held per held per held per held per developm meetings. and its departm department department departme department ent committee ent. per quarter Six Exco nt Nine Twelve s 1 Exco Three Exco meetings Exco Exco per meetings held meetings meetings month. held per Two Council held held 1 quarter. meeting Three Four Council One Council held. Council Council per meeting meeting meeting quarter. held. held held Council To ensure Numb 4 6 reports Submission Submission Submissio Submission Resolution optimum er of reports prepared of 201/12 of 1st n of 2nd of 3rd monitoring functionali Counc prepare on Council quarter quarter quarter ty of il d on implement resolution Council Council Council Council resolut impleme ation of implementat resolution resolution resolution and its ion ntation Council ion report implementat implement implementat committee imple of resolution ion report ation ion report s mentat Council s report ion resolutio report ns s Reviewal To ensure Systems 100% Review Approval of Continuati Continuatio of optimum Appro of (Reviewed existing Delegations on of the n of the Delegatio functionali ved Delegati and Delegation of Powers implement implementat n of ty of revie ons approved of Powers document ation of ion of the Powers Council, wed adopted System of document. by Council the approved between its in 2005 Delegatio Submit and approved document, Deleg political committee ns) document to commence document, Submit and s and staff ation LLF and ment of its Submit Quarterly administra of Committees implementat Quarterly progress tion Power , ion, progress report. functionali s Submit Quarterly report. ty docu Quarterly progress ment. progress report. report. 38 Revival To give Numb 100% (4 Holding of Holding of Holding of Holding of of special er of Meetings meetings, meetings meetings meetings HIV/AIDS attention meeti and 4 developing and and and Council to ngs awarenes annual conducting conductin conducting HIV/AIDS held s programme awareness g awareness programm campaign and campaigns, awarenes campaigns, by the es in order s per conducting Quarterly s Quarterly to counc year), awareness progress campaign progress alleviate il, campaigns, report. s, report. the Numb Quarterly Quarterly pandemic’ er of progress progress s impact aware report. report. on ness communiti camp es. aigns condu cted. Revival To give Numb 100% (4 Holding of Holding of Holding of Holding of of the special er of Meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings Aged & attention meeti per year). and and and and Disability to ngs developing developing attending attending to council disabillity held annual annual to the the aged & programm programme, programme, aged & disability by the es in order Attend to Attend to disability issues, to counc the aged & the aged & issues. Quarterly alleviate il. disability disability Quarterly progress the issues, issues, progress report. pandemic’ Quarterly Quarterly report. s impact progress progress on report. report.aged communiti & disability es. issues. Quarterly progress report. Revival To give Numb 100% (4 Holding of Holding of Holding of Holding of of Youth, special er of Meetings meetings meetings, meetings, meetings, Sport & attention meeti per year). and Attend to Attend to Attend to Recreatio to ngs developing the related the related the related youth,spor annual programme programm programme 39 n council ts & held programme, s, es, s, recreation by the Attend to Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly programm counc the related progress progress progress es in order il. programme report. report. report. to s, alleviate Quarterly the progress pandemic’ report. s impact on communiti es. Tradition To Numb 100% (4 Holding Holding Holding Holding al enhance er of Meetings consultative consultative consultativ consultative Leaders municipal consu per year) and and e and and relations ltative municipal municipal municipal municipal with meeti council council council council Traditional meetings meetings meetings meetings ngs leaders & with them & with them & with them with them & to held attending to attending to & attending to encourage with related related attending related their them, programme programme to related programme participati Numb s, s, programm s, on in er of Quarterly Quarterly es, Quarterly municipal counc progress progress Quarterly progress programm il report. report. progress report. es. meeti report. ngs they attend ed Tradition To Numb 100% (4 Holding Holding Holding Holding al enhance er of Meetings consultative consultative consultativ consultative Healers municipal consu per year) meetings meetings e meetings relations ltative with them & with them & meetings with them & with meeti attending to attending to with them attending to Traditional related related & related ngs healers & programme programme attending programme to held s, s, to related s, encourage with Quarterly Quarterly programm Quarterly 40 their them. progress progress es, progress participati report. report. Quarterly report. on in progress municipal report. programm es. Early To afford Numb 100% Revive Hold Hold Hold Child children & er of (Target of existing consultative consultativ consultative Develop stakehold consu 40 ECD centres & meetings, e meetings, ment ers with ltative centres the Attend to meetings, Attend to (ECD) an meeti within the committee, related Attend to related opportunit area). Hold programme related programme ngs y for consultative s, programm s, developin held, meetings, Quarterly es, Quarterly g children Numb Quarterly progress Quarterly progress from early er of progress report. progress report. stages. childr report. report. en taking part in the progr amme , Numb er of establ ished ECD centre s.
