The following lesson plan will teach the students the uses of 3d printing and how they can use it in the classroom. Story: Use the following video to engage the students in what they are about to learn about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr7hMrkEnm0

10 min teaser: Print out the attachment that is at the bottom of this document. The attachment contains picture of animals without limbs. The students will colour them in and draw their own functional prosthetic limb that is able to be created by a 3d printer.

Research background: http://www.animaloandp.com http://www.animalorthocare.com/products/prosthetics/ http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/special-subjects/limb-prosthetics/prosthetic-parts

Activity: Teacher must 3d print animals for the students to use by using this website: http://www.thingiverse.com/search/page:3?q=animals&sa= . Then students must use their computers to design a prosthesis for the animal using this website: https://www.tinkercad.com . Prosthesis must be able to attach and detach from the model. Use this website examples: http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/special-subjects/limb-prosthetics/prosthetic-parts to help students design limb. Students must be able to identify the parts of the prosthetic limb.

Assessment: Using the parts the students identified in the activity regarding the prosthetic limb, they will study for the following test: https://quizlet.com/_2jjni7 Turn this test into test form by pressing the test option on the options towards the top of the screen.

Closing activity: Instruct students to, as a class, locate an animal in need of a prosthetic limb or a cast and tell them about their ideas and about 3d printing.

Have Fun!