Gender- To Numb 100% (4 Draft a Hold Hold Hold based develop a er of Meetings Framework, consultative consultativ consultative program Framewor consu per year) Establish a meetings, e meetings, mes & k & to ltative committee, Attend to meetings, Attend to Moral discourag meeti Hold related Attend to related e gender- consultative programme related programme Regener ngs based meetings, s, programm s, 41 ation conflicts & held, Quarterly Quarterly es, Quarterly violence, Appro progress progress Quarterly progress and to ved report. report. progress report. establish Fram report. a ework committee , .
Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2010/11 KPA Project Objecti KPI Baseli Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ve ne Target Vote no Ward Municipal End-user To Number of 100% 100% Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Transform support. enhance queries respons attendan report on report on report on report on ation and virtual handled. e to ce to end-user end-user end-user end-user organizati interactive queries queries support support support support onal organisati raised raised compiled compiled compiled compiled developm on ent Back-up To Complete Office 100% Draft Monthly Monthly Monthly R250 000 services enhance approved identifie Completi Disaster report on report on report on (Business virtual Disaster d. on of Recovery back-ups back-ups back-ups Continuity interactive Recovery Disaster Plan compiled compiled compiled Plan) organisati Plan. Recover approved by and and and on y Plan. Council. included in included included in *Online quarterly in quarterly back-up report. quarterly report. infrastructur report. e established *Report on back-ups compiled on monthly basis. Develop To Conclude SLA Impleme Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly R356 400 SLA for enhance d ICT expired ntable reports reports reports reports ICT virtual Infrastruct and on SLA with generated & generated. generated generated. infrastruct interactive ure month to a service included in . ure organisati maintenan month provider quarterly maintenan on ce basis report. ce. contract. Network To % Network 100% Report on Report on Report on Report on R450 000 43 and enhance availability redunda availabilit network network network network Infrastruct virtual of the ncy y of the performanc performanc performan performanc ure interactive network establis network e compiled e compiled ce e compiled maintenan organisati hed. and and compiled and ce on Downtim included in included in and included in es stand quarterly quarterly included quarterly at 1 report. report. in report. hour. quarterly report.
44 KPA Project Objective KPI Baselin Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget e Target Vote no Ward Website To % 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% enhance functionali website functiona website website website website virtual ty of the function lity of the infrastructur infrastructur infrastruct infrastructur interactive website al website e e ure e organisati maintained, maintained, maintaine maintained, on Quarterly Quarterly d, Quarterly progress progress Quarterly progress report report progress report submitted. submitted. report submitted. submitted. Software To Develope Audit on 100% Develop Software Software Software R100 000 rentals enhance d & software Develop SLA, updates updates updates and virtual approved licences ment of Software conducted. conducted conducted. licensing. interactive SLA, complet SLA, updates Review of . Review of organisati % e. Making conducted. licences Review of licences on payment payment Review of conducted licences conducted of rentals for licences timeously, conducted timeously, and rentals conducted Quarterly timeously, Quarterly licences and timeously, progress Quarterly progress licenses. Quarterly report progress report progress submitted. report submitted. report. submitted. ICT To Existence ICT 100% Draft the Software Software Software R100 000 Policies enhance of ICT Policy Impleme policy and updates updates updates and virtual policies ntable submit it to conducted. conducted conducted. procedure interactive and complian LLF & Review of . Review Review of s. organisati procedure t ICT Committee licences of licences licences on s. policies. meetings, conducted conducted conducted Quarterly timeously. timeously. timeously. progress Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly report progress progress progress submitted. report. report. report. Policy on To Approved Unit 100% Draft/review Submit Continuati Continuatio portable enhance ICT policy. Manage Iimpleme policy, policy for on of n of policy ICT virtual rs to ntable Submit council policy implementat 45 devices interactive give policy. policy to approval implement ion & organisati their LLF and and ation & submission on commen Committees commence submissio of quarterly ts. . with its n of report. implementat quarterly ion. report.
46 LEGAL SERVICES Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2010/11 KPA Project Objecti KPI Baseli Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budge ve ne Target t Vote no Ward Municipal Contract Ensure Number of Estimate 100% Consolidated Database Database Database R 50 000 Transform Managem legally concluded d at complete contract list kept and kept and kept and ation and ent compliant SLA s, 55% database compiled, updated, updated, updated, organizati institution. availabili of SLAs Submission of Submission Submissio Submissio onal ty of quarterly of quarterly n of n of developm SLAs progress progress quarterly quarterly ent report. report. progress progress report. report. Number of Reactive Monitoring TOR for the Contract Contract Contract contracts monitori of all Contract performanc performan performan monitored. ng. contracts. Management e reports ce reports ce reports Contract generated generated generated Management & submit & submit & submit task team quarterly. quarterly. quarterly. established Contract performance reports generated & submitted quarterly. Number of Reactive 100% Develop TOR Implement Implement Implement reviewed review reviewal for the reviewed reviewed reviewed Third of Third reviewal of contracts at contracts contracts Party Party contracts the end of at the end at the end Contracts/ contracts / /agreements, each of each of each Agreemen Agreemen & submit contract/agr contract/a contract/a ts to ts. quarterly eement greement greement favour the report. reviewal, reviewal, reviewal, Municipalit y 47 Legislative Ensure % Done on 100% Report on Report on Report on update legally legislative an Ad- legislative legislative legislative legislative compliant update hoc updates updates updates updates institution. done basis, done recently subcribe d to Sabinet. By-laws Ensure Number of 50% of 100% of Report on Draft by- Report on Report on legally By-laws draft by- by-laws to outstanding laws tabled progress progress compliant developed laws be by-laws to made on made on institution. and develop perused compiled and committees processed processed perused ed, and included in and Council by-laws by-laws commen processed quarterly & quarterly for for ts for report. progress gazetting. gazetting. received gazetting report from the submitted. public. RECORDS MANAGEMENT Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2010/11 KPA Project Objecti KPI Baseli Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budge ve ne Target t Vote no Ward Municipal Filing of To Number of Filing 100 % Depositing Capturing of Continue Continue Transform records safeguard document backlog Filing of 100% of files all manual recordkee recordkee ation and records s filed, at 20% new in registry, files (100%) ping of ping of organizati and Number of correspon Filing manual on the new new onal related reduced dence records on Collaborator document document developm data for record document Collaborator system, s on s on ent future queries. s, software Quarterly Collaborat Collaborat reference 100% system, progress or or i.t.o. reduction Quarterly report. software software NARSA of Filing progress system, system, Act. backlog. report. Quarterly Quarterly progress progress report. report. 48 Approved Estimate 100% Compile draft Approval of Continuati Continuati Complianc d Compliance the policy on of the on of the e complia Requirements and register implement implement Requirem nce of policy and by council, ation of ation of ents policy 60% register, Conduct the policy the policy and Quarterly department and and Register. progress al register, register, report. workshops Quarterly Quarterly on the progress progress policy and report. report. the register, Quarterly progress report. Developm To Approved None 100% Draft and Approval of Implement Implement ent of enhance policy, complianc submit the the policy by ation of ation of Record record Complianc e to the policy to LLF council, the policy the policy Managem managem e to Paia Acts and and the Implementat and and ent ent and and Paja, the Committees, ion of the complianc complianc Procedure administra Number of approved Quarterly policy and e with the e with the s and tive reduced policy. progress compliance Acts, Acts, Confidenti functionali record report. with the Quarterly Quarterly ality ty as well queries, Acts, progress progress policy. as Classified Department report. report. classificati confidenti al on of al and workshops record public on the informatio records & policy , n. informatio Quarterly n. progress report. Developm To Approved 100% Draft and Approval of Continuati Continuati ent of enhance Record submit the the Plan on of on of Record record Managem Plan and the and Manual implement implement Managem managem ent Plan Manual to by council, ation of ation of ent Plan ent. and LLF and the Department the Plan the Plan and Manual. Committees, al and the and the Manual. Quarterly workshops Manual, Manual, progress on the Plan Quarterly Quarterly report. and the progress progress
49 Manual, report. report. Implementat ion of the Plan and Manual, Quarterly progress report.
50 CUSTOMER CARE Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators for 2010/11 KPA Projec Objecti KPI Baseli Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budge t ve ne Target t Vote no Ward Continue to Custom To Number of None 100% Develop Approval of Continue R50 000 implement er care promote a suggestio Implement initiatives for Service to Service functional n boxes able functional Standard by implement Standards, Customer placed at Service customer the Council Service Quarterly Care customers Standards care, and Standards progress Service ’ disposal, . Develop commence , report. that is Complete Service ment of their Quarterly aligned to and Standards, implementat progress Batho approved Departmental ion, report. Pele Service workshops on Quarterly Principles. Standards Service progress , Standards, report. Number of Quarterly Batho progress Pele report. workshop s/training held. Number of Suggesti 100% Provide client Provide Conduct Review letters & on improvem feedback to client refresher response time- Boxes ent for all letters, feedback to workshop system frame for responses application all letters, to fronline with respondin to letters, and queries application staff, clientele, g to applicatio received and queries Quarterly Quarterly letters, ns and within Seven received progress progress applicatio queries working days, within Five report. report. ns and submitted. Quarterly working queries progress days, submitted report. Quarterly progress report. 51 Complete None 100% Develop TOR Conduct Conclude Quarterly d report Customer for 2011/12 2010/11 Customer report & on Satisfactio Customer Customer Satisfactio Report on conductin n Survey Satisfaction Satisfaction n Survey, Customer g conducted Survey, Survey, Quarterly Satisfactio customer Quarterly Quarterly progress n Survey service progress progress report. tabled to survey report. report. Council. Develop To Approved Systems 100% Monitor Monitor Systems Systems Systems promote a reviewed and Systems implementatio implementat and and and functional relevant Policies and n and ion and Policies Policies Policies Customer policies. being Policies adherence to adherence Develope Develope related Care reviewe reviewed compliance, to d and d and to Services d. and Submit compliance, Reviewed, Reviewed, Custom that is implement quarterly Submit Submit Submit er Care. aligned to ed. progress quarterly quarterly quarterly Batho report. progress progress progress Pele report. report. report. Principles.
Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ne Target Vote no Ward Basic service Water and To provide water % level of 100% 100% of 25% 25% 25% 25% R0.00 delivery Sanitation and sanitation Supply water and Vote 680/660 services as per sewer SLA provision to the backlog To sustain good % level of 100% 100% of 25% 25% 25% 25% condition of water repair and water and and sewer maintenance sewer networks of water and networks sewer maintained network Roads and Storm To improve the Km of roads 388km 200km of 50 70 50 30 R 2 194 000. water condition of gravelled gravel Vote 650 existing municipal roads gravel roads graded To improve the m2 of base 63km 300 m2 of 110 80 60 50 condition of and surface base and existing municipal patches surface tarred roads repaired patches repaired To improve the Km of 50km 40km of condition of stormwater storm water existing storm drain and pipes 10 10 10 10 water drainage channel cleaned system cleaned To improve the 63km 63km of condition existing Km of tarred tarred road 20 23 13 7 road markings roads marked marked
Reconstruction of Km of roads 0.8km 0.8km to be 25% 25% 25% 25% R400 000 Industria road to be reconstruct 53 reconstructed ed
54 KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annual Budget Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Vote no ne Target Ward
MIG Building of Number of 1 I number of 25% 25% 25% 25% R16 467 574 bridge:Mathukuth bridges to be bridge to be This budget will ela constructed constructed be distributed Building of Number of 1 I number of 25% 25% 25% 25% accordingly bridge:Monotolan bridges to be bridge to be after we have eng constructed constructed been given the Moganyaka Km of roads 7km of road actual project Access Road to be that will be 7 to be 25% 25% 25% 25% constructed constructed implemented in the next financial year Malebitsa internal Km of roads 4.6km of roads to be 4.6 road to be 25% 25% 25% 25% constructed constructed Vaal-bank Internal Km of roads 7km of road Road to be 3 to be 25% 25% 25% 25% constructed constructed Marble Hall Storm Km of storm Approxi 7km of road water water to be c mately to be 25% 25% 25% 25% constructed 1km constructed Klopper Number of 1 Community Hall community 1 community 25% 25% 25% 25% hall to be hall to be constructed constructed Basic service TRANSFORMER To ensure reliable Number of 55 55 20% 30% 50% 0 Vote delivery MAINTENANCE & safe supply and transformers transformer 260235110 Electricity to prolong life of to be s R350 000 equipment maintained maintained according to NERSA license conditions. BASIC REPLACE KIOSKS To ensure reliable Number of 80 10 Kiosks 10% 30% 40% 20% Vote SERVICE & safe supply by kiosk to be replaced 260235110 DELIVERY – replacing replaced R 200 000 ELECTRICITY damaged and
55 unsafe kiosks
METER To ensure Number of 20Meters Vote REPLACEMENT accurate billing to meters to be 40 replaced 10% 40% 50% 260235110 reduce losses by replaced R 40 000 replacing old analog meters.
KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annual Budget ne Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Vote no Ward
BASIC HIGHMAS To improve safety Number of high 15 15 higmast to 10% 10% 30% 50% Vote 260235110 SERVICE INSTALLATION and general mast to be be installed R2 800 000.00 DELIVERY – -ELANDSKRAAL safety.Replace installed ELECTRICITY streets light that is dangerous
RMU To ensure reliable & Number of ring 23 10 Rum’s 0% 10% 40% 50% Vote 260235110 MAINTENANCE safe supply and to main unit to be Serviced and R 50 000 prolong life of repaired repaired equipment according to NERSA license conditions.
BULK SUPPLY TO To ensure reliable Number of ring TBD Install 11kV 10% 20% 30% 40% Vote 260235110 EXT 6 and safe supply by main feed to be cable from R 300 000.00 installing a ring feed installed erf 254 to Erf to Ext 6 phase 3 423. Replace and upgrading of sections of Ext 2 LT. LT cable in Ext 2 FREE BASIC To provide FBE to Number of TBD 100% 10% 30% 50% 10% Vote 260260245 ELECTRICITY beneficiary as people collection R1 750 000.00 mandated by collecting rate Government
PURCHASE OF To ensure reliable Number of 1 1 aerial 0 0 1 0 Vote 260305010 AERIAL and safe supply Aerila platform platform to R 550 000 PLATFORM through effective to be be maintenance and purchased purchased
56 upgrading according to NERSA license conditions.
MACHINERY & To ensure reliable Number of 1 1 power 0 0 1 0 Vote 260235090 EQUIPMENT and safe supply power meter to meter to be R35 000.00 through effective be purchased purchased maintenance and upgrading according to NERSA license conditions. PURCHASE & To ensure Number of Install QOS 0 30% 50% 20% Vote 260235095 INSTALL QOS compliance with QOS recorder 5 recorders R200 000 RECORDERS quality of supply to be and link with standards as set by purchased remote NERSA. Commission reading
Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annual Budget Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Vote no ne Target Ward
Basic Service Solid waste Ongoing % 60 % 100% 20% 20% 30% 30% Delivery and Maintenance of Compliance to Infrastructure Landfill site maintenance 360/235221 program 0% R 100 000 To Rehabilitate 50% 100% 50% 0% 50% the Marble Hall landfill site % Rehabilitated site
To Minimize % increase of 30% 10% 25% 25% 25% 25% 360/305070 waste in line with recyclable R 150 000 Waste Act waste To Clean Marble Number of 50% 6 0% 50% 50% 0% Hall , Leeufontein programmes Elandskraal towns 360 / 26010 Number of 20/ 120 R 180 000 EPWP PROJECT jobs created days 0% 50% 50% 0% To install street Number of 44 35 0% 50% 50% 0% 360/305070 refuse bins in bins installed R 100 000 Marble Hall To Expand refuse Number of 2185 400 0% 50% 50% 0% 360/305071 removal services extended R 250 000 to Leeufontein service points RDP , Mokganyaka To Purchase and Number of 254 50 0% 100% 0% 0% 360/ 235220 repair equipments wheelie R 88 000 for efficiency refuse bins 58 improvement of purchased refuse collection at business and residential sites.
59 KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ne Target Vote no Ward
Basic Service Cemetery To Establish new New 0 1 25% 25% 25% 25% 425/ 205070 Delivery and cemetery – functional R 1 000 000 Infrastructure Marble Hall cemetery in Marble Hall To Fence Number 2 2 0% 25% 25% 50% 425/ 260799 cemeteries R 450 000 Parks Greening of the Number of 0 250 10% 40% 50% 0% Municipality – trees planted 425/305070 biodiversity R 150 000 conservation Number of 2 10% 40% 50% 0% projects To maintain Number of 10 20/120 days 0% 50% 50% 0% debush and clean jobs created 425/235300 all open spaces, R 180 000 EPWP PROJECT Number of 2 3 areas debushed and cleaned To purchase new Equipment 0 1 50% 50 % - - 425/305111 equipment purchased R 250 000 1 ride on mower 10 0 10 50% 50 % brushcutters
Library To purchase 5 shelves to 0 5 50% 50% - - 540/305020 furniture for library be purchased R 130 000 HIV/AIDS Provide Number of 4 12 25% 25% 25% 25% 375/ 260560 programmes on programmes R 55 000 HIV/AIDS prevention
60 KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annual Budget Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Vote no ne Target Ward
Basic Service Traffic Proper Hawkers Approved by 0 1 25% 25% 25% 25% R 100 000 Delivery and management laws Infrastructure Establish association Well managed hawkers To extend traffic Functional 0 1 Province / services to services in Municipal Elandskraal i.e. Elandskraal centralized Learners license training budget services To conduct Arrive Number of 0 2 - 50% - 50% SDM/Provincial/ alive programmes programmes SAPS conducted Registration To build guard Guard house 0 1 1 R150 000 authority house 220/305021 Sport To promote Number of 0 6 25% 25% 25% 25% 375/260476 Sport /Arts/culture programmes R 50 000
Quarterly projections of service delivery targets and performance indicators KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annua Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ne l Vote no Targe Ward t Transformatio Appoint finance To ensure Number of 4 5 0 5 0 0 R500,000 n and interns compliance interns Organizational with National appointed Development Treasury’s budget reforms Conduct To ensure % feasibility Munsoft 100% 100% 0 0 0 R300,000 feasibility study proper study on new financial accounting of conducted system transactions on new financial system Financial Implementation To maximize % increase 70% 10% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% R300 000 Viability of revenue the collection in revenue enhancement of revenue collected. strategy Review of To ensure % review of 100% 100% 25% 25% 25% 25% R 50000 indigent register accessibility indigent of free basic register services to the community Review Monitor debt -% review of Creditw 3 0 1 1 1 0 performance collection monthly orx reports from contract of reports keturi debt collector. outstanding submitted joint 62 debt older venture than 90 days. contract Conduct To improve Number of 2010/2 4 1 1 1 1 0 quarterly stock the stocktaking 011 take. management conducted Annual of stores stock take report Manage stock To improve % availability 50% 60% at 60% 60% 60% 60% 0 levels the of stock in stock all management stores availabl times of stores e
63 KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annua Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ne l Vote no Targe Ward t Financial Conduct half To improve the Number of 2010/2 2 0 1 0 1 R500 000 Viability yearly asset management of assets 011 verifications Assets verifications Annual conducted stock take report Disposal of To improve the % disposal 0 100% 0 100 0 0 0 obsolete management of of obsolete % stock items stores stock Implementati To ensure Number of 4 4 1 1 1 1 0 on of SCM proper SCM policy implementation quarterly of SCM reports processes Compilation To improve Number of 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 of SCM processes procurement procurement plans plan developed Compilation To compile a % of 2010/2 100% 0 0 0 100% R1279,860 of general supplementary Supplement 011 valuation and valuation roll in ary valuation Supple supplementar compliance with roll mentar y valuation the MPRA compiled. y roll roll. Compile To ensure % 2009/2 100% 100% 0 0 0 R700,000 financial compliance with compilation 010 statements in GRAP of GRAP Financi terms of standards compliant al Gamap/Grap 2010/2011 stateme format. Annual nts Financial 64 Statements
Compile % GRAP 2010/2 100% 0 25% 25% 50% R1800,000 GRAP compliant 011 compliant asset asset asset register register register compiled
65 KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annua Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ne l Vote no Targe Ward t Good Review SCM To ensure % review of Supply 100% 0 0 0 100% 0 governance policy compliance with Supply chain and public National Chain Policy policy participation Treasury SCM regulations. Clear audit To improve % 2009/20 100% 0 0 50% 50% R50,000 queries. compliance with developmen 10 financial t and action management implementati plan regulations on of audit Action plan to address audit queries for 2010/2011. Financial Compile To comply with % Approval 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0 Viability budget for the MFMA with of timetable 2012/2013 regards to by Council MTREF budget and reporting requirements.
Number of 14 14 0 0 0 14 R217,300 budget Community participation programmes conducted. % Approval 2011/20 100% 0 O 0 100% 0 66 of 12 2012/2013 Budget MTREF budget by Council
% Approval 2010/20 100% 0 0 100% 0 0 of 11 adjustments Adjustm budget for ent 2011/2012 budget FY.
KPA Project Objective KPI Baseli Annua Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Budget ne l Vote no Targe Ward t Financial Compile To enable Number of 12 12 3 3 3 3 0 Viability MFMA section effective service in year 71 delivery of Reports municipal submitted to services and National functions by and ensuring provincial financial Treasuries stability of the Municipality throughout the financial year Perform bank To improve Number of 12 12 3 3 3 3 0 reconciliation financial Updated management so bank as to obtain an reconciliation unqualified audit s performed. report 67 